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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, are your steps mostly from the treadmill? Good for you for treating yourself to a massage. That's one of the things LE has made me give up. 😟

    Katy, so jealous. We lived in SD at one time, left our oldest there when we moved plus have other family there. Ahh, the beach....

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 glad to hear you had such a great're doing awesome on those steps!!!!! 5k is going to be nothing, girl!!!!

    It was absolutely lovely here today....sunny, mild and unusual for wind. So I went for a lovely long walk.

    Is it just me, or is anyone else already annoyed at all the Christmas themed commercials and ads?????

    sbe.....San Diego sounds lovely....ENJOY!!!!!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 you get a chance to go back to San Diego much??? Boy, sounds like a perfect place for a mid-winter get away, when the Seattle grey gets to be too much! And a visit with one of your kids to boot!!!

    marty....look out....cherrie has thrown down that gauntlet....PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!! Loopy!

    Anybody here read cookbooks too???? I could spend a day reading cookbooks!!!

    Better get moving before I ignore my own advice and pick one up!

    Have great days everyone!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Yep, Cherrie is outwalking me. But I do go to the Physical Therapist with my DH and he really works us. Whew! This guy is really the best I have ever seen or worked with. So, when we got back we juiced for lunch finished with warm bone broth. Yum!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, good for you on all those steps! I'm also doing around 8000 every day. Find that I don't really have time to do more, because I also exercise at the gym 4 days a week. It is a 20 min. drive there - wish it was closer. Oh well, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

    Nihahi, I love reading cookbooks too, or check out recipes on the Internet. I have found such good ones there. Christmas ads - yep, that and the whole Christmas madness become more annoying every year. Last year I came off lightly with the whole Christmas gift/decorating/celebration thing because we were away, and this year it's the same. I am to the point where I just do not want to do this any more. Don't mind doing some baking, and cooking a Christmas dinner, but that's enough for me. Maybe when there's grandchildren coming for Christmas I will feel more enthusiastic again. Lol.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, if I read a cookbook all day I'd be hungry all day! Don't you find yourself wanting to fix, and eat, everything in the book?

    Liefie, I was diagnosed in October 2011 and we just couldn't bring ourselves to haul out the tree and do the whole, mad thing that year. We skipped it last year, too. Now that Aubrey is here, we'll probably jump back in--but with a thought to how relaxing it was to not join in all the holiday craziness. Watching TV this time of year drives me nuts. Who gives somebody a CAR for Christmas, for heaven's sake?

    Alas, we're back from our San Diego vacay. It was truly lovely. But the bed in the hotel room was extra-firm, and I woke up both mornings stiff and sore, with an aching shoulder. It's bad enough having the Femara soreness--throw in some early morning pain and I was moving around like someone's elderly auntie.

    To continue in the vacay style, we'll go catch a movie this afternoon. Happy Thursday, gloobsters!

  • kuka21
    kuka21 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2013

    my appt with BS was great. She was very happy with how everything looked and asked me if I would mind showing her nurses , so I did. They were all very impressed.

    If I didn't have small children I wouldn't join on the holidays either. It's just too much work! But it's all worth it just to see their faces.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    I love cookbooks. I especially love finding them at yard sales and old book stores. It's silly but I love the old books with color photos of each prepared recipe, church cookbooks, and especially old betty crocker cookbooks or any cookbook with notes written in it! The funny thing is I enjoy looking at them and collecting them, but when I want a recipe I usually turn to the internet to get it quick or use my own notecards.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    under my goal today, but made 6544 steps. Close!! Working on that baby quilt. Going to see Mamma Mia tomorrow with my girlfriend.

    Nighty night. I love you guys!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    love you too cherrie..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    sbe....keep the vaca mindset....don't do dishes until Sunday night! That is a bummer about the mattress. Hubby has similar issues with firm mattresses. We bought a "memory-foam" mattress topper at Walmart, and bring that whenever we go away (by car). It has saved his shoulders on more than one occasion.

    children make doubt about it. We have very much cut down on the decorations, food, presents, etc. as they got older. I used to absolutely exhaust myself, trying to create a "wonderful" holiday for everyone. I'm glad I did it when they were younger, now, I still do some special things, but make sure to give myself a chance to relax and enjoy myself too.

    bluebird...I'm much the same, look at lots of recipes, usually end up cooking the old reliable standbys. Sometimes I make myself try a new recipe once a week....doesn't last long! We're pretty simple "eaters" though.

    Walked 11.75km, yesterday and today....gotta enjoy the mild weather while it lasts.....cause a change is a-coming!!!!!

    Have good nights, good sleeps and sweet dreams, everyone.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    I will happily be sliding into my Tempurpedic bed tonight! It's so old that there's a Katy-shaped nest on one side and a Jerry-shaped nest on the other, but the squishy quality still works just fine and is much easier on my shoulder and back.

    The TV news is on...we might have some cooler weather soon but no rain yet. All I want to do is put on a cuddly sweater and sip some hot that too much to ask? Sigh.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Sbe, you live in the wrong place for hot cocoa........ :) however, you live in the right place for Salsa and Beer......DD said if Sherman Oak one is better for you, we can do that one instead........ :). By the way, snow level down to 1500 ft tomorrow night.....which means Nihahi is probably gonna get snow.......again !

    I just cooked the yummiest dinner tonight......lentils with butternut squash, tomato, onion, celery, carrot, garlic (of course!), kale, and chicken/apple sausage.....cooked in a chicken stock, with white wine, and some curry.........served with warm crusty Artisan bread.............I am stuffed! :\

    I have got to get some sleep........

    Love you all! XO

    PS......have averaged 15,000 steps/day this week......we'll see how long THAT lasts! :D

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Good Friday morning to all,

    The grand kids are spending the weekend with us. Great fun but exhausting. Then I'm taking a fused glass class to make a Christmas thingy on Sunday evening.


    Then we are off to Tennessee for a week. Then stage II! Have a great weekend. ...Julie

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jlbloom...gosh that's pretty! I love taking classes like that.

    movie...dinner sounded yummy, yummy lost me at "curry". Sick. Yep, you're spot on with the forecast....freezing rain here at the moment....turning to heavy snowfall warning...ah, winter!!!

    sbe...we've got a tempurpedic mattress too....L...O...V....E...I...T!!! Hope the shoulder feels better this morning.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    We have a Tempurpedic, too. I have to use a T. pillow, too, for my bum neck.

    Movie, sounds delish...except for my nemesis, garlic. Can you believe I'm allergic to fresh garlic?? Dining out is a challenge, as you can imagine....

    Jlbloom, pretty! Since I dropped a bottle of Italian salad dressing which went everywhere and later broke a glass which also went everywhere yesterday, I'm thinking I should not be allowed near something as pretty as your project! Have fun with your grandkids and in Tennessee! Do you have family there?

    I do not enjoy cooking very much but I have a heckuva folder on Pinterest called "I don't like cooking, but...." filled with recipes that I haven't tried. I guess I like reading them, too. Pinterest is better than tearing out recipes that I'll never try from magazines, which then take up space in a real folder.

    Movie, you could walk circles around me! It's been four weeks since stage II so I know I am still healing but I have worked out every day this week, eaten better and all I am is tired. No lbs. lost. I know it's a process---and a recurrence protection---so I'll continue, of course. I am careful not to compare myself to anyone because "comparison is the thief of joy." I think it's great that DH has lost seven pounds in seven days, no exercise, just by cutting out sugar and being careful with carbs. He really loves sugar so I'm so happy he is eating more healthfully.

    Apparently my dear brain -injured brother hasn't been feeling well for a while so he will be getting GI tests next week. He will have to be sedated for whatever they do because he would undoubtedly be uncooperative. His nurse said he seems to be declining in general, 39 years after his injury. :((. She asked me if I want to be there when he has his tests. Inside, I'm freaking out about having to be in a hospital, around more doctors and all that goes with it. I have post-traumatic-anything doctor/hospital related-syndrome, I guess.

    TGIF to everyone!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    aww jeannie......uber giant hugs going out to you. You have EVERY reason in the book to have "doctor, et al avoidance syndrome".

    I love your phrase...."comparison is the thief of joy", love, love it!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Sbel, I guess part of my irritation with Christmas is the spending/shopping frenzy that one is drawn into. I've been actively trying to resist that, and to stop feeling guilty about 'not doing' Xmas. The whole craziness just does not fit with the actual reason why Christmas is celebrated in the first place. Will make an effort though for the expected grandkid once he/she is bigger. This year instead of Xmas gifts I will donate goats, chickens, etc. on my family's behalf to destitute families in Africa. For me that has way more true value than stocking stuffers . . . DH does not fully support me on my Xmas gripe, and I see head butting happening next year when we will be home for Xmas.

    Julie, I love glass work too, and so admire people who can do this. My mom was an artist who could do/make anything she put her mind to. Unfortunately I did not inherit that talent. Can surely appreciate it though. Enjoy!

    Movie, can you share/pm that lentil recipe if you don't mind? Nihahi, will have to remember not to feed you curry, goat cheese or mooseballs when you visit me - LOL. Curry is big for us South Africans. The slaves imported to Cape Town from Malaysia in 1600/1700 brought that food culture with them, and we all loooove curry.

    Talking about beds - the older I get the more I love my own bed. And my own pillow for that matter. Already dreading all the different beds I will sleep in during the S.A. visit. Coupled with jeg lag it will be 2 weeks before I have a decent sleep again. Oh well, the excitement of being there will more than make up for it - musn't be greedy. Lol.

    This morning I'm half a pound away from the goal I set in the beginning of August. Have lost 14 lbs. The real test will be my weight when I come back from the holiday . . . temptations will be waiting around every corner, and it gets so hot there that exercise has to be done early in the morning, or it does not happen, unless you have access to a pool. DH is also at his goal, and we will just have to be each other's cheerleaders. Will be very interesting indeed.

    Nihahi, hope you are safe and snug inside? I have to take dog for a walk, but the low, grey skies are not very encouraging. Maybe later it will look better.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie, just saw your post. Good for DH - men do lose easier than us, eh? As a sugar addict myself I know how difficult it is to break that cycle. Yep, the comparing game is one you just cannot win. 'Thief of joy' - so appropriate, and I will remember it. Don't feel guilty for not wanting to be around drs and hopitals. You've certainly had your fill!

    Speaking of hospitals, DH has been having pains over his upper right abdomen these last few weeks, and is getting an ultrasound this afternoon. He thinks he has gallstones. Just what we need now, eh?

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Oh, Liefie, I hope your DH feels better and gets good news or, at least, news that can wait to be taken care of. We're expecting a windy rain storm here yet again this afternoon. The mts. will get snow. I wish we could send some to Cali and Sbel. They really need it.

    I have an appt. with the eye doc today for one cloudy eye. Could it be cataracts already?? Darn Tamoxifen. But I don't know what the problem is yet.

    Time for the elliptical.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie, I'm also dreading eye problems from Tamoxifen. So far I seem to be okay . . . touch wood. Sincerely hope you get good news about your eyes today! Will have to have my eyes checked when I come back - just so darn sick of tests and drs.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    Liefie, I saw what you wrote about your DH and possible gallstones. A few years ago my DH (more than a few pounds over weight) decided to go in on a diet pool at work. He really wanted to win, and he went from eating everything to eating just steamed fish, or chicken and veggies. Within 2 weeks he had lost 13 pounds, and had a gallbladder attack. They said fast weight loss can cause this event. Who knew?! He had gallbladder sludge, not stones. He treated himself with the Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar cleanse, and it worked!!! No surgery, thank goodness. So, just in case your DH has sludge and not actual stones, you guys might want to read about it, and give it a try. Also, I had a stone that During all my scans leading up to my dx they saw a stone, and I was having mild symptoms, then on subsequent scans it disappeared. Maybe God thought I was dealing with enough...hehehehehe

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    shoot...I seem to be stepping in it all over the place! Jeannie.....please do not compare to me! If I came across that way, I am truly sorry....was simply telling you because it pressures ME to be ME! Putting it out there for all of you to see it, means I have admitted I have done that, and the next day better be at least as good step-wise.....I would go nuts comparing myself to Nihahi, as she walked circles around me on our hikes in glacier.....we are all so different, and we are all coming from different points. Hang in there.....the first leg is really difficult, but once you see progress.....even a tiny gets easier.....and you start looking for ways to add steps. For instance, it is not even noon here, and I already have 12,600+ steps for the day. (Dirty little secret: I get MOST of those from the elliptical every morning). The rest of the day is a bonus, and I enjoy seeing just how many steps I DO take in a day....

    In other news....will be phoning up PS, as my abdominal suture from 2a is leaking something....and seems to have a small hole....hopefully just from sutures that didn't dissolve......Singing

    Julie! Beautiful! I want to learn to do that! Looks like a lot of fun!

    Love you ladies!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Holy crapola Movie! You would walk circles around me too. You can be our inspiration. I am averaging half of what you are getting, but still feel good about stepping it up. I do need to work on eating habits and I have wine every other day or so. Not much, but I like it.

    I don't like to cook either, but do look at recipes on Pinterest. We are very simple eaters. My hubby is a skinny minny and has a sweet tooth. I like the salty stuff myself. Juicing doesn't sound good to me at all, but I am going to Florida for February with BIL and SIL and they juice, so you never know.

    45 and gray here. Going to Momma Mia and out to dinner with a friend tonight. Yippee!!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Goldie, thanks for the Apple Vinegar Cleanse tip. Will certainly look into it if he has just the sludge. There is no time for surgery now, so any advice is appreciated. He did not have a sudden weight loss, and has lost about 25 lbs since January, so a slow and steady loss eating sensibly and exercising daily.

    Movie, my armband pedometer does not count steps if I go on the elliptical - frustrating, because I like the elliptical. Be careful with that abdominal wound - sending vibes for it to heal quickly and completely!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Liefie (and anyone else that would like this recipe....Nerdy) here it is......(Jeannie, I bet you could modify this to work for you...)

    Savory Lentil and Squash Soup (Serves 4-6)

    5 1/2 cups (or more) canned vegetable or chicken broth (I used chicken)

    1 pound butternut squash, peeled, seeded, chopped (about 2 cups)

    1 cup chopped onions

    1 cup lentils

    1 ripe tomato, peeled, cored, chopped

    1 medium carrot, chopped

    1 celery stalk, chopped

    1/4 cup dry white wine

    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

    a tablespoon curry powder

    1 large garlic clove, minced

    1 bay leaf


    Combine 5 1/2 cups broth and all remaining ingredients in heavy large saucepan (I used medium stockpot). Simmer until vegetable and lentils are tender, stirring occasionally 45 minutes. Thin soup with additional broth if necessary. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Ladle soup into bowls and serve with fresh, warm Artisan bread (with an EVOO garlic salt and pepper dip) YUM!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Movie, no worries! I am not comparing myself to you or anybody. As Cherrie said, you are inspiring. I have never been a high energy person, always borderline anemic, so I keep that in mind but push on. I used to garden all day, though. I wonder if my elliptical is counting my steps correctly. I'll just keep plugging away. Movie, thanks for the recipe!

    Here I sit at the eye doc's, eyes dilating which will be a b?$ch on the drive home in this rain. But the eyes look good so far.

    Love you guys.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Movie, I'm sorry about the incision. Freaky! Take care and let us know how it goes.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    movie....BE PROUD OF THOSE STEPS, GIRL.....!!!!!! FYI.... you keep giving people the wrong impression of my fitness...we're just going to have to hike together again, so I can set you straight!!!

    liefie...oh lord, mooseballs again!!! Shocked! I'm sitting here chuckling...I guess I have a pretty bland palate. The food I was raised on, was a bit of american, fresh veggies and fruit (just plainly prepared) with a great percentage of Swedish, peasant food. Probably where I got my love of salt from. Give me plates of sil (pickled herring), ham (hello salt), korv (pork, potato, onion sausage, with globs of salt and allspice thrown in) or my all time mouth watering favourite....kruppkakor (dumplings made of leftover mashed potato, raw potato...filled with diced salt pork and onion)....yum yum yum!!!!!! and can keep the lutfisk Sick. I'd list more favourites, but I'm just making myself hungry...hmmm...think I have a jar of herring from Ikea in the fridge...bye for now!!!!!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie....sitting here with EVERYTHING crossed for an A+ report on the eyes. Let us know!!!!!!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, those potato dumplings sound divine! Do you make them sometimes?

    Movie, I have all the ingredients for that soup, and will be making it this afternoon. Thanks a lot!

    Jeannie, let us know how the eyes turn out - hoping for best outcome!

    DH' ultrasound showed no gallstones at all, not even sludge in the galbladder. Now I'm really worried . . . will just never again be gung ho about these things.