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Moving On......After the Flap



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    Beautiful sunrise here this morning....let's all have great days today!!!!

    one hour later......insane wind, thick snow blowing sideways.....WTH????? OK, we can STILL have great days!!!!!!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    We have some sunshine today after days of incessant rain - lovely! Must take a long walk before it changes. 

    Nihahi, going to Seattle the weekend of 24 - 26 Jan. Wanna come?

    Janet, so right. One cannot just give these people carte blanche. Have to say that with every surgery before I was taken into the OR, they asked me about 10 times what my name and birth date was, and what surgery I was there for. They wanted to make 100% sure, as they should.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    Hubby and I will be in Arizona from Jan 26 to Feb 5!!!! Hmmm.....warm, blissful sunshine vs. grey, cold rainy skies....nope....Arizona it is !Nerdy Assuming I don't go postal in Great Falls this weekend, trying to beat some sense into the poor government employee at the wicket in Social Security!!!!!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2014

    Nihahi, if anyone deserves some sunshine, it's you, you poor deceased thing.  I don't know that they need anymore dead bodies in Arizona, but the ground is softer there and the digging is easier this time of year.  Bwahahaha....

    Sorry, couldn't resist.  I do the cardiac arrest stats at work and the joke is that my office is overflowing with dead people.  Not literally, fortunately.

    I just signed up for the coolest thing!  It's a 12-week pilates class designed specifically for breast cancer survivors, an hour every Wednesday afternoon at a fancy pilates studio, and it's free.  They know all about wonky abs and frozen shoulders and pecs radiated into fan-belt-like stiffness.  I can't wait.  But we'll see how enthused I am on Thursday morning when I can no longer blame all the aches on the Letrozole!

    And...what's a wicket?  "She was a wicket, wicket woe-man," my boys used to say about Jezebel from the Bible, Maleficent, and the lady in the natural history museum who barked at them for attempting to sniff the stuffed and dusty grizzly bear.  

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    good lord, have GOT to cut down on the caffeine, girl!!!!  You are too funny.

    Gosh....I would LOVE to do that PIlates class with you!!!!!!! OK, here's the plan....tape the sessions, then post your efforts on youtube!!! You'll be a star!!!! Seriously, though, what a neat opportunity....does this mean you have the all clear to get that shoulder moving again????

    Have I shared the lastest SSA/IRS scenario with you all? Let's see, in the last chapter, the SSA lady on the phone agreed that I was still among the "un-deceased" right, and was going to send me the form for the IRS....In this chapter, we learn that yes, she sent the required form, stating they had no record of my death......BUT....WAIT FOR it turns out.... the SSA, now says they have no proof of my marriage, so.....the magical, all important IN MY MAIDEN NAME......AND.......ALL MY OTHER DOCUMENTS ARE OF COURSE IN MY MARRIED NAME, rejected tax return included!!!!!...... Are you with me.....the IRS, believes I'm dead, but sometime before my demise, I married, and changed my name. The SSA, believes I'm alive, but......never married.....OMGOMGOMGOMG...OMG!!!!!!!!!! I practically snorted at her on the phone, when she said, oh, just mail us your passport, marriage certificate, etc, and we'll sort it!!!!  She actually thinks I'm going to surrender those documents by mail, to people who can't decide if I'm dead or alive, married or single!!!!!!NOT HAPPENING. 

    So....hubby and I are now in for a 6 hour road trip (one way, in good weather) to Great Falls, Montana, to resolve all this in person.....of course, taking time off from his work, because the SSA is not open on a course not. Hence...the doomed employee standing behind the counter with frustrated people protective glass (the "wicket") beneath a sign that indicates she is about to serve someone with a number about 482 numbers before mine!!!!!! Just wait until she hears my answer to "how can I help you"........Stay tuned to the evening news from Montana on Friday!!!!!! Also, wouldn't be a bad idea to start collecting bail money....I'm just saying!!!!!!! I wonder what SPF a dead person should use?????

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    oh, Nihahii, good grief. How are you counting wedding anniversaries now? Maybe you and Den could zip over to Vegas from AZ and get married in the Elvis chapel, just to cover the bases! You newlywed lovebirds! Deep breaths! I can picture the steam coming out of your ears.....

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    jeannie......FABULOUS IDEA......we'll elope!!!!!!!! NerdyNerdy! He can never remember how long we've been married anyway! You all can meet us there, and be flower girls!!!!! None of you are sedate enough to be matrons of honour!!!!

    fyi....fingers crossed for your hubby!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2014

    Oh Nihahi, I love a good laugh in the morning!  I know it is more frustrating than funny to you, but it just shows how bureaucracy can mess anything up.  Be careful not to get married again before you are fully alive.  

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2014

    Nihahi- OMG what an ordeal! I hope your able to sort it out quickly once you are there in person. I wouldnt send all my docs through the mail either. 

    Movie- So sorry that you are sick, feel better soon.

    I am on a full liquid diet today because tomorrow is my stage two and OOph. yay!   I didnt think I would be nervous but I kinda am. Hopefully I will heal more quickly this time around. I have been doing stretches and cardio to strengthen those muscles, we shall see if it paid off. I dont post often anymore but I am lurking still, reading.  I have to agree with everyone else, my dh still has clothes from high school and he graduated in!  No way does he fit in them but my twelve year olds do!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    Sweetpickle, in your pocket tomorrow. The work you put in will surely help to get you up and running again. No exercise is ever wasted.

    Nihahi, how do these weird screw-ups happen? It sounds like the plot of a very funny movie! I hope that gov. agent gets the fright of his/her life when you, the divorced ghost, suddenly materialize in front of the wicket in all your glory, demanding to be brought back to life pronto, and to be married again. Hahahahaaa!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited January 2014

    Drive by time to read....just came to report on dad....right leg went great. The rod is in his femur and no apparent issues. The left leg (which is the much shorter one) not as good. The femur fractured when they were putting the implant in. So, they did keep going but they had to add some extra hardware and wiring to get it all in place and set the fracture. So the left leg is going to need longer to heal. I don't know what the plan is's too early to make any plans.

    They will xray tomorrow and see what they see.

    This result was not completely unexpected.....they knew that side might pose a problem. It's still a blow to them, though. You always go in expecting the best (hahaha don't we know it?)

    Please pray for healing and patience and strength.

    Thank you!


  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2014

    Is anyone besides me trying to lose weight AFTER reconstruction?  I am motivated because weight loss would show off my new rack better & my MO wants no extra fat cells because of recurrence factors. I wish someone would start a new thread for this to encourage each other & give each other ideas on healthy eating & exercise.  To get a great looking & healthy body to go along with the great new boobs. 

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    Sharon, there are a few threads here for that purpose. One is called Wednesday Weigh-in where we report our losses (or gains!) every Wednesday. There are also some where people report their daily exercise. It is a huge help in keeping me accountable. I for one have been losing weight after recon, and still have another few lbs to lose. Don't want any unnecessary fat cells around that can produce estrogen. 

    Bailey thanks for letting us know what's going on with your dad. So sorry to hear about the problems, but he must be so glad that the surgery is over. I sincerely hope he gets good news when they x-ray that leg tomorrow.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    bailey....prayers being said for Dad.....fingers crossed....positive thoughts. Wish I could do more.

    sharon...if you want a thread specific to weight/exercise post flap recon....just start's easy to do. 

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2014

    Sharon, the most effective way for me to lose weight is not eating ANYTHING after a certain hour (set it based on when you go to sleep). Also, I do it very slow, usually 1 lb. every two weeks. Ok, I have to say it is so much easier to gain weight. I can do 1lb a day without much effort Winking...

    bailey, healing and patience and strength for your dad

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2014

    Bailey, sending prayers up for your dad.......may they get good news tomorrow!

    Sweet.....good luck......I hope your hard work pays off for you this time......I think you will be surprised at how different the surgeries are at stage your pocket (if you want a sicko, anyways!) carefully to Great IS January,not June!  Wish I could be a fly on the wall as you go about getting them straightened out!

    STILL sick with chest crud.......the good news is, I may be better by June!  Loopy

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2014

    bailey- Prayers for your dad, sounds like that might be a pretty rough procedure to heal from!

    Movie- Glad to have you in my pocket, sick or not. :)

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2014

    Bailey- a fractured fever sounds horribly painful. I hope they are controlling this well. How long is he in the hospital? Your mom is a saint for going over and sitting by his side. Thinking of you.

    Nihahi- maybe our gathering should be for your wedding. Could be fun. 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2014

    Sweet- Thinking of you tomorrow. You've got this girl. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    cherrie....the guest list would be "memorable" to say the least!!!! It's a deal, if have have to elope, to be able to be "un dead"'re all invited!!!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited January 2014


    Thinking of you got this!

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2014

    LOL........count me in Bailey!    On the bright side, this bowel cleanse has me down four pounds from yesterday. Not my most favorite way to see the scale move but Ill take it!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    atta girl, sweet.....take the positives anyway you can get them!

    ok can be the wedding planner!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2014

    Argh...up most of last night dancing around with a cramp in my leg.  I'd just get back to sleep when here it comes again.  At least reading all your cyber loony posts gives me an early morning laugh!

    Sweet, the hard part is done!  In your pockets today!

    Bailey, I was thinking and praying for your dad and mom all day yesterday.  Thanks for the update.  

    Pilates this afternoon!  Let's see...where did I put my Jane Fonda tights and leg warmers?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    ouch, sbe!!!!! Still getting those buggers????

    Can't wait to hear about the class tonight....I expect tutorials from you!

    hmmm......hubby just announced he isn't sure if he can get away from work this week.......Do you think he's getting cold feet about the elopement????

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    Sbel, I see you're on Femara. That's what I'm supposed to switch to this August after 2 years on Tamoxifen. Not looking forward if those cramps will be part of it especially if it interferes with my sleep. The more sleep deprived I get, the more b----y I become.

    Bailey wedding planner, here's a tip for you. A good venue for Nihahi's nuptials would be a graveyard . . . that is if she can hold on to the groom - lol. Maybe it 's the spookiness that's putting him off?

    As for exercise, will do my walk/run routine on the treadmill. Have to work off those lbs that I gained on my travels, but it is somehow hard to get motivated. Oh well, don't think. JUST DO IT!!!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited January 2014

    Hi jeannie, another BC survivor posted a link for eye health and she was big on essential oil, specifically Ningxia. She said that her eye sight actually improved post chemo after using it. I thought of your right away. Here is the link:

    Hope it works. If not, copy everything inside the quotes of the following line and paste it in the URL space and it should work.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Thanks, Tammy!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2014

    Liefie, I don't think it's the Femara that's giving me leg cramps.  I've had them long before BC.  Sometimes when I cycle hard during the day I get cramps at night, and I think that's an electrolyte/hydration thing.  And occasionally when I wear high heels I'll get a cramp at night too.  Probably a good routine of stretching, hydration, and plenty of fruits/veggies high in potassium and magnesium, etc., would help.

    I'm doing pretty well on the Femara.  My main side effect is the stiffness and soreness in my hands, and the feeling that I can't spring into action very fast.  When I'm sitting down, say, it takes a few seconds to "unstiff" myself and stand up to walk.  This probably doesn't make much sense, does it?  But I'm absolutely not complaining.  The fact that I have a tool like Femara to help keep BC kicked to the curb is a Godsend. 

    When I think about the thirteen months before my BC diagnosis that I wore an estrogen patch, for no other reason than menopausal insomnia, I shudder.  I'm absolutely positive that those months of "pouring gasoline" on the small but smoldering embers of estrogen-eating breast cancer cells resulted in how hard and fast my disease struck. 

    But all that's in the past.  I've had the benefit of the best science and physicians anywhere, and I'm happy to be alive, well, and put back together again!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited January 2014

    I too poured gasoline into my cells. Despite the tests telling me the patch had nothing to do with it.   

    But like you I'm very grateful that God, doctors and science is taking care of me.