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Moving On......After the Flap



  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    Movie, Jeannie, we'll find a big corner for the men to stand in, and the three of us can find a nice table where we can chat and have coffee - lol. We'll let you know where, Jeannie!

    Bluebird, in your pocket tomorrow. Another milestone on the road to recovery!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2014

    Good morning, gloobsters!  It's been a busy week at work and I've missed posting a lot, but I've been keeping up with reading.  Jeannie, I'm so sorry you've been dealt this vision nightmare.  Like everyone else, I hope things settle a bit and the glasses help.

    Nihahi, the pilates are pretty great.  I'm so used to BIG, MONDO CARDIO stuff on my bicycle, pumping my legs like mad, and just let the rest of the carcass come along for the ride.  Well, that doesn't address my core, hence...back pain, lack of arm strength and mobility, etc.  The pilates concentrate on the core a lot and it's all new to me.  The class consists of twelve ladies who have had breast cancer.  We're just starting to chat and share stories, and the exercise is so much fun I might look into a pilates studio when my free 12 weeks ("Pink Pilates" ... ugh...) are finished. 

    I so wish I were in the Pacific Northwest to meet up with you ladies later.  Have a lovely time together.

    Happy Friday!

  • Skiergirl
    Skiergirl Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2014


    a newcomer here...but love the theme of this positive thread.  My surgery was almost 3 months ago, and I am ready to move on.  I start back to work (teaching 5th grade) on Feb 3rd, and I, too have joined LiveStrong at my local Y to keep up the consistency I need for exercise.  We have met 2 times already, and its a nice bunch of ladies.  I have so many worries, but my promise to myself was to try and focus on the positive, and think of the things that I am fortunate for.  My promise to my family was to try and not let fear invade my relationships with them, and I want to try (at least try) anything my LiveStrong coaches encourage me to do, Pilates, included.  My goal is to be back at spinning classes, and get back on my road bike for the spring.  



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    Welcome sound like you're on the right path!!! We're hear for those "harder moments" too, but, your plans and "resolutions" sound like a great combo!! 

    7k snowshoe today...lots of hoar frost on the trees, in spots where the sun hadn't hit it before we got there. You just can't beat crisp mountain air on a sunny winter day. animals while on the trail, but a moose and a snowy owl on the drive home. Sadly, no pics of them.




  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited January 2014

    Beautiful photos! 

    Home in bed with Wilbur. Think I might marry him this time. Anesthesia went much smoother and have new little boobette growing already. Hubby (don't tell him about Wilbur) made me clam chowder in a bread bowl. Life is good! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    Bluebird.....wonderful news!!!!!! 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Bluebird, thrilled for you! I hope everything continues going well for you! I'm glad you are enjoying Wilbur.

    Stunning photography, Nihahi!

    Welcome, Skiergirl! We're all doing our best to "move on" but sometimes life manages to get in the way. You're welcome to share from the heart! Good to hear about the LiveStrong Program. I start mine the 17th.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited January 2014

    Good Friday ladies always seem to end up being my date (whilst DH sleeps with remote in hand lol). 

    Blue....I am praying for the most excellent results for you. You certainly deserve it after all you've come through!

    Nihahi your picture is beautiful. I had to keep looking to see who the new girl was. I LOVED  your story of IRS resurrection. Truly lovely to leave them with their mouths agape....and money to boot! Consider it for your pain and suffering!

    Jeannie sorry about your eye :( you are a strong and positive soul, so I know you will be ok.....just hope it doesn't progress in either eye! Hugs.

    Sbel.....ooohhhhhhh my word.....Aubrey is a doll baby are a lucky Grandma. Pilates sounds good. I really need to get back on the workout schedule.

    I am ok. Work is still kicking my butt. So happy it's Friday....finally!

    Dad and mom are doing all right. The surgeon put in another screw on Tuesday. He is still in the hospital....hoping to be sprung early next week. My sister spoke with them this morning and she said my little mom sounded well.

    I am totally in for a trip. My only need is some time to build up my vacation bank so fall would be best for me. Count me in!!! So looking forward to it.

    We have near blizzard conditions tonight.....very cold! 

    Ok....I have reading to do....and will post on the flap thread about my stage II.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    It is a beautiful, clear day today, 30 degrees, perfect for watching eagles. What a blessing! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    So happy for you and your weather report, jeannie....I've had my coffee, put on my sunscreen....when do we leave???Nerdy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Ha! On our way!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2014

    Nihahi, stunning photos.  It's like a magical world.  Thanks for sharing the beauty!

    Hi, Skiergirl, and welcome.  We're a fun bunch.

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing Aubrey with me.  She's so much fun, and so lovely, when I have her I can just sit and watch her sleep.  I don't know what people do who have lots and lots of grandkids--I would do nothing but play granny!

    Bailey, work is kicking my butt too.  It's January and all the 2013 statistics have to be settled and reported.  At quitting time my computer makes a sucking sound when I pull my head out of it.  

    So here's an interesting thing.  I have a glucometer (I'm not diabetic) and I check my fasting blood sugar every morning just to keep a handle on things--I have a long family history of Type II diabetes.  One day last week I started my day with a very stressful phone call.  When I hung up I checked my fasting glucose.  123--way too high.  So I waited 45 minutes--136, it's climbing.  Another 45 minutes later, it's 154.  Wow--this blood glucose spike is due to nothing but stress.  Proof positive to me that stress scrambles my system!

    Time for a bike ride--have a great Saturday, everyone!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    bluebird.....we won't tell hubby about Wilbur...but, when is the wedding????

    sbe.....have a great ride! Thanks for sharing your blood glucose info....I'm a big believer in the theory that stress (beyond what we can handle in a healthy way) does many bad things to our bodies. 

    I'm also a big believer in daily exercise being one of the best ways that I can train my body to handle stress that I can't modify, since life just throws stress at us, whether we're ready for it or not!

    (Lord knows there's little hope in training my brain not to respond to stress Nerdy)!!!

    "moving on" bra update......I returned the ones I recently I mentioned....just didn't love them, and decided why spend $$ on something I didn't really want to wear. After trying on every bra in the Western World...I found one brand/style that I tried on in find I really like it!!! The bonus......I put one on today, under a "clinging type t-shirt top I haven't worn in a couple years....and didn't say anything to hubby. His instant comment look should dress like that more often!!! Of course, he immediately thinks he made a big mistake, because out came the tears....but when he realized....I was crying but smiling....HAPPY DAY!

    Of course, now he's worried I might be hitting the outlet stores in Phoenix!!!! The sun is shining.....I'm packing the is great!!!!!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    I wanted to share this with you all. It's from another thread....I think its my new outlook!


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    A beautiful, peaceful morning floating on the river. We saw seven eagles, eating, flying, fighting, pooping. One just flew toward us on the road and went right over the car! Evidently December is a better month to see them as there are more salmon carcasses then, thus lots more birds. I am happy and content.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2014

    Hi all.....Liefie and I are sitting in the University Village Starbucks...soaking up the ambiance, letting our tummies settle after indulging a wee bit too much in what Starbucks has to offer.......Liefie has emptied out the Pottery Barn Kids store, so if you were going to Seattle to shop in THAT store......forget is EMPTY........Loopy

    Jeannie.....can you and DH meet up with us in the Fairmont Olympic lobby about 9 am? Breakfast is on Liefie and worries......we just wAnt to see you in the flesh.....bring Nihahi if she is still with you.......Nerdy  We hope the "Eagles" concert was wonderful today...the weather WAS perfect.......

    Love to all..... Movie and Liefie ......who are enjoying the feeling of uber-full tummies...and sunshineWinking

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2014

    PS:  Nihahi ....LOVE the picture!    Maybe HE could be Wilbur!?!?

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies - it's been quite a while since I've posted but I try to read as much as I can on bco.  I've had a crazy few months/yr with family medical issues (ha, not mine at least!) and working a real job 40+ hours a week which I haven't done in 17 years.  Boy does that wipe you out especially I think with all I've been through - chemo, mastectomy, radiation, diep, diep 2a, mother diagnosed with lung cancer fall 2012 and then had brain cancer nov 2013 and immediate brain surgery - she's still alive and kickin!  

    Sbe - I love your pictures of your granddaughter.  She looks so darn sweet.  I'd love to hold her!  On the type II diabetes thing - I was on the radar for it for me even before being diagnosed.  My mom has had type II for years. and my fasting levels have been high 90s and low 100s for a few years before diagnosis and I had gestational diabetes with my pregnancy with my daughter.  Long story short I got on  the metformin trial with my oncologist but it really bothered me not knowing if I had the "real" thing so I asked my primary physician and she put me on it based on my numbers and the information on the trial.  I do get regular blood tests with her too.  I think with your numbers you should have a discussion with your primary to get you on the real thing too!  Just my 2 cents.  Side note - I do think there is a correlation with elevated blood sugars and cancer growth.  

    Nihahi - I love the picture of the little dog so much!  Sometimes I really feel like her!  I love her energy!  I think I need to have it as my new outlook too!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Movie, we will be there! U Village is one of the few outdoor malls up here. Such a beautiful day to spend there. 

    I love the dog, too! My little dog loves to run that fast but he runs in a circle around our yard. I would love that energy. I did just get in from gardening for a couple of hours so I can't complain.

    Nihahi, congrats on finding a bra. I haven't started my search yet. My old ones just don't quite fit and aren't all that comfy, either. Hey, I took you in the pocket of my down parka to see eagles. Can I come to Arizona in your sunhat??? 😄The taste of sun today makes me hungry for more. 

    Goodie, I remember you! Welcome back. I'm sorry about your mom. She sounds like a fighter!

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2014

    Thanks Jeannie - I've been following you too.  You are a fighter too! 

    I say my mom is the luckiest person I know.  Her lung cancer -  like stage 3 something and chemo basically shrinks it in two tumors to basically nothing and then this brain tumor in the fall and the surgeon "saves" her.  She's doing very well now.  It's just hard my parents live in California and I live in Maryland.  

    Ugh bra issues.  I've been waiting to get "real" bras at Nordstroms forever.  My right breast still isn't right so I'll be going in for a fix there some time this year.  So, do I go and get fitted for bras or wait?  My right breast  still has hard issues at the bottom and right so PS will definitely be fixing that.    Any suggestions on interim bras? 

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited January 2014

    Goodie I like the Genie or the Coobie bra for my mismatched girls....there is a Bali model a lot of women here love, too, for the interim period. I can't recall the model number of the Bali....somebody will chime in here.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    jeannie...for sure, gal pal....bring your sun lotion...there's going to be lots of OUTSIDE playtime!! The eagles and your day sound glad you had a good time.

    goodie...sheesh....wishing for some "dull, unexciting" times ahead for you. It sounds like you've had more than enough of the "other kind".

    BRA info: I was "unbalanced" (no comments movie or sbe) for several years pre-flap, and was less so, but still not symmetrical post stage 1. I have been wearing something very similar to the genie bra with "ok" look and comfort. Here it is sold under the name "ah bra". I am very close to symmetrical now, and one day just decided I really, really wanted to wear something more like...."a real bra again". I tried on zillions, including many varieties of Bali bras, and lucked out on the second shopping trip, with a bra made by Warner's. The style is called "Suddenly Simple". It is wire-free (which I wanted) it is lined but not padded (another "want"), my uni nipple is not visible when I'm wearing the bra, and because of the way it is designed, seems to have a bit of side support, which seems to work well for me. I wear a lot of "sporty tops", and wanted something smooth that looked good underneath stretchy type tops, which this seems to. It is very comfortable....but..I acknowledge that we all are shaped and sized differently, so what works for me, might not be the best solution for someone else. The bras are sized S, M, L and XL. Measurement wise, I'm now a 34C, and the Medium is a perfect fit for me. Colour selection isn't huge, but, comfort and appearance are more important to me.

    I hope someone finds this helpful.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Another gloriously sunny day in the PNW! Breakfast with Liefie, Movie and the guys was so much fun---lots of laughing, good food and trips to the bathroom for show and tell.  (Men not included!) What a blessing to spend time together in person. A September get-together has to happen for all of us who can make it! I don't want to make anyone too envious but DH and I then soaked up some Vitamin D at Pike Place Market on the waterfront. So unusual for January and much needed. Back to painting and pruning.Happy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014


    I need to remember this!!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2014

    Hello my lovely Flapper gals......I'm back from Seattle get-together with Liefie (with a side of breakfast with Jeannie and Tom...which was DELIGHTFUL.....Nerdy)   Jeannie has covered the breakfast meet-up, so  I will just say I had an absolute blast helping Liefie buy "stuff" for her new Grandbaby......It was so wonderful to get caught up, and spend some quality time together.....Jeannie is so right....we HAVE to do this......

    Well, I am back to "reality" to get my 96 year old mother ready for bed.......Loopy

    Love to all......XO

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2014

    Love it, Jeannie.  Your positive attitude amazes me.  Keep the faith!  I'm praying for you.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    Sounds like some wonderful weekends happening!!!! So glad to hear how great the Seattle rendezvous went. Bring it on, eh ladies! 

    So hubby and I left the cold and the snow this morning and made it to Scottsdale. Enjoying a lovely resort. We just did a 6km walk in a beautiful desert night, and now are going to head to the hot tub in a bit. probably going to be taking a few days off from the threads, catch you all on the flip side! fyi....hope everyone sinking into the polar vortex again stays warm, cozy and safe.

    Hugs to all.

    oops....meant to say....bailey....LOVE your new avatar!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Nihahi, which resort?

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited January 2014

    Oh thank you, Nihahi, your new avatar made me take a look at mine! The old one was a month before my sister's wedding.....the day after I found that something was not right in my breast and started watching it...figured it was time to change Loopy

    Wishing the best vacation ever for you and DH!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2014

    Today marks two years since my bc diagnosis. Breast cancer. For me, it's not a day to celebrate but to embrace the old and new me and how far I've come.