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Moving On......After the Flap



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    auburned hair until age 5!!!!! Then turned into a dark haired, hazel eyed Scot! I used to wear a vest of our dress tartan on St. Paddy's day instead of something green.

    MacDonald Dress Ancient

    movie....that cat/post pic is scaaaaarrryyyy.....meooooow!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2014

    just checking in 6 pages later. I need someone's email that can post a pic for me. I am holding my 13 day old grandson with my precious 3 year old granddaughter. I am jealous when I see all your grandma pics.

    Can't wait for Mt. Hood. How in shape do I need to be for our hikes? I want to hike and will work on this. I will be coming from Seattle with Jeannie, Nihahi, and Liefie. Let me know if we need train tickets, or gas for a car. I will not have a car in Seattle. We have so much to celebrate. I am not a cook, but can help set up and do dishes, etc. Will there be a grocery store nearby?

    Bailey- Thinkng of your father and mom in Germany.

    Liefie-Baby girl. It is so much fun. My little grand daughter is Elly Mae and my new grandson is Carter Anthony.

    Jeannie- Hope all is going well. You are always in my thoughts.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited March 2014

    OK, this is all totally cracking me up.  I'll stand in line for Jamie, but it appears I'll be WAAAAY back in the queue!  I married into a Scottish line--family research revealed the the Haydocks were ship builders that chugged across the pond in the early 1600's to harvest tall timbers to be used as ships' masts.  But that's the kicker...married

    As Mistress Haydock (for that's the way it used to be spelled) I can only cast heated, furtive glances in his direction, and sigh...

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited March 2014

    Cherrie, dearest, I will be your photo poster!  Check your PM for my email and we'll have it on in no time.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    cherrie....looks like sbe beat me to it....looking forward to more Grandbaby pics. Just get yourself fit for "life".....then it won't matter what kind of hikes movie has'll be good to go. Are you still in Florida???

    hahahha......not that I'm into the "sister wives" thing, but hey, since JF is a fictional character.....I figure we can share....right! It's not like none of us have any imagination! Gosh movie......maybe if we dig far enough back, you and I are related???? Come from the same clan type of thing!!! Ade and I are convinced we are connected in some way.....probably shared the same straitjacket cave at some time LoopyLoopy

    Just checked the countdown......200 days (exactly) until Mt Hood....can't wait my friends.....!!!!!!

    The temp is heading in the right direction for us this morning....a balmy -26 Nerdy. Predicted high for Saturday is +8....(yeah right). Time to charge the camera and put the skis in the car....this week will be MOUNTAIN TIME......WOOHOO!!!!!!!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    It pays to have a genealogist in the family. On my dad's side I'm directly related to Sir Robert the Bruce leader of Scotland.

    On my mom's side, my great great great great grandparents came over as indentured servants. Sold all six of their kids when they reached the port of Philadelphia then walked to the Pittsburgh area to settle. The kids later also walked 300 miles to find their parents when their  servitude was up many years later.

    But we had German blood introduced when a (future) relative was brought over as a Hessian soldier during the revolutionary war. He changed his mind and didn't want to fight and went AWOL. The British chased him through the area but didn't catch him because as he was running through a farmer's field he came upon the farmers daughter and hid under her hoop skirt. She saved his life. But when the farmer found out a man had been under his daughters skirts, a wedding immediately ensued!  Thus began my German-Scottish branch. He later fought for the Americans and thanks to him (and a few other relatives)  I'm now a  Daughter of the American Revolution. 

    Life was certainly more exciting back then!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    I will add that despite my Campbell clan and Sir Robert the Bruce family lineage, I'm happy to put up Jamie to the highest bidder. Winking

    I'll stick with my own Jamie who goes by the name Steve in this century. LOL!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    dang....I won't tangle with a "Bruce"....nor with a DARNerdy. Interesting to hear how "old" some of the American roots are....I'm rather "fresh" in comparison!

    Heading out for a swim....(indoors of course!). Have good days ladies!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Bluebird, you win! What a great story! Your life now is plenty exciting.....I hope it is exciting in a happy way from here on out.

    Nihahi, swimming sounds wonderful even though I'm not a great swimmer. The pool at the Y is tempting me.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Katy. I sent a pic to you. Can't wait to see it. THANKS

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    back from the pool! Jeannie.....GO FOR IT!......I'm not a strong swimmer either....if I'm not consistent, I lose the "lung capacity/cardio" really fast. I do find the swimming helps me "stretch out" from toes to fingertips. It feels so good, and it's good for me to do something that doesn't pound my feet. The pool here is a lovely temperature, and has all kinds of gadgets you can use....I usually wear small flippers to do laps, as it lets me focus on my arms, and when I am "lapped out", I put on a flotation belt and do "deep water running" laps. It's a great workout, and it's good to mix things up. I really HATE resistance stuff with my arms, but need to do it. Weights, etc......sooooo not my thing. Never has been. The water is enough resistance for me, and I can tell I'm working the muscles that need work. I just have to force myself to go, in the winter, when it is really cold outside. 

    How is your exercise thing going??? Did the class "pickup" for you??

    ok sbe.....where's Cherrie's Grandma pics????

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited March 2014

    May I present...ta da!...Cherrie's grands, Elly Mae, holding her new brother Carter Anthony.  Aren't they both adorable?image


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    AWWWWWWW...........ADORABLE X2!!!!!!!! Congrats, Cherrie!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014 roomate just sent me this.....circa 1970

    see.....I never did have big boobs....HONEST!!!!!!


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014 roomate just sent me this....circa 1970.....see, I NEVER had big boobs......EVER!!!!!


  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2014

    yay!  More adorable babies, I just want to kiss their little faces!!!! Big congrats Cherrie!

    Well guys, I negotiated 30 an hour, woohoo! Only ten hours a week to start but Im sure it will increase. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Sweet, that is great! Sounds ideal for you.

    Cherrie, you are so blessed! Adorable.

    Nihahi, thanks for giving us your pool routine. It gave me ideas. I went to the Y early before my class today to watch the water exercise class. It didn't look great but the pool did. I may try the class and the pool. As for the LiveStrong group, we are still testing after two weeks so really haven't worked hard yet. Plus, they teach us about muscles, the machines, heart rates, and today was a lot on lymphedema because I gave the lead trainer a packet of info on it last week. LE is such a b!tch! I have to do things differently so I don't get sore because soreness causes more lymph to form. I don't know if anyone has heard of the Lebed method of clearing lymph fluid, but our trainer is good friends with Ms. Lebed and is going to ask her to come speak to us. I hope the non-LE folks aren't bored.  Anyway, the trainer is going to make individual workouts for the class members so we can come to the Y and workout on our own. She said she was going to make a yoga/Pilates thing for me with the modifications I need. I told her I want to be strong and hike this summer. I have met some really nice ladies in the class. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    sweet...that's wonderful!!!! I'm so happy for you, and I think starting at 10 hours a week is perfect. 

    jeannie...I think your lympha info will help many people, I wouldn't worry one moment if anyone gets "bored" by the info. Question for you.....would exercising (moderately, of course), in water be a better fit for lymphadema??? I'm wondering if being submerged in the water, would give your arms some slight "external compression"??? Again, just a thought. 

    Sorry for the deleted messages...I was trying to post a photo my college roommate just sent me this afternoon...circa 1970....who IS that child????


  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2014

    Cherrie, your babies are beautiful. So sweet. My dh's aunt has a new grandson and a 3year old grand daughter. They are visiting the new family in Colorado and she is sending lots of pics and updates....I love babies and kids sooooo much.

    Sbel, thing 2 walked at 10 months, funny to see them walking when they are so itty bitty still.

     200 days!!!!! So excited. I haven't booked a flight yet.....still running about $400 and I'd like it down a bit lower.

    Nihahi- beautiful then and now :)

    Sweet! Congratulations on your job!  Sounds great :)

    Sbel you're too funny.

    Me ma and me da are doing well in Germany. Me da stood on Friday for quite a while. Mom said he practiced taking it off and  on a lot over the weekend. He started pt today. I have read that the pt program after is quite intense. I imagine he's tired. We received several pictures of him at therapy Friday and it's so nice to "see" him. He wants us to find someone who will tell his story. He is hell bent on advocating for this procedure for amputees in the States. 

    Love to all! Super busy with environmental reporting this time of year so I'm having a hard time keeping up......come March 15 I'll be homefree!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    I wish I could swim! Don't want to push the incision healing. 

    Congrats Cherie! So cute!  

    Good luck Sweet! Sounds like a great job!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2014

    Thanks! They are my heart. Carter will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. He was 4 weeks early so we had to leave Florida to come help my daughter in Virginia. We are going back in a couple of weeks for one week and will bring Elly Mae. Then back to VA and finally my son comes in for a quick visit.

    You can see why I don't have time to post much. 

    Thinking of you all every day!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Cherrie, your grand children are BEAUtiful.  Grand children are the best thing ever!  

    Sweet, it sounds like you did a good job negotiating.  Telecommuting is grand.  Don't let the 10 hours turn into 20 hours working with 10 hours pay.  It can be easy to just keep on working when you are already at home.

    Bailey, so good to hear your parents are doing well.  Hopefully your dad will find someone good to share his story.

    Movie, I'm so excited about things like chocolate covered potato chips.  I hope there are some gentle walks.  I also hope I'm not the only not-so-fit person in the group.

    Great picture, Nihahi!

    Good night, ladies.  ...Julie

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2014

    Sounds like I have some reading to do (Outlander). Despite the name Sheila Bailey, I am not 100% Irish.....French Canadian, German, Irish and English.....the story is that the Irish branch of me ma's family was sent to America.....exiled....for being sheep thieves. Watch the livestock.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2014

    Bluebird... by now you may have made a tax decision, as your post was way back there... But we use Turbo Tax and have for many years. I think its a great program. I do think that the federal medical deduction is now 10%, but in NJ you should be able to benefit.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Julie, great avatar! Don't worry about your "fitness." I don't think that's what this get-together is about. I will be happy to take a walk with you. Smile

    Bailey, it's always good to hear from you. Your dad has come so far already. Maybe some press somewhere would be interested in his story, local or NY Times! With all our wounded vets and bombing victims, there is bound to be interest. How about a Boston paper? What exactly is your job??

    Nihahi, nice pic! Pretty then, pretty now.  I just read recently that scuba diving is great for LE because of the water pressure. I have never been interested but hearing that and seeing my nephew's pics of him on the ocean floor in Fiji (he's in the Peace Corps) has certainly piqued my interest. The concern about swimming, especially the butterfly stroke that I don't do (!), is the arms coming out of the water and the repetition involved. The crawl or backstroke would be more risky. I enjoy the backstroke. My LE therapist has always said to try things slowly, see what happens to the arms and adjust accordingly. I forget that sometimes. I am very compliant because my LE is under control and I want it to stay that way. The two women in our group who say they have LE don't wear compression when exercising which, from what I know, is very risky. Of course, no compression in the pool! There is a lot to do at the Y but things are heating up with Master Gardener stuff, food bank (I've been asked to be on the board) and some other commitments I have, as well as the never-ending medical appts. I am going to squeeze it all in, though! I can't find my favorite, tattooed compression sleeves. Why am I always misplacing things??? At a cost of $300, can't really replace them right now but I have lots of others.Sad

    DH has an impt.job interview on the phone tomorrow with one company and an in-person, all-morning interview with another company on Wednesday. Prayers and good thoughts appreciated! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    jeannie....positive thoughts for hubby!!!! The reason he is still interviewing is because the RIGHT position is still waiting for him....fingers crossed one of the next few will be THE one! 

    I wouldn't recommend scuba diving with your eye problems....I doubt if you would get medical clearance to even try. I get how all the full arm rotation strokes wouldn't be a good match for you. The deep water running type of movement, would be just like what you do on the elliptical, with your arms underwater the whole time. Maybe the lympha resource person coming to your class would be a good person to talk to about it. If not, I'll do some laps for you next time!!! I'm drooling with your comments about the gardening..we don't even set out bedding plants here until the end of May!!

    Hope you find those sleeves.....Nerdy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Nihahi, can you explain about the eye/scuba connection?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2014

    Jeannie, I would guess it is about the pressure underwater. I have my fingers crossed for your hubby. It is such a good sign that he has interviews. Thinking of you.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    yep, jeannie....I was thinking about the pressure changes and your eye issue. But....I'm not trying to pass myself off as a scuba/lympha expert, so I'm sure there are better sources of info for you. Did your sleeves turn up?? Finger crossed for hubby!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    no sleeves. :(( I can order new ones in May if I still have this insurance.