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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96
    edited April 2014

    Just had my 3rd tattoo touch-up & I think I am finally done!  I go back in 2 months to make sure all the colors settled in appropriately. PS also experimented on me by coloring in the cleavage portion of my white tummy flap with a tattoo pigment that matches my chest.  Not quite ready for Playboy, but getting close.....LOL!

    Health & happiness to all!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited April 2014

    Omg Janet I love you. Thanks for the LOL!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2014

    I love you ladies!  This group is amazing. We have fun, we laugh, we cry, we stumble and fall down and we lift each other back up, then we walk strong again with the support of our special sisters.   I can't wait to get real life hugs from some of you in September.  But regardless, I cherish the cyber hugs we give and receive. Special group, indeed. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2014

    .....spring is officially here! (I'm ignoring the weather forecast for later this week).....I have found wild prairie crocus in bloom in Okotoks!!!!





  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014

    So many posts....

    Mammalou, yay for BENIGN! I'm sorry your DH is having those headaches. Just as nobody else beyond us can understand what we've been through, we can't really understand what our dear ones have suffered on our behalf. I hope he feels better in every way soon.

    Ridley, maybe I'll just blame Tamoxifen along with you for my lack of stamina. I'll go full steam ahead for awhile and then just be stopped in my tracks. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

    Janet, sometimes I think you are inside my head, other times I am laughing out loud.

    Julie, good to hear from you, as always. The "overcomer" song always makes me smile. Have you seen the video?

    Sharon, I bet you ARE ready for Playboy with your spunky attitude.  I am looking forward to seeing some color on my nipples if they don't disappear by June! I wore a sports bra all day today, not a great idea! It flattens them out.

    Zenful, well-said, as always. I look forward to meeting you, too.

    Nihahi, beautiful photos! I can see why those sweet flowers cheered you up.

    FierceBlueBird, how wonderful that you have a matched set! I think it's so wonderful that your PS did that for you, who deserves it more than anyone. I think of you so often, especially when I watch the birds pursuing each other, building nests, soaring. I hope your treatment is extremely effective with minimal SEs. How is your eye?

    Movie, I sure hope you feel better. Praying for extra strength for you with all of your responsibilities.

    Liefie, I bet you had a wonderful time with Emma! Was anyone able to pry her from your loving arms??

    I was on my feet all day so combine that with shoveling up plant divisions yesterday, and my plantar fasciitis has visited me again.  My eye has been a real bummer today, too. Nevertheless, it was a fun, exhausting day. I priced plants for our master gardener plant sale, worked out and did Tai Chi (fun!) and then worked at the food bank. DH had a great interview today and a couple other companies want to talk to him again. Please, oh, please, let this joblessness end soon. I am thankful that we are still financially ok for now, which is kind of unbelievable, really. Thanks for your encouragement and support.  I don't know what I would do without you all. Love and hugs.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2014

    Happy Earth Day, everyone! I'm off to explore the day.

    good lord, jeannie....that sounds like a pretty awesome day! Did you ever accept the Food Bank board position???? Careful with that plantar fasciitis stuff. Get on it quickly!! Fingers have never been "uncrossed" for hubby.....I'll squeeze them a little bit tighter for you guys.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited April 2014

    Jeannie, wish I could spend a day playing in the dirt. Yet another year of missing out on digging and gardening. Oh well. Hubby does his best to keep up with my plants but it's not the same. 

    My eye is doing better. No more cutouts or hallucinations thank goodness!

    Bosom, I'm still having reconstruction at Penn.  

    On surgery day I got undressed and put my surgical gown on in pre-op. Dr. comes in and markers on me and then tells me I can put my underwear back on.  I didn't think much about it. I get wheeled into the OR and the team of nurses and anesthesia, etc. are getting me ready. Some of the nurses say, "Oh No, you left your underwear on!"  And the other nurses say, "She has Dr. S."  The room gets a little quiet and I ask, "what does that mean?"  And one happy nurse explains, "Dr. S. likes to sit you up during surgery and tuck your hands into your underwear."  What?!!  Apparently he moves his patients into different positions to see how the implant will look with movement and gravity.  Which is all fine and dandy, but the idea of me sitting up with my hands in my underwear while everyone checks out the boobs is a little too much for my dignity! 

    I jokingly warned the Dr. when he came in I better not come across any Instagram or Facebook pics on the internet.   

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2014

    FBB, you made my day...

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited April 2014

    Fierce - HA! What a crazy story. That's exactly the kind of story a gal doesn't want to hear before the rolls into the operating room. Very funny. And I bet a million dollars that one of the nurses would say, 'Give her a beer and she'd look just like me husband does when he's watching TV'.

    And I really hope that your have a chance to play int the dirt very soon.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited April 2014

    Hahaha Blue! Very funny! My last surgical report (stage 2) says they sat me up 4-5 hands in undies, though! And we wonder why we have strange hurts after surgery!!! 

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2014

    liefie, good luck tomorrow!

    FBB, maybe you can sit on a chair outside and supervise dh working on your plants.

    I have a question to you all, have
    you said/did anything to express your gratitude to your ps for the great job
    he/she has done for you? What my ps created for me are really nice. Besides, looking back, he has dealt with countless of my
    problems/worries/arguments/ questions (even silly ones like the gloob thingy)
    via email, some times on Friday evenings and Saturdays/Sundays. I really am
    grateful, but have yet to express it to him properly. If you have, would you
    mind share with me what you did?

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited April 2014

    morningsun, that is a great question. I've often wished I could do something to thank my oncologist, radiologists and all the doctors and nurses I've seen.  Taking food in doesn't seem quite enough.

    Slightly off topic, just saw my hospital bill.... $97,000.   For 3 days in shared room.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    Fbb - believe it or not, they all sit you up when doing implants though hands don't necessarily go into underwear.  One of my bffs is a plastic surgical nurse - oh the stories she can tell.  Personally I don't want to know about all the positions I am arranged in during surgery.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2014

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited April 2014

    I went to the fruit basket place (name eludes's a chain) and did chocolate covered strawberries for each office when I was "done" (oncology, radiology, etc)...oh and a picture of me with DH and the Things and a thank you card from all of us. 

    It still didn't seem like enough, but they seemed pleased.

    I've also done donations to various organizations in their names and given them a thank you card with the donation notification.

    Lovely pics was 78 here yesterday!!! Warmest since October 2013!!!

  • Ridley
    Ridley Member Posts: 95
    edited April 2014

    Re: the thank-yous -- I've thought about that as well, but don't have too much to add.

    Both my PS and my BS are signed up to participate in the Ride to Conquer Cancer (200 km bike ride I think).  I'm planning to sponsor both of them this year. 


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014

    Ah, Fierce, I wish I could garden for you while you supervise me from your lounge chair. I missed a couple of years of gardening and everything is really okay. My garden is really a "puttering" garden most of the time anyway. It's only work during spring and fall cleanup. It's mostly easy perennials and ornamental shrubs and trees. I lost a few things due to the drought and then record WET of March. It all looks so spring-y now. I ran out of time to divide and donate from my astilbes and hostas. Even though it's less than the pre-FBC days, I feel good about donating about 115 plants.  I am sure my PS moved me around during surgery but I didn't wear undies. That is quite a visual! Mine is always taking pictures of me ---he better not have had a camera in there. I do have a photo of all the purple drawing on me for Stage II. It makes me laugh. I'm glad your eye is better.

    Nihahi, I thought of you as I slapped on my hiking boots to work at the Food bank today. They are the only thing to wear when I have the plantar's. I've had it many times and caught it early this time. Darn shoveling!  Yes, I did accept the board position and have been to a couple of meetings. I already feel like a rabble rouser...what a strange phrase..The pantry shelves are low this time of year through summer so we're looking forward to the postal worker's food drive and some school drives.

    What did I miss with Liefie re: tomorrow? I swear, sometimes I think my brain is really losing it. After trying to learn some Tai Chi moves yesterday, which uses a lot of brain power, I was calling sugar peanut butter and peanut butter catsup! The clients just smiled at me. 

    I have only thanked my PS verbally several times so far. I wonder what I said when Wilbur was with me? Ha!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2014

    jeannie.....I don't think you missed anything re: liefie (or else I did too!). Her original date for her "nip" and tuck was today, but she got in early. 

    fierce...that is such a bizarre story....and I too would be MORTIFIED to hear that explanation! Even though dignity is highly overrated....I'm with marty...give me surgical amnesia over awareness anyday, when I'm the one being worked on!!!! 

    morningsun...did you do those eggs??? That is such a cute pic!!!

    I'm trying to come up with an appropriate "thank you" for my PS too.....I know nothing I come up with be equal with my gratitude to him, but, it's the thought that counts.'re our resident "wordie".....exactly where does that odd phrase rabble rouser come from anyway???? English is so bizarre at times.

    149 days until W3....can't wait!!!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2014

    Oh, so they did not update liefie's surgery date there. Sorry for cause confusion here. I lifted the egg pic from a fb friend. It just made me think of the all the past and future egg-heads brought on by FBC. Your spring pics were really uplifting, nihahi. Can you put the link of your count down clock up to the front of this thread? I would love to be able to click on it when I need something to look forward to.

    A tennis friend of mine made a joke about praying for our body parts (we get injuries) and I was going to add "including the glowing ones," but that would involve a long explanation. No need to explain that to cancer warriors, Jeannie.

    Good "thank you" ideas, bailey. Maybe at w3, we can put all our heads together and think of a great "Thank you" for our docs.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2014

    bosum......So great to hear from you. 

    Your post reminds me of the very wise saying..."Without the darkness, we cannot hope to see the stars". Hold on to hope and.....

    Go to the class...GO TO THE CLASS....GO TO THE CLASS!!!!! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2014

    morningsun....I've tried to post a "link", but being technically challenged, it isn't working for me. I added a countdown to the header, and will try to keep it updated maybe once a week, until I can figure out a better way. 

    bosum....that fact that you are still "here" proves that you have been successful in getting yourself through some horrifically tough times. Nobody gets a prize for feeling  that you "handled things well"....sometimes true success means you somehow managed to drag yourself through the crap to get to "here and now". That class sounds wonderful, I'm so happy it "came" for you.

    sbe....hope you caught the train home, and aren't trudging up the coast wishing you had your bike!!!

    I'm out of here....have good days everyone...((((X)))

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    Yay, Bosum!  I agree, there are no coincidences.  Timing is everything.  Usually the view is quite different when we look back.  You go girl.  Nihahi, the pictures are wonderful.  I love all the pictures this group posts.  Happy Wednesday!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014

    Bosom, I am so glad you heard about that class. I hope it is very fulfilling for you. I know despair and crisis in faith. I am in a better frame of mind now, trusting, and I know you will get there, too.

    149 days!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited April 2014

    The train was wonderful.  Here in So Cal, not fighting traffic and just sitting back and watching the scenery go by from the window of the train is complete luxury.  It was a long day.  The meeting ended at 1830 and we had to hustle to grab something to eat and get on the north-bound train at 1920. 

    Routine follow-up with MO tomorrow, but they called to confirm the appointment and when I saw the caller ID on my phone I had to gulp.  That part of this journey just sucked...waiting to hear news, which most of the time was lousy!  Now I'm good friends with my MO and I look forward to saying hello, but still...

    Big news for me--May 5-16, Jerry and I will be in Israel.  Our church organized a tour with our teacher/pastor, and we leaped on it.  You may all wish me "Tzaraiim Tovim," which is "Good Afternoon" in Hebrew.  I hope to come home with a little more knowledge of the language, culture, and history!

    Bosum, enjoy the yoga.  Nothing happens by accident--this class is meant to help you.

    Fierce, I had NO idea they sat you up during surgery.  But I guess it makes sense--"how they hanging" becomes a reasonable question.  But...hands in the panties?  Huh?

    And to conclude, here is my son and his lovely family on Easter morning. 



  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2014

    Beautiful family, sbe, you done good!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Katy- Beautiful family. Have a wonderful time on your journey.

    I hear that many of you have had struggles lately. We are so lucky to have each other when we are down. You can almost feel the arms wrapped around one another. I know I have been picked up by many of you when I needed it the most. Hang in there!!

    When I walked in for my last surgery, in Chicago, I brought different cheeses and crackers. The nurses and docs were all over that. 

    I need to share my good news. I am returning to Chicago to see Dr. Massey for the final time on Monday. She asked me to come back for pictures. I can never thank her enough for what she has done for me. I will bring something healthy to her office and follow up with a heartfelt letter to her. This is big for me. It feels like closure on this particular journey. Wow, I didn't think I would ever get here. Feeling blessed. My hubby and I are going for the weekend to celebrate. 

    Take care sisters!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2014

    Sbel, beautiful family! When DH went to Israel on business and squeezed in some sightseeing, he said it looked a lot like San Diego (or S Ca) in summer. You will love it. 

    Bosom, I think God loves you ALL the time, no matter the circumstances. S$&t just happens.

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293
    edited April 2014

    FBb... Just the kind of images of the OR that haunt me!!  

    Sb... Your family is beautiful.  I can't believe how fast that baby is growing.

    Nahahi... How's the nip? 

    My nip looks good, but it isn't bop early large.  All this shrinkage talk scares me. 

    My anniversary of 32 years is tomorrow.  Wow, time does fly!