
  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    I don't get the concern about the name other than Moderna picked a cooler brand name 'Spikevax'.

    I'm more concerned that in a large hospital system where my Florida relative lives the number of COVID patients increased from 1 in 20 to 1 in 3 in 2 1/2 months. What are non-COVID patients supposed to do?

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Yes, what moth said! Vials produced earlier on retain the the pre-approval designation. Vials produced since approval will bear the brand name. Yes, the word “or” is there for that very reason and it’s later stated that the formulation is the same. I happened to glance at the vial that my booster shot was drawn from yesterday (the day after approval was received). It said , Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. No problem, same thing. Why do you see that as an issue? It’s not even a generic, simply the pre-approval vs the post-approval brand name.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    I am going to remove that sentence, as I do not want to put out misinformation. If I’m wrong, I admit it. I’m not sure.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424


    Spikevax! That is way cooler and catchier that Conmirty or whatever it is. I still think that it will be a while before we stop simply sayingthe Moderna or Pfizer vax.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    I do not feel that it is discrimination/bullying if I disagee with another's decision. I choose science and have had the vaccine. So if I am a sheep, so be it. I no longer wish to be told to stay home, criticized for wearing a mask, etc by the anti-vaxers so they can roam free in society, hold super spreader events and prolong the agony of this epidemic. I resent having to postpone outpatient surgery because there are no hospital beds available and the hospitals are so overrun with Covid cases that others are being denied access to necessary medical care including mammograms, breast bx, etc.

    Yes, everyone has a right to their opinion, and their rationale for making that decision but they must also accept the consequences of that decision if it goes south. None of us chose to develop BC so that is a common uniting factor, some of us are angry that we are having this experience (worst experience of my life to date and won't bore you with the details), but most have opted to take some form of medication deterrent (chemo, AI's. etc) to hopefully mitigate its impact. I have empathy for everyone who posts here and wants to rant.

    As far as surviving Covid, my DB (took all recommended precautions) is one who developed it before the vaccine was available, spent 2 months sleeping upright on his couch so he could breathe and now has long Covid issues. He will be on blood thinners for the rest of his life meaning he can no longer take the drugs he needed to treat his Psoriatic arthitis, has had to make adjustments in his lifestyle to prevent any injury which could lead to hemorrhaging and has some residual lung damage. So many who have survived will never have the quality of life they had pre-Covid and it may impact on their lifespan, ability to be providers, etc. It's a crapshoot as to what their outcome will be.

    I would experience guilt if I were unvaccinated, developed and survived Covid but caused another person to die due to my decision. This virus will continue to persist and evolve until we achieve herd immunity. The Covid dead have not been able to express their stance on whether they would have taken the vaccine which is more the pity.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Here’s a short piece on drug naming. Spikevax will be the European name for the Moderna vax. Why do they name the same medicines different things in different countries?

    From The Verge

    With official Food and Drug Administration approval, the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine can now be marketed as Comirnaty in the US, great news for general vaccine acceptance, sure, but also anyone who loves to fixate on bizarre drug names.

    Comirnaty is apparently supposed to be a portmanteau of several words — community, immunity, COVID-19, and mRNA — Fierce Pharma writes. The branding was produced for Pfizer-BioNTech by the Brand Institute — "The World's #1 Naming Company" — and while it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, it is at least shorter than most drug names.

    On the other hand, it's not nearly as metal as Spikevax, the European brand name of the Moderna vaccine and another Brand Institute project. Spikevax directly references the spiky structure of COVID-19 and the word vaccines (having "vax" in the name is big, I've read). It could mark quite a badass second wind for US Moderna fans who've lived in the shadow of the "hot-person vaccine" once it's approved by the FDA. Vaxzevria, the brand name for the AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe, is a bit more inexplicable. I really have nothing to say about it other than good on them for getting vax in there, and for immediately bringing Dr. Doom to mind anytime I read the name quickly.

    The names are goofy, but the absurdity is highlighted because, other than during our dark pandemic era, when would anyone notice the brand name of a vaccine? We're at a perfect intersection of having enough time to care, enough fear to obsess, and enough nihilism to laugh. Remember this next year when new flu shot brand names drop. Afluria 2 will need your attention.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Spikevax is metal! 👍😁

    I still laugh at Aciphex (say it). Thought the commercial was an SNL skit.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    Betrayal, I agree, someone expressing their opinion is not, per se, bullying. If you go back and read some of the earlier posts before I posted, many made me feel like I needed to sit back and take the extreme thoughts of being glad a doctor would refuse to treat an unvaccinated person, among other things. If a doctor does not want to treat an unvaccinated human being, they should get out of the business.

    By the way, I was not playing “the cancer card." I said I am dying of cancer and I won't care what anyone thinks on the other side. And, once again, I get to express my opinion, just like everyone else does. I really felt intimidated by what was being said but no more.

    And what I see here are people defending what they said and telling me I shouldn’t feel bullied, etc. It is what I felt, and I will not deny my feelings or have them discounted.

    Now, I am really getting off for tonight. I have something coming up. Bye

  • I’m really annoyed with the dribs and drabs of cancer effects. Seromas. Fatigue. Lymphedema. Cording. Diarrhea. Fatigue. Low wbc. Low rbc. Tests. Tests. Tests. Joint pain. Physical therapy. Chemo brain. Hearing loss?!? Tests. blood draws.

    As my SO says I’ve been poisoned, stabbed, and shot with lasers. Isn’t that enough?

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Posts: 813

    KBL, I am sorry you feel "ganged up on" as I care about you and you are an important part of our community. I am sure you have a good reason to not get the vaccine at this point. I didn't read all the thread and truly, whatever your reasons, it's none of my business. However, we need most people to be vaccinated. I read that the variants are caused by the Covid-19 virus sticking around and not enough of our population getting vaccinated, is this true? It is challenging because globally, we travel by car and plane and unless you are New Zealand or somewhat of an isolated country, how can we achieve "herd immunity"? I am 57 so was not around before Polio vaccines but from what I know, the vaccines were required and the Poliovirus was drastically reduced. Why is this different? I am honestly asking this question because I don't know the answer. These questions are for any of you that are in the medical field and might know the answers:)

    I understand people I know who have specific medical reasons, like allergies to contents in the available vaccines that can't take them, but we could most likely still reach herd immmunity if we kept those cases as unvaccinated but still had the majority get vaccinated. Does this make sense? A woman I work closely has an adult son that refuses to get the vaccine as getting vaccinated would make him have to attend college classes in person in NYC and he would rather do them online in Florida because it's warmer. This particular case seems like a selfish reason (my opinion) to not get the vaccine and potentially put others at risk.

    I have a shortened life span, like many on these boards. The continuation of Covid-19 not only puts us all at risk but also really limits the experiences I hope to have (visit family in Germany, trip to Hawaii with friends and family, a cruise to Alaska) before I have a serious progression or die. It makes me really sad.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sorry but a physician who does not want to treat an unvaccinated person is within his/her rights for self-preservation. Too many healthcare workers have made the sacrifice both pre- and now post-vaccine availability. Now that the vaccine is available, why should they or their other patients have to make the sacrifice for those who opt out? Your physician can discharge you from their practice if you fail to take responsibility for other aspects of your healthcare as well. Why should their insurance premiums be raised by poor decision making, untoward outcomes and patient's who too late have now seen the light that their advice was probably best followed? You can make the decision to change physician's if you do not like their advice nor wish to follow it. So I think the same applies to them so they can protect not only themselves but also their loved ones who may be at high risk. As John Donne said " No man is an island, entire to itself". For every decision one makes there are consequences and while I do respect your decision, I do not agree with it. So no bullying, nor discrimination from me, just the hard facts from my viewpoint. I hope you can find the peace you are seeking.

  • Someone said to me tonight( a patient at work) it is NOT a pandemic and it is a "mind" control thing enginered by the gov't. WTF do you say to that? Well, I said "must be all the countries in the world are involved". I have to be careful to mind my tongue at work but I did removed a little extra of his gingival tissue. There are countries that are going begging for a vaccine. He should be thankful he can get one....not that he has. Feeling evil but LOL

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424


    That was a lovely post. You seem like a very kind person. Yes, I agree that as a stage IV member, the continuing pandemic has dampened some of my plans. I just retired and had really hoped to have the freedom to travel. I hope that freedom returns while I'm still doing well. Mostly doing heavy grandma duty right now, which I love, of course!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Betrayal - I'm sorry. I hope that your DB can improve. There's so much they don't know about Long COVID. As far as doctors refusing treatment to unvaccinated, I posted an article about a clinician announcing just that. He was tired of watching them die. Others just quit entirely. Some have died. Hospitals will triage. We can't get younger or erase our cancer status, but most of us can get vaccinated and mask.

    NotAsCalm - Yep. It's the cancer-crapalanche. ☹️

    aprilgirl - We were supposed to travel this year. I was looking forward to going back to Italy. That student's reason to not get vaccinated is pretty selfish.

    KIDI - I would've had to excuse myself so he wouldn't hear me laughing to tears! Is this about the supposed chip in the vials? There are multiple doses in each vial. How would you ensure having one chip in each dose? Those needles are tiny. Does he carry a phone? I used to work on software that tracked mobile data. Maybe I programmed it to do mind control? 😉

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Since I have now had my booster, am I a three chipper? I still want to be blue tooth connectable but that only comes with the Asta Zeneca vax 😉.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    Alberta has a fully-vaccinated rate around 58% now. Looks to me like the vaccines work in keeping more of the vaccinated out of the ICU. If they didn't work, there would be more non-red cases in the ICU. But 58% isn't enough to keep the virus from spreading. It needs to be at least 80%.


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    rxbrnxgrl - My husband got AZ/Pfizer! I don't think his Bluetooth works. Maybe it needs to come in pairs? 😉

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    April, thank you for your kind words. I do feel better that I let out how I feel and now feel if I have something to say, I can say it without boiling inside. I probably should have said something sooner.

    I am not in the camp of believing this is a conspiracy or anything like that. As I said, I'm not anti vax or anti mask. I do wear a mask wherever I go.

    My daughter and son-in-law are both firefighter/EMTs and are on the front lines for 24 hours at a clip. I'm not naive that this is a real illness.

    I have to say I may not respond to every comment because there are many. It's not because I don't care, it's because I can't remember all of them as I read down.

    I have to say most nights I don't sleep through. I'd be surprised if I didn't tonight. I'm exhausted. I am at total peace with my decision

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667

    I don’t post very often but feel I need to say something. Why yes, we will be seeing variants because of the unvaccinated. Yes, there have been breakthrough cases of the vaccinated. So far, their cases are much milder and survivable. Let’s not get to the point that the virus is so virulent that science has difficulty staying ahead of covid. We’re seeing delta and lambda now. Must we go through the entire Greek alphabet before we reach herd immunity? Let’s try to stop this pandemic sooner rather than later. Whatever happened to “for the good of all mankind.” I’m tired of the all about me attitude. We need to protect those who legitimately can’t be vaccinated and the vulnerable population

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    Why does everyone feel the need to totally blame the unvaccinated for the virus spreading when vaccinated are also getting it and spreading it as well? If you have proof that this is not true, please post it. I'm not at all saying that the unvaccinated are not spreading it, but they are not to blame for all cases.

    Where my husband works, they had a lot of staff working from home while my husband worked in the building. They brought the people working from home back. The vaccinated were allowed to unmask and move about the office with a green sticker on their badge. Do you know what happened? Week after week, more COVID cases. Guess who had COVID? More of the vaccinated got it than anyone else. Now they have to remask.

    It seems the unmasked vaccinated at my husband's office are the threat at this point. Go figure. And here is a new kicker. If you're not vaccinated, you have to COVID test weekly. Vaccinated are also getting it. Is there a reason not to test everyone?

    Until tomorrow, goodnight.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    notascalm cancer is the pits. All the needles and people prodding at you all the time about something....and one more test........and one more....and one more.....never ends once you get get it. You get tired of it.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    We're blaming the unmasked/unvaccinated who ignore public health measures.

    Delta is more contagious even for fully-vaccinated. It's airborne. It lingers in a room even when empty. Imagine how smoke lingers. Mask up!

    Everyone should have been wearing a mask indoors no matter the vaccination status.

    It's no surprise if the unmasked were the ones to get sick. Vaccinations protect people from severe illness, but some people aren't as well protected if older or immunocompromised. Mask up!

    Did you see the chart above that showed it's mostly the unvaccinated in the ICU? Vax and Mask!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,424

    Read about all the ICU’s overloaded with Covid19 patients. Look at the stats of those who die from COVID . I don’t have it at my fingertips so I am understating this but at least 90% are unvaccinated. No one is saying nor has ever said that the vaccine guarantees that you will not contract Covid19. No one has ever said that the vaccinated can’t spread it. Breakthrough cases in the vaccinated continue to be the exception, not the rule. Those who do have breakthroughs fare better,require fewer hospitalizations,and experience fewer deaths than the unvaccinated. This is not an all or nothing proposition. Perfection in dealing with this is quite unlikely due to the nature of viruses. You look at the data from a reputable source, period.

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    KBL, in BC, *cases* (not hospitalizations) Aug 16-22

    • 2,870 cases or 70.2 per cent were among those who are not vaccinated.
    • 680 cases or 16.6 per cent were among those who were fully vaccinated.
    • 541 cases or 13. 2 per cent were among those partially vaccinated
    So over 8/10 cases are among people who are not fully vaccinated.
    The US CDC is also clear that vaccination is reducing risk of illness *and* transmission.
  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    looks like I’m late for the party but I understand both sides of the vaccine debate.

    KBL, I am not vaccinated either. I do mask indoors for my safety and others, so does DH who is also not vaccinated. In my case, I’m one of the 2% with a severe PEG/polysorbate 80 allergy, which was discovered by my first tries with 2 different chemo’s , one that caused a suspected but not confirmed seizure, big BP and oxygen drop and other crap and the 2nd that landed me in the ER with stroke level high BP and the most intense pain I’ve ever experienced. The ER doc actually told me that the last time she saw someone with my reaction, that person coded. These reactions were less than 10 seconds after the drip began, so it didn’t take much and I’m not willing to risk it when I’ve kept myself safe for 18 months now.

    My anger is the virtual finger pointing and shaming, those crazy and selfish unvaccinated people ruining everything for everyone. Some people are sure, some people are always going to be a problem but others have reasons and there is little effort to understand and the hostility is getting old.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    moth - I wish the percentage reported is based on the population vaccinated or not. Instead of 70.2% of cases are unvaccinated, report the number of unvaccinated cases/unvaccinated population. The difference is that as the vaccination rate increases, the % vaccinated will increase. Say 100% of the population is vaccinated. Then 100% of cases will be vaccinated. The count will be smaller. But if based on population vaccinated, then it's easier to see the difference in vaccination status.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    illimae - You're obviously one who cannot get vaccinated, and you wear a mask. I'm angry at people in real life who are anti-vax/anti-mask. They've protested here and disrupted vaccination sites. I'm angry at people in real life who have harassed others for trying to keep themselves and their families safe. Protesting at hospitals even. Virtual stuff is nothing compared to that.

    I don't know all the reasons that people haven't been vaccinated. Some don't have access due to proximity, time, or knowledge. But I'm tired of seeing people getting sick or dying when it's preventable. That's getting old.

  • Serenitystat: I don't think he thought he had a microchip (that was another person ... you hear all kinds of BS). More like the govt was seeing if people would go along with something the govt was telling them to do. I understand why some that are already under a heavy physical trial don't want to chance putting another chemical into their body. Maybe they shouldn't get it. When you are fighting CA and already have toxic chemicals going into you, do you really want to introduce another one? My SI had a terrible reaction to either the vaccine or a combo of her chemo and the vaccine. She plans on getting a 3rd vaccine but whose to say she won't have another bad reaction? Her doctors aren't sure what caused it. Anyway we are all sick of covid. That's for damn sure. I thought I would write in my grand daughters journal about the virus, masks etc. She said why Grama I won't forget this. I said maybe when your really old you won't remember. She thinks I'm "kinda old" where Great Grama is really old. Her Mom is only a little old. Thank goodness there is some laughter in our lives.

  • runor
    runor Posts: 1,615

    KBL!   YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!  Sorry, I have been off doing other stuff and not swooping in to read as thoroughly as I should. And then so much happens and it's like, wow, that's a lot of reading to catch up on!  I have kind of jumped over several pages so forgive if my comments don't quite follow the theme - I am not entirely sure what the theme actually is. 

    I heard someone describe this whole Lord Of The Flies mentality as a global pandemic of people who feel downtrodden seeing their chance to lord it over and take retribution on someone and that's what is happening. This vaccine- or- not divide is no longer a medical issue. It is a moral / mental health issue. It's the reaction of those who secretly feel powerless and want to kick some ass for it. That is a lot of what I am seeing here and everywhere. It was an interesting theory and I think it has some validity to it.

    I hear the hollering. Runor! I am immune compromised. I could get covid and I might die. I want everyone in the world to stop what they're doing and worry about ME because I am just that much more important than they are. They OWE it to me to make me safe! I DESERVE everyone to get vaccinated because MY health matters MORE than their rights and freedoms. (stomping foot and jutting out lower lip).    Nope.    While we have empathy for each other and the fragile state many of us live in, I cannot find in my ethical world view an opinion of myself  so high that I think I get to lord it over anyone, for any reason. I get a whiff of narcissistic  mindset, something wickedly selfish cloaked as selfless, a wolf in sheep's clothing. I am so tired of hearing unvaxxed are causing this pandemic to continue. Let's all talk smack about them and treat them like shit, dirty bastards that they are, coughing and getting their goobers on us.  Here's something to consider for those whose minds are not yet entirely brittle with virtuous certainty:  as a largely survivable virus, had we taken our lumps and toughed it out, let the virus do what it was going to do, we might now have a virus that billions of people are immune to (which is a bonus for them and all of us, especially our kids!) and a virus that had lost some of its teeth. Instead we put up a wall of vaccinated and the virus, thwarted, upped its attack game and became a new variant. It met more vaccinated, thwarted again and became a worse variant.  Those who got vaccinated created the push for the virus to get worse.  Instead of bearing your share of global risk you side stepped that onto someone else. You let your share of viral shit roll downhill onto someone else. THe unvaxxed could look at the  vaxxed and say they were irresponsible freeloaders who did not take their share of the badness, but made it worse for everyone else. There are whole populations on this planet that are not yet vaxxed and not likely to be soon and what do we Westerners export to their impoverished shores? A virus that formerly would not have killed many of them  now a virus hell bent on destruction, made so by us shirking our share of risk  and tossing that shit out for someone else to suffer.    So, with this as a possibility, the virtue in being vaxxed can be seen as the viciousness in being vaxxed.   At this point, with many years yet to go before we know things for certain, this is just as likely to be true as any other hypothesis we argue over. 

    God this is tiring. Today a guy said to me that he has a right to go to a restaurant and feel safe. No you don't. Who ever told you that? Driving to the restaurant makes you unsafe so when you accept that risk in stride, you accept all. You want no risk, then you may assign yourself no life. Your call. Not my problem. Not even a little bit. If you seriously feel unsafe in a restaurant, stay the fuck home. What he was actually saying is, I feel that I want special treatment and I will find it gratifying to see people at the next table kicked out so that I can feel superior and special.  This is mental and moral sickness. Not a health issue. In 2019 we all lived life the same way. Since when does a govt, in reaction to a not polio, not tuberculosis, not smallpox, not rabies, not ebola, not the Spanish flu virus, get to change our society with the snap of their fingers? Only if there is a great threat do we give up great things. This was NOT a great threat .  And wow, just wow, to the population of first world countries who so quickly became jackals and hyennas, ripping and tearing and blaming each other . I don't hate people who mask or vax. I hate their self granted superiority over me. They hate me. So I know exactly why KBL feels picked on and any of you claiming to not understand why she feels that way are being disingenuous and false. The tone here is that good people vax and bad people don't. Vaxxed are heroes and not vaxxed are devils. There is a debate and conversation the world needs to have, only we have not yet had it. 

    I am not vaxxed. Not saying I never will be but at this moment, I am not. At this moment in time the easiest thing to do is go with the pushy and convinced crowd who KNOW FOR CERTAIN that they are right. But are they?  Time will tell. I might end up being wrong about a lot of things. You might be wrong. Humility is utterly lacking in this conversation globally.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,063

    Runor, you are a phenomenal writer, and I appreciate you coming back to this conversation. It is because of your honesty of how you feel in the first place, I finally got the nerve to say how I felt. I appreciate you more than you know.

    NotAsCalmAsILook, I want to apologize that your rant is getting lost in the middle of this conversation. I do hear your frustration and feel for you. Hugs from here.