
  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    Hi LW422 - Thanks for the tip. I really appreciate it. All those companies use the term "coordination of benefits", so I had assumed they all "talked" to each other (and Medicare), but apparently that's not what "coordination of benefits" means. Anyway, the billing offices for the two medical places I go, gave me the Medicare number to call. They said I had to let them know, and that it usually works out better if the patient calls Medicare. I dreaded the 800 number and on hold forever thing, but did it. That was 2 months ago, and it is all still being processed, but the medical billing people are being much kinder and more patient these days.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419

    Threetree--I hope it gets worked out for you soon. Seems like we always have to "handle" this crap after all is said and done.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    LW - Well at least they're working on it. I so agree, this stuff just seems to come with the territory. I've just been surprised at how disjointed and uncoordinated all these systems are. Oh well.

  • A lot of people complain about universal health care where you do not have to deal with this all the time but pay a ton of taxes to pay for it instead. Might be easier though when it comes to serious health issues so you do not have those surprise things when they happen. It seems there are new meds to help fight things as well and then Medicare and other insurance does not always even want to cover it either.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    Guess that’s true, but have seen ppl from other countries say the waiting time for treatment is really long. No easy solutions.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,605

    As an adult I have lived in six different countries including two provinces of Canada and seven US states. Every medical system or insurance provider has some kind of problem whether it be cost, waiting time, doctor choice, regional doctor availability or access to certain treatments. It can certainly be frustrating dealing with any of them.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    I wish there was some way that all governments could provide quality healthcare for all with no one having to worry about finances, but then maybe also being able to offer some "extra" private insurance options for those who prefer or want to add that in some way, but I think all of the basics, and with good quality, should be available to all citizens of all our countries with no financial worries. I think someone in the UK told me once that while they have universal healthcare there are also private options that people can add if they so choose, and maybe those options do cost some, but it's there. I just don't know what the answer is, but I know that none of these systems we have are optimal. How do Scandinavian countries handle this?

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,605

    Even with universal health care there can be inequities that are not initially obvious. When I lived in the countryside in Scotland I had the choice of exactly one GP because he was the only option in my NHS geographic area. He was nice but not at all up-to-date and had no back-up coverage other than a distant hospital ER. When we moved into Edinburgh I had the choice of many GP practice clusters. I chose one affiliated with the university medical school and got excellent care with quick access to any specialist I needed to see. Private insurance was available but at the time I would have had to travel several hundred miles to see a doctor accepting new patients.

    In the US where you live makes a difference even with good insurance. In rural Arkansas I had a wonderful PCP who treated just about everything but that was good luck since he was the only one around. I currently live in a rural area where my healthcare options aren't great (local hospital has a Leapfrog safety rating of D) but can travel 100 miles to get good care. However, my bc diagnosis was probably delayed since I have no family history of cancer and figured that local mammograms on old equipment with whatever radiologist were OK. I have lived primarily in rural areas because of my husband's job so the local medical care has always been iffy, probably because it is so hard to attract doctors to the boonies. This is a complex problem that has no easy answers.

  • I have a Medicare Advantage plan (U.S.). It's a network system, but my coverage has been excellent, and the benefits improve a bit each year. Seeing my primary doctor is free, and the co-pay for specialists is $25. IIRC, when I had to see my MO more frequently, they didn't always charge if it was considered a follow-up in a short time period. There were some co-pays for procedures and hospitalizations, but 2018 with a lumpectomy, re-excision, a nephrectomy, several scans, and 6 weeks of radiation were manageable financially - at least we didn't go into debt. My plan has an out-of-pocket cap of around $2200 a year, and the premium is just the Part B that comes out of Social Security.

    I do live in a good-size urban area, so even a network plan has tons of doctors and hospitals from which to choose. If I lived in a small town, though, I'd be screwed.

    The other advantage to being in or near a city is the availability of teaching hospitals and their affiliates, which usually have sliding scale clinics or social workers who will assist patients with a payment plan with reduced fees. I'd prefer to live in a small town, but I can't afford it because of the lack of medical choices and care.

  • At least covid tests are free in the US. I've needed them and I am positive and thankfully doing OK. Had the fever and some aches. Fatigue is also getting a little better each day. I did report it to my GP and they are leaving it up to each individual if they want the anti viral. I didn't feel I was sick enough to request it.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    The last I heard (maybe a month ago?) the tests and the vaccines will no longer be free, starting soon. Maybe they have reconsidered? I haven't heard any updates. What a shame.

  • Threetree, test kits are available for free again and begin shipping on December 19. Here is the order link:

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    Thanks so much for the great info and link, hersheykiss!

  • ctmbsikia glad you are feeling better

  • So annoyed with myself and life at this moment I got a rather nice end of the year bounce at work and I spend it (Christmas gifts, other things for myself which can only be described as unnecessary ). Check engine light went off in the car so now getting that checked out, heat which we thought was fixed is out again in the house and one or two other annoying issues have popped up in the last week. I can’t undo that I spend the money but considering I only get paid once a month I should have waited on the non Christmas items since I know December is always a tight month. So annoyed at myself but also annoyed that I can’t seem to catch a break (and then I get annoyed at myself again for being annoyed ). Oh and because one of my diabetes meds has become the hot drug for people to get prescribed off-label for Weight loss I couldn’t get my three month supply this month while it would still cost me next to nothing because of my deductible being met so come Jan it’s back to 900 a month. Thank you for just letting me vent for a moment. (We have some space heaters so we are able to get the house warmed up a bit but I’m dreading the possibility of this being a major repair and I just don’t know how we will swing another big financial hit

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,961

    Hey Quietgirl - I'm real sorry that you are in this situation, and while I have no solutions to offer, I just want you to know "I've been there" and "I get it". Life really throws stuff at us sometimes and we just have to deal with it as best we can.

    That said, I do hope you have as Merriest a Christmas as possible, and appreciate those things you can appreciate during such a rough time. My best to you and yours for Christmas and a Happy New Year too!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    It really fries me that people who NNED a diabetes drug can't get it, because people who DON'T need it are using it for weight loss! It's not right!!!

  • Agree. DH is diabetic and he complains all the time about those commercials where people are complaining about poking their fingers. He says they are so numb from pokes he does not even really feel it any more much at all. I am thankful he is a vet and gets his meds from there since even with Medicare hehe was hitting the "donut hole" in 2 months. With VA he pays a small co-pay with his but it is minimal comparatively.

  • I find myself talking to the refrigerator saying, "Don't you quit on me!" It makes some really weird noises and it's got to be close to 30 years old. When the washer went after my husband died, I went to the mom-and-pop 2nd hand store and bought one for $195. It's a Maytag and so far it's doing an OK job.

    I just spent $85. on a filet so my grocery bill was over $200 and the liquor store was $150. The rest of my bonus will go to buying fuel oil! Ugh. My theory is you can't take this money with you, it's Ok to live once in a while, and somehow things will work out when there's a need. Don't beat yourself up too bad quietgirl.

    Here's wishing everyone a happy holiday. It's going to be brutal cold here as well as much of the US and Canada. Peace be with you. Stay warm.

  • I am so glad that I found this thread because I so desperately need to rant. I was just diagnosed HER2+ for the second time. My original DX of IDC and DCIS was in 2017, and I did all of the right things - chemo, radiation, immunotherapy. The tumor shrunk to nothing but I still had a lumpectomy. In less than 3 years I had a second diagnosis of DCIS. Even though it was stage 0, I opted for DMX. I went through two years of reconstruction surgeries (DIEP-FLAP) and here I am again with HER2+ IDC.

    I'm so tired!

    I am single, never married, have my own law practice, and I feel completely betrayed and abandoned. I'm a woman of faith, but I am feeling like Christ on the cross, forsaken by God.

    I am 53 years old. I don't have the benefit of a husband who can pay my bills while I'm home sick or a group medical plan or disability benefits.

    It took everything in me to work full time when I went through the first year of treatment, and I was energetic and hopeful when that all started. Now, after 6 chemo treatments, 33 radiation treatments, a year of immunotherapy, umpteen surgeries, including a lumpectomy, mastectomy, and 3 reconstruction surgeries, a broken leg, back surgery to alleviate pain due to degenerative spine disease and 4 bulging discs, covid, 2 months of bronchitis, hypercalcemia, and a parathyroidectomy, the idea of facing chemo and surgery and trying to keep my practice running so that I can pay my bills is so overwhelming that I can't even process it.

    I am a planner, and right now I have no idea where to even start on a plan. The last 6 years have brutalized me to the point of inaction.

    I am just so. tired. of everything.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    Oh, Dawn, I wish I had a perfect response for you. I'm so very sorry for all you are going through. Come on over to the "Thread for middled-age to older Christian women" (or something like that). We have no perfect answers, but you'll find women of faith there and lots of support. This site has been wonderful for support for me. I hope you find the same in the midst of all this craziness!



    Here is the link:

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,605

    Dawn, I'm so sorry that you find yourself in this predicament. Is there another lawyer who could (even temporarily or part time) help with your business such as one who is retired, currently home with the family, or in another solo/small practice? Is it time to go in with a firm which would lessen your independence and possibly your income but would give you more flexibility to deal with your health issues? Taking a loan from your retirement account is not the best financial move but is an option to help you get by. After all the medical problems of the past six years I don't blame you for feeling defeated. Here's hoping that after getting the frustration out you can figure out a way to deal with this. Best wishes going forward. Know that there will be many followers of this thread rooting for you.

  • Carol, thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out.

  • Thank you Maggie. I have a fairly specialized practice, so finding a replacement part-time or full-time is difficult. And no firm would want to pay me just to go on medical leave. Working for yourself is fabulous until it isn't. 😕 I will just have to find a way...

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    ok, coughing tourist rant.("you" meaning "one", not personally someone here) Masking isn't about you. In a crowded place, ie my hometown nyc, your coughing maskless on my bus with 70 passangers is a problem. Even if I don't get it today from you because my kn95 worked, you just spread it to my neighbors, who may spread it unknowingly because they are asymptomatic or pre-symptoms.

    Am home recovering from DEIP surgery. 1st 4 days in the hospital, next 7 pretty helpless at home. Then COVID!!!! How??? Other than trips to hospital for presurgical covid exam, the surgery, and a post surgical appointment, I didn't leave my apt for a month!!!! And when I go out, I mask. My family tested negative regularly. One of the unmasked cab drivers? The unmasked coughing girl who got on my elevator in one of my 3 trips? Who knows.

    I just wish that all those unmasked coughing people spreading Upper respiratory illnesses from their hometowns would get a belly and chest full of stitches and THEN try the covid coughing.

    If you are coughing, put on a mask before going into a crowded space. Especially when its one locals can't avoid, like transportation or grocery stores.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Posts: 4,191

    Amen Dancemom.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    Oh, Dancemom, I totally agree with you! I had COVID and was in the hospital for a couple of days with a fever. I can't imagine coughing with DIEP stitches. I hope you're feeling better very soon.

    (masked) (((hugs)))


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    oh dancemom that is terrible. We are staying away from eyeryone if we can no matter what. Terrible to feel so trapped but do not trust anyone anymore and feel like can't go anywhere or do anything safely anymore. We stay holed up all the time.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Posts: 776

    Happy New Year Steam Room!

    Sorry to hear about sickness. I was lucky and got the Covid in early December, so was doing better by Christmas. I still have a slight cough, and yesterday found myself short of breath which is unusual for me. I was cleaning up from a New Year's brunch and 1pm football game and was up and down the steps a lot I guess. Kept having to take breaks.

    I really want to tell my in laws (hubby's siblings) that I'm not even going to bother next year. One of them stayed for under an hour, the other one said oh we go to eat and to the grocery store every Sunday-HE FORGOT. ((His brother had been cooking holiday breakfast for close to 20 years!)) It was a holiday was it not? Are you that regimented you can't eat anyplace else on a Sunday? My God they are all getting crazier by the day. Another 2 just didn't show at all. There's one way to upset an Italian by not eating anything!!! I was glad I had a few other friends over and watching the game is always fun, even though we lost-eh. With all the sickness going around that could have had something to do with it too. It was a much smaller than usual gathering. I brought some leftovers into the office so at least I won't end up tossing it.

    I give myself to Jan 15th to get all the decorations put away. I'm too old to get it all done in a day.

    Labs and MO appt. later this month.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    ctm, families can be whacky, right? Sometimes it's a relief when one or more of them don't show up for something. Sorry your team lost. We watched a couple of games. The USC game was game was crazy close. We watched part of the Rose Bowl game yesterday. We left my dad's house before it was over, but I checked the score on my phone app and saw that PSU won.

    I just did a quick Google search on "whacky" vs "wacky" and here's what I found:

    "whacky / wacky Although the original spelling of this word meaning "crazy" was "whacky," the current dominant spelling is "wacky." If you use the older form, some readers will think you've made a spelling error."

    Personally, I prefer whack-a-doodle.