CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited August 2015

    Suladog, it just makes you just wonder if we are all going to fry before we get some rain. Now with the burned off hill sides, if El Nino is as strong as some predict, there will be another disaster. Guess we just have to hang on.

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    Yes... On one hand I'm hoping for El Niño, on the other... We live across the road from a, our house is on a rise and elevated, but I always like to be prepared. In LA we lived in Santa Monica and Malibu, which was the worst, we were right on the beach and the tides would rise and the waves would hit and the whole place would shakeI couldn't wait to move out of there to Santa Monica. One evening about 10 yrs ago we were driving back to LA from Sonoma through a terrible storm, it was the night the whole hillside came down on a bunch of houses near Oxnard and several people were killed in the mudslide, when we got to Malibu the neighbors were dragging sandbags around, filling them up and piling them up to prepare for the potential flood.

    Our neighbors here in Sonoma have a huge redwood tree on their property which scares me, it got to be 8 stories at least, I worry about a bad El Niño and that thing coming down... Not to mention fires!!

    Stay safe

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015
    Sul...........that is some scary stuff.................praying for you Ca. ladies.....and hoping the good Lord keeps you all safe........

    In Philly area we are in kind of a valley type situation, so much of the crazy weather goes over or around us........but we do get does New Jersey........but Tornado's, Hurricanes, Big fires, and major flooding is not something we get here..........Now some of Pa. does, but now in the Philly area.........not that it couldn't happen..........Big storms scare the hell out of we do get the "heat", and the "humidity", which can be brutal........but stay in a/c and your fine..................

    II think about all of you everytime the news comes on.............
  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited August 2015

    It is scary in California right now. Fortunately no fires close to us yet, this year but the fire season is far from over.

    I lived in Oakland during the big firestorm in 1991 and it came right up to our backyard: spared our house but took most of the houses around us. An awful time. Something like half the families at our kids' school lost their homes.

    Sula, we had a big redwood tree in our backyard which burned and we thought it was dead. Nope, came back within two years. Redwood is very fire resistant and burns very slowly. In fact, after the fire we found out that one of the reasons our house was saved was that the fire crew in the area decided to make their stand there: partly because they realized our house was made of redwood (it was an old house, built in the early 1900's). I certainly hope no fires come to Sonoma, however! or floods!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Hi-- Any chance I could hang out in the waiting room with all of you? I've been lurking for a bit from here in NYC, where we have heat and humidity but no forest fires! Fingers crossed for all of you in the west who have been dealing with that threat.

    Me: newly diagnosed in April with aggressive HER2, cancer biopsied in right breast but not the lump that's in my left breast. Have just started 5th cycle (13th week) of Taxol/Herceptin/Perjeta. The initial chemo seems to be doing its job, but I entered Crazy Town on Friday when MO ordered a PET scan for a couple of weeks hence and sent me back to the surgeon. But surgeon and MO are both going on vacation (what? they get to do that?), so it is going to be a few weeks before I know anything. Hoping I can get the PET results from the MO who is covering for mine while she's out of town.

    When I was first diagnosed, I found myself watching reruns of Downton Abbey, which is my comfort food for the mind. Then I got on with things as I became used to the new normal of BC. Within a couple of hours after the MO said "Pet scan," there I was in the chemo chair, pulling up an episode of DA on Amazon Prime. It's the television equivalent for me of, I don't know, peanut butter and jelly. Very soothing and a little less fattening.

    Happy Monday to all!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited August 2015

    Sula, I remember the mudslide in Oxnard. What a horror! The coast is beautiful and there's a price to pay to live in that beauty, just as the fires in our mountains.

    Octo, I remember the Oakland fire, too. We bought our property that day and learned about the fire as we were driving back to LA, wondering if we had just made a mistake.

    We've been very careful of our landscaping and try to keep everything fresh and clean. We have drip irrigation on all the plants we've planted, so that helps, but with the pond going dry, we worry.

    Ducky, I'm a native of California and all the disasters you face in the east, make me feel lucky that all we usually only have to worry about our earthquakes. Sorry you had to sell the beach house. I'm sure that was a heartbreak.

    Hoping everyone finds some sanity today. Jan

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited August 2015

    I was having a sane day

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    rainnyc, wow you and I must have the same docs or cousins. I have been dealing with a funkie back issue, they say it is spinal stenosis. First doc wanted to do surgery to I found a new one who does non surgerical treatments and he suggested some shots. But when he heard my history of reactions to meds, he is insisting on approval from my allergist, allergist wants to do a skin test, got the med to him for the skin test and guess what....he left of vacation and only returning on the 11th......yikes so still in pain! PCD gave me some meds, one of which I got itchie from.....

    best thing is the pool so feeling find now after a morning in the pool!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    JAN- "scanxiety" roflmao.

    I also hope everybody stays safe- from the fires and the awfulizing we do on ourselves!

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Rainny- nice to see you here. Sorry about the pet scare. DA does wonders for me too. Love Dame Maggie and the rest!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    proudtospin, sorry you're still in pain. SO frustrating! Is there anything you can take in the meantime?

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    yes! Scarey California weather is right! I'm a 5th generation San Franciscan (family came here in 1849) so you'd think i'd be used to it. We bought our new house in Sonoma last year and moved in after a4 mo renovation. 2 wks later he had an earthquake, and two weeks after that I was diagnosed w/cancer's always something! I remember the fires in '91 we have friends in Piedmont and my husbands cousin lives in Albany in the Berkeley hills so they both had close calls. Let's hope there no fires too close to any of us. We live on the East side of Sonoma, not far from the Plaza and I like being in town rather than way up in the hills above town where our old house was surrounded by a vineyard, I used to worry about that a lot, some of these hills up here have only one way up and down which reminds me of the fires in San Diego 10 yrs ago! Ashes were falling on us at the beach from that one.


    we have drip irrigation at our place too. We're on a 1/4 of an acre which is pretty large for in town and the house we ought has an extensive garden. we took out all the lawn and put in gravel and raised beds in back, took out the lawn in front and had xeriscaping done. we do have gorgeous old roses though and lots of other flowers, this garden was a labor of 30 yrs of love by the former owner (another 10 + yr bc survivor) so we've obviously kept that as it was a major selling point. We're very drought and "green conscious" so a lot of the renovation we did included that sort of stuff inside and outside. Can't be too careful, as long as no neighborhood kids decide to play with matches!


    my husband grew up in NYC and Connecticut so he laughs when I complain about heat, evidently you East coasters have it worse with humidity! My nurse and her husband were over for dinner on Saturday and moth of them are midwestern natives and they gave me a big lecture on humidity, so I've been schooled!


    I hate when they go away and leave one hanging!!!! How dare they vacation...The last time my MO was away and I was in the middle of Taxol, his partner who's not my doc filled in for him. This guy an old paternalistic asshole told me that diarrhea, and nausea was not a Taxol side effect . He was so full of shit, defintely more full of shit than I was at the time and that's going some. This guy was no dummy either and is the chief of the northern Ca society of oncologists. My nurse , (after he left the room) said he was so wrong so I totally get guys that deny SEs and how frustrating that is, Hopefully the fill in MO can set your mind at ease with out waiting for you guy to come back from vacay. Measnwhile there are all of us here for you.


    hope you're feeling better soon and enjoy your pool!

    Ok, so enough of all the cheery talk! Back to work in the salt mines of Hollywood, writing a comedy right now so hopefully I'll be able to give myself some laughs today. Check in with all of you guys later, have a semi-sane day.'s Patsy who walked into a dress shop over the weekend and helped herself to a dressing room, that's my husbands legs in the background


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015
    Back pain.....brutal.........I have spinal stenosis too, plus 2 broken vertabrae which one was repaired and the other wasn't......arthritis has beat the hell out of everything....I said "if I could get all new parts from the waist down I would be a new woman.........even at 80...........even with the bad back I still would be a lot better off if the legs, knees, and feet were ok............sometimes I'm not certain if the poor balance, is cause from the feet and knee thing, or if it is the BP meds..........

    I told my kids........if a cop ever stops me for any reason and tells me to get out of the car, i"m in trouble....I have to steady myself first before taking a step........not a pretty site.............this is how it would go......

    Officer.......Ok lady out of the car.....
    Me.....Offficer what did I do wrong........
    Officer......Your not very steady on your feet........I want you to move away from the car.....
    Me.......But officer..............
    Officer......Lady do as your told....move over there and walk a straight line right to me........
    Me........LOL...Officer, just put on the cuffs and take me to way this body and these feet are going to do that task...........................hahahahahahahaha....
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    Ducky, how do you treat your spinal stenosis? first doc I saw wanted to do surgery, so I found dif guy and he wants to do shots but my allergy history freaks him and me out! PCD gave me percoset and I got itchie the other night!

    heating pad and pool are the only relief

  • Alyson
    Alyson Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Hi all have been reading and enjoying. Crazy town continued even after many years. 

    Proud how are things?  I had spinal epidural for pain about four weeks ago but it hasn't really worked which is a bother. 

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited August 2015

    Forget Crazy Town, a conversation with my mother today drove me right past here to Insanity Acres! Was getting so upset with her that I was sure it was going to drive my BP up, so I had to hang up on her for self-preservation and preventing me from really unloading on her about how my hubby and I are treated by her and the way she views how we live our lives.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    Alyson, plan is for some sort of shot for the back but doc wants it allergy approved first. I had a wicked reaction to a steroid for my sinus issues a while back. I just spoke to my back guy and he is going to set me up with chiropractor and acupuncturist and that actually makes me feel less nervous than those things did in the past. So your shot did not help?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015
    Proud...........When I broke the first vertabrae they were able to do something called worked wonders.............2nd time I waited too the process of moving at 75 years old.....(ugly long story), so I put myself last, and by the time I went it had healed, and they could do nothing.......the Dr. said "I can help you by doing "shots".......I said "no thanks"..........same guy who did the surgery......he said "that is your only choice..............I said "no thanks".......he said "ok, well you will come back when the pain gets bad enough"............I said "well don't load the needle up cause it ain't gonna happen.......
    The spinal stenosis........same suggestion by another Dr. a few years ago....refused needles in my spine, especially since it doesn't always this is what I did.

    Acupuncture............I swear by it.........I could barely straighten up..........I went to a fantastic Chinese acupuncturist, and after the first time it was great....but decided to go 2 more times even though she said "you fine"...........I wanted to be sure........and trust that is with my person...not sure about the others.......this woman has hands of at the University of Penna. hospital, but has her Oriental Medicine Office around the corner from me....................she is a miracle daughter, son in law, and another daughter......all went to her........2 with back and with neck..........she is amazingg.....

    Give it a is worth it, and it does not hurt....I swear it does not...I am a sissy.....and did she does massage, cupping, hot towels, and hot stone massage.....all for $45.00 for 1 hour.................

    Cant do Chiro. afraid they will break a vertabrae when they do their twisting, and pressing........ruled that one out.........give me acupuncture anyday...........
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015

    I have a 20 x 42 foot pool at my shore home which I am going to sell.....(not cause I want to)...........but notup here in Pa.............wish I could move it is great for anything "sore".........imageimage

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Posts: 211
    edited August 2015

    Ducky - where have you been?

    What's the story with the pilot?

    Been waiting for the news...................

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    new plan for back pain, spin doc says ok for chiropractor and called a guy who a gym pal loves and is close

    so tomorrow will be my first try at this adjustment stuff~~

    I will likely be nutty by the morning but told him I am a newbie

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Suladog, I LOVE it when they tell you something isn't supposed to happen. Like, for instance, nausea on Taxol. Hmm. Patsy is adorable!

    Hi Katy!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015
    Hi Kathy.....been laying low.....frustrated over having to sell my shore house, and doing things down there to get it ready to sell...........

    I will be going to Chicago in a couple of weeks........not to anxious about all know how I hate flying........and with the bad knees now,m the walk through the terminal to the gate is brutal........and of course there are "golf carts" and "wheel chairs" daughter of course who has no sympathy or mercy says to her husband when he says "Michele your Mom can't walk this far"...................."Yes she can, its good exercise"...................of which I have no doubt.........but with a bone to bone left knee, and a right one crying because it has to do most of the work"............I don't think so................., but yes will see my pilot then .....LOL
  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited August 2015

    Rainy and Allyson.. Great to see you both here in the Land of the Crazy's :-)

    Ducky.. BaHaHa.. I love how the conversation with the police would go. 😃 I've been missing you and your humor so much !! Photos of your pool are gorgeous.!! I know you must be feeling sad selling , but no one can ever take away your wonderful memories there from you. They are yours to keep forever...Hmmm...I would of thought that sexy pilot of yours would of helped with your fear of flying. :-)

    Mommy.. Sorry about the conversation with your Mum.. Gosh.. Just as well you did hang up to prevent that BP going through the roof.!! :-o

    Slow.. my daughter's birthday party went off very well, thanks.. Such fun watching all the little ones play (and fight.!! ) together. 😃 Not long until your nephews arrive now.!!

    HI to everyone else.!! Hubby's calling me si I have to run.. I love you all...!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015 is very hard.............all of the 6 kids were not interested in the 3 daughters were.......after my husband died and had only gotten to enjoy the house for 6 years one of the daughters faded out of the picture...........leaving 2 daughters who came down a lot, helped take care of the place (their husbands too), and somehow this went on for 23 more years.........

    Once Stella became sick with her seizures this past year my one daughter was not able to come for fear of seizure happening in the car, or cluster seizures down the shore with no 24 hour vet..................]

    So that left my one daughter and her husband this year to do what had to be done..........still thinking we can do this.....she has a daughter who is getting married and they were coming too....................about 3 weeks ago she told me she bought her own home,.............I was is over an hour from my house down the shore.................soooooooo.............with them having their own house now, it was not possible for them to help me...................nor would it be fair to them........

    She said to me "Mom I bought a home big enough for you with your own room and your own are welcome all the time......this is your room, and only your is 6 BR, and 5 bathrooms.......then said "if you want to keep your house we will do what we can to help you with the how could I expect then to do that.....not fair of me.

    Well all well and good, but it is not my I am forced to sell........I have 3 sons, but they have never cared for the shore house, and also bought their own places.............

    Bottomline...........I have to sell.....but don't want to.......but I daughter's house will never be the same......she bought in an area with nothing to do.........I was in Cape May.., also close to Stone Harbor, and Wildwood........but it is what it is...............they are beach people, me too, but when the crazy tourists arrive at the beach.....we would leave and come home to our pool....and sit with a drink, and watch the grandkids play in it, and have fun with them................all over...........but then again that group of grandchildren are now 14 ro 32..................not babies anymore.............but I still have 6 great grandchildren who will never get to know their "Poppies Dream Home"..........sad

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    I'm sorry ducky...sad indeed. But I hope your memories do sustain you. Hugs.

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    That's one gorgeous pool, I'm so sorry you have to sell your house, it's hard when no one in the family wants to take on the care of a cherished family place, but it's great that you guys have had so many happy years and memories there. Now you need to make the "acquaintance" of a helicopter pilot who can set you down right in the driveway. I don't know how you work your airplane magic but I have a hunch you can do it!

    Hope you're feeling better by the time for your trip

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2015

    So sorry Ducky. ((Hugs))

    Mommy, Sometimes I think you and I have the same mother!

    I just had an argument with the insurance company over my letrozole. I had ordered a refill about two weeks ago, which they cancelled without telling me. I have four pills left and am leaving on vacation in four days. So frustrating! They are sending it overnight delivery. This insurance stuff is getting to me.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    I'm sorry, too, Ducky. That pool is beautiful, and so is Cape May.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited August 2015

    JAN, that sounds like a plan. I have family in PA, so we will spend more time there!! Plus, our Ducky is there too!!

    Rainnyc, Welcome to this thread!! That really sucks about your MO going on vacation. I guess they don't realize we are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting on test results. Sending best wishes for good results. I am also a Downton Abbey watcher. I was pretty bummed to hear this next season is their last one.

    PTS, I also get itchy when I take pain meds. I always have to take Benedryl with them. Good luck with the chiropractor.

    Sula, I really believe the MO's go through some kind of training to talk around our questions, and they deny our SE's have been caused by our treatment. It's almost like an unspoken rule between them. A secret MO society!!! They all read from the same script. Such a cute pic of Patsy. My young dog growls at himself in the mirror. He thinks he's another dog. It's so funny.

    hahahaha Ducky. I like your cop story. Big hugs to you!! Wish you didn't have to go through all this house stuff.

    Alyson!! Good to see you here. So glad you've joined us!! Hope your RA is doing better.

    M0mmy, I know moms can be difficult, but it sounds like your mom is a step up from difficult. I think hanging up may be a better option than arguing. I hope things get better for the two of you.

    Lucy, glad to hear the party went well. My nephews arrived today, and I spent most of the day with them. They are coming over tomorrow with their mom, my sister, my other niece and her kids. I will have a full house tomorrow. My DD is coming on Thursday and spending four days here. It will be a busy week for me.

    Tomboy, ツ !!

    My DH has heard my Crazy Town stories, poor guy. He said a good song to describe my Crazy Town paranoia would be -

    Head ,Shoulders, Knees and Toes

    Head and shoulders knees and toes
    Knees and toes
    Head and shoulders knees and toes
    Knees and toes
    And eyes and ears
    And mouth and nose
    Head and shoulders knees and toes
    Knees and toes

    Feet and tummies arms and chins
    Arms and chins
    Feet and tummies arms and chins
    Arms and chins
    And eyes and ears
    And mouth and shins
    Feet and tummies arms and chins
    Arms and chins

    Hands and fingers legs and lips
    Legs and lips
    Hands and fingers legs and lips
    Legs and lips
    And eyes and ears
    And mouth and hips
    Hands and fingers legs and lips
    Legs and lips

    What a perfect song for CRaZy tOwn!!!!

    Sleepy time for to all the crazies!!