CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • rleepac
    rleepac Posts: 193
    edited August 2015

    It's 1 am and I can't sleep. I have 7 appointments on Thursday and Friday and then surgery in 2 weeks. I've had numerous other surgeries so I don't know why this one is making me so anxious but it is. I'm awake despite Ativan, fiorcet, robaxin, and a glass of wine. My mind just won't shut off! I'm not worried about surgery or tests but I am anxious about it all - if that makes any sense? Plus I had this overwhelming feeling of sadness today and that is sticking with me :(

    I guess I'll just wait until my body has had enough and I fall asleep in the recliner. I don't want to go to bed and toss and turn and keep DH awake too.

    Oh the joys of Crazy Town...


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Bekah, I am awake if you want to talk.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    I will take a benadryl or two if I really want o sleep. They are the same thing as an over the counter sleep aid, you know, the advil kind? I am not worried too much about dying from mixing up meds, or having them with a glass of wine. After all, Hey, chemo didn't kill me! Ha!

    Hey Bep! Love the song! Is that weepies by chance? I am imagining all of your family there, laughing and playing and eating with you. And I am also wondering,who might be sleeping in "my" bed!?! heh heh

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Rleepac, I don't even know what fiorcet and robaxin are, they sound yummy though!

    Alyson, nice to see you here, I am sorry your back hurts. I really am starting to hate pain, in all it's infinite varieties and manifestations. It's really starting to make me grouchy, I really have to watch it, or I will turn into my mom. WhomI really love, but can't fix. Like M0mmyof2's mom, my mom can make me crazy instantly. But I am really worried about her lately, because all that come's out of her mouth is vitriol and hate against somethin or another. It's really unpleasant, but I am trying to be a good daughter by trying to lighten things up. It's kind of awful, and I ask myself, "is this what the raging against the dying of the light part looks like?". Sometimes I don't want to call her or hear it.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Suladog, I live in Los Angeles proper. Do you know where Silverlake is? We live in an old house we fixed up, we live upstairs and make things down stairs, mostly messess. Is that too many s'ss's? That looks weird. I really Love LA, but i am a bit over all the noise, mostly traffic, but helicopters too. For those who may not be familiar, silverlake is between hollywood and glendale, just like Mildred Pierce! My man wants to live in santa barbara, but ventura would be alright! And less expensive. We are both wanting more space around us, and I want a garden! I want a dog and a cat! And some chickens, maybe too. I love to garden, but am pretty tired of containers.. I only have chives this year, and basil, I just wasn't sure how much we would be at home this summer.

    And speaking of summer, Ducky, I am so so sorry that the house will have to be sold. Isn't there anyone in your large and extra-ordinarily handsome family, that maybe could live in it, and be caretakers of it? If not, I will send my brother out right away.

  • rleepac
    rleepac Posts: 193
    edited August 2015

    Fiorcet is for migraines and Robaxin is a muscle relaxer. That combo should have knocked me out! Might try some Benadryl... It's been at least 4 hours since I took the other stuff.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    My brother is another reason why my mom is so unhappy. Through another series of unfortunate events, he is homeless. He takes care of this blind friend of his, who has aids. My brother has been taking care of him for 20 years, but in that time, thats all he did, so they are now living in motels. It takes all there money each month, and then- motels in ca, at least the seedier type, you can only stay for 28 0r 29 days, sooo my sister, who attends a very fundamental church, er well used to, puts them in her car and drives 100 feet to the next seedy hotel, while beating him up over the head with her version of G-d. I am not making this stuff up. I have tried to help, it just doesn't work...

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    I think I must have put you to sleep, Rleepac.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Oh, there you are! That is a lot of stuff coming up, and turning off my mind enough to sleep was one of the hardest things about this whole bc deal. That other stuff sounds strong, but good ole benadryl is a proven sleep aid. I hope it helps, but are you gonna ask them for something stronger? This is really the time when your brain needs the rest.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited August 2015

    The relationship with my mom is way past difficult, its starting to become toxic. Trying to avoid being exposed to that all the time. In her opinion the only way things are done is her way. Everything has to be done as she wants, when she wants, no matter what it costs or who it hurts! Oh well!

    Ducky, sorry you have to sell your house. It looks lovely!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    Slow, good to know I am not the only one to get the itchies from pain meds,

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Tomboy, my bff lives in Burbank! And my bro (rip) lived in Glendale. Know Silverlake well. If I get down that way, I'll look you up!

    Btw, just started Tamoxifen. It's keeping me awake, I think that's what is keeping me awake, hmmmm, but anyway, for any of you crazies on Tamoxifem, Benadryl is on the "don't do it list". It interferes with the effectiveness of Tamoxifen, due to an enzyme pathway, or some such thing. I also used to rely on Benadryl to help with sleep. But not any more. See the article below for a complete list of meds you should be aware interact unfavorably with Tamox.

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Posts: 211
    edited August 2015

    Hey Ducky,

    You did not get those bad knees up in the cock pit? wink, wink

    Sorry, for my crude humor - I know you can handle it.

    I cannot imagine selling our current home where we raised our kids, when the time comes, I hope I am gone first and my husband has to deal with it. I have always told my children, when I die, just drag me to the wash behind the house and let the coyotes have me, I will never move again! they think I am kidding.

    I can see some great memories at your daughter's home. Although, not your ideal, let her entertain and be a part of the audience and just enjoy!



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015

    imageKathy .love your humor.....and yes the pun intended....................those damn places are small..........

    Kath I have moved so many friggin times I feel like a wondering Nomad........

    I lived in an apt. in Washington State (Yakima) when my husband was in the Army...

    Came back home and moved into aother apt....was there ford 1 year....I lived above my mother the she decided to move because the neighborhood was changing........she gave e $1,000 to put down on a house and she bought my Grandmothers home who had died...........I lived with her at her "new home' for 3 months while we waited to settle the house I bought..................I stayed there for 15 years until we fially "screwed" ourselves out of that place by having 6 kids...........

    I moved from that house in the "city of Phila" to the suburbs and stayed there for 24 years and that is the house my husband died in......6 years after we bought the shore house......It was a monster house 13 rooms and 2 1/2 baths......the neighborhood again was changing dramatically...and I stayed too long, but my daughter got married from there and 4 years later I moved again

    Ok now I am in Springfield, Pa......i a home that I bought out of home sold in 2 months and settled 2 molnths later...I needed to find a place so I bought what I liked but did not love.............

    Knowing I was not happy there my son suggested me moving to a lovely home right behind him, and he renovated the entire house......after 5 years he told me he had to sell that house and I had to "go"......I was renting from him, but did get a great price for the house I sold to go there...............he and his wife have marital problems......he can't keep the house I am in, so "out I go again".

    Well I am in the house now in Drexel Hill......this one too was completely renovated fromn top to everything...gorgeous.....but took a Home Equi'ty LIne of Credit to get it.......(on the shore house.)...........beside the fact no one goes down,, my daughter bought her own place....the bank decided they want their money back.................easiest way to take care of it all..............Sell the shore I actually moved many times.

    It seems since I left the home my husband died in..its been ugly......had that neighborhood not gone bad I would have stayed there, but picture Ferguson, you know what I mean.............soooooooooo..............

    Each time I moved I said......I will go out of here feet first.............LOL........want to see God "laugh"...............MAKE A PLAN..................

    Believe it or not, the house I owned the longest, but was in the least is the shore house........LOL.....crazy huh........our plan was to retire there, and come 2 hours back to Philly during the week, and stay with the kids a couple days.............................Like I said...................Don't make plans............LET GO, LET GOD.........BECAUSE IN THE END HE MAKES THE FINAL DECISION...........

    I never planned on losing my husband when he was 57 to Pancreatic cancer.....but hey...............SHIT HAPPENS.........for those who never saw him.............

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    your husband ducky was a handsome man as I am sure you have been told

    me, back from my first visit to the chiropractor for my back, Think this is going to be good for the dang back so feeling very positive if just a tad sore

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Posts: 211
    edited August 2015

    Chiropractors are great. They are just manipulating the body and don't believe in drugs. they believe in natural approaches, generally - or at least mine does.

    you will be a satisfied customer PROUD!


    Cock pit - so appropriately named!

    so your year round home is good for you to stay?

    I picture having a bike with baskets, I can ride to the grocery store, when I retire.

    No more car, just grocery shopping and flower shopping.

    Enough yard to have cut flowers and sun to hang my sheets.

    OR a lot of help!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    hmmm Kathy, I like the help in retirement!

    well after first chiro thing I do like it and feeling positive and it sure would be nice to avoid shots or surgery!

  • kathy7
    kathy7 Posts: 211
    edited August 2015

    the first time they crack you it is somewhat disconcerting. But the relief, at least for me, was immediate.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited August 2015

    Ducky.. You lucky girl.. You're husband is gorgeous.!! I bet you were a happy girl he kept he kept his shoes under YOUR bed .:-) .and a lovely family man.. wanting the shore house for all his family to enjoy... HaHa.. You screwed your way out of your house. 😃

    Slow.. Enjoy your company.. A good way to keep out of crazy town.!

    Ugh.. I had root canal nearly 3 weeks ago.. Pain vanished.. But it's BACK :-(...So off to the dentist I go again today !!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Posts: 641
    edited August 2015

    Ducky - lucky duck.. LOL.. good looking husband...

    we have our house for sale - its been for sale almost 2 months and only 1 couple has looked at it so far... its a lovely home but I just don't think houses move that well in my area...Once it sells, I am retiring and we are moving to Florida- already have the condo..

    I have been having a lot of stomach aches lately and either constipation or diarrhea - guess it might warrant a visit to the you feel like doctor visits are always on the schedule??

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015

    just posting tonight because of a panic attack an hour or so ago... Minor freak out about herceptin, HER2+ and the whole thing. Just a passing crazy moment so I thought I go for a moonlight cruise around Crazy Town with the top down and see what you are all up to.

    I think a shore house would be pretty cool, don't know what the East Coast is like but we lived at the beach in Malibu for a while and everybody loves being near the that great pool you have so you can swim without worrying about sand in the gears if you know what I mean.

    Real estate is plenty crazy here. When we bought our place in Sonoma last year stuff was going so fast we got in early and the minute our offer was accepted there were 4 back up offers. Stuff up here is going for all cash bidding wars in the first weekend. It's the proximity to San Francisco even stuff in Santa Monica where we've been for years isn't this nuts.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited August 2015

    Sula, I'll sit a spell with you while you cruise. Don't want you to be all alone right now. How 'bout sitting or walking outside? It's nice and cool here this evening. The smoke has cleared enough that we can have the windows open. We drove up 99 today to pick up our DGD at a camp near Sonora. We had to turn the ac off for a while because it was so cool. Now that's a nice August day!

    We moved to this mountain community when my husband took early retirement. We could never afford a home in our old town if we were to move back. And move back is what I'd love to do many times. Two of our daughters and 6 of our grands live there and I am so sad to not spend more time with them. I spent 3 days with them last week, and came home tired to the bone. They are ages 15, 9, 7, 7, 7, 5. Triplets in there.

    I go to UCLA at least once a month for my eye care. Next trip is this Thursday. We make it a one day trip which is usually a 12 hour day. I spend Friday recovering in my lazyboy. Then I have a pelvic MRI next Tuesday.

    Well Sula, I gotta call it a day. Hope you are feeling better. Jan

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    Thanks, I've got the windows open here...I got asked the do a piece for National Root Beer Day ( go figure) so I've spent the last couple of hours creating a Fireball Float... Then I did some browsing in some cancer medical sites and that's all she wrote. I'm calmed down now so....I know this kind of stuff happens every now and then with me... It was like that the last time it's sort of like cancer aftershocks. *sigh*

    Glad the smoke has decreased, the pictures from that fire are scarey.

    Old time Sonomans who are friends say the same thing... They can't afford to come back here and the younger people can't find anything, it's crazy. My parents moved up here from San Francisco 32 yrs ago and so my husband and I started coming up here from LA we rented a house here for years and we'd be up in Sonoma for 3 mos, than back to LA for a few months then back up here. We've always worked at home since we're screenwriters so we can basically live anywhere as long as we can get to LA when we have to.

    ooh Pelvic MRIs those are fun. Have a great trip to LA, stay out of the smoke and take care. Thanks for checking in with me. I really appreciate it

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Sula, I hope you do call next time you are in town! or crazy town! Something the matter with me, I love reading that stuff. I even bought this great breast surgery book, pretty recent, fascinating! Tolja I was a weirdo! But it answered many questions i had.

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    That's not weird...most of the trouble I get into comes from reading too much medical stuff after too busy a day. I find all that stuff interesting too. What's the book

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015

    Ok, just wrote an entire post, and forgot to hit submit.................Lord please don't let the rest of the day go like this...........LOL..............

    Not going to do it again........phew..............

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2015

    Just a side note..........This is a great thread, and I hope it keeps going..........thanks Slow for making it happen........

    Some of you ladies are new to each other.......some of us were on other threads together and still are..........we had relationships we thought would last....but somewhow......something went amuck, and good friends parted......still trying to figure out why.........and again maybe just some went by the wayside..........for whatever reason....let's not have that happen here.......we are all in this together.....different in so many, many, ways, but in one "light".....we are the same.....and that is what mattered to me.......Thanks again Slow for making me stay in a place I thought I had lost......your a great person, a good friend.......and above all "loyal" which today is rare........hugs to you slow, and all the great ladies here.......let's never put our feelings before "love".......

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    Ducky- I like what you wrote. I have lost some friends throughout this "process" and I need this place and this thread more than ever.

    Thank you Beppy.

    Sula- glad you feel better. Glad you stayed on the expressway and didn't get turned around on any of those one-way streets in CTown!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    afternoon all, gee wish my body would feel as good as it does after swimming all the time! just back from laps

    Kathy, now it is the cracking by the chiro that terrifies me and has kept me out of their offices in the past. He basically just massaged the spine yesterday and did some Tens treatment and it all felt good. I am hoping for no cracking! interesting as he seems to think I am more flexible than most folks who come in with spinal stenosis so of course, that gets me questioning all this crud