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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Mel Sincere condolences for your dear friend Chelle. May her gentle soul rest in peace Hugs❤️.

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 186

    Mel - sending hugs and love and light to you at this difficult time. May Chelle’s memory be a blessing ❤️. - Rhonda

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,350

    Mel, so sorry for this tremendous loss. A friend like that is irreplaceable. I will hold you in a virtual hug and pray for peace and comfort.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Mel sorry for your loss of Chelle G.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,446
    edited October 5

    Possible meal disaster, was putting two eggs in the magic bullet and pouring some milk but too much has gone into the meal. I am simmering on low and added a ton of seasonings to it. The onions, potato cubes (hashbrowns) and peppers will be fine, will take the other part and hope I got most of it out. Used a sloppy joe seasoning pack, a veggie seasoning and of course salt, I will see if it is good, if not, will add some tortilla chips and salt to fill it out, I will see.

    Edited, I managed to eat about half but it was really gross to me so dumped the rest. I will just cook an egg in the mini griddle, chop croutons into it and still add the onion and peppers. I did enjoy that part of it but the milky egg mixture was just gross to the point that I had no problem throwing it out. Even adding extra seasoning and tortilla ships really did nothing for me. Oh well, no more scrambled eggs with milk. Thinking of giving up milk unless mixed with boost.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,446

    Well, still feeling pretty sick with what I believe is a bad cold. Appetite not affected but got a nasty chest cough and runny nose, keeping on top of meds like advil and tylenol along with expectorant in the day. Cough suppressant at night

    I went to bed before 10 pm last night and just got up so other than bathroom trips, slept well. I do credit the new sleepmask, really is a blackout mask for me.

    No idea what I want in the way of food. I know I do not want to scramble eggs anymore, just cook up in the wee griddles and chop up with croutons and beans or lentils. I've lost my appetite for weird stuff and sticking to textures I like, still like the peppers and potato cubes, can mix all of it together.

    I hope everyone has a good day, in everyone's pocket including my own to stop being whiny about being sick.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,630

    Oh Sondra! So sorry to read this. Wishing you all the best; get well soon!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,446

    Sondra, I am so sorry you are in hospital but glad you are being treated and of course hoping you are released soon.

    I am still dealing with a chest cough, no colour to the phlegm and an earache due to sinus congestion. Just taking advil, Tylenol and the expectorant by day and suppressant at night. I did purchase a neti pot as well as some salt packets because I used one years ago and remember it being helpful. Everything is coming tonight.

    Other than laundry and dishes and the litter, no real chores to really do. I gave DB the Qualicat litter as I was not satisfied with the clumping or odour control, Tidy Cat is better for the light weight and better clumping. Garbage will not be overwhelmingly heavy this week for a change.

    The freezer now does not require tape to hold it closed now, need to organize it when almost everything is gone. Thinking today about having pepperoni, chopped egg and lentils into croutons and some onion and potato. Will spray cooking spray and likely add some spreadable garlic, got a milder flavour. Got to keep up with stuff I buy, pizza sauce got moldy ewwww. Oh well, stuff happens.

    Today, not sure I am going out due to illness, don't need to spread it around but that is OK, rather take it easy here and take care of housework.

    In everyone's pocket who needs me, including my own for not being whiny about this cold as others have been in hospital, no crying about it for me and hope everyone else has a good day.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    sondraf Ugh sorry you wound up in the hospital and are so uncomfortable! Hope you get released today and start to get much needed relief. Sending love and hugs.

    Mara Thinking of you , hoping you slept well last night. Colds are annoying and I hope today is a better day for ya.

    Mel Thinking of you, hope Theo is giving you extra love and comfort.

    Sunshine your in my thoughts and prayers for comfort and peace.

    Feel horrible for Florida now dealing with Milton, endless prayers for all. Love and support to all here this week❤️

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 555

    Mel, I'm sorry for the loss of your dear friend. finding a friend is one thing but creating a deep and meaningful bond is truly special. I hope the memories you shared together can help fill the void. thank you for sharing her beautiful photo.

    Sondra, I am mad for you, it just doesn't give you a chance to catch a breath. have you tried any anti-inflammatory meds, if your MO agrees? I hope you get better soon.

    Irish, what a terrifying story. I'm so glad both your niece and her sone are safe. and those neighbors and volunteers what incredible people. precious moments like this seeing people come together to care for and help each other despite all the hardships.

    Mara, get well soon. your suggestions are always spot on.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,446

    Runor, glad to hear from you, you amaze me with all the work you do around your place but I cannot blame you for wanting to sell to go to somewhere easy for the both of you to live. I also understand about the talking on and on of people. I used to be guilty of that but was able to put the kibosh on it. My wellness check in call is a person who could keep talking but when I get tired of it, I tell her I have to poop. She lets me go right away. My wellness checker these past two weeks is great, its how are you doing today, I say fine or I have a cold but alright. Usually clocks in 10 to 15 seconds.

    I got my netipot this evening and used it twice so far, feels weird but my nose is clear which is great. If it stays clear I won't bother, if I am stuffy tomorrow will follow up. Now just waiting for the bit of a cough to subside for me but I have meds for that.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,446
    edited October 8

    Slept alright last night, I do credit the new sleep mask for that. Paid some bills, yay. Laundry will be happening, need some vacuuming and cat box duty. Netipot for the nose coming up, need to boil some water for that and let it cool since they do like distilled water. My ear has not been aching from the sinus congestion so that is good. Believe I am on the way out of the illness. I will say. Skipping cough meds until I head to bed tonight. May wear a mask to bed, kind of like the surgical one to make it more humid for me to av

    It is getting cooler now, down to 39 most nights but that is fine, have plenty of fleece blankets and if I am correct the building will jack up the heat again like last year which made it hot. Ordering cat food, cats will be happy. Nothing needed for me, just organizing the recycling for myself and it is garbage this week. Next week will move ahead a day to put stuff out since Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada. I am unsure what I will do for myself on Thanksgiving, might order a chicken dinner if Swiss Chalet is open. Option two, if I am taken shopping this week, would consider a rotisserie chicken and do it up the multitude of ways Chicagoan mentioned earlier.

    Planning to open some black beans up. Chop them in the chopper with croutons and a couple of cooked eggs. Add some beefless ground and combine whole thing into mexican rice. It is meant to last more than one meal and would be good. Other thing I want to do is heat up some KD pasta and once it cools, keep some in the fridge as well, would make it easy to fill a meal. I will keep the cheese powder aside until needed. I realize that by the end of day, I lose spunk to make anything so I need some meal prep, not the kind that requires a freezer but something that can stay in the fridge for two to three days. Making in the morning where energy is supposedly high. Doing the mexican rice first, no butter, used some spreadable garlic instead. Has a long simmer time, give me time to clear sink and cook up a couple of eggs to chop up with croutons along with cheese in there with black beans or lentils, that mix will be kept separate. Not sure what my seasoning will be, got the KD cheese

    I decided to have a portion of the mexican rice and add some pepperoni and lentils with some shredded cheese, heated in microwave. It was very good, figure the rice can feature in several meals.

    I do hope everyone has a great day, for those who are dealing with hospital stays, grief for a dear friend or just life in general, I am sending my love out from your pockets.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,049

    Hi Mara! Busy food prep I see. I’m officially hungry. I just wanted to say that I’m thinking of everyone in Florida. Tanya, looks headed for Tampa. Are you inland more ? Just want you all safe out there. Thoughts are with you that the storm Peter’s out.