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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    that looks awesome, thanks mara!

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    I'm very happy and relieved to hear all the positive results on tests and scans. Let's keep this ball rolling!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    the portrait was done by a company called willow and west. I’m very happy with it. Thanks ladies for caring. Those dogs were like children. Deeohgee I had for 12.5 years. Tag 10 years. He was a rescue. There is a special place in our family for Deeohgee .

    Good to hear nice results! Atta girls. More and more love to all

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara that was such a kind thing to do. It made me smile. Just being human to another human.

    Mel that portrait is lovely.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Great news from Mara, Mae, and Karen.

    Love your RAK story, Mara. That was a very nice gesture.

    Mae - sorry for your loss.

    Rosie - ugg on the redo for the dental work. I had my routine dental appt today and that was enough.

    Still thinking of you, Candy. I'm sure you'll catch up with us tomorrow.

    Lovely pic, Mel

    Waving to everyone else.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thats a beautiful portrait of your lovely doggos Mel.

    I hope everyone is recovering well from any procedures they have had over the last few days. My covid vaccination got cancelled at the last minute this morning because the nurse called in sick, I have to reschedule between infusions so it could be another 3 weeks away.

    What a lovely man he was Mara. Good to hear everyone's good news re tests and scans. Hopefully Runor will get some answers soon, I keep all of you in my thoughts constantly. Take care everyone ❤

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I just saw more results in my patient portal today. I think this changes things. I think this changes things a lot and not in a good way. I now have someone going with me to today's appointment. I'm extremely anxious.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    hopping into your pocket and sending hugs.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    dutchiris- sending a big cyberhug and in your pocket for today's apot. I'm glad you have a friend to bring with you.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Dutchiris, I am glad you have someone to accompany you to your appointment. I am praying for you and hope that you and your medical team come up with a treatment plan to push through the latest issues. Please keep us informed.

    Hugs and prayers from, lynn

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026


    In your pocket for your appt today. I hope your MO is able to give you more info on what you read on the report and that he/she has a treatment plan ready if a change is needed. 🌷🌷

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Dutchiris, sending you a big hug and I'll be in your pocket for your appointment, I'm also glad you've got a support person to go along with you.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    dutchiris, glad you have support with you today. I hope for the best.

  • ilowen
    ilowen Member Posts: 78

    Dutchiris, sitting in your pocket today and giving you a gentle squeeze when you need it. I’m so glad that you’ll have someone to support you at the appointment.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Congrats Mae, mara, and Karen for the good news.

    Dutchiris- Pocket duty.

    Well, my biopsy was more of an adventure than I wanted. My church friend went with me, and the drive was ok. But.... they had complications getting the sample. It was ultrasound directed, so the IR had the US machine there and was taking pics and then directing the needle to the site--- a 2cm tumor. As you probably know, when we breathe the liver moves along with the diaphragm. So he would say "take a deep breathe and hold it". Then he would aim for the tumor. I guess that caused some trouble, trying to hit a moving target if I didn't hold my breath well enough. Finally he got it snagged and took a sample. But then he said it was not enough of a sample. My tumor is "fibrous" he said, so hard to get a good amount to test. So he tried again. And again. And again. From various angles. And with a larger bore needle. 3 HOURS LATER and 3 puncture wounds to my belly he got some to test. But we do not know if enough for Tempus testing. To be fair to him, he offered many times to call it quits. He said we could try again another day. I said to keep going. Finally, on the last attempt I had some bleeding and he had to hold pressure for 5 minutes. We called it quits after that. I had a local numbing meds- Lidocaine-- multiple injections of it. But no Fentanyl or Versed. Very sore today. Just got a call from the IR asking how I was doing today.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Dutchiris - think of all of us around you with virtual hugs when you’re at your appointment.

    Candy - hope you get some rest after that crazy procedure.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Just popping in to check on everyone, hope you are all recovering well.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    illimae: Enjoying just the thought. I used to make a cocktail with Lukasowa Vodka (potatoes, not grains), watermelon juice, a little cactus pear syrup, a dash of lime. So yummy on a hot day. I can't buy the syrup here and the company doesn't ship to Canada. I used to have it shipped to my friend in Seattle and pick it up when I went to visit her. One day I can do it again.

    mara: I hate being sweaty. I overheat easily and it makes me miserable. My DH and I have The Battle Of The Thermostat in winter. I like a room almost cool enough to keep cheese fresh and he wants Death Valley. I never knew such a thing existed. Thanks for that!! What a lovely man your Uber driver is.

    Hello to everyone else: More rain is on the way - such is life on the Wet Coast. The sun is out right now and I am trying to clean up the back deck in anticipation of nice weather. Can't wait to have my boxes hanging off the railings all filled with flowers.

    Fingers and toes crossed for those having tests and blood work.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Candy-Sorry your procedure was so rough. I hope that the sample will give some good information. Rest up today.

    Dutchris-Thinking of you.

    Nice to read about all the good results reported yesterday.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    My simple CBC blood pull turned into another 6 vial affair today as the gynecology surgeon wanted the works - tumor markers,TSH, cholesterol,etc. I just did tumor markers on Monday and TSH two months ago. Between Monday's pull and today's I gave 10 vials this week which seems like... a lot.

    Interestingly one of the vials was specifically for a new protocol to check for clot risk with the AZ - the nurse noted my vaccination dates and said something about how it was for "research". No idea what that means, but I wonder if they will be tracking antibodies in folks with solid tumors.

    Ah - surgeon just called and my neutrophils are good to go and way over 3 so those filgrastim injections worked! Thank god, I just want this over with.

    Off to book a hair, eyebrow wax, and pedicure for my week off - I look like a yeti and want to feel pretty again.

    Best wishes to everyone, but especially Dutchiris.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thank you everyone!

    Candy, I'm sorry it was a difficult procedure. I hope they get all the information they need.

    illimae...Great news!

    Booboo and BevJen... I hope your recovery is going well.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I am exhausted. The original plan was that I would start Faslodex with or without Piqray. Unfortunately my receptors have changed and this won't be my new treatment. The tumour from my ovary was ER negative (<1), PR (61-70%) positive and her 2 equivocal. They will settle the Her2 status with FISH. If negative I will start Xeloda. If positive it will need more discussion.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    hope you can calm your mind tonight to rest. It will be good to know the plan and all the ins and outs of the treatment. One day at a time is all you can do. Thinkingof you.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Dutchchris, I’m sorry you don’t have answers yet. If you start Xeloda, I’ve found it pretty tolerable once you have the side effects controlled but if you end up HER2+, you should fine Herceptin very easy and effective with several lines of treatment after that.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Dutchiris - I hope you have a hand to hold, a friend to sit with you. Sorry about all this crap you're going through.

    Candy - oh my god! Girl, you need that big old bottle of watermelon vodka that Mae was waving around. If anyone deserves a few stiff drinks, it's you! Hope you feel less perforated soon. 

    Mara - neck fans? What will they think of next? I saw the pic you posted and immediately pictured hair getting sucked in, wound around, ZOOP! as the little fan screeches to a halt. These could be dangerous!

    Elderberry - we've had some rain here in the interior but another 2 days of it would be fine. It is VERY dry here for this time of year, not much local run-off as we had very less than normal snow pack. I'm wondering if we're not heading for another smoke filled summer of forest fires. I hope not.

    Hugs to all who feel shitty and joy with those who have caught a good break.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Runor, my wigs are short so it is no problem.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Yes to random acts of kindness. I made friends with one of the parking guys, Alan, at the Beatson a couple of years ago now - parking is an absolute nightmare and they are forever putting tickets on folks cars when they park in stupid they get massive grief from the punters. However I explained my patient status and that I'd always be coming here but would park in a legit space, although it might be in the staff only car park and I leave a note on my dash. Alan gave me an exemption slip and said "you park where you need to darlin' - I know your car so you'll be alright" and he's been true to his word ever since.

    So much so that we recently discovered a common enjoyment of growing veggies, but Alan doesn't have much of a garden. So yesterday I left a bag of rhubarb, which he'd said he loves, at his empty kiosk. This morning I had to go back to pick up meds and Alan was directing traffic in the car park, he was laughing cause he knew it was me that'd left the rhubarb even though I hadn't written a note or anything. I'll continue to leave him wee veggie parcels now!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    It’s OVER, and I thought a much harder surgery than I expected. The first day after surgery was not too bad...I’m thinking “this is a walk in the park”. And then the block wore off, and man am I grateful for pain meds! I think part of why this has been harder is because of how out of shape I am and also my weight. I’ve lost almost 30 pounds because of chemo (Abraxane) and this surgery, so that’s a good thing. I’m SOglad it is now behind me. This is day three post-op, and I’m better able to manage the pain and get around with my walker.

    The surgeon was happy with the outcome. Said this should take care of the leg fracture. So I can say now that I’m glad I went through surgery.

    Thank you to all of my pocket dwellers. Knowing I had you all in there cheering me on was what got me through it. God bless you all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Laurie, so glad you are out of surgery and it sounds like this will improve things for your pain and mobility which will be a good thing and walking with a walker already, which I know they make people do soon after is normal, glad you are feeling as good as you can after this surgery.

    I have to say nerve blocks really are the best, I had one for my mastectomy and when I got home from the hospital I was already reaching for things over my head, just felt pull on my sutures. Took Advil because the percocet I had made me sick, hope your pain meds do the trick for you.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Booboo...Good to see you're on the mend. I hope those meds have your pain well controlled.

    illimae...Thank for the reassurance.

    Runor....I am mostly alone. How much longer until you hear?

    Karen...That's so sweet!