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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Good news - my scans and CT are stable! MO is moving me to 6 month re-scan plan with the assumption I will notify her if there are any concerns that cropped before then. My bone scan was a whole different story for arthritic findings. Name a joint, it has arthritis. Going to surgery center today to get steroid injection in areas of spinal stenosis. Praying these do something.

    Meanwhile, hubs has been back in a-fib. 3 failed cardioversions. Pulse is still in 135 range and BP is all over the place. He meets with doc who does cardiac ablation on Monday and is scheduled for a cardiac MRI a week after. For those who don’t like MRIs, he was told the cardiac test would take a minimum of 2 hours.

    Wishing all a lovely weekend as we try to deal with our diseases

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Dutchiris- The waiting is the worse. My prayers to you, my friend.

    runor- Yeah, I am not a drinker, but a stiff one sounded good after the biopsy. I am partly responsible for the continued attempts as I said to keep going. But, WOW, 3 hours of digging seems almost inhumane. Like, when is enough enough. I wonder how long had this IR would have kept trying if I would not have had the bleeding. He just kept going and going.

    Goldens- WOOHOO for stable. WOW your poor DH. Hope they can finally get it fixed. So much stress for you.

    Booboo- Glad your surgery is behind you. Hoping for a speedy and fairly easy recovery. Post as much as you can to give us updates on how you are doing. :)

    Well, my local friend with MBC to the bones (I posted about her here, right?) she got her PET results. No organ involvement, but more extensive to the bones. More of the spine and both hips. She met with radiation and got marked. She is having palliative rad on both hips next week. She is in so much pain she can hardly walk. I talked to her on the phone yesterday. She sounds so defeated. She was stable for over 8 years. I think she thought "I got this". Now reality struck.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Karen, I love the parking guy story. My former boss has a garden and would occasionally bring me extra zucchini, squash and green beans and I loved it. I could easily buy it on my own but the gift of it was extra special.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    BooBoo~Glad you're on the mend hugs my friend

    Goldens~congrats. On the 6 month scans ! Big deal there!!

    Runor~no fires allowed yikes.

    Karen~ I also enjoyed your story of Alan. We Meet friends in odd ways sometimes. Even if what we are going through is miserable... charming story.

    Dutchiris~ sending a hug to you also

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Karen -  rhubarb is sour but sharing makes it sweet. Great story.

    BooBoo - so glad you are on this side of the procedure and that whoosh of relief makes it all the better. Hope you have some pain meds that work and get rested up before you go to your first square dance. 

    Golden - hooray for stable. Bad news about your Hub's heart beat and blood pressure. I suspect it's because you're super sexy and drive him wild. Hope they get him figured out soon.

    Micmel - you're pretty low key these days. The living room feels the sorrow. We shall dust and vacuum and make some coffee and tea and little sandwiches with the crusts cut off and just be with you until your heart slowly begins to lift.

    I have been babysitting the phone all week waiting for a call with results. NO call. I finally went bonkers and needed to get out of the house, needed a change of scenery so I called the office and left a message saying if the doc was calling today, I would stay home by the phone. But if not, I need to get out so do I have permission to go on a playdate? Receptionist called back laughing saying yes, she gives me permission to have a playdate. Will take up phone vigil again on Monday.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Booboo my friend so happy your getting up and about with good pain meds.

    Dutchcris I hope things level out for you soon. In the meantime sending hugs.

    Karen and Mae I love receiving and giving veggies it’s also nice to share the plant starters I usually have too many and have to use pots for florida garden. No soil sand only.

    Goldens great news on your scans. I hope your husbands cardio tests aren’t too brutal. I did an hour and 45 in the MRI with my DH holding my foot and Valium.

    Runor results on Monday?

    Moth hope you’re feeling a little better.

    Waving hello to all.


  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    booboo - yay, glad you're recovering. Keep that pain under control and keep on moving and soon you'll be jogging around!

    Karen - you already have rhubarb? I don't know what's wrong with mine. Taking for.ever this year. It's not happy where it is - a bit too damp and shady so probably needs a move but i'm out of sun spots... I like your story about your reciprocal RAK with your parking guy

    runor - enjoy your play date!

    Goldens - hurrah for stable!!!!! boooooooo for your dh's continued cardiac troubles. I hope this cardiologist figure out what to do

    dutchiris - how are you feeling? I hope you can find some joy and optimism

    Tany - thanks for thinking of me! Chemo yesterday. Feeling ok so far today. It's my youngest's birthday. We're having curry takeout tonight, dd is baking a special cake and then we're doing some game thing that he's organized. This is the 2nd birthday in lockdown for him - no friends over or anything. I'm sad for him about that. Also, because of me he's been in total lockdown while some of his friends have been getting together with some precautions & so I think some friendships have sort of left him behind and that know how quickly friendships can fizzle out. Anyway, hopefully things will improve soon. I think they're hoping first shot for everyone by Canada Day (July 1)


  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Sitting in a really nice private recovery room post op. A few bobbles with timing but it's night jt and day compared to the general ward I was stuck on in 2019. I hope I get some food soon, I haven't eaten in about 24 hours.

    A bit sore in the tummy but overall doing OK considering I came out of general a little over an hour ago. Zoladex shots be gone!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    thinking about you ladies. Strong strong women.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Booboo, I'm glad to hear your pain is under control (mostly?) and that you're able to move around. Will you be having PT or just recovering in your own?

    Sondra, You must be feeling pretty clear headed to post for us so quick! I hope your pain doesn't increase at all. Was this surgery for ovaries? Sorry, my memory isn't always so great. I'm sure you'll appreciate having one less med to worry about!

    Moth, Lockdowns have to be very tough on the younger set, especially birthdays where they'd normally see friends. How old is he? I hope things can return to close to normal for you all soon and that he and his friends can pick up where they left off.

    Karen, I agree that you have a great parking attendant. I once had a dozen fresh eggs on my desk when I arrived in at work in the morning. It took all day to figure out who brought them. It was the night custodian (who worked 3pm- 11pm). So nice 😊 and they're definitely better than store bought.

    My dental redo wasn't as bad as I was expecting. It wasn't the full mouth impression (which made me gag and my eyes water the first time), just an impression of the tooth needing the crown again. Two tries by the dentist herself and we were done. I can't say why I have this dental angst now but I do, maybe because this was something new for me. 😳

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Thanks for your kind thoughts folks.

    Candy and BooBoo....nightmare for you both!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    runor - I almost peed myself with your comments. A sense of humor can certainly change a bag o’ shit into a bag o’shit with a clothespin🤣.

    Love you guys - second Mel’s strong women

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Rosie - yes the BSO finally happened. Some miscommunication with the start time as between Tuesday and Friday it was shifted from 7.30 am arrival to noon and THEN I was last on the roster, so I wasnt down to theatre (OR) until almost 4pm. Its also a long weekend here and I suspect I was the last of it. Feeling ok this morning, a bit tired and air crampy as that CO2 makes its way around, but otherwise ok.

    Could have beat the crap out of Other Half last night when he showed up to pick me up. I knew he had been at a nearby pub waiting for the call (some miscommunication post recovery about when I could leave) and he showed up so loopy I thought he was drunk. Got into a cab and made it home and was very upset at what I thought was his (very,very unusual) irresponsibility, then this morning I realized he hadnt been drunk, he'd been running on almost no sleep. He'd got about 3 hours sleep the night before to see me out the door, thinking he wouldn't go back to sleep because of pick up duty at midday, but then didn't take a nap or anything when I told him expected pickup wasn't until after 5. When he is that tired he zones out, doesn't remember, doesn't follow a line of thought, but when he's actually drunk (not often) he talks more and follows through lines of thought very vigorously, so there is a distinct difference. We were at the front door and he got distracted by some people walking down the street, didn't understand why we couldn't close the windows in the cab, and he was momentarily confused by the pay machine. So I guess the lack of sleep on top of the two pints he had (which I believe, hes a very good social drinker, texted he was spending his time enjoyably talking to a group of French people he'd met at the pub, and he didn't smell at all like a booze), compounded to... mental shut down.

    He got up this morning when I fed the cats at 530 (after a solid 7 hours of sleep) completely coherent and his normal self with only a vague memory of last night and that was when I realized, having seen this more than a few times, that he'd been sleep deprived. We talked it over and figured it out/cleared the air, but it was so annoying on top of a really long day!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    wow that’s one hell of a day. My goodness. !

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Sondra, glad you and DH cleared the air. I am not surprised his brain did not work right on that little sleep and a couple of drinks, they hit harder when you are exhausted. Glad he was coherent today and you both cleared the air.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Sondra - I swear my other half needs 12 hours of sleep or his brain melts like ice cream. But your other half was no doubt tired PLUS stressed. Being ill and needing treatment and care takes a toll on everyone. Glad you made it home safe and no one has a hangover!

    I got a call from my regular doc yesterday, whom I was NOT expecting to hear from. NO CANCER!!!!  

    However, as he stumbled and messed up the terms I realized that regular docs are likely not experts in deciphering pathology reports. I am going to speak to my oncologist and the gyno surgeon herself in the next while and they will give me a better understanding of the situation. As I grasped from the conversation, I do not have cancer. However there are other not- so- great things going on in my lady bits that they feel is directly related to  tamoxifen. The word adenomyosis was mentioned as well as a few others. I have never heard of adenomyosis. Brief research says it's not that uncommon to show up in postmeno ladies taking tamoxifen and can be a cause of bleeding. Who knew! So I do NOT have cancer, but  considering that I take less than the prescribed dose of tamox and still had this much effect on my girl parts, a hysterectomy is a reasonable outcome. And I can live with that.

    Hub and I are almost in denial over the good news. Afraid to believe it. Between emergency room doc telling me I didn't have a month to wait and the ultras report saying 'malignancy' and the vast amount of blood, well, you all know I was braced for the worst. I am not ready for the best. Going to have to get my head screwed on. I appreciate that you all let me be a wailing, flailing idiot for the past month. I was so scared.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I have in-home PT, and they've come once already....very good. They made a few suggestions about things to make it easier for me to get around, shower, etc., so I'm really glad to have them.

    Runor, doubt I'll be doing any “doe-ce-doeing" in awhile, but who knows? Stranger things have happened.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    runor- WOOHOO TO NO CANCER !!!!!! Yes, get clarification from onc and surgeon. But, breathe.

    booboo- Glad you are slowly recovering from the surgery.

    I am moving better. Thurs and Friday was very sore. Now, just sore when cough or move a certain way. Have not heard yet if they had enough specimen to send off. But, will just have to make due if not enough. Not going back in anytime soon for another biopsy !!!!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Sondra F glad you’re home on the mend after such a harrowing day.

    Runor great news. I think all other doctors will concur and you can skip away joyfully.

    Booboo that’s cool that someone’s coming in your home to assist and give pt. That’s reality based and really helpful.

    Rosie that’s great that your dental appt wasn’t so bad. I didn’t get an all clear for my dental work which is minimal cleaning and cracked crown. Not so brave to go back yet anyway. I do hate all that stuff in my mouth too. Gag city.

    Waving hello to all.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Tanya- You had a PET this week, right? Any news?

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Yeah, I was a bit surprised when I asked if I had the option of in-home PT and the answer was yes. As bad as COVID has been, this is a silver lining. Of course, it’s possible that it is offered even without COVID...

    Mae, I didn’t get a chance to say how sorry I was to hear about your aunt. My sincere condolences.

    Sondra, I hope your surgery was less painful than mine. Whew! I really do think that any surgery, no matter what you have, is so much harder as we age. Right now, I’m feeling about 90 years old!!!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    hope everyone is recovering nicely. Resting and taking good care of themselves.. just say hello..

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Hello! I went to a bday party today. My abdomen is a little sore but it was fun. I might go to bed early. I hope everyone is relaxing and/or doing something they enjoy.

    Wooho Runor! That is a relief. I'm so happy for you.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    so happy Runor. ATA girl. I am hugging you tightly you may even get annoyed with me. Lol.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    any news Tanya~??? Awesome dutchiris. Take it easy now. Rest up. BooBoo~ thinking of you resting. BevJen,Sondra, hope you’re doing well. Karen. You tooo. Emac hellloo. SeeQ hello as well. Moth~ hope you’re well. Hi Lee~. Hi Rosie......Mara~💐 Candy~hello darling. I’ll be back for anyone I’ve missed.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Runor, Fabulous news that there’s no cancer! 👍👍

    Hi back, Mel 😊

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello Sunday all.

    So here is our list for this week--- Any edits, let me know---

    Tanya- results of PET from last week?

    Dutchiris- plan for going forward

    Moth- Bone scan Wednesday and results of CT from last week

    Intolight- MRI and CT, do not have date

    BevJen and Booboo- recovery from surgeries

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Thank you for keep track of everyone Candy, I find it difficult sometimes so the list is appreciated. Will be in everyone's pocket with donuts until we know treatment plans and all info as well.

    I am just going to walk today, little housework and laundry and my older DB and SIL will be doing a shopping trip and most likely a drive as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Runor, just saw the good news, a heavy weight has been lifted from you shoulders and heart and mind. Wonderful news. Hope you can have a nice meal to celebrate this news.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Hi everyone, I've been reading along, celebrating or agonizing with the different news. You all have been BUSY (Candy, Hope, Booboo, Dutch, runor...+++) .

    OTOH, It's been a quiet week here. Routine dentist appt. I got my pharmacy to start processing my scrip for the dose reduction - not as easy as it sounds. A friend of mine found out her mother has colon cancer and will have a PET this week to see if it's spread - or not, hopefully. I have my first appointment with the endocrinologist on Wednesday. I don't know what to expect from that.

    For my Mother's Day present, I just sent Echo Shows to my kids, so we'll be able to video call.

    Waving hi to everyone.