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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,957

    I like that idea, Mae. Maybe one or two topics that we can talk about.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    ill have to check it out. Had my daughter over all afternoon and had the house pressure washed. No nap. Long day. Goodnight ladies. Hope all are good.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    I was signing up for the Zoom call (and trying to push myself off the fence about it) when my friend texted. I had forgotten that we agreed to meet for lunch. Hubs works from home, so I'd have to find a place in the house that wouldn't interfere with him. I'm interested, but it will be a few weeks before I can try it again.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    If the next one is Monday of next week, won't be able to appear since I am getting my vaccine that day. Set the app't for noon thinking I would take the bus but I think I will UBER. Just will not order delivery from a restaurant for a week since I usually do that once or twice a week and the cost of it all is usually more than an UBER ride.

    Just going to walk today, waiting on a phone that has an app that pays me while listening to the radio and charging. I use a version of the app but this one supposedly pays me more, that would be nice to throw in my Paypal for extra groceries or food orders.

    My walk was nice, I went up and down a couple of the side streets along my route and added another 1000 steps. Planning one more walk before 9 am and then will walk on the spot while waiting for the mail. Housework and laundry are the only other things on the agenda for me.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Surprisingly, my MRI results were already posted on my portal, just a couple hours after I left there. I think the quick results are because this was ordered by my IR to check for any residual mets after my Feb ablation. MO doesn’t release things so fast.

    There was a lot of terminology I didn’t understand, but I thought this part of the Impression section sounded good: “nothing suspicious for residual or recurrent disease in ablation sites, no other hepatic metastatic disease is demonstrated on today’s exam.” I’ll take it!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Rosie~that’s awesome. Congrats. Have a great treat to celebrate.... sending hugs over the miles.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Rosie- That is great !!!!!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    rosie that sounds like a great report!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    awesome news Rosie

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Rosie, I agree with everyone else, sounds good!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    ugh ugh my bladder infection which I thought was responding to antibiotics is now flaring up again. I hate that weird pain of it... & no we don't have that special cystitis pain reliever that you have in the US. For some reason it's not approved here :(

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Oh Moth, that sounds awful. Are you running a fever? Either way, time to get checked out. Take care, and know that I’m thinking of you.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,957

    Rosie, great report. I think there is a new law that reports must be posted immediately. I haven’t read up on it, but I usually barely make it home before it’s posted.

    Moth, I’m so sorry. I’ve had many bladder infections in my life, and that is the most excruciating pain. If I don’t have the Azo available, I will sit in the bathtub with warm water for a while. It doesn’t help for long, but it takes some of the pressure off for a minute. Hugs.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Thanks guys! I'm feeling better. I went to bed with a heating pad and kept pushing fluids like a maniac...its getting better and that stupid pinching feeling is easing up. Might do a longer course of antibiotics just to make sure this thing stays dead. I have been on antibiotics 3/week prophylactically for almost a year. It's been a weird side effect of either the cancer or the treatment - I had so many recurrent UTI in spring 2020 that my MO said to just stay on the antibiotic. I guess it's possible I've developed a resistance to it...

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Thanks everyone for cheering for my good mri report. I keep news very general with friends and family but I know we all live the life of tests and results and are used to getting details.

    KBL, very interesting about the new law. It would help us all if the anxiety of waiting would be eliminated.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Rosie~ you should feel good about sharing good news. I love it when I read good news here. It makes my days. I honestly get extremely excited for us.

    When they aren’t that great it also really bothers me and I think about it. I find myself thinking of you ladies often. I just wish I could find my pa person who I could see. I think that would be a blessing.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    moth~ you’re one strong woman. I feel like I would harm someone if I didn’t have the azo when it came to uti infections to get me to the doctors or get that cipro. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth that UTI sounds awful. I hope you feel more relief with each passing second!

    Rosie 24 great news!

    The moderator did send an email with some of the resources that were offered on the zoom call. I didn't read it yet. I won't be able to join this coming Monday traveling to finally see my mom again.

    Mel your house must look so fresh and clean after a power wash.

    Have a good night all.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Rosie: yay yay yay on the results.

    moth: UTI's -- they are so awful. I hope it eases up some and you get relief. Just one more damned thing, eh?

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    Well I went to my Ladies Church Group Meeting this morning. Small church, small ladies group. 10 ladies in attendance. We met in the Fellowship Hall-- a room of tables for meals, activities, etc. I sat at a table by myself-- 1 lady asked if she could sit beside me and I said I would rather not. They all know of my cancer--- yet again, small church. A couple of ladies came in without masks, but saw me and put a mask on. There was snacks, but I did not partake so I would not have to take my mask down. Glad I went, but not the same as things used to be. Sigh.... but what is.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044


    I'm glad you went to your meeting and were comfortable setting boundaries and that others respected them. I know what you mean about things not being the same. I've resumed attending worship b/c they strictly enforce protocols and there is no singing but it is not the same at all, sitting there isolated with a mask on with very little interaction. Still better than staying at home and participating by Zoom. It is nice to be around people and I am hoping things will be more normal in a few months.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Safe travels on your trip to see your Mom. Good for you.

    Me? I’m healing well but still in a good deal of pain. Nothing I can’t handle though. I do hate sleeping on my’s getting old. It’ll probably take a bit longer before I’ll be able to sleep on my right side. I have a call with my MO next Tuesday to discuss getting back to treatment. I expect she will want to continue Abraxane. We’ll see....

    Take care all.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Booboo, sometimes we forget how hard it is to sleep when your movement is restricted or every move causes pain. Hope you get some respite soon!

    Candy well done on getting’s an anxious time. We’re doing a bit better here in Scotland for the moment....slow and cautious, for the first time in well over a year I took myself out for some shopping and had some lunch in an actual restaurant! All very controlled and folk behaving well, so I didn’t have that horrible anxious feeling at all. You’ll get there. I’m just hoping we progress and don’t go backwards as I’ve lots of jaunts planned starting next week, but we’ll see.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341

    Hello to all.

    I'm still in the rehab hospital, trying to re-learn how to walk after 20+ days in a hospital bed with no movement. Today I was able to do 100 steps at one point(resting about every 25) and then later I was able to do 75 with no stopping. So some progress for me, although I was so exhausted from all of this that I slept for three hours afterwards!

    Doing a little bit of reading on BCO, but I don't have my computer with me here except when my hubby brings it here.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Way to go BevJen! I was wondering how you were doing-glad to hear you are making progress. Work hard/rest hard seems to be the most effective for the tough rehab you are going through. Thanks for checking in.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    yay BevJen, glad you're getting stronger! Go go go! I'm cheering for you :)

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Good to hear from BevJen and Booboo in their rehabbing.

    Sadness all around anymore. I guess it has always been that way, but I am more in tune to it now. We went around the table with our church ladies and told various prayer requests. So many things we do not realize that others are going thru. Then tonight I talked to a friend on the phone that their dad was put in a nursing home today. Wife could no longer care for him at home. Just so much sadness in the world.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    BevJen - my gosh! I imagine you counting every step and admire your grit!

    BooBoo - who can sleep on their back? Nobody! It's not natural! Hope you are soon flat on your face happily drooling on your pillow. 

    Moth - bladder infections are evil. I battled them for years and took months of antibiotics along with high doses of zinc, dolomite, vitaminC. I don't know if any of it helped. There is a pain med called pyridium (sp?) that makes you pee bright orange but does help some with the pain. It's hard to explain to someone that you're afraid to go pee because it's going to hurt. Like razor blades!

    Candy - sounds like you have an understanding group of church people. Good of them to ask about your comfort level with proximity. Everyone is trying to figure out how to handle these new and often awkward social situations in which people don't want you to feel excluded and you don't want to feel like people think you're rude. Overall I think most people get it and face it all with good humour and grace.

    Had talk with oncologist today, expected him to have more to say about pathology on uterus and direction regarding  staying on tamoxifen or not. He said he was not an expert in deciphering uterine pathology reports and that he will wait to hear what the gynecologist thinks I should do about tamoxifen or another AI. was a conversation that pretty much accomplished nothing. He did say he wants me to complete the full 5 years and then we'll talk about what come next. Talk? About what? More meds?  This was a bit alarming.  

    Hi to all. Along with those who need an annoying companion. Hugs.

  • jack520
    jack520 Member Posts: 2

    My wife also likes to use Neck Fan. We bought Summerace. You can try their Neck Fan. They are of very good quality. My wife has a leg problem, but she loves to go for a walk. When the summer comes, she brings a Neck Fan that I bought for her to go for a walk. She likes this neck fan very much.Smile

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Glad the neck fan is working for you. I use mine from Amazon and will probably use more in the summer too.

    Runor, I hate it too when a talk with the doc does not yield anything but talking in circles, waste of ours and their time. Hope things clear up soon. You can stay in my pocket and annoy me if you want. Getting tired of not being able to go anywhere and I know we won't get out of lockdown here when it runs out May 20. I would like to get some crafts and such or even just shop the dollar store. Oh well. I am lucky to have a DB and SIL at least once a week. Just have to get him to test my AC which I think the condenser went as it would spit out water. I would like to order a new one but he is adamant I wait to check the free one first. Come June, night time temps are going to climb and that won't work for me.