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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- Great pic of your daughter. Beautiful.

    Husbands- Cannot comment as I am single and never been married. That is ok. I do not have the patience for a man. I would probably wring his neck.

    Moth- Oh my !!!! So sorry to hear of your broken arm. Always something, right?

    Thank you Mara for pocket duty. I just got home from MO visit-- labs, Xgeva, and check in. Labs pretty good so far-- 2.5 weeks with Lynparza. White counts actually better than with Ibrance. Talked with MO about the nausea. She suggested Zofran. I hate to use too much due to chronic constipation issues. To see MO and do labs again in 4 weeks.

    I cried on the drive home. Just thinking about my sister. The unfairness of MBC. I told my MO about my sister being diagnosed and passing away. She asked if it was in the brain. I said we think so, but no scans to prove it. She said ER/PR- /HER2+ -- that was my sisters profile-- one can live 7-10 years from it. But.... my sister had other health conditions-- bad heart and lungs. She said that it would have been tough to treat with her heart condition--- I guess chemo is hard on the heart. Just so sad and unfair.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Mel, oh no, not a brand new car. That sucks! Your dd's photo is lovely

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Laurie and Tanya, you will glad you add the 1/2 cup of vinegar for the bigger washer. I don't get any lint when I air tumble towels in the dryer. Tanya, your husband will not mind the smell, vinegar smell is gone by the time it hits the wash plus it will keep the washer clean as well.

    Moth I am so sorry to hear about your arm and may it heal quickly.

    I am amazed at myself, broke another daily step goal record. Went to the grocery store this morning for 3000 steps and decided to go to the burger joint further away. That totaled about 16000 steps in total roundtrip, ate about 1/2 my lunch as I was very full. A lot of inclines up and down along the way as well. Just a tad warm for my taste. Have to find somewhere else I can go. Walking between 60 to 90 minutes seems fine, giving up my walking across the city plan.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    What is the purpose of the vinegar, does it clean your washer? We have front loads and the moldy stuff is a constant issue

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    The vinegar can help with the moldy stuff if you wipe it down. Using the vinegar can also keep the washer cleaner. The vinegar can be used instead of fabric softener if you don't want extra chemicals. They soften clothes and does not stink. They do not leave any odour on your clothes. If you start using it on your rinse cycles, you will find very little to no lint in your dryer. 1/2 a cup is plenty. For the moldy issues, spray a rag with diluted vinegar 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and wipe down where it is moldy. If the smell does not recede, rubbing alcohol sprayed on a cloth, quick wipe down and finish with a cloth soaked in plain water. As I said above, I do one rinse cycle with a very diluted fabric softener as I still like the smell but the vinegar keeps the lint away. I only started using it because my tumble dryer lost its heat and I did not want stiff crunchy towels. Turns out air fluffing is a thing and works for me even if they dry on my heated rack first.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Candy, it is unfair for your sister and you as well. I am still going and HER2+. I have regular echoes to make sure the Herceptin is not damaging my heart. I am fortunate at this point to have a strong heart but sometimes we might have to get taken off it. Your sister just never had the chance.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, Moth, sorry to hear about your arm, I hope it heals quickly and well. Mel, your daughter is so lovely, just like her mum, like everyone is saying. I can commiserate with you and DH, someone ran into my brand new car, I was so upset, it was my very first new car.

    Candy, good to see your blood counts a bit higher on the new treatment, I use metaclopramide, hydrochloride, brand name Pramin here in Australia which doesn't seem to give me constipation, hopefully you can find a good solution soon.

    Luckily we don't have the volume of traffic down here but Western Australian drivers have no clue how to merge onto the freeway. Ivebeen putting off going to the dentist but I think I'll have to put on my big girl panties and go today, not sure what they can do though as I'm on xgeva, I hope they find something. Take care everyone .

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Moth~So sorry to hear about your arm. Thank goodness you didn't hit your head. I'm always afraid of falling. I'm a bit of a klutz.

    Homemom~nice to see you here. Hope you'll stay a while.

    Mara~ your weather is impending for your walks. So much more comfortable than the beating heat. Let's enjoy it while we can, fall changes into winter awfully quick.

    Candy.~ sending you a hug sweetheart. You're on my mind.

    BooBoo~ thanks for the compliment on my dd from you and everyone. She is. A doll. One of my pride and joys.

    Kitty~ good luck at the dentist……. Be safe

    Waving to Tanya!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Mel, you are right about the short fall for sure. My friend tonight on the phone said we are forecast to have a long cold winter. That would suck but some years are like that. Rather be cold than hot anyday.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth sorry to hear about your fall. I hope it heals quickly.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    moth - ouch! So sorry about your arm. Yes, lucky it was not worse, but certainly bad enough.

    Mel and Kittykat - what a bummer about wrecks in the new car!

    Mel, your dd is beautiful - to be expected with succumb a pretty mama.

    Laundry - I add about 3/4 cup vinegar in the regular wash with my towels to keep them smelling fresh. I've never added it in the final rinse. You really can't smell it? To prevent a stinky front load washer, I run a "clean" cycle with regular bleach every 4-6 weeks, and clean the filter and drain the... little hose thingy at the bottom (technical term!) I tried the washer cleaning product, but the bleach worked better and it's cheaper, too.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Moth - so sorry about your arm. We all need to be careful. About so much - sigh.

    Candy - yes to better counts. Hope you get that nausea under control. Several things can help w/constipation. A few prunes every day. I happen to love grape nuts mixed into yogurt. Really helps.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052
    Gm ladies! Showing up for any pocket duty…..
  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Morning all, saw DH off this morning and successfully prevented him from forgetting stuff he planned to take with him. Later today I’ll clean the kitchen, which will easily stay clean until he gets home. He’s going to an event out of town but it’s an outdoor camping situation with mostly older loner “mountain men” types, so unlikely to be a covid hot spot. So, now I’ll relax until Monday, which will kick off scans.

    Lots going on, happily accepting pocket duty :)


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Mae, Enjoy your quiet weekend. Pocket duty for your two busy test days! Do you prefer packing everything thing in a short space? I hope everything comes out well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    SeeQ, no, I cannot smell the vinegar, once it dries it is odourless. I use straight vinegar in my steamer as well. No left over odour unless the item is wet. Everything just smells clean.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Rosie, I do like it all done together if possible. It keeps any anxiety at one time and if the results are stable or better, then I’m totally set for the next few months with no extra worries.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Jeeso Mae that’s a busy couple of days but I see your logic! Hope it goes well and you enjoy your clean kitchen while it lasts!

    Just had an altercation with my DH about him putting dirty oven trays back in the oven…. He seems to think they are self cleaning…. And then I go to use them and they are…. Dirty 🤬. Don’t sweat the small stuff is a great outlook but sometimes I just need to flip!

    Hugs all.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,954

    Mae, reporting for pocket duty. I hope your hubby has a great time and you enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Good night ladies. Let’s hope we can all get a good night sleep. I will wake up fifteen times. No matter what I do. It’s such a pain. I love to sleep. But I guess there is too much of a good thing. I wish I didn’t have to nap during the day. My body just needs it. I feel like I just runout of gas. Sweet dreams.

    Pocket duty in the morning !

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Thanks everyone! Scans are Monday and Tuesday next week but feel free to start thinking good thoughts for me as soon as you like, I appreciate it.

    Goodnight and sleep well.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mae pocket duty Monday and Tuesday. Pumpkin pie.


  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thinking good thoughts for you in the lead up to pocket duty on Monday and Tuesday.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Hi ladies. Good morning. I wanted to see if you guys saw this before. imageIs this a man running with a back pack ? Or a dog ?

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    That’s really cool. I immediately saw a black poodle. But I’m a dog lover, so no surprise there!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    I see the man first until I noticed the leg bent the wrong way, then I spotted the dog.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    dog & super cute too!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    booboo, you helped me see the dog. Cool picture, mel!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Well, cool and rainy for the first day of fall. Had my Herceptin infusion. I was smart and took an UBER because I knew I did not want to be soaked when I got there. Was a good infusion, munched on a granola bar and had ginger ale.

    When it was time to walk home, I decided in all my wisdom that since I had a hoodie on and a large umbrella, walking would be fun I told myself and it actually was because I did not overheat. The puddles were monstrous and I only wore sneakers, dumb foot choice. Other than the wet feet, it really was not bad walking. Got the hoodie, sneakers and knapsack hanging on my drying rack, will leave them there for at least a few hours to dry, bout a shoe and boot dryer at Amazon for shoes in the future.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Just for a good laugh, I certainly had one..
