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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Dutchiris- Good that you can stay on the same treatment for now. But don't we hate to have to rescan sooner--more scanxiety. Ugh.

    I broke down and took a Zofran today. I am tired of the nausea. But, the Zofran made me groggy. Don't like that feeling either. Sigh...

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Goldens - maybe your photographer friend could recreate some of your wedding pics for an anniversary.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    dutchiris, I'm sorry about the progression. I'm glad your MO is keeping on top of it by moving your next scans up.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    I actually have issues with falling down, too. (And yes, I am a recovering Virgo) Hence the broken ankle last year while simply walking around the neighborhood in the dark. But I never say I'm a klutz when I fall. I just say I hit a random pocket of differential gravity. Sounds so much more interesting.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Dutchiris, sounds like mostly stable, yay :) Do they recommend rads for the active bone met or continued treatment and watching it?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    While I am glad you do not have to have a new treatment for now, I am sorry there is progression in the T11 section. Glad they are taking such good care of you.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Well, I think I know how my electric dryer died. I decided to pull it out and take it apart to look at. I was horrified to see that my ducting had come apart and the lint filter in the machine was full of cat fur, not lint but cat fur because the end of the hose had come off. I believe this most likely led to the damage of the fuse, I cleaned it out and behind the dryer. Still using it on no heat to fluff the clothes but lets me know that when the time comes to replace it, to keep an eye on that area. Glad it still works to fluff what I put on my heated rack.

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746

    Yikes Mara! Glad you found the issue. I think you’ve just convinced me to not get the cat I wanted..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Ha ha, skip the cat or spend more time brushing them and sweeping the floor for sure and checking the hose behind the dryer.

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    I didn’t know cat hair would get in the dryer since the cats don’t wear any clothes! Speaking of cats, I had an early appointment at the cancer center so there weren’t many cars in the parking lot. I noticed a cat sitting under a tree and then several more (maybe 8 total). I parked and walked over to take a picture, but a man was there feeding them. He had supplies in his suv. Then I noticed he was wearing scrubs so he must work there. After my appointment, I tried again to get a photo, but the cats ran away when I was still 30 feet away.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    GoKale,my only guess is I did not remove it well enough from the lint filter and the exhaust hose fell off the back of the dryer exposing it to possiblecat fur. Scary though.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Well, I am having a lovely day watching British detective mystery shows and making chicken soup. The quiet of a TV at reasonable volume is a relief I didn’t know I needed until now. DH and his friend are set up in their camp site, which is far more isolated that I thought, so I’m feeling good about the very low exposure risk.

    The media relations company handling the webmd feature (coming soon) have reached out about an article in the local newspaper (pinktober is coming, lol), so I’m doing that as well. Not much other that scans and getting out of the house.

    Happy weekend my friends 🙂

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Mae,

    Maybe I missed it, but what is happening with WebMD?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    booboo, a drug company is wanting highlight Tukysa (for HER2+), which came out last summer and patients currently using it, partially as advertising, I think and also to help other countries get it approved. The and a media company interviewed and a doing a patient profile on WebMD. I think we’re finalizing it next week and I should run on the website for a couple of months. I will post a link when it’s out 🙂

    Also, I’m not being paid for this and I prefer it that way, I’m not selling anything, it feels more honest this way. And I want people to see that BC happens to anyone whether your 26, 34, 41 or 62.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    That is SO cool. I can't wait to see it. You are a STAR! No, just kidding. I think it's so awesome that you are sharing your experience. To me, that is the highest form of support for others who get this disease. To be able to hear someone other than a drug company rep talk about it is how these drugs get noticed and hopefully approved in other countries. Well done, my friend.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Mae - well done for doing something that makes Pinktober more positive from the MBC perspective! Let us all know when its been posted.

    Last few days here in the US and I feel like all we do is drive up and down the interstate and buy stuff. The spare bedroom is piled with stuff to be shipped back to the UK. But we've had a great time and done a lot of fun things although I can only imagine what my blood numbers are going to be in a few weeks. I guess I have three weeks to eat a LOT of salad.

    Mel - Love your list - SNL did a parody of that Mare of Easttown show and they all talked like that :)

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mel, I love that shirt! Made my day.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    I love the shirt as well, really cool Mel.

    Mae looking forward to seeing you.

    I look like a drowned rat. It was sunny when I set out on my 12km/7.61 miles, totalling 18522 steps. Got a few things in Walmart and set off home, luckily it was still dry when I sat on a bus stop bench to eat a granola bar and drink bottle of water for the way home. My knapsack added some weight. Then of course it started raining, a light rain but enough to soak me through as I neglected to bring an umbrella. I enjoyed the walk, only super tired when I got close to home. I would normally have rested at a burger joint but no liking their meals so much lately. I do like the temperature now and even though I am soaked, it is not a bunch of sweat which is still nice. Will get something to eat and strip out of the wet clothes and swap for dry ones. Sitting on my butt the rest of the day.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Well the movers are all done. Consolidated into one home. I am such a. Creature off habit. I like the curtains closed. He likes them open for the light. I like to watch television because it’s all I can really do. He always has to be moving. Just seeing we are both set in our ways. I’m worried thought that now the move is complete. He will switch his focus back onto my son and having him move out. I realize I don’t like that topic very much. I hope it doesn’t turn ugly again. It seemed things were slowly ironing out. Truth is , we haven’t seen much effort or movement in anything from his actions. I believe he would stay forever If given the chance. I am stuck my friends. Stuck real good again in life throwing in battling cancer. I really can’t take the stress. I constantly live with a feeling of fear of turmoil. I’ve had enough of that. I need peace. I honestly do. Thee hardest thing. Even over finding out about my cancer. Because it’s my children. Mama comes to protection party. It’s a mamas nature. I love my DH but he is so hard to deal with sometimes. Hardheaded (as I) but it’s really difficult when someone always thinks that their points are more valid than yours. It’s defeating. We’re having Allstate problems. Man they suck people were having issues because the car is so new. Still waiting on that. Always something to add spice to crap. Another thing that sucks is puketober is coming. Gag

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Mel, all I can try to advise besides just listening to you is deal with one thing at a time. Worry is such a soul destroyer and you won't be able to change any situation that may arise by letting it creep in. If conflict arises between your husband and son or you and your husband, you both will deal with each other as well as the living situation at home. In your pocket anytime, know that I will be supporting you across the miles. Life really is tough and sucks sometimes. Puketober does not help and I will ignore it.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I’m here in your pocket too. Mara and I both understand your anxiety about this living situation (Mara, you are such a good friend). It’s like when your DH retires and you are now face to face everyday. Now what? But you have a third one thrown in (your DS), and that makes it even more complicated.

    As Mara said, one thing at a time. Good advice. That’s all any of us can do. I do think one thing you could do is write down and present to both your DH and DS some ground rules. Ask them to read it and agree. Seriously. Put it on the refrigerator. Put things like you all must respect each other, etc. I’d even number it so you can refer back to it. What do you think about that idea?

    Just know that you are loved and supported here….always.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    Laurie, I love the idea of writing down some ground rules for DH and son or even as a whole family. If they are followed, you can do things to reward yourselves like a night out at a nice restaurant paid by DS and other weeks DH or if not wanting to go out, ordering in and watching a movie as a family. I think if it was made clear, no further discussion would be needed. DS may have some house rules set to keep things agreeable as well. Certain chores like garbage, laundry or other things. If he is not great at cleaning his room, keeping his door shut could help avoid having to say much. Just to lift some of the stress you carry off your shoulders. As adults they both need to respect each other and you by getting along better with each other.

    I hope today finds you feeling better Mel.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- You have been given good advise by Booboo and Mara. I don't know what to say as I do not have a husband or son. I live alone. For now. Let me explain, with my sisters passing and when my Dad passes, my brother will be living alone. We have not talked about it, but me alone and he alone, maybe combine and live together. ?? Help each other. But, I have lived alone for years. Do I want a roommate? Maybe you and DH and DS can just have a meeting together. "Now that we combined houses we need to talk". Get it all out in the open and make some ground rules. Say that you need some peace with your MBC and you cannot have the stress and turmoil. Do you think that might work? Open the communication lines.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Well I have felt pretty crummy with this Lynparza- nausea and fatigue. Not much on agenda for today. Online church service, as I am still not getting out to in person church due to Covid in our area. Maybe a load of laundry. Reading. This week I have an eye appointment-- yearly check up. And I have a thyroid biopsy on Thursday. I have had thyroid nodules for years. Last biopsy in 2016 was benign. Current PET showed uptake SUV of 7.8 to thyroid so they want me to have a biopsy. I hope this week I get more used to the Lynparza and the side effects slow down. Pocket duty to any who need it this week.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    This is for anyone having a crappy time with cancer, stress, life in general or all the poor people at businesses enforcing masking or vaccine passports.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716

    Mara, can you imagine those arches to the eyes, yikes!

    The news reporter thing is done. We talked for about an hour 1/2 with a break for a photo shoot in my front yard. She’s in her mid thirties I think and we had a bit in common, nice girl and she is specifically focusing on those being diagnosed at a younger age. I was planning to push that angle but no need now. She said it would be out in about two weeks, of course I’ll share it with you all.

    It’s tv mysteries now and relaxing before a busy next few days. I hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,461

    I would imagine those arches causing quite a bit of facial damage. It just came up in my facebook and I thought that would apply to a lot of situations.

    Candy my friend, still in your pocket sending you healing thoughts and my energy as well.

    Not doing too much now. Already walked my 10000 steps since my grocery store did not have my chocolate milk. I was honestly surprised I chose to walk to the other store which was an extra 15 mins or so after over an hour getting to the first store. I am finding adding the pb and me peanut butter powder to my bean meals really makes a difference in my energy level as yesterday I walked 18000 steps yesterday from my house to Walmart. I only stopped to sit on a bench on the way home for a granola bar and water and really did not tire out until I was nearly home. Being wet sucked as it started raining yesterday but my boot and shoe dryer worked quickly to dry them out.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Hello ladies ~ getting ready for bed and wanted to thank everyone for their advice about my conundrum here at home. Ds has to step it up. There is no way around it. DH isn't a janitor he's a good soul who really tried to do good for everyone and I feel this allowed behavior is disrespectful, I don't know how to enforce or change the behavior into productive moving forward action. It's just so annoying he's old enough he should be getting it but then again like everyone says. Why would. He ?? He has it made paying little rent, on my insurance policy for his car. Who would want to give up that Cush deal? No idiot

    Lol at Mara getting scrappy !!!! Loving it