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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Elderberry, I agree with you about Canadians losing civility and Covid has made it worse by putting extra issues such as fight a mask mandate in stores or the vaccine passport etc. Some people have this idea that being told to vaccinate goes against their civil rights but when not doing it can affect many, it needs to be one. Some of the videos I've seen of people in Canada flipping out against employees or protesting at hospitals makes me sick. Adult bullies also are worse as well. I watch those Karen videos on youtube and a lot feature Canada.

    SeeQ, I do keep busy in my own way most days. Weather here is pretty rainy for the next few days so indoor walking is the order of the day and pulling out my rubber boots has become a necessity. Sunday, I will get my new tumble dryer though I may use it on no heat the same as the one that just broke.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I am SO glad you know what’s going on now. You can’t fix it until you know what you have, right? God bless you. Hoping you get to go home even sooner. There’s just no sleeping when you’re in the hospital!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I spoke to my endocrinologist this morning. Telehealth is nice as I was in my jammies and after that I went back to bed and eventually fell back asleep. I woke and at first was wondering why I was feeling so off and then remembered chemo was yesterday. Ha, no wonder I feel all blah

    Anyway, I've eaten and had lots of tea and now I'm off to walk in the rain. Good thing I like rain as we get so much of it. We have a rainfall warning so it's heavier than usual even for Vancouver...


  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Kitty, I’m so glad you finally have a dx! I hope you’re feeling better and can go home soon!

    Mel - that’s so wonderful of your DH! There’s nothing like having a nice comfy bed.

    The husband and I are going to a Beer Fest tomorrow. We bought tickets ages ago before my new dx. I’m excited to actually go out and do something.

    I hope y’all are having a god Friday!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,952

    SeeQ, waving back. Packing doesn’t sound fun.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    imageHere is my bed. I absolutely love it. Always wanted one like this. So happy! He worked so hard to make it perfect for me. Reinforcing places he could. The mattress is heavenly. I feel very lucky. He’s so amazing the things he does. I don’t know how I’ve been so blessed where he is concerned. Now if the son and him continue to be nice and start slowly , maybe that’s can be easier also. One thing at a time.

    Pocket duty for anyone. Hugs for anyone who needs one.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Micmel: That is a lovely bed. It looks quite inviting.

    Hugs to all.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    thank you very much. I'm in it now and I'm thrilled. I feel like a school kid so excited. I remember getting new shoes and I loved to wear. I would put them right by my head on the floor next to my bed. I got so excited for things. Funny how behaviors re visit. Lol.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Micmel, yay for the new bed! I rarely overdo my sleep, too much makes me stay tired but I love a good nights rest, it makes the days so much better.

    Well, we’re heading back out west tomorrow to get a bit more info for out friend. I saw paperwork for a pneumonoccol vaccine he recently got (I was looking for contact info on his family, not snooping, lol) and his doc wants the weekly pill boxes I found in the kitchen. They found something called AVM (something to fo with twisted arteries that can cause blood flow problems to the brain and would explain a lot of symptoms but doctors seem unconvinced, instead the doc mentioned being suspicious of cancer but he also said no tumors or malignant cells were found on CT, Brain MRI or spinal tap, so I don’t get it and I am not confident these guys are up to the task.

    Hopefully we’ll be back in time and in the mood to take the quick beach trip planned for tues-fri. We could use a break.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    my S-in-law had an AVM. It nearly killed her 25 ish years ago now. They can be really devastating if they aren’t caught in time. She had seizures and cognitive concerns (drove her pick up truck down the sidewalk as if the sidewalk was aregular street. They are tough to treat. That said AVM are not a degenerative disease nor do they produce Mets. It’s a tough situation all around and I hope for the best for your friend and his cat, and you.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    So much going on with this thread, hard to keep up. Hello to everyone, hope you have a great weekend.

    Mel - what a thoughtful DH! Looks cozy. Candy - feeling like fall here too finally, love it. LivingIVLife - grocery shopping is the pits when you know what you need. Rather just have them go pick it all out and bring to the car. Goldens - beautiful weekend in SA - tell daughter to check out the Pearl if they have time. Mara - always something with the laundry! congrats on weight loss too. I'm sure I missed some but reading everything

    KatyBlu - DH and I have tx to the beer festival too! I am a bit nervous b/c of Covid, even though it's outdoors. I'm sure no one will be wearing a mask, hard to do when drinking beer. If I'm uncomfortable we will have to leave. It's great fun, although I won't get be getting my money's worth this year, don't drink nearly as much...if you see this and want to meet just to say hi, I'll PM you my info. I'm thinking to wear my rose colored wig or maybe go bald with a sunhat, maybe then people will stand far from me :) I'm at the end of my two weeks of Xeloda so have a sensitive stomach. A leftover breakfast taco really set it off tonight so hopefully it calms down by tomorrow. I'm sure beer will help :/

    Kitty - glad you know what the issue is now and can get it treated

    Mae - Wow you are doing alot of driving for sure, be safe on the road! I hope they are able to determine what the problem is for your friend, yeesh, scary. Maudie, AKA " Monkey Girl" waves hello to the real Monkey. Tabbies are sweeties and allowing belly rubs is a sign of trust. Maude's namesake is from the Big Lebowski character if you're familiar.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Mollifish, thank you for sharing. I’ve never heard of it but I find it helpful to know others have and to confirm some of the symptoms.

    Kikomoon, hello to maudie! And yes, I am familiar, I often remind friends when the are out of the element, lol. It’s actually pretty funny, my DH looks a lot like Walter and quotes him A LOT 😆

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    HA! Mine looks like the Dude if he grows his hair out.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Mel, the bed looks great!

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Kikomoon - I sent you a PM. Your kitty is so cute! I love the Big Lebowski! We did the Alamo Drafthouse movie party for it a few years ago, great fun

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    just realized today is my MBC diagnosis anniversary. On that day, I picked up a daily devotional book a relative had given me years prior, reaching for anything to help me get through this. I was reminded of the anniversary because I'm back to Oct 16 which says essentially-

    Be thankful for everything. Make a decision today to never again take anything for granted. And here we are.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Kikimoon~I’m glad you’re here. I’m sending you hugs you’re a strong woman. Today is a big day. You fought every single one. May the next three decades be good!!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    great bed Mel!

    What a start to a Saturday - got up to potty at 5am, back to bed. All 5 dogs (at our daughters providing child care services) in the room, trying to fall back asleep and I hear the dreaded wrenching of a dog about to barf. Not sure which one but by the time I got up it was our 11 yr old golden. On the beige carpet😳. Have to go down to main floor to grab rags for cleaning - get back try to clean up. Useless - lovely stain. Lay back down to try to sleep. Thought I heard kids talking - thought a grandson was mumbling in sleep. Then I definitely hear talking. Get up and check 3 bedrooms - no kids. Go back to main floor to find 3 kids on electronic devices at 5:30 am. Try not to blow a gasket and calmly say it’s not allowed and everyone goes back to bed. I normally would not be able to fall asleep after all that but I somehow managed to get a snooze for another hour. Good grief…..what will the rest of the day bring???

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Kikomoon, happy cancerversary 🎉 (I celebrate everything). Mine is next month on 11/16 - 5 years!

    I’ll waive to you as I pass through San Antonio 👋

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Goldens, there is nothing quite like the sound (I almost wrote "song") of a dog starting to barf! That fact that you got up, then got up again to see what the kids were doing and STILL got back to sleep for a bit is remarkable.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Yeah, feel the same when my cat is about yack himself, I am lucky there is no carpet and he does it less often now that I only feed a little at a time several times per day. Sorry you got woken up so early Goldens, hope you get a nap today.

    I slept OK, woke up to go pee of course but managed to fall asleep again. I did my 10000 steps just after breakfast, again on the yoga mat, sweaty as all get out. Not planning too much, just going to take the bus to the store, don't need to walk over an hour after the first workout. Get a couple of things and come home, laundry already done.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    lol@ yack.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Well, my new portable dryer is here so just need to get it set up and breakdown the cardboard. I did manage to get the other working again so will find the best set up, probably in a corner of my bedroom. I must be stronger than I think as the delivery man had trouble pulling it along the floor whereas I had no problem getting them across the hallway and into my apartment. Have to breakdown cardboard after, going to just cut it in pieces and recycle that way, cannot store the box as there is no room anywhere. Looking forward to having a working tumble dryer again and using the other as a back up fluffer.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Good morning, we’re back at the mountain to gather ours friends pills, get some medical stuff we found, sort through his trash for clues and water his plants. We’ll take the medical stuff to his hospital, DH will visit and we’ll head home again. Still a mystery for now but he seems to be stabilized.

    I didn’t get the Halloween scary movie watch gig, so I guess I’ll have to watch them without getting paid, as usual, lol

    If there are no emergencies or setbacks in the next couple days, we will take a few days to relax at the beach, which I really need right now.

    BTW, the new 4runner off road edition is a dream. It was made for these rocky conditions and DH has been raving about it, yay!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    sending hello to everyone

    Last weekend we took our son to the apple orchard so he could pick some apples. This weekend we took him to the pumpkin patch and corn maze. He loves to help picking out the pumpkins. He is non verbal but sure knows how to get his point across. Over his 27 years we have tried every communication device including sign language but he has his own way of communication and that's what we go with.

    It was a sunny beautiful fall day yesterday with the trees in their gorgeous red and orange colors. As I look out my window I see the ripples on the water and the red maple trees. I love the fall!

    Unfortunately I also found out that my sister is back in the hospital. She lives in Ontario. Three years ago she found out she had Multiple Myeloma when she fractured her back in 5 places. It is a type of blood cancer where there is an over abundance of protein that slowly eats away at the bone marrow. The doctors "cemented " her vertebrae back together and she was put on a chemo medication. Apparently all is good but her pain is extreme and can keep nothing down in her stomach. My first thought is to fly to Ontario to see her and the rest of my family but with covid still hovering over us I cannot take that chance. I have had my two doses of Moderna vaccine but my white blood count has been quite down so I will have to wait for more information from here.

    Yesterday was quite busy so today is a rest day.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, you go, girl! Show that delivery guy how it's done!

    mae, it sounds like you're both due for a break. I'm glad you friend is stable.

    Living, how fun for your son to go to those places. I'm sorry about your sister. I understand your reluctance to get on a plane. Who knows what you could catch? It could affect both of you.

    Be safe, everyone.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Well, I am finally in the final stages of setting up the new dryer. Hardest part was the size of the box in comparison to my small place, hooked it up to the old back so that is done, getting everything put away was difficult. I am going to keep the older no heat dryer since I was able to fix it. My plan is to use the heated rack for about 45 mins and transfer to the new dryer since it does have heat for maybe 20 or 30 mins. If anything goes wrong with this one, I will have the previous no heat to use as a fluffer. Biggest pain was dragging them through the apartment and figuring out where to store the old dryer. Set up itself was pretty easy Who needs walking today, not me..

    Well, am using the new one with some heat, just for a few minutes to soften towels that are already dry. Will be interested in whether or not there is lint since I believe the other one that the heat stopped working had 0 lint, we will see.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Found out today that a guy I grew up with passed away last night of Covid. No vaccine. I know we all have a choice, and maybe I don’t know what all of this has to do with politics, etc., but why? That’s all I can think of. Why? Yet my own sister and her husband are not vaccinated. Yes, their choice. But I know those who go to the hospital and then advance to a ventilator are wishing like crazy that they had listened and gotten the shot. I guess I’m just pissed. Another life lost.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Laurie, I don't blame you. I really don't have any understanding why so many people will not get vaccinated except for listening to conspiracy theories online. I am also sorry about your friend that died as well as your family's choice not to be vaccinated, is so hard.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Heading back home again.

    I fully intend to be at the MBC zoom tomorrow, so if you’re interested and haven’t registered yet, there’s still time. See ya then.