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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Just finished my 10000 steps workout, took 80 minutes again, faster than I can walk outside, complete sweatball. Steps on my yoga mat, have not decided to go out today or not but done walking for now. Sitting on my couch watching Chicago Med and probably will watch the other two Chicago shows as well later today.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Tanya-So sorry to hear about what your granddaughter is going through. I would take those threats seriously too b/c young people can be so violent nowadays. I hope everything blows over and she is not ostracized.

    Mara-Congrats on the weight loss. I never thought of trying to do so many steps indoors-sounds like a good idea, especially on a rainy day. One of my closest friends was murdered 49 years ago and her murderer was finally caught due to advances in DNA technology. I've been showing up at court- but so far it has just been continuances. We really hope that this guy does not get off on any technicality, although he is 76 now and got to live most of his life while my friend was killed at age 15. I'm glad you don't need to testify in person. It is disconcerting to be face to face with a cold blooded murderer.

    Mae-What a great friend you are! Hope that your friend gets some answers and healing for his condition. It must be incredibly disorienting for him. Glad you were able to find the cat and take it in. Looks like a sweetie.

    Kitty-You must be so sick of the hospital. Hope they can figure out what's wrong and get you home soon so that you can hang out with your precious grandson.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Chicagoan, when I faced him for t he first time last year, I was nervous but just focused on the person asking questions. That was the preliminary hearing. I am glad I don't have to face him now, that is for sure.

    As far as the walking, I wear sneakers and march up and down my yoga mat, may get another so the floor does not squeak as much. Would put it on top of my current one. I did sweat like nobody's business. I figure that if I do that kind of walking all at once, any other walking would be extra. It also does take a lot to do. I will say, I do take a water break and sometimes sit for 30 seconds of rest as well. Feels good after I am done. I would like to continue to lose weight and think the activity and portion control will help. I am not taking any food off the table, just going to get used to eating a bit less of things like chocolate and peanut butter as well.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    First, thank you all for the kind words for us and for our friend.

    Second, I so appreciate the suggestions and questions here and via private message, anything and everything is being considered and is helpful.

    We got home at 6am and I just woke up, still exhausted but better. DH is calling the doc with my list of questions, hopefully we’ll have more info. Then, we’re off to pet smart for cat stuff, poor monkey has had a tough week too, she’s gonna get spoiled now :) DH may head back out there next week or wait until after my next treatment on 10/25, and we’ll go together, depending on how things are progressing.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Here’s some wildlife pics from this trip too and yeah, that’s a tarantula, eek!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Monkey update: For a cat so shy, we’ve never actually seen her before, to be trapped and driven all night across the state to an unknown place with unfamiliar people, I am moved by her progress.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mae, that's so sweet. She must feel very safe and loved by you and your DH.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mae great pics. That tarantula is scary. Do they get inside?

    Kitty I hope you are getting released as we speak.

    Waving hello to all and thanks for all the bullying support. I thought I was overreacting but it's dangerous and different nowadays with the youth. the outcome of the meeting was the school was very nice and seemed to validate our concerns. When they asked me what I thought, I said I was frightened by the threat and I know that once the bullying starts it can be a long hellish road of a group of kids pretending like nothing happened as they continuously mess with their victim. Unfortunately, the girls already have issues with looks etc. and then they can try to hurt their own selves so there are so many things to consider. I was triggered for sure bc in August the same GD whose friend goes to another school was bullied and she made a suicide attempt with pills and was baker acted. Luckily her mother found her. We decided we were too unnerved to allow her to stay in the school. The girl who made the threat did grab her arm in school the same day they met with the principal. Of course she said she just wanted to talk to my granddaughter but who really knows. The kids involved were 11th graders and my GD is in the 8th grade so that was enough of an age disparity to really shake us up.

    I'm relieved she can go somewhere else. the first quarter is over this week so...


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,953

    Kitty, thinking of you. I hope you're able to get home soon.

    Mae, your husband looks like he's already connected to Monkey. What sweet pictures. And no.thank you to the tarantula. Ick!

    Tanya, I'm hopeful your granddaughter will be okay once the switch is made. Our hearts always hurt for our babies and grandbabies when they hurt. I will never understand why people bully. Ugh.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    That's a sweet looking cat and yes she looks very relaxed with your DH, glad you could help your friend so much as well.

    Tanya, glad things are getting handled, imagine that an 11th grader picks on an 8th grader. Good grief. I tended to get threatened a lot myself, one girl threatening me at my front door in front of my mother. She had a sister who had bad arthritis and was in a wheelchair, got it in her head I was talking nasty about her sister. At least that one made sense. Nothing ever came of it.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    way to go Mae! And DH. Beautiful cat. What you’re doing is wonderful. Makes me want a pet. Can’t have cat DH is allergic. So am I slightly. I want a dog. I am deathly afraid of spiders. I wouldn’t be able to move if I saw that thing near me. I was always worried I would find one near my babies and I don’t know what I would have done .

    I’ve been sleeping in the hospital bed that I brought home with me from the hospital years ago. It moved up and down and was comfortable for a while. Then I started. To hate it. I was downstairs today with this project helping DH organizing things for him. He was upstairs fussing in my room. He called me upstairs and there was a brand new full size beautiful fabric headboard and drawer bed for my room. It was so touching I started to cry. He said he knew I needed a bed and he wanted to surprise me. So an early Christmas present for me ! I adore it.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Well they have finally got a diagnosis, it's called PJP pneumonitis and I'm finally on the right antibiotics to fix it so that I can get out of here hopefully on Monday.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Mel, that’s LOVE. Xoxoxo

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Kittykat, glad you have a diagnosis and with the right meds will be released from hospital.

    Mel, your DH loves you so much.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Aww Mel what a sweet gift!

    Kitty, glad they've figured it out finally & hope the abx kick in quickly.

    Chemo today was ok but I'm tired & going to head to bed early. My endicrinologist is calling for a telehealth appt at 740 am..

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063

    Kittykat, finally a diagnosis and the right treatment! I did a quick search and it must be this?

    “Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia is a fungal infection that most commonly affects the immunocompromised…”

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Yes, that's it, it's what used to kill a lot of HIV patients back in the 80's. I'm just glad they finally figured it out, I see masks I my future when I'm around a lot of people, I don't want to do this again anytime soon.

    Thanks everyone for your support, I don't think I'd be as calm as I am without all of you wonderful people 🌻⚘🌺

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    jirovecii is weird in that it's fungal infxn but doesn't respond to anti-fungals & is instead treated with antibioitics. Weird things I remember from patho clas...

    forgot I was going to go to bed early lol. Really going now

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Moth hope your treatment is easy today. Easy needles.

    Kitty I hope the treatment goes quickly.

    Mae monkey is a laid back cat. When I got my cat from my daughter he his first a day.

    Mara waiting for your step count today.

    Mel that was so sweet of your DH. It so nice that he’s thinking of you and buying you stuff and he knows what you like too.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Kittykat, I’m so glad you have answers. I wish you a quick recovery and release to go home finally.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thanks everyone, I'm so looking forward to going home and cuddling Finn and his mum and sleeping in my own bed.

    Mel, what a lovely surprise from your dh, hopefully you'll sleep better than in that hospital bed.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all. I have been reading along, just didn't feel like posting.

    Mae- Wow. Just wow to everything you have went thru. I am a cat person and so I am glad the cat was rescued and has a foster home/ new home now. Hope your friend recovers ok.

    Kittykat- Glad they have a diagnosis now and can get you taken care of. Hopefully home by Monday if not before.

    Tanya- Sorry to read of your GD being bullied. Life is so hard, even for the kids anymore.

    Mel- Happy to read your DH got you a new bed.

    Not much here. Just living day by day. It is getting cooler here over the weekend. More like fall weather. Leaves not changed yet though. Just reading on here, reading books, watching TV-- nothing new.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Tanya, was a little bit late to the party about the step count. Yesterday was just over 10000. I do that in my house for a vigorous and quick workout, took 80 minutes. I use a yoga mat to make sure it is not noisy for the downstairs neighbour, maybe a little floor squeaking, that is about it. Once I am routine about doing 10000 at least everyday, will bump it up to 11000. It is going to be rainy so I do not want to walk outside too much, we will see. I am still aiming to lose some weight with the walking and finally measuring foods so I know the calorie count. Next test will be to buy a chocolate bar and cut it into small pieces so I can have it as a treat much as I have done with my addiction to peanut butter, grab a teaspoon of peanut butter for 30 calories after dinner sometimes as well.

    Also finally working my way through the hoard of laundry supplies I bought previously, goal will be to have it all in one container, was able to empty one container into another so that is good. Just getting things emptied out here.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- when I read about your new bed it brought tears to my eyes. Such a strong love connection

    Mara- keep up the good workouts! When my husband cuts the grass (on a riding lawnmower) he puts his phone in his pocket which has a step counter on it, he comes in and tells me how many steps he walked. It records the steps even if he is on the lawnmower! Ya right!

    Mae- the cat will be so happy in your home. We have a 17 year old German Shepard mix blind dog. She follows me wherever I go in the house. Even when I have a shower she sits right outside the door waiting for me. She is there for me and I am there for her. I love animals and would open a rescue sanctuary if I could.

    Kittycat- thank God you finally have a diagnosis and can quickly get out of the hospital. We all realize how different Healthcare issues are around the world. Our one hope is for a quick diagnosis and treatment options.

    My husband is out getting groceries. I hate grocery shopping at the best of times. I am getting ready to send out a package to daughter and SIL. My husband works at a golf resort here on the island. As we are seasonal up here we send end of the season golf shirts to SIL. We are also big sports fans. My SIL is a Dallas Cowboys fan and we are Buffalo bills fans so I got him a Bills winter hat. I'm sure he will appreciate that!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    That's funny about the step counter on the phone counting the lawn mower as steps!

    I am taking a rest day today and just relaxing at home. My dryer with no heat just died so am replacing it now. I waffled on getting a new dryer but since I know what caused the issue with the last one (cat fur blocking the vent causing machine to overheat), I am taking the chance and buying a new one. I intend to use mesh bags as well and will keep an eye on the back of the dryer to make sure it does not become detached from the machine.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    LivingIVlife your husband is the best! My friend has a step counting watch thing and she's always checking. I think it even measures how much she sleeps etc.

    Hi Candy thanks for chiming in. I do love a cat rescue story too. Warms my heart.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Kitty - great news about dx. Should be a warning for us to be vigilant.

    Mel - what a sweet hubs. Can you share a photo?

    Mae - any place with tarantulas would never see me return. Hate spiders, especially big ones. But that cat must have been well loved to be making such a good transition. We adopted a rescue golden who was just a breeder dog from a truly horrible situation. It took months for her to become comfortable and then there were certain things she could never handle. It was heartbreaking as she was a half sister to the two other goldens we had at the time. All 3 had the same father, just different mothers.

    We are going to take the final walkthrough of our new home in a bit. So excited. We’re also doing some babysitting while our daughter and SIL went to San Antonio for a quick anniversary trip. Thankfully other grandparents are helping out as well.

    Be well friends

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Tanya: I hate hearing about bullying. I am so very grateful there was no social media around when I was a teenager. Great 10 was a total horror. Being bullied when you are little is just awful. I finally stood up to one of my bullies. She had her own issues, was overweight and I was really skinny. "Judy" I said "You are just a fat pig and don't have anything to say to me" Cruel but fair at the time. I was new in town, not part of a clique, dressed "funny", (I was boho even then) wore glasses, had a big nose and was accused of using "$10 dollar words" Apparently having a good command of the English language at 15 was a crime.

    I cannot believe the loss of civility in the adult population. My concern is that this behaviour is as contagious as Covid and some of my fellow Canadians are catching it from watching FOX , mindless reality TV and other media that is destroying their critical thinking and along with it their common decency. I have been told that the First Nations considered insanity to be catching. I think they were right.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,953

    Kitty, so glad they found the remedy to get you home. I hope you start to feel much better soon.

    Mel, what a wonderful hubby. Enjoy.

    Candy, hi. I sit back and read sometimes as well. It’s still a huge comfort.

    Have a great weekend, everybody.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    I've been reading along and packing, packing, packing.

    Mae, glad you found and are fostering Monkey. I hope they figure out your friend's medical problem. One quick note - when my mom was having strokes, they weren't evident on CT right away. I'm sure the docs there know their stuff.

    Kitty - I'm glad they've sorted you out and you're on the mend. I know how anxious you are to get back home.

    Mara - you keep busy, and that's good! Good job on your weight loss!

    Mel - cool surprise from your hubby. That's really sweet.

    Candy and Booboo - thinking good thoughts for you.

    Waving at KBL, Tanya, Goldens, ShetlandPony, moth, and... everyone else!