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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    I just finished my 30 minute You Tube exercise routine. My cat came in the room and saw me doing the exercises. First, he looked at me and ran out of the room. Then he came back in, jumped on the desk, looked at the computer screen, and then looked at me. He must think "humans are weird".

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Tanya: My MO says it is total mystery. Maybe it is the "tracking device" put in with one of my Covid jabs. Ha ha. Yeah. Right

    We got a good dump of snow last night and then it is going to turn to freezing rain in the p.m. Further east in the Fraser Valley it will be worse for them and they have barely recovered from the floods.

    moth: I am glad you are feeling better today. Be careful going out with Olive.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Thank you Chicagoan, just want to say thank you, the walking sticks have arrived and will be a great additional tool for walking, perhaps some nordic walking or for use with balance tasks as well. I really appreciate them and cannot wait to use them. Thanks again so much, hugging you. Heart

    Thank you Tanya, yes cleats will help when I get out next. I am awaiting a delivery today and tired from my infusion yesterday so going to take it easy at home today but no problem for me to get out tomorrow. Also the muscles around m\y hips were sore today, I obviously was lifting my feet a lot more than usua which is good for avoiding trips. In the spring and summer, plan to do LONG walks again but will use my walker, it is quite nice and has a fold down seat so I can sit and rest if need be which will be nice. Winter will just be about getting to the places I need to go, bus stop if a longer trip like tomorrow etc M\y butt was not hurt.. Having said that I will be watching some videos on the nordic walking to get the hang of them for sure! I have all the tools needed to improve not only grocery shopping or long walks with the walker but also fast walking with the sticks at a park or for mall walking and cleats in the winter. I have no excuses anymore not to get out.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Tanya - anemia is a mystery right now. B12 was low but shots and supplements fixed that. Iron and ferritin levels are almost on high side. Went to lab this morning - waiting for results. Waiting - what we all do thanks to damn cancer

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Mara-Glad they came. Hope they will be helpful!

    It's freezing in Chicago but at least we can play pickleball indoors this year, with vaccine passports and masks. Last year we were shoveling the courts and saying-"It's not so bad."

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Chicagoan, I am watching the different ways they can be used, both for extra balance but also faster Nordic walking which I could do in a park setting on a path.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Thanks to everyone for pocket duty for my biopsy today. It went fine as far as I could tell, once my MO’s orders were found. The radiologist talked to me a bit beforehand, asking what my receptors were and explaining that the biopsy will give info as to what treatments are in line for me, etc. I said yes, and my MO is also hoping to get some helpful info from Foundation One genomic testing being done today too. Well apparently no one there was aware I was supposed to have that done too. The nurses got on their computers and they found it written as “genomic testing” by my MO which I guess no one noticed, and then everything moved ahead. Hopefully both things get done.

    Mel, I’m adding my good wishes that you and your counselor will develop a good rapport and that talking with her will be a good thing for you.

    Candy, Yes, us humans must be weird to cats! What’s your cat’s name?

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Rosie- My cat's name is Josiah--- after King Josiah in the Bible.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    …….never played pickle ball.

    Glad you’re ok again Mara

    Goldens~ hope your levels get back to Normal

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Yep, I am OK. Just attached cleats to my sneakers, damn that is hard to do. Will be walking today, may go up to the grocery store. Am mulling taking my cart since I may want to buy heavy stuff and it would be easy to push vs plus a seat I can sit on when I switch to another pair of shoes to walk in the store with, switch back to cleats for the walk home. Learned I do not need to be so ridiculous on the foot lifting, still feel it in my hips, we will see what happens.

    I am also adjusting the walking poles Chicagoan was kind enough to send me so when not shopping, I can use them to get around as well with extra balance as well. Still studying videos as well about using both for balance and Nordic walking in a park.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    BABIES! We’ve got newborns on the mountain 😀 and a very blue bird.

    Starting on insulation today but I had to post the critters first.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Very cute!

    I have not got out yet, still trying to convince myself to go. After 2 falls, harder to convince myself but did attach cleats and will bring along the cart since it is an hour each way for me. The distance is not a problem but the snow will still allow the cart giving someplace to sit while I swap shoes to go in. Need an ID card since I don't drive or travel and update of my health card which is expired. Fingers crossed.

    Edited to add, there was some good and some bad for my attempted walk.

    The good, the cleats sure do help me step more confidently. Because snow covers the sidewalk, still lifting feet really high, felt fine for balance.

    The bad was actually the walker. I know it would need adjusting as the last person who used it was my niece who is quite short. Also, getting the cart up and down even rounded curbs. I also live in a building without an elevator so getting it up and down the stairs and then opening doors and dragging it in was a PIA so the walker is a no go for me. Save it for if I need someone to push me somewhere but otherwise, I will be adjusting the walking poles to suit and using those for stability. I do encounter more balance issues because of not being able to see the sidewalk.

    I did not wind up getting to the place, will do UBER next time they are open to make sure it gets done and after about 15 mins in on the walk, could tell it was too much. I will wait for some snow plows and take the walking sticks for a spin.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Are they ant eaters? Or Aardvarks? Or neither? You can tell I have not been around critters much!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    booboo, they’re pig-like critters, here’s some info.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Booboo I'm glad you asked the question on what animal it was. I didn't want to seem dumb again after the yellow donkeys. I have never heard of peccaries. Mae keep those pictures coming.

    Mara- I was wondering how you were going to manage with the walker. In the winter it isn't very good for walks. Just take care if venturing out.

    Right now we are in the middle of a snow storm. Got my booster today just as it was beginning to snow. The winds are up to 90km an hour. The hard thing is to get the dog to go out even if we shovel a path for her. I should say my husband shovels but then it blows right in again.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    LivingIVlife- I just posted on another Thread about boosters, so I am going to ask you---- Your booster, is that #3 vaccine (2 shots, now booster 6 months later)? Which did you get? Moderna, Pfizer, or J&J?

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Candy- Hi. I asked the pharmacist and he said they are actually the same thing. Call it 3rd shot or booster. Mine was Moderna .

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Living- So you had 3 total?? I got Moderna too. There are 2 doses of Moderna. 100mcg (initial doses) and 50mcg (booster dose). My 3 doses were all 100mcg. And I thought I would get 50mcg for my "booster".

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Living, the cleats on the bottom of the shoes really made stepping easy for me, even though the snow was soft, I still did not slide anywhere. The walker was an impediment as I found it wanted to go down the curbs. I did use breaks but the act of folding it up, carrying it down the stairs and pushing it did not work for me. Walking sticks and cleats will be the order of the day I think and if need be, I have a cane too. Have practiced with both of those today. Unwilling to attempt any sort of deep snow either. I will take it easy though. Walk both inside and outside.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Candy, You are correct about the number of shots recommended for immunocompromised individuals such as us. For people who received Pfizer or Moderna, the CDC recommends 3 “primary” shots followed by a booster. The booster was originallyrecommended after 6 months, but that was recently changed to 5 months. The recommendations posted to are included below. I plan to keep a copy on my phone when I go for my booster, just in case the person administering the shots is unaware of the eligibility.


    Additional Primary Shot
    People age 5+ who are moderately or severely immunocompromised should get an additional primary shot of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

    Given 28 days after 2nd shot

    Booster Shot

    • Teens ages 12–17 should only get a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine booster shot
    • People age 18+ should get a booster shot of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) in most situations

    Given 5 months after additional primary shot


    Additional Primary Shot
    People age 18+ who are moderately or severely immunocompromised should get an additional primary shot of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

    Given 28 days after 2nd shot

    Booster Shot
    People age 18+ should get a booster shot of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) in most situations

    Given 5 months after additional primary shot

    Johnson & Johnson's / Janssen

    Additional Primary Shot
    No additional primary shot is recommended at this time

    Booster Shot
    People age 18+ should get a booster shot of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines) in most situations

    Given 2 months after 1st shot

    I hope this helps.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    50'sgirl- Thank you !!! I am 5 months out from my 3rd dose, so I thought I was due for a booster. But that would be #4. I messaged my MO's office and the nurse told me that they advise to get 3 total, not a #4. I messaged my PCP too, but have not heard back. I got my 3 doses from a local pharmacy and I will call them and ask if I can come in and get #4. I wondered if they would want an order or note from my doctor to give me #4.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Now on the other Thread they are talking about the term "immunocompromised". Are we considered that? If on Ibrance, for instance, your counts bounce back when pausing the med. So not like traditional chemo. I am on a PARP. So am I considered immunocompromised with my low counts????

    I am confused. Do I fit in the category of "immunocompromised"? And do I get a #4 dose with #3 being 5 months ago??

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    Candy~you’re ahead of me , I still need shot number 3 and my flu shot. Gotta get my Fanny moving. But I am confused at the timing well.

    Mara~good to know the cleats are steady. I agree no deep snow and the walking. Stick would be less bulk to move.
    Thanks 50’s for trying to explain! I’ve read it twice now.

    Living~ 4rd shot turns into 5 th. I can’t keep up. Did get my shingles done! Slowly doing things. Ugh at covid.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    Candy, I can’t specifically advise with regards to the vaccine because I haven’t had any due to my PEG reactions but I did ask my MO if I was considered immunocompromised and she said technically yes, being on chemo (Xeloda) but also not really since my blood work is good. So yeah, I’ll just add to the confusion, lol, sorry.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mae- I am on a PARP, so not really chemo, I guess. But my WBC is 2.0, so low.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, Great name for your cat!

    I actually tried to get the third shot (full dose) of Moderna but the pharmacy said they were only authorized by the state to give the booster which is half dose. My MO did say I was considered immunocompromised with low counts due to Ibrance (at the time).

    New day, new meds—just started Verzenio. Fingers crossed for controllable big D. I think I injured my hip somehow. It’s right at the top of my leg, sometimes moves up to the side of the hip. Advil and heat help, but sitting upright can get very painful without those. I think I’ll have to see my primary doc. We still haven’t taken our tree and decorationsdown with all my time on the couch, oh well.

    Mae, I loved the baby animal pics! The peccary is a new one for me too.

    Hello to all. I hope today is a good day.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Funny you should bring this up. I got my booster (3rd dose of Pfizer) in September, so I made an appt. at my local pharmacy to get another booster next week. I needed stuff from CVS, so I went in and asked the nurse who was administering the Covid shots if it’s ok to get a 4th shot, and she said no. I told her I was immunocompromised, and she still said no. So I cancelled my appt. and was going to look at the CDC website to see what they recommend. So thanks Lynnfor the info. you sent. Very helpful.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I meant to mention that I don't believe there are stupid questions, especially here on this thread. That's what I love so much…how diverse we are and what I learn from being here. There is so much to learn about our cancers and how it affects each of us, and then there's the personal stuff that I love to see and hear about. I hope you ask and never feel intimidated by anything you would like to know.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Shetland Pony, I was doing some research on ERBB2 and came across this Dec. 6 post in which you asked me a question, which I missed. I honestly don't know whether I am Her2 amplified, aka Her2 positive, or Her2 negative and (ERBB2) mutated. I have a feeling it's the latter.

    The bone biopsy report in July 2021,after discovering bone Mets on my spine, said I was ER positive (90%) and Her2(IHC) negative (score 1+). But, a followup Caris report said I was AR positive/2+ 100%(IHC). Also, in the Caris report, under a section called "Cancer type relevant biomarkers" a highlighted section said Biomarker -ERBB2 (Her2/Neu);Analyte- DNA tumor; Results - Pathogenic variant Exon 19/p.L7555.

    I plan to follow up in about 2 weeks when I see my MO. But, if you or anyone else can shed some insight on this I'd really appreciate it.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    I think everyone is confused about the Covid vaccines and the CDC guidelines. My MO office-- nurse that responded to my portal message, I don't think she asks the doctor but just types her response to my questions--said that they are only advising on 3 vaccines total for their patients. I am waiting to see what my PCP advises. Then I will ask a pharmacist. But I think I will get different answers. Are 4 shots too many? Will it hurt me? But, is 3 enough to keep the Covid symptoms minimal and keep me out of the hospital?

    Booboo- Are you now going to take Lynne's post and show your pharmacist and see if that changes her mind?