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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Living, it’s the standard every 3 weeks but I’ve had to postpone by a weeks a few times over the years without and issues, MO says it’s fine on rare occasions, which for me seems to be about once per year. I just want the local place to get their shit together.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I believe a lot of places need to get their shit together. Everywhere you go there is some problem with customer service or delivery broken items. Lost packages. It's annoying. I check my appointments frequently and I'm glad I did. There was no blood work scheduled for my scanning and Xgeva. Had I not looked it would have been all messed up for a few weeks as well. Always have to check after you check.

    Hope everyone is doing ok tonight. I'm ready for pocket duty in the morning. BringingCinnabons with icing. And fresh pressed coffee!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Yum - Cinnabon - can’t remember the last time I had a taste. Mel - you do need a puppers. There’s one just waiting for you somewhere…. How’s the meeting with the therapist going?

    Met my new onc yesterday. She’s young and energetic. Only change with her is scans every 4 months instead of 6. I’ve been on Ibrance/anastrozole for 2.5 years and she said that’s a time frame where progression might start. It was nice to drive 35 minutes instead of 90 to see a MO.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mae- It is frustrating when we have hiccups with our treatments. I hope they get it all resolved and this is your "one time" for 2022 that you will be late on your Herceptin.

    Goldens- Good to hear that you had a good visit with your new MO. Hope you get much more time out of Ibrance/anastrozole. I got 4 years from Ibrance.

    Not much here. Tuesday I posted that I had more energy. Well yesterday (Wed) it was the opposite. Not sleepy, just low energy. I guess I need to be kind on myself and just accept that each day may be different. Today... we will see (8am here now). Not much on the agenda--- maybe some exercise, a load of laundry, make out some bills. I do get bored without working, but I like that my schedule is flexible.

  • SupportforAmy12
    SupportforAmy12 Member Posts: 14

    Hang in there as best as you can! A rocky start for a lot of the world, but we are here to support each other!! Sending you good vibes

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Morning all, it’s 21 degrees and snowing, RV pipes are frozen but hopefully don’t burst. DH is cooking biscuits and sausage gravy but I didn’t sleep great and am a little nauseous, maybe breakfast will solve that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I hope you feel better Mae!

    Welcome Amy to our place of peace and madness !!

    Thinking of you ladies today…..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Mae, hope your stomach settles after breakfast. Hate the nauseating feeling too.

    I have done the weirdest thing. One of the cleats from my shoes has disappeared. I would have thought I would notice it coming off my shoe. Need the cleats as it is supposed to stay significantly cold with possible freezing rain. I ordered a new pair of cleats as I have an MRI tomorrow and need to get to the hospital. Just the weirdest thing ever to not know where the cleat went. I know once I receive the new cleats, I will find it else where I would think but at least I will be prepared.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara sorry you lost your cleat. I hope you find it maybe when snow melts

    Mae a birding book is fantastic. I hope your nausea goes away.

    Candy I like the flexible schedule I have too without the demands of a job. Kind of bittersweet bc the job offered a lot. With the pandemic though working would’ve had to stop anyway.

    I have mri Monday and neuro Onc the first of Feb I have to venture out for cat food today.

    Pocket for whoever needs it


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae-hope your nausea eases after having some breakfast (biscuits and gravy yummy though I have never had it) You have a long drive tomorrow back to Houston so hoping you feel better and safe travels

    I have my CT scan on Tuesday. Scans are done every 3 to 4 months. I have been on Ibrance and Femara since July 2019 so I'm hoping I can continue on with that albeit a lower dosage.

    Stricter restrictions have been put in place here for at least 2 weeks. This means we can't have our son out . I did talk to him on the phone so he knows we are still here. The worker said he gave a huge smile and then hung up . Oh well !

    Have been feeling the blahs. Feel so down. Like Mel I ache all over. I have cleaned out fridge and doing a load of towels. Dh gone for groceries.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: I hope the pipes don 't burst. Our house pipes burst last month. Soaked a corner of the basement. We just don't get sub-zero temperatures here. The house wasn't built and insulated for it. I nearly lost it since the week before that the hot water tanker went and flooded another corner of the basement. I lied. I did lose it.

    Still waiting on my bone marrow biopsy result. Radiology was backed logged. My MO said about ten days and that brings it to the time when I have my tele-health chat with him on Monday. I am staying amazingly calm.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Thanks everyone, my belly is ok now and I’m sitting by the heater warming my froz toes 🙂


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I’m sorry you are not feeling well and also have the blahs. This time of year I think it’s so easy to go there. It’s hard to talk yourself out of the blues. But rest assured that that is one of the reasons that Mel started this blog…so we could support each other through the blahs.

    Mara, hope you find your cleat.

    Mae, biscuits and gravy…yummmmmmm…

    Waving hi to Tanya, Mel, Mae, Mara, Candy, Runor, Living, Kikomen, KBL, and all the rest. What would we ever do without each other??

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I so agree, booboo! You all are my family and I appreciate each one of you. I admire those of you who remember each post and poster and comment on each one. I'm rather sporadic about that. It doesn't mean I don't care. It's just that by the time I get to end of my comments, I've forgotten who said what. Sigh...

    I think I'm still reeling from the loss of Rabbit/Samantha. It just doesn't seem fair or right that life keeps marching on for the rest of us. She wrote a beautiful blog. She and moth inspired me to start a blog. I just want peace right now.

    (((hugs))) to all,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I so agree, booboo! You all are my family and I appreciate each one of you. I admire those of you who remember each post and poster and comment on each one. I'm rather sporadic about that. It doesn't mean I don't care. It's just that by the time I get to end of my comments, I've forgotten who said what. Sigh...

    I think I'm still reeling from the loss of Rabbit/Samantha. It just doesn't seem fair or right that life keeps marching on for the rest of us. She wrote a beautiful blog. She and moth inspired me to start a blog. I just want peace right now.

    (((hugs))) to all,


  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mara - hope you find your cleat! I am constantly misplacing stuff and driving DH nuts, I have always been like that, not cancer-related.

    Mae - sorry about your treatment hiccup. It sounds like you might be in MY cancer network now. Although they did implement a new portal and my three messages were responded to the next day, which is a big improvement. Now I want biscuits and gravy - so good!!

    Rosie - wishing you luck on deciding next treatment

    Booboo - so sorry about your DH but so happy you will be with family and comfortable

    Candy - good news on lung nodules! smaller is great!

    Mel - I hope you can get a doggie soon. My 2 cats have made life so much more interesting - like living with 2 muppets! Happy, goofy little girls.

    SeeQ - hope you are having fun with your daughter

    Candy - you never irk! I am always checking the boards to see what everyone is up to, laughing or crying, or just talking. We all understand what this is like.

    LivingIVLife - I'm so sorry about Debbie. It is sad to lose people who have made such a difference in our lives. I'm sorry you're in funkytown now, I guess we all can't help making periodic stops there...

    Elderberry - the waiting is hard. I sent a message to MO to call or post results ASAP, as it is mentally agonizing to wait until an appointment, plus I can't take anyone with me to hear the results.

    Sunshine - your blog is very nice! Y'all are inspiring me to get on mine - DH set one up for me and I've yet to use it. I wanted to post non-cancer stuff on it like cakes and movie commentary, just for fun. Right now I am working during the day and watching Ozark or Better Call Saul in the evening. I need to do something more productive, but I must know what happens on these shows!

    Some good news here - I had my spine MRI yesterday and MO called this morning saying it looks clear of leptomeningeal for now. I'll take it and run! Still waiting on appointment with MDA for second opinion as far as switching to Enhertu. MO thinks MDA is a good idea, as she's quite a young doctor and I appreciate her honesty and openness. Also need to meet with RO to explain why re-radiation is preferred to gamma knife. This week, I have summoned Ellen Ripley to be my inspiration. Trying to be brave as I fight against my personal alien Xenomorph - this cancer business. I've never been a particularly scared person until this damn cancer, and I don't like feeling all this fear.

    Tanya - in pocket already for MRI next week, with Cinnabon minis!

    Hello everyone - at LEAST 10 more friends hanging out in Mel's living room!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Kikomoon, yay on the spine mri, the lepto scare is unreal, especially when you google the old stats!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Kikomoon, glad you are not dealing with leptomets at this point and yes, this cancer can be really scary at times.

    I did order new cleats on Amazon very early this morning before bed so am waiting for them to arrive from Amazon. I do have others I can use but I like the cleats on my heel and also the part of the foot right below my toes. I will be able to use those tomorrow for my MRI. I think the other ones were used so much that it may have broke while coming in. Not going to look for it. I used them from way back when I lived at my condo. I think that was just after my official stage IV met presenting in 2016.

    I did not do much myself today, laundry, handwashed some new bras. I am rocking the uniboob as I am tired of the prosthetic and no one is looking at my chest anyway.

    In Tanya's pocket as well, thank you for thinking of me.

    Living, the restrictions suck when it affects family so much. I get away with seeing my older brother and fam as I am single and considered part of their bubble. We are losing some restrictions Jan 31 but all must realize that we could be put back under again. Does not affect me too much as I don't eat at restaurants and there are no movies I am dying to see. Grocery stores have never been a problem for me. I imagine liquor stores are quite busy though.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara I too rock the uniboob often. You had me cracking up over here because I do the same thing often.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- on pocket duty tomorrow for your MRI . When I had my mastectomy all those years ago I hated hated the prosthetic boob. I was big busted (was !) and it hurt. After 3 years I finally had reconstruction surgery. I felt so much happier. The uniboob sounds perfect though.

    Elderberry- good vibes sent for biopsy results

    I learn so much on this thread. Like lepto... I always Google these words I don't know or understand. Apparently I have a lot to learn.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Hi, everyone. I'm like Sunshine, I can't remember what's been written when I haven't been on all day, but please know I'm thinking of you all. I guess maybe I should start writing notes so I can comment to everyone. If you're having scans, I'm in your pocket. Congrats on the clear MRI.

    Mae, I do remember you had nausea. I hope it's better.

    Mara, I hope your cleats arrive soon.

    Thank you for the shoutout, Booboo.

    I'm thinking of you all and sending hugs your way.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, I've been rocking the uni-boob since my first cancer. I'm small, I don't tilt when I walk, and I found a super comfortable bra that actually makes it hard to tell I only have one breast.

    Enjoy your new cleats!


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Sorry I called you “Kikomen". Don't know where that came from. Does anyone else have problems mixing up words? OM goodness, it's really bad. I almost never say a whole sentence with correct words. Oh well, I've got bigger fish to fry.

    Goodnight all. Sleep well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    BooBoo ~I adore you you made me smile.

    Ladies stop worrying so much about Taking notes. General good vibes and good support is all you need to contribute. Sondfsyd I’m good at. It. Others not so much. I forget things all the time. Sometimes within minutes. My therapists first teaching.

    “Be kinder to yourself, you didn’t ask for this”

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    booboo haha I just thought you meant kikkoman like the soy sauce 😂 no worries!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Kikomoon- Happy for the clear MRI.

    I get tired of my breast prosthesis too. Some days when I do not expect to see anyone--- no Zoom or no need to get out in public-- I go bra less and without a boob on the left. The prosthetic is heavy, and I want a break from it. Also, less bras to wash. I don't really mind the lack of a boob, I more hate the normal side when going bra less--the drooping boob and the obvious "no bra" look.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mel, Mel,

    You know I adore you too. Once I get settled here (March), I’m coming for a visit. If you feel up to a lunch out, then we’ll have a good olé time.

    Tanya, we also need to make plans to have lunch before I leave FL. I’ll PM you on dates.

    Kikomoon, you are 100% correct. My brain was thinking the soy sauce!!! OMG, I’m caught. Seriously though, chemo has wrecked my brain. I used to be a shark cookie with lots of responsibility. Could juggle it all. Now? Good luck getting a decent sentence out of me. I feel like I’m all over the place. My poor sister has to help me say things correctly, as I can’t seem to organize my thoughts. Anyone else struggling with this? Could be my anxiety rearing its ugly head. Dunno.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Laurie, I notice my brain being foggy when tired or on a drug that causes drowsiness. I made a mistake and took a full 8 mg of zofran due to nausea with contrast dye. I was also working on 4 hrs of sleep overnight which obviously is not enough, my fault, watching movie and youtube vids so that is on me. Was exhausted feeling the full 40 ish minute walk to the hospital. Icy sections no problem with my updated cleats but because I tend to trip, I also raise my legs very high. Though I have the leg strength to do it, it is very tiring as well. Had to get a lunch at the tim hortons at the hospital because I would not have had the energy to get home.

    The MRI was a little longer as it was slightly different, my brain has lost what kind of MRI it was though. I am home, I will keep marching on the spot and will try to do that on my treadmill as well. Will find out next week.

    I will say that although my mind really wanted to tell me I was so tired and exhausted, I did manage to grab that thought and put it on the backburner by thinking instead that I had to just keep going, keep my eyes on the cracks and ahead of me and that I could tell myself how tired I am to my heart's content once home. Now to wait til next week for results which I will post here

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Laurie - not only do I lose my train of thought, I am told repeatedly by my husband and daughter that I am repeating myself. And I’m frequently asking my daughter the same questions I asked her sometime before. My prior PCP said that sleep apnea can actually cause memory issues. I had an at home sleep study which was suggestive of mild apnea. Will need to get a bi-pap machine in the near future. Hopefully that might help. But I've complained of memory issues following chemo 31 years ago.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mara, so glad you made it back home safely. In your pocket for results.