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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, Rosie, I'm sorry. Will keep checking for your updates. I hope you can get some good rest tonight.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Rosie- so sorry you have to wait until tomorrow for surgery. More time to get everyone in those pockets of yours. Mae has the right idea though. Just know we are all with you.

    Saying hello to everyone.!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Sorry the surgery could not happen today, hope it happens tomorrow, we are all still rooting for you.

    I finished organizing the area where I sit to keep what I need computer and device wise and make it look neater which I think it does. Will be more functional and found a bunch of stuff I forgot about as well. It was tiring and I get anxiety whenever I start organizing if things look cluttered so it was a chore.

    I did try another new thing in the vein of eating enough beans for protein and just some variety. I ate some garlic bread at supper and decided to add maybe 1/4 cup of beans, a small spoon of low fat mayo, taco seasoning, italian seasoning and a small amount of wheat bran for fiber. Blended up in my little chopper that I use as a mixer lately to make it smooth. Tosted the garlic bread and just spooned the mayo and bean spread on top. Got both the enjoyment of the garlic bread with a boost from the beans. Much better and more filling. Now tonight am doing nothing but sitting on my butt watching TV.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- what type of beans do you use ?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Deb, for this time I was using pinto beans but I will also use my black beans as well. I just put it all in my little chopper and let it blend together. It was delicious. The eggs this morning the way I made them and the spread this evening because I was full. I use canned beans so I did heat them up for 60 seconds in the microwave first. My next meal plan will include soup and beans somehow. Depends which soup I want to use and I have more Tim Hortons chili from Amazon as well.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Sunday morning all.

    Pocket duty list for week of Feb 14--

    Sondra- RO and radiation planning Tuesday, Plastics Wednesday, Radiation Thurs and Friday

    KBL- endoscopy Tuesday

    But remember Rosie for surgery today, Sunday.

    And all of us with handling treatments, and just dealing with this disease.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Thinking of Rosie and sending all my healing thoughts and energy to her.

    Not doing much today. I did organize my sofa area for all the devices I use but made it way less cluttered looking. No desk nor room for a desk, use laptop on legs with a cooling fan underneath. I did come across a really old case for old USB flash drives and all sorts of charging cables so no mess, cleared out stuff I do not want, put some boxes of less used stuff iunder my couch which was good. Much less clutter.

    Had breakfast of a soup made from pinto beans (1/2 cup), beefless ground 1/4 cup, spinach, queso and spiced with italian seasoning and salt. Small pour of chicken broth (not salted) to make it more liquid. Had an english muffin too. I feel full but will use this energy to try out an old Leslie Sansone video of a 5 mile walk. The benefit of doing this at home is that there are rest breaks of 40 secs whenever I need them, water breaks and washroom breaks. I am wearing shoes since no one is in the apartment below yet. If bored, I can bust out my own music and just follow pace on TV. Also going to hold onto my phone to check if this walk really is 5 miles.

    Edited to add that I was unable to continue after half an hour. Just was tiring. I did check and the workout had just started the 3rd mile but according to my pedometer on the phone, it was the equivalent of 1.24 miles. I still take this as a win but not feeling like I need to do more than 20 mins of this pace once or twice a day. Even boosted to a super low inpact jog on the spot. Heart rate was raised quite a bit so that is good.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Rosie - standing by anxiously hoping to hear all went well for you. 

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    We’re back at the cabin and I’m just rockin’ out today, moving large rocks to one area and raking smaller rocks to line the dirt driveway and roundabout. It’s a beautiful day, sunny and around 60 degrees. Im mostly planning now, the beach bar she-shed will go up 100 or go feet left of the cabin on the other side of the roundabout but directly in front and below the deck I’d like a small patio/lounge area (yellow) and a hot tub (green). what do you all think, I’ll take any construction or design tips, if anyone has taken on a similar project before.


  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Ha - Candy, if you feel like it, I've got All Hospital,All the Time next few weeks - RT planning and RO Tuesday, Plastics on Wednesday, 5 RT to vertebrae starting Thursday, and RT and PT on Friday. MO on 28th to start Lynparza, and then they hit the breast/nodes from March 1 with RT for five sessions. I dont know how a moderately ok scan with some minor primary activity in mid-October turned into a five month treatment ordeal, but here we are. Its like a mini version of early stage treatment, just minus chemo!

    Waiting to hear from Rosie....

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    wow Mae! Looks nice and a great view from the hot tub. I would say just make sure it’s not obstructing that view from other areas you might want to see it from. I think I threw my back out just reading your post

    Sondra- I’ll jump in your pocket for a busy week!

    Still thinking of Rosie.

    Making up some super bowl food - as it’s an excuse for something a little different - 7 layer dip, corn dip, attempting fried pickles. I had bought spears to make them like Alamo Drafthouse but DH has requested pickle chips which makes my life harder but oh well. I made a deal with him to go get me some cheese from the store today, and I got the wrong end of this deal. We’ll see!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I don’t know anything about construction, but that is one kick butt view. Wow. I hope you get many years of joy with that view.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Popping in to check on Rosie, hope surgery goes smoothly!

    Mae, I agree, I think a patio and a hot tub looking over that view would be amazing!

    Moth thinking of you with your new treatments too.

    Here for pocket duty for whomever needs it this week. Sondra F, sounds like we need our own little corner of the waiting room for you this week. I hope all goes well.

    My brain MRI got scheduled for the 21st. I'm not super worried about it. I think this is just being precautionary but I do get a little stressed. It feels like in a moment things can change with all this. I'm kinda just waiting for the next shoe to drop and trying to enjoy the present day at the same time. It's an awkward balance. We've had a weird "pseudo spring" here in Oregon. I have my lemon trees out enjoying the70 degree weather but it's supposed to change tomorrow and get cold and cloudy again so I am going to wheel them back in this evening. As much as I love the sunshine I know we need the rain. My allergies think it's spring for sure. I sneezed twice in church and that's always awkward. I have never mastered the muffled sneeze. The whole sanctuary knew I was there. Oye! Now I am making tea for iced tea, hung fresh food for the humming birds and woodpeckers and am trying not to notice all the weeds I need to pull.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- it all sounds so relaxing and the view is amazing. I love the idea of a she-shed and hot tub. I'm not a designer or landscaper but if you can pull it off it will look amazing. I'm still waiting for my screened in porch to enjoy our summer nights without bugs eating me alive.

    Sondra- you do have a massive schedule ahead of you. In your pocket for each procedure.

    Waiting to hear how Rosie is doing.

    Tomorrow is our 27th wedding anniversary. We got married in the Bahamas. My daughter and her friend, our son who was just over a year old and our best friends were all there. It was a beautiful warm day. I didn't have a dress to wear so here we were shopping for some sort of dress in Nassau 2 days before. It was very informal but turned out great. When we got home we had a huge party where everyone was invited.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Well, my housing story just goes on and on and on. One of my neighbours upstairs came downstairs to ask for my help because he had signed that he would leave but it was under duress. He filed forms to stay and said he was under duress which makes anything he signed null and void but got a supposed form from the tenant board saying he had to be out at the end of february. Leave it to me to call my brother to loop him in on it as well and between us we encouraged him to get a lawyer as this seems very fishy. The new owners have NO contact information, have disabled the lights in the laundry and are trying to pay hardball. I got a couple of neighbours together, even ones who have not signed and said to take pictures of the front where there is no shovelling done, out back and to take pictures of the laundry room as well. My brother and I did direct him to lawyers who help people all the time. I also told my neighbours that if the new owners get aggressive with me, I will out them on the news faster than you can say and play my diagnosis to make them look bad. Contacting my government official too as she mentioned me. They also have to give 4 months notice and this only started in November so it has not even been 4 months. They as shady as ever. They even deposited money in his account to make it look like he accepted their offer to go. I told him not to spend any of it. Guess I better be careful but they have never met an angry cancer patient which I am at this point. People trying to bully us are wrong and I won't stand for it.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Sondra- pocket duty for your busy week.

    Mara- Wow. All I can say is I wish you could move out of there.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I kind of agree but there is not enough money for that and it is still winter so will wait it out. I was just shocked that someone came to my door asking for help. I guess because my older DB and SIL were helpful before but I will pay attention for sure. I don't have to do anything yet as I have signed nothing and no one has approached me. I also will not answer the door either and refer them to DB who can act as POA if I need him too.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Mae, what an awesome view. I think your ideas are great. I miss my hot tub.

    SondraF, in your pocket for all of your appointments.

    Happy 27th anniversary, LivingIVLife. I hope you have a super day.

    Mara, I’m so sorry for all the stress of these people, but I have to say you sound like me. I am the same way when I feel wronged. You rock.

    Thinking of you, Rosie.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Rosie I hope you are doing OK. Waiting with everyone else.

    Mae that view is beautiful I can imagine it when the seasons change. My back is hurting just from helping my granddaughter paint a science project at the kitchen table.

    SondraF pocket duty for you busy lady. We'll use Mae's pants and sweater if it's cold. I think I want some of that fancy Chicago chocolate popcorn for my pocket snack.

    Mara the new owner managers are some shady folks. You're gonna be featured in a movie once you turn that entire apartment building rogue! The news will be the intro and then they'll see what a fighter you are.

    Happy anniversary LivingIVlife.

    My dear friend and former coworker (breast cancer stage IV too) was admitted to the hospital this weekend COVID. She was told a few weeks before that she only had 6 months left bc the cancer had spread and she was just taking radiation for pain relief. She has refused to be put on a ventilator and she's in ICU no visitors. Sorry to drop this here but I'm just sad and scared. Cancer and Covid.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Weil, been busy on the phone between the neighbour and older brother who sent me a copy of the letter sent and it says at the bottom that if letters were sent to the tribunal to stop the eviction and that the agreement was signed out of duress, a stay would be issued and the tribunal would start a hearing. The neighbour sent documents to seek a stay so I told him to get on the line tomorrow with the tribunal and a legal services company that is free. Get more lawyers involved in this. I said time is critical for him at this point. I also told him to keep the calls up and call our provincial government person to get this heard. I told him not to give up. Told other residents to take pictures of how the building is kept, dark hallways, dark laundry room as well to give an idea of how this place is being kept. It is shady as well for the tenant because the property owner had offered 2600 for the tenant to leave but then they put 1600 in his bank. No receipt was given.

    Like I say, if I could truly afford it, I would move out to a bigger place, would love to have a large one bedroom with a proper kitchen but money is still an issue at this point so I will simply report property issues, take pictures and not sign a thing. They still cannot evict me without any sort of building permit and I won't be signing anything. This is also starting to show me how to deal with and counter the property owner and if there ever is a credit in my bank account, I will send it back with an email.

    The neighbour has given me permission to talk about this and I know I am giving some detail but it helps me to have you guys to say something to as it helps inform how I need to handle myself and events going on the future so thank you for listening and reading.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Tanya, my brother and I will help the fellow as much as we can and the rest will be up to him. I don't think anyone else signed the form that was given to us back in November so that protects us some. I am glad he came to me for help, I told him to contact a free lawyer services place, a government official and the tenant board asap. I told him that he did not have a brother like mine looking out for him when it started but due to the owners shady dealings and intimidation of a couple of residents, my brother and sil came and gave everyone information about their rights. So in a way, we few neighbours are sticking together and getting more familiar with our rights.

    KBL, at this point, I am not stressed liked I felt a couple of months ago. Also not going to be angry about it all either. That will not help anyone in the long run, even me but this will spur me to help where I can with neighbours and keep up to date for myself and on guard if the people try to come to my place. At the end of the day, the neighbour will need to really hustle for himself with the info provided by my brother and me, give all relevant information and just keep fighting.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara~ I am in the us it is very difficult to evict someone.takes a long time. I hope the asshats get what's coming to them. Get the news involved for sure. Too many people idly sitting by Doing nothing. People can really really suck. Thinking of you

    Thinking of Rosie also!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Rosie, sending positive thoughts your way as well, healing energy all over as well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    bloodwork and Xgeva shot and scanning are all creeping up on me. That was a quick year. Trying to get some sleeep. It's not being good tonight. Hope anyone who watched the super bowl enjoyed it. I saw some of it. I do enjoy sports. Saw some golf too,Brooks Koepka bleached his hair. Noooooooo'. Too handsome with his dark hair. I was. Like wtf happened ??

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Mel, I don't like tall dark and handsome going to bleached out hair either. I don't know the fellow you mean but have seen plenty of attractive heads of hair get ruined like that.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Tanya, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer and Covid are a bad mix for sure. Praying for her and you.

    Mara your housing drama, wow! I can't believe that. I'm in the US and it is hard tp do that here in most states and get away with it. That said, sheisty landlords seem to be rampant everywhere. In Oregon the cost of rentals is through the roof, it is everywhere, but it seems to be setting people up for price gouging. My brother and his wife are getting effectively ousted from the home they have been renting for 9 years. The owner gave them a year but their lease termination reason was because supposedly the owners were going to live in it or rent it to "family", which lets them out of the lease. Once the papers were signed it turned out they are going to renovate it and rent it to an employee for double the rental amount that my brother and his wife were paying. It was their workaround for going above and beyond the Oregon annual rental cap of 7%. I applaud you for holding your ground and not letting these people bully you. I'm glad you have people in your corner helping you.

    I just finished watching the super bowl with my parents. We did burgers and onion rings and I made mini cinnamon rolls not knowing my mom had already baked brownies! Oh my gosh. I think I ate my entire days worth of calories in a single meal! It was good though. I'm definitely going to have to walk that off or make it up at the gym tomorrow!

    Happy Valentines day to you all!


    **Not my car, random Google image, but if I had the opportunity I would totally do this! I'm a VW fan at heart.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Emac, wow, that is shady and very greedy. Problem is that if there was more affordable housing, then people could leave where they live and be covered. Pay less rent and actually save some money or make a plan to do something else. Then if we were able to leave and get a good place, these people could just buy it, renovate and be done with it. I feel bad for the guy upstairs, I don't know if he has any cushioning financially. I am lucky that I sold a condo and have used some of those funds to set up an investment trust and have some I keep for myself for bills and such. If push came to shove, I could be alright for a while and maybe find a part time job that would make it easier. A lot of people cannot do that so I feel bad for them.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Hi Everyone! I’m here and the surgery went as planned. Thanks for hanging around in my pocket for so long. 💕. Mae, that uni -pocket was hilarious! I now have 2 levels of rods and screws up and 2 down to support where the tumor was compressing and a lot of it was removed. I’ve still been in bed so far but PT is supposed to be coming to get me moving around later. I wish they could have worked their magic and got every bit of the tumor while they were in there, but that’s for radiation, not ortho. Staying in lanes.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Wow, Rosie, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. You are amazing. I am glad to hear that surgery went well. We are all still there with you as you go through PT and radiation.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Continued pocket duty, Rosie, as you recover.