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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Yes Rosie, so good to hear from you. Glad the surgery went well. Sounds like the PT and radiation will be an effort but go a long way toward pain relief for you.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Yay Rosie, great to hear from you this morning. Wishing you continued wellness.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Rosie, thank you for updating us. I hope you're not in too much pain and that PT comes and helps get you up and moving.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Rosie - glad the surgery ordeal is over - hope you have a comfortable recovery! Keep us updated on how things are going.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Well, I did some digging today and found out that the new owners of the building are trying to turn these into air BNB places. Good news is rules do not allow for this to happen in Ontario. The two units currently being worked on below me are listed online. I took screenshots, updated neighbour who is fighting eviction, told brother and took screenshots. There are rules against this for sure. It just keeps adding up and I really don't know how it will all turn out but I do know one thing, I may be forced out if they succeed in renting the downstairs units as airbnb. That is down the road, still focused on the neighbour and helping him and seeing what happens. I also think that it is more important than ever to get my affordable housing request underway the sooner the better.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Rosie- so happy to hear from you and the surgery went well. I know the hospitals like to get you up and moving asap. Still in your pocket for a speedy recovery!

    Mel-;when is your scan coming up? We all recognize how anxiety creeps up and can take over our mind. Hugs

    Mara- I feel terrible for your neighbor. I feel terrible for the whole situation that just won't go away.

    I love the picture of the flowers in the vw. I use to have a vw convertible. (my mid life crisis gift after bc the first time)

    Happy Valentines Day 💝

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    Mae - I love your pics of the scenery near your cabin. It transports me to peaceful place.

    Rosie - sorry to hear of the latest situation. I hope they figure out the best solution and you will feel better soon. Who remembers the book, "Katie No-pocket"?

    Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves: Katy No-Pocket


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    I don't remember the book but I do love that picture as well as Mae's picture showing how we are always in each other's pocket. It's funny, I use that saying in your pocket when someone I know is going through something as well.

    I am starving so ordering a nice lunch and unsure what I will do today besides my usual stuff, it is beautiful and sunny and at this point, just need to chill out for a bit, go for a nice though very chilly walk outside in my cleats. I do not mind if it is cold. Still not immediately stressed but short on sleep as I had consumed pepsi in the evening and did not get to bed til 4 am as I was watching a bunch of stuff on TV.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, mara! You are quite the sleuth! These new owners are unbelievable! What are they going to try next? There used to be this reporter in our area who you could call to report this kind of stuff. He'd show up on their doorstep or business (or whatever) with cameras, and would question them about their shady, unethical behavior. Needless to say, he wasn't popular with shady business owners, but the general public LOVED him.

    I love the picture of the VW bug!

    GoKale, I'm not familiar with that book (deprived childhood, perhaps?), but it's adorable. That's a lot of pockets and I think it would come in very handy for "pocket duty."

    Happy Monday, everyone.


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Rosie - I surprised, but glad to hear from you so soon. In your pocket for a (hopefully) quick and comfortable recovery.

    Mara - your housing saga never ceases to amaze me. You are wonderful for helping your neighbors the way you do.

    I don't know the book, but I love the picture!

    Last week was a hard week here. The new MO I was supposed to see no longer practices in the location closest to me. I found that out after I showed up for the appointment. Someone forgot to tell the new patient scheduler about the change. Grrr. Then, my Verzenio scrip was late - after 3 days of anxious calling about the shipment being lost/delayed with no satisfaction, I thought I was going to miss about a week. I had to go down to half dosage for a few days, but it finally arrived on Saturday. I'm getting a referral to new MO, so I'm going that so this smoothly.

    My daughter was so sweet. She called me when I'd reached maximum frustration about my scrip shipment and dh was out of town for a couple days, so she offered to drive up and spend the weekend with me. I told her she didn't need to come up, because she's still settling in to her new house. Just talking to her made me feel much better, and it was so nice that she was willing to drop everything to come see me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Thanks everyone. I did find out from speaking to the lawyer that they could look into but have to wait until I am served with an eviction form. At this point, if the bottom two units were rented out for AirBnb, I would want out ASAP. Not sure what my next move should be.

    I did just get off the phone with my local mpp's office. He is very helpful and aware of the full situation. He is getting in contact with my city's local councilor for my neighbourhood as well since the neighbours on this street would likely not want to have a place be converted into AirBnb to have wild parties on a quiet street.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Rosie24, so glad things went smoothly. Now if recovery can be smooth as well. Still in your pocket.

    Love the picture with the pockets. I never read the book either.

    Mara, I’m just shaking my head.

    Got a call from my gastro’s office this morning. I was set for my yearly endoscopy on April 4th. They had a cancellation for tomorrow and asked if I could do it then. Well, okay, then. No anticipation build-up to happen. I’d appreciate pocket duty as well. Don’t know what time yet.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    KBL- Pocket duty for tomorrow.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    KBL - pocket duty for tomorrow. At least the Part One of scanxiety is brief.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Well, after coming to the realization that I was starting to freak out again about the prospect of moving, I have decided to do what I was doing before the neighbour approached me for help. I realized I don't have the energy to help everyone. I also have not yet been served any notice of eviction. I did look at places and realized, I don't want to look for places since I was not doing that lately. Telling my SIL not to worry about sending new apartment listings, do my best to stay here as long as possible and apply for housing. SIL was discouraging about how long the wait is but if I don't take a place in line, I will never have an affordable place, my income is so low, I should qualify. Going to buy a printer, print the forms and fill it out. That way if I do have to rent a pricier place while waiting, I could feel better about that. That decision is made no matter what happens here. Now to put my mind back where it was and have to stop talking about this unless something changes. Thank you all who are listening. Now back to KBL and everyone's pockets including the recovery of lovely Rosie as well.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    KBL pocket duty for tomorrow!

    Mara I can imagine how that can all be so overwhelming. You are very proactive so just keep the positive energy flowing.


  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Thank you, everyone. I need to show up at 9:45. No coffee! Boo.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    pocket duty KBL!

    and for everyone

    Galentine's Day Guide - What it is, Fun Facts, and How to Celebrate

    Happy Galentine's to Mel's living room peeps!!

    I had a busy day. Oncologist appt - bloods too low for treatment this week. She's giving me a week off. I'm not sure how I feel about it really....

    I had little surprises for my family for Valentine's. That was fun. We normally do much for Valentines but I had this idea for little gifts & I ran with it. Now I'm gorging on vegan chocolates lol.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043


    That sounds like a good plan-kind of the way most of us deal with cancer: Don't freak out at things that haven't happened yet but also plan for the future. I'm hoping that if you eventually have to move, you will get some big settlement and this will all work out for the best.

    In Chicago, we can print things out at our libraries-do you have that same option in London? I thought maybe you might not need to buy a printer but I agree you should fill the forms out and get in line for the housing for which you would qualify.

    Good luck!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Tanya, I just need to focus on me and what I can do for myself. Stay put, fill out long over due forms and go one day at a time. Walk more too and get rid of anxiety, cannot live with it and don't want to feel anxious. My plans for staying as long as possible are not going to change anytime soon. I also need to let the neighbours figure out how to deal with it. I don't have the energy and DB got co opted when all this started by talking to people in the building about their rights. DB has a demanding job and his own family obligations and they feel I need to be taken care of as well so that is plenty.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Loved the book - we read it a lot as our oldest was a Katie (Katrina).

    So I had a real surprise -am scheduled to start my next dose of Ibrance tomorrow and specialty pharmacy at my new cancer center was able to give me a refill from their repository - a place where drugs are turned in by patients who no longer need them! I was surprised because I thought it was illegal but was told that as long as the rx is in blister packs and is not expired it can be passed along. Saved me $3000. That’s the co-pay under my Medicare supplement. The team also submitted a request to Pfizer for financial support but the company is behind in processing requests. I think it is ridiculous that with commercial insurance one can get complete coverage but once you have Medicare that goes bye-bye.

    KBL - pocket duty. Yikes - no coffee - bummer.

    Rosie - how are things going?

    Mara - you could write a book about your housing situation

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Golden's that's awesome! Congratulations. I have a full box of 125 mg that I haven't used. I got it just before my dose was dropped to 100 mg. (I just went and checked the box, and the expiration date was 1/2021. Guess I'll take it to my local pharmacy drop off box.)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Goldens, I am so happy that you were able to save so much money. Goes a long way and takes a lot off the mind.

    You are right about that. Really wish the neighbour had not come to me. I was not stressed out about having to move and run out of money because rent is more than my disability check. I was aware that I would be asked to move but that was mostly back of mind at this point. I am back to not sleeping and generally depressive. Life will suck when broke again. No hope. I am still walking and exercising, generally trying to keep healthy even if my mental health will take a hit. There is no solution to this situation and my family would not want to house me, even in a duplex so there is that as well. At least I can get my beans, eggs and vegan stuff for 10 to 15 dollars a week. I use gift cards earned on various sites, bought a can of chili and trying a different brand of beans with some seasoning. I spent 76 cents at amazon with a card I earned watching videos. I have 15 dollars in walmart gift cards that I can use to get a few things. If I can earn enough for my groceries, it will help my bottom line.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Endoscopy all done. He came and told me my stomach looked better than last year. Thank you, Xeloda and Faslodex. Hence, why my tumor markers are probably coming down. We’ll see what biopsies have to say.

    Goldens, I have three boxes of 75 mg that expire in August. Man, if there was a way to send them to your facility, I would. I hate that they’re just sitting there.

    Mara, I’m sorry for all you’re going through.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    KBL, very happy to hear that your stomach looks better. Hopefully biopsies go well too. All the best. Thank you as well, I will do my best, stay active and stretch my dollars which I am pretty good at.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    KBL, congrats on the improvement.

    Reading along with those sharing good things and those with struggles. Hello to all!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Waving back at you Mae!

    On a happier note for me personally, I am loving how I do my kitchen dishes. I have no dishwasher and am lazy about having to scrub them. I just fill sink with enough hot or warm water to cover them. Add a cup of vinegar, squirt of dish soap and a couple of small scoops of baking soday, probably equal to just under a 1/4 cup each. There is a bit of a reaction between the vinegar and baking soda but not much. It helps to scrub my dishes as they soak, usually an hour or two if I forget. What happens is they come out super clean, no scrubbing either which I quite like. They even smell good too. These things do make me happy and I need to focus on those things more.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    KBL- I am happy you got a good scope report. Woohoo for Xeloda and Faslodex.

    I have really been struggling as of late with depression. I used to be a "grab-the-bull-by-the-horns" personality, but lately I feel so indecisive. I know I need to learn to live with Covid risks and move away from total isolation, like at the beginning of the pandemic. But I just cannot seem to break free. I worry that I will catch it and get really sick, or pass it to my 95 year old Dad that I am around some. Also, I struggle with finding things to do now that do not require money (as I am on a fixed income, not like when I worked full time and was not so strapped for money) and find things that are flexible with my bouts of fatigue. The fatigue seems to be getting worse too. More than when I was on Ibrance. And I have the nausea/decreased appetite too---less now than when first starting Lynparza, but it comes in waves. It is like I want to do things, but do not feel physically well enough to take the effort. Kind of a vicious circle. Bored. Depressed. Need to find something to do. But fatigued and nauseous to make the effort. And still taking precautions concerning Covid-- No crowds, still masking, no eating out or doing things indoors without the mask crutch. I hate this feeling---depression and sadness.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,457

    Candy, I can empathize with the boredom and sadness. Feeling pretty bad too for different reasons. I have got to the point today of feeling most flat. Doing my walking in the house after eating, pacing the floor to music. I understand the fear of being in a crowd myself as well. I miss the days where I would just decide to do something too. Hopefully, something will strike our fancy and just make us both feel lighter.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    KBL- Yay for a great scope!

    Mara- you could write a book on all your little tips for household items usage or food ideas.

    Candy- it is a vicious cycle when you want to do something but feel nauseous and fatigue. It's like the saying "I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired ". I do hope you can find something to lift your spirits. Hugs