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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Sending a big hug for Christmas to all on this thread. Wishing lass pain, more energy and rest, and special joyful loving times.

    I've barely posted in a year, because my D had twins in January. Two girls! This year has flown by and I have made a point to be there and help out about half of that time. They are the happiest babies! So, so fun to be a part of it. My D is a great Mom-- I have no worries about them! Just joy. Gathering with them, both my sons and one son's partner for Xmas for a week. Can't wait.


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mel- what a surprise for you and your sister! Yes there are caring people. Makes deserving families day a little brighter.

    Mara- I know a similar situation would get my angst going. Concentrate on only what you can do, not on what is expected of you. I would tell the property managers you should be paid for looking after their business obligations! Enjoy your Christmas dinner with family.

    Santabarbarian- adorable! They would bring so much joy! Enjoy your Christmas 🎄

    Sadieservant- I saw the snow you are dealing with and maybe more coming. Keep safe and warm. It is unusual for Victoria. At the other end of the country our island is going to have a mostly rain and wind storm coming in.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Pat - thinking of you as you cope with more cancer insanity right now. It just stinks🤬.

    Mel - how wonderful that both your sister and your family had a Christmas celebration. God bless all the volunteers❤️.

    So I saw my internist for my stress test results. He said they were good except for one area that was either muscle damage or artifact due to the machine. He wants me to see the cardiologist for her thoughts on whether I need further cardiac testing. He also said I shouldn’t plan on shoulder replacement until we can get answers to the fatigue and shortness of breath. I will also go back to my oncologist to see if there’s anything to do from their perspective.

    Everyone stay safe with this storm. We’ve only had a couple inches of snow but are expecting winds of 35-40 mph.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Prepped and ready for the cold coming. Single digit temps are crazy this far south but we’ve got charged flashlights, full propane tanks and we’re staying in our travel trailer through the weekend, which makes it much easier to keep the pups warm.

    Also, DH just put up the last of the wood trim in my bar, so I’ll be in there painting the ceiling on Saturday and decorating very soon!

    Thinking of everyone and wishing you all a nice and relaxing holiday.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    You know, all you need is for someone to do something really nice and your view of humanity changes. It just feels good knowing that there are truly folks out there who care about you and your family, including your sweet sister. It has certainly made me smile.

    I am hoping that 2023 is a year of major discovery, cures, and healing such as we’ve ever seen.

    Big hugs.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Santa~ I’m thrilled for you what gorgeous children. How absolutely amazing. You’re a grandmother!!!!! It’s so very nice to see you. Attacking you with hugs.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    What a lovely Christmas surprise Mel. Yes, there are many good people out there. Unfortunately they are less “in your face” than the jerks. But it is so nice to hear they made a special experience for both you and your sister.

    Santabarbarian, what a pair of sweet babies. That’s something to embrace every single day!

    Booboo, thanks for information. I’m feeling a bit more at peace. Not done yet but more calm if that makes any sense. It puts things in focus and makes it easier to decide what’s truly important.

    Mae, stay warm! We have another blast coming our way and then we return to our normal weather. Hooray!

    Sadie went to the spa today. Perhaps poorly timed given the snow but it seemed like a good idea at the time I booked it!


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Pat, sending my love your way and am in your pocket. I have dog kibble for Sadie

    I love those twins.

    I am much better than I was when I ranted over stuff I really should not worry about. It will be what it will be, if I want a clean hall, will vacuum my portion, see garbage, throw it away. Not a big deal to me. I only look after what I see anyway. My mind just says, if I am well and truly bothered, I can clean my own floor and lose my annoyance. I know I should not have to but I will do it and be happier in the end.

    I had a good time with DB and SIL. I ordered nachos which was a giant plate so needed to get a doggy bag. I am sure I can get many meals out of it, we went dutch. I even calculated my portion of t he tax and sales tax. I was also given a bunch of cookies and two bins of stuffing and chicken as they gave it to me today and a present. They are not worried I did not get anything as I thought we were giftless. Oh well. Had a lovely long drive checking out Christmas lights, went to my grocery store, found mint chocolate chips which is great, also bought microwave popcorn to use for movie theatre stuff and though I have oreos, got some oreo pudding as well to mix with the cool whip. It will take a long time to get through all the food which is nice. I will try to wait til Christmas to open the present, we'll see though.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    sounds Nice looking at the lights. I loved doing that when I was growing up. Still do. Didn't put up any outside. Too much else to do. Seems like the older you get the less you can do in one day. Especially me. One outing and I'm toast. That's why I'm so envious of you all traveling all around. I would love to go some where tropical. But can't hack the heat anymore. Might have to alert the local authorities for a monster sighting , if I show up in a bathing suit. I'd rather rent a place by the lake. Cooler. Shade. Trees. Water. I think that's better. Maybe this coming spring. We'll see. I can't believe Christmas is in two days. Hope ya all are ready.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    just beautiful doggie. I miss my Deeohgee. And tag. I love dogs.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Sadie looks all dressed up for Christmas. Beautiful.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Mel, I am sorry about your dogs. It is terrible losing a furry family member and you never fully get over it.

    It has just started snowing in earnest here, we will see how it looks by the end of Saturday. If it wasn't for the wind we are getting, I would take spiked shoes and cane around the block for a nice walk but it will have to be an indoor walk.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Pat - Sadie looks beautiful, I wish I could reach out and give her a good belly rub. Here is Daisy not looking too thrilled about the Santa headband.I enjoy everyone’s pictures figured I would share.

    Mel- It was so nice to hear joy in your voice. I believe there are still some wonderful people in this crazy world.

    Mara - Was glad to hear you got out for a Christmas dinner and a nice drive. Your snacks and movie day sound like a perfect cozy Christmas.

    We have a family Christmas party today and everyone is covid testing prior being we have elders and compromised in the family. Hopefully everyone tests negative.So I’m trying to forget cancer today. I woke up early to take my chemo so i can take my second dose at home before we leave for the party I have declined many parties this year and sometimes feel I am missing too much. It will be nice to see everyone!

    Hi to everyone in the room and stay warm for all the cold weather ladies. We have some very cold air moving in hoping the roads are treated to avoid icing.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Ha Cookie! Daisy does not look impressed. Sadie is also not big on accoutrements. 😊 Even as a puppy she would manage to get her jaw hooked under a harness. No bling for Sadie!

    Mel, sorry to hear about your dogs. It’s so hard. In all this, Sadie is my biggest worry. She’s my best buddy and is attached to me like glue, especially now. Barks if I leave the room sometimes. I think they sense when we are not well….

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    cookie~ omg my heart. That beautiful puppers!!!! I want to rub da belly !!!!! I love dogs so much. Thank you for your sweet words. I felt nice to have joy in my heart. Still have a thing or two to finish.

    Sadie~ beautiful girl poised and pretty!

    Mara~ good morning honey. You’re always so supportive. Thank you. Hope you have a good day.

    Tomorrow is DH birthday. More busyness!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Cookie, Daisy looks adorable. Enjoy your celebrations.

    I think I've come up with my first use of the nachos from the restaurant, I want to wrap some of the nachos in one of my tortillas along with baked beans and some beefless ground cooked in taco seasoning and queso with some of the sour cream. Lunch will be more beans along with some of the chicken and stuffing my DB made and dinner will be a combo of something else, trying to make smaller meals since there will a lot of ingredients. Thinking rice, beans and more black beans at dinner. I bought jello oreo pudding so I can combine that with a chopped oreo or the oreo baking I found as well. Again, super small portion. We will see how this all lines up.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Well, Susie got a haircut, and she was not too happy about it. At least we can see her eyes now. She has grown so fast—it’s hard to believe. She is very spoiled since she’s an only doggie. Mel, you would absolutely be able to hug and squeeze her all you want. She loves affection!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    BooBoo~Susie is perfect. Hair cut lookin spiffy and beautiful. I would snuggle up a storm with her. I love dogs that are lap dogs. I miss that bond.

    It’s miserable here again today and I know it is where you are too. Yuck! DH has off, he’s like a stone…. Never stops rolling along. Can’t keep up with him. Ahhh to be young again. Merry Christmas to you sweet friend.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Ha these dogs are a crack up, love them all!

    Mara sounds like "dirt dessert" yum! I think we are alike with the sweet tooth. I made an oreo cream pie to bring to party today and chocolate chip cheesecake squares. They are both new recipes so I hope they are yummy. I enjoy baking much more than cooking.

    Everyone enjoy the day and birthday celebrations. Safe travels to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Laurie, Susie is adorable too. I could hug her no problem.

    We are supposedly under a blizzard warning but not tons of snow. Tons of high winds though. I turned on a heater and it feels fine in the house.

    I am goingto take an oreo pudding, add a bit of coolwhip and some oreo crumbs like you would use for a crust. Should be good and not too much. Got my popcorn yesterday as well for movie night, microwave popcorn that I will make decadent with some melted butter and a bit of oil and salt. I checked how much it would be to get the movie theater kind and it was 40 ish dollars, beyond what I am willing to spend.

    Edited to add that I opened the present that my SIL got me which was perfect, she got me a magic bullet which will be better when whipping up a chocolate milk and spoonful of peanut powder into a smoothie, it was not huge but super filling. Love it. Now I have a large chopper, small chopper I've had for many years, spice grinder and now this tiny blender which is just the right size for me, I am very happy.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    Love all the photos of the adorable dogs, warms my heart.

    My darling husband passed away last week, so this holiday is going to be very very quiet, am going to look through notes and cards and letters that we've saved over the years, and send my love out to him with every breath. It gives me a new feeling of acceptance about my own illness, I prayed to God to please let me be healthy and strong enough to take care of him, and that was granted to me. Whatever happens next is okay with me.

    Sending love to everyone, this life is precious and far too short. Let's love each other in the meantime! ❤️ Here's a picture of me and my sweetie from years ago


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    sf-cakes, I am sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful picture of you and your husband- a.handsome couple. I am glad that you were able to take care of your husband right up till the end. I know how important that was to you. Old cards and notes can bring back so many good memories. It’s unfortunate that so many of them are just tossed in the trash.

    I hope you will be surrounded by family and friends as long as you need them close. Your friends here are also available when you just want to talk.

    Sending hugs and love your way.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    sf-cakes, Condolences. No matter how expected, it's still a shock. Be kind to yourself in the days ahead.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    sfcakes, I’m sorry to hear this, especially this time of year, what a sad and difficult time you must be having. Sending you warm, kind vibes as you grieve an incredible loss.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Sf cakes- I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. Beautiful picture of the two of you. May you find peace and the special love you shared in the precious written words. Hugs are surrounding you.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sfcakes~ I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart feelings so heavy for you. Please know you are in my thoughts. I wish there was something we could do. Hugs to you sweet friend.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    SF cakes so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing that beautiful photo of happy memories. Such a purpose of love and commitment to your vows to be honored with the ability to care for him to the end is a blessing. Sending hugs.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    sf, I'm so sorry! What a beautiful photo of the two of you!

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299

    SF cakes

    Like everyone else, I am deeply sorry for your loss. You are an amazing woman to care for him until the end and I hope the memory of the incredible gift you gave him will help to comfort you in this sad situation.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    SFcakes, I am so sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences going out to you, your family and friends who loved him. You looked like a happy couple in that beautiful picture. In your pocket lending my support for you.