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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    looking good Mae! I love the color. Very similar to what I chose for my sons old room. Looks like a fun room. Good work!

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Pat and Lynne I applaud Maes yet. Please let us know how the clinical trial is.

    I painted a project with grandkids today. Then a bit of cleaning.

    No plans for going out for New Years. I havent made it to the midnight ball drop for many years. I remember about 35 years ago my mom was at my house and just ran home at about 11:30 to get something (she lived around the corner) and I was sound asleep and dint hear her knock on the door!

    So Happy New Year in advance. I hope I’ll be asleep lol.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Candy, there is no point trying to do anything if your body is not used to late hour. Watch a nice movie or read a good book.

    I am unable to do anything, SIL heard me wheezing and was not happy I went shopping but I wanted to see them, I wore a mask. I still think treadmill walking will work for me. I've been quite lazy about walking, need to get back to that, build up stamina. I will be putting the milk away, making tea and going to bed straight after posting this. Think I also need to get back to 3 meals, not a morning one and a chocolate milk shake., I am never very hungry in the evening and that is not good.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I'm sure I'll be in bed well before midnight. I'm spending the morning with DH at his memory facility. It's our 63rd wedding anniversary. I made him a sign for his room. He seems to be doing well there and is participating in activities. I try to visit every other day. We stayed up when we were young, but haven't for several years.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Happy Anniversary Wren! Enjoy your morning with DH.

    I am not planning anything for tonight. Still want to do some walking while it is still warm today. It is raining but that probably is good for me. I slept well last night. Decided not to take cough medicine until overnight. Will use Advil and Tylenol to keep things comfortable. Laundry being done as we speak.

    Happy New Year to everyone.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    No celebrating for us. I fall asleep on the couch around 8pm. Hubby watches tv and then wakes me up around 11:30 for bedtime.

    In the meantime I’ve had this horrible flare up of left shoulder pain which started on Monday when I woke up. Could not move arm and hubby had to help me out of jammies and into clothes. As part of the work up for shortness of breath and fatigue my MO moved up my scans to yesterday. CT was stable except that it found I have a fracture in my left shoulder. How that happened I have no clue unless my bones are so damn bad they just break on their own! Will contact Ortho next week to see what his thoughts are for treatment. Trying to limit use of pain pills - when I take them they really only minimize the pain.

    Happy New Year to all my sisters here! I pray 2023 brings good healthfor each and every one of us.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Thank you ladies for your New Year's Eve plan comments. Keep them coming. Tonight is the night (here in Illinois, USA). New Year's Eve.

    I guess it just bugs me that in my circle of friends all have plans but me. My "texting buddy" I have mentioned on here is going to a New Year's Eve party, several ladies that I talk with from church-- all of whom are in their 70's-- are going to the church New Year's Eve service. My sister's family is going to her church's event. Nothing too "fancy", but, still, they will be having fun, eating, and ringing in the New Year. While I am in bed, alone, in my house. They say "come on Candy, go with us" but I know I won't. I can't.

    Well, I pray that we all have a good 2023. I lost my sister in 2021, and my Dad in 2022. I just don't want anymore death in 2023.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    wrapping. Candy in a hug. Just take it hour by hour. That’s what I’m doing. This year sucked anyway . I’m hoping this next year will be a good one. For us all…..

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I will not be staying up tonight. I had a bad experience as a teen at a New Year's Eve party and have never celebrated since aside from dinners and we used to get chinese food on new years day. Now they are quiet.

    I did finally get a neighbour right next door. He is handsome so I will enjoy seeing him around the building.

    I am thinking that I am getting more done to allow the cold to leave on its own by NOT taking any cough syrup this morning, feeling less congested today. Still planning to walk with my cane. DB does not want me too but I sometimes feel better with a walk and don't require a mask outside.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Candy, it is hard to do but try to change your thoughts regarding what other people are doing. You know you do not feel comfortable in public or crowded situations. Accept it and find nice stuff you can do with yourself, have someone set up a zoom so you can talk to others at a gathering, even if from your bed. Not quite the same but you could get a lot out of it. If the weather is not bad, take yourself on a drive and look at any Christmas lights you may not have seen. I will send my thoughts about you not having to endure more loss this year as well. Perhaps small steps doing some outdoor stuff would be good.

    Goldens, I am in your pocket about the fracture as well, sending healing thoughts your way.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    HAPPY NEW YEAR ,I hope we all have the best year possible with love from Cathie xxx image

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Thank you Cathie, Happy New Year to all of you too.

    Well, my body has spoken and said no walk. Had a wave of feeling unwell though cough and wheeze are easing up for me. Resting whilst doing some chores and making money.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Goldens - isnt that the worse, to find out you had an insta-fracture? My L3 did that last year and its like the cancer betrayal all over again. You want to be confident at some level in your body, but it just won't play ball.

    Mel - I hear you, '22 was awful and I am really tired of having awful years. But it was awful in a boredom and stasis way, rather than big!bold!shocks! Im hoping '23 will be better for everyone, although I suspect it will be the second half rather than the first.

    Happy NY already kitty!

    Here its been dark, windy, and rainy all day. OH is cooking beef stroganoff for dinner right now, and Ive got to roll out my cinnamon buns for tomorrow morning after dinner. Had this big plan to do fancy pheasant breasts in cream sauce but I wasn't mentally up to it.

    Happy NY to everyone!

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    No partying in this household for NYE. No champagne, just a spray bottle of anti- bacterial. We came back from a stay with the family at Christmas, then my husband tested positive for covid. He is in one room and I am in another!

    My idea is we all mentally squeeze into Mae's lovely beach bar [ for a change] and have a few cocktails or mocktails and hug those who like hugs and wish each other comfort and joy in 2023. Best wishes to everyone here. x

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,039

    As I reflect on 2022, I feel grateful to be here. I lost 5 local acquaintances this year to cancer: Erik, Laura (MBC), David, Jesse and J Michael, in addition to our virtual friends on BCO. I had a broken leg and mild Covid but by the grace of God, I am feeling strong and able to play pickleball, hike, etc again. I am staying in tonight-was never big on NYE parties but am preaching early in the morning and then will have dinner tomorrow with some friends. I'm making Panko shrimp and broccoli for myself and will enjoy mystery I am reading and a good movie. Am looking forward to a trip in a few week to Iceland where I will be searching for Northern Lights. God bless you all and best wishes for 2023.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Had a great time in Toronto yesterday and last night. Went to Raptors basketball game, loved it and they actually won! (wore mask the whole time, saw maybe 3 people with masks on and that was all) Tonight just my husband and I so we are picking up Swiss Chalet. Tomorrow we are going to friends for dinner.

    Happy New Year to all our cancer sisters. May 2023 bring new hope and discoveries for all of us! Hugs!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I suppose if I have something to be happy about, 2022 did not see any cancer changes for me, stayed NED in body and brain which is a blessing. 2023 will be the year I aim for more exercise to strengthen my body and balance and combating my depression full on. I am also resolved to stop buying all this different food I just don't eat. Stick with the usuals which are good by themselves.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Wishing you all a very happy new year! May you all find joy around every corner. Wishing us all new treatments and new opportunities to live our best lives. Virtual hugs to all! 🥂.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Happy New Year ladies. I hope this new year brings us all peace and love. Calm treatments. News of cures would be wonderful. I want less stress, less inner turmoil that I fight myself till I'm tired. The ability to manage my scanxiety in a better way. Learn to accept somehow what I've become. Accept what I can't do anymore. Embrace the things I can. I realize more and more how people effect the space around us. Even if they are family. They affect our moods and feelings. If one slips off the cogg the entire engine goes off. I'm going to try to focus on me. This year. Getting my mental health to a better place. I tried therapy and it helped. So I know that's out there again. Let's hope this year brings us a happiness we've never know. Love to all

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Well, it finally happened, DH and I have Covid according to the home test kits. We did pop into a mall in El Paso after my treatment on Tuesday to return something and weren’t wearing masks, I know better but just wasn’t thinking. Both woke up with symptoms Friday morning have have been laying around. Just managing with Tylenol and feeling a bit better today, hopefully it doesn’t get much worse or last very long.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Mae, Sorry to hear about the covid. Reminds me to wear a mask everywhere. I hope you both feel better very soon.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Hi Mae, I too have woken this morning and tested positive for covid, what a way to start 2023. I have been waiting for a phone call back from the NHS to see if i can get/ need anti virals. THe decision will be made in 36 to 48 hours. My husband was only unwell for 3 days, I am hoping I will be the same. I am feeling anxious as I had my first infusion of Enhertu on Thursday. I hope you and your husband recover quickly.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Thanks for the well wishes. So far, it’s been a bit surprising I feel much better today after a rough two days but I expected worse, having just had chemo and not being vaccinated. The positive line on the test was faint, which may indicate a mild infection, I sure hope so.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    sorry you ladies got Covid. It reminds us that we need to still be conscious that Covid is really still a factor. I hope you both are better quickly , as it seems this strand perhaps could be more mild. Just keep drinking water and hydrate and rest up. I’m sorry Guys. Hugs to both. (With masks

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Good luck Mae - thats good that it was a faint line (although alternatively, perhaps you didn't get enough material on the swab, but lets go with the light infection!). I had a streaming nose and went through a box of tissues in one day, but that was the worst of it. I figure anything where you dont have a cough is good!

    Denny10 - same luck to you too. Did you report your swab to the GP or 111? Im not sure what we are supposed to do now without the govt tests and reporting them online. That's what triggered the antiviral calls for me, but they were about 5 days late.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Mae and Denny! I'm so sorry about the Covid. I had forgotten about your need to avoid the vaccines Mae. I hope it's kind to you!

    Mostly posting as I've tried to update my profile. It's so darn challenging now! Multiple steps to get the chemo to list. Sigh...

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Happy New Year to all of you.

    New Years Eve was not the excitement I had hoped for. I was at work until 10 pm PST so I came home, showered and went to bed. I figured I made it to New Years in CST. Today it's almost 2 in the afternoon and I am still in my pajamas getting things done around the house. I am grateful for a stable 2022. I have not made resolutions for 2023, or maybe that is my resolution, to not make resolutions. I have committed to resting today and I think I need to take some time to think about what I'm grateful for from this past year and my hopes for 2023.

    Candy678- I am way late in responding to your post but I don't think it's old or fuddy duddy. I approach things by priority. At 45 I am younger than you are and I admit I don't function well on less than 8 hours of sleep so I too am in bed usually by 9. I prioritize sleep. In terms of group functions if I really want to go I will and try to roll with whatever will be, I try not to project. On Verzenio I sometimes have trouble with foods and my GI response. I carry Lomotil and Bentyl with me and that helps free me from the bathroom. I won't usually prioritize parties or functions where I don't know many people or it doesn't seem worth the energy expenditure. I'm also not a social butterfly. I grew up in rural towns and used to celebrate New Years in my teen years sitting with my horse staring at the stars and thinking about the future. I haven't ridden in probably 15 years but I still appreciate a quiet time for reflection.

    I join Mel in a group hug for everyone. Also healing wishes for Mae, Denny and Mara.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Mae and Denny I hope you recover quickly with no lasting effects.

    Mara glad to hear you’re getting better.

    Happy new year everyone.

    I have an appt everyday next week. I don’t know how I let that happen but Mon MRI, Tues acupuncture and flu shot, wed Endoscopy, Thursday PT and Friday Ortho. I guess I just wanted to get things done.
    I hope all of our hopes and dreams come true this year.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Tanya, I spoke too soon. Still feeling quite ill at this end. The cough is reducing and the stuff coming out is thinner BUT still feeling weak and extremely fatigued yet getting good sleep. Sitting all day not making me feel better either so am walking on the spot in short bursts and counting the steps, looking for as many as I can get throughout the day. In consideration of my lungs, doing much shorter bursts as well. I just need the activity. May walk up and down the driveway with my cane and listen to music post breakfast

    I have been shown like others that it is not time to do away with masking in public spaces and am going back to that as I have not been this sick since 2020. Also back to taking expectorant only as I do wish to keep coughing and sneezing to rid myself of it. I am the whiniest when I am sick this way with viruses vs having cancer SE. My family finds this almost comical that I deal with cancer better than cold and flu symptoms but there it is. I am going to get breakfast and do the marching to and from the kitchen, bathroom or wherever to score extra step activity.

    Going to sell the treadmill, I hardly use it anymore and have no desire, if I want to walk, I prefer marching more on the spot and side to side than anything else.