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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Sadiesservant - Count me in for pocket duty too! I wish your doctors wisdom and you a speedy recovery.

    Karen - Good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear the taxol seems to be working and may it continue to do so.

  • peoy
    peoy Member Posts: 48


    Understand from MO that Prolia & Xgeva from same company. I think Prolia is 50% strength of Xgeva. In 2017, stage 2, borderline osteoperosis, I took Prolia every 6 mths. No side effects. Oct 2022, mbc with bone mets, Xgeva every 4 weeks. 3 shots so far. I have some fatigue but more likely from taxol than Xgeva.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sf-cakes, I'm glad your scans are clear of progression. I got Prolia shots a number of years ago – I can't remember when it was. I think I got a total of two or three shots, six months apart. Now I'm getting Zometa. It started monthly following my MO visits and now it's quarterly. I was never offered any options.

    Sadiesservant, I'm here for pocket duty for your stents placement. I'm guessing it's today since I'm behind on reading posts. Sorry about your hip pain.

    Living, hoping for an uneventful trip home to PEI.

    mae, mel, mara, (ooh, the 3-Ms!) Karen, peoy, Sondra, denny, runor, cookie, emac, and anyone I missed, I'm waving hello. Hoping everyone has a good Friday. I should be working on my blog, but am having trouble gathering my thoughts. Maybe coffee would help…

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    I was supposed to have follow-up Brain MRi from Last month, but I fell and couldn’t get up.second time, last time was when first one. ert secduled. I was angry and frstsdtrd this time .my legs are very weak, so my dh held mr from cair to walker to bathroom. Today I sometow landed on floor again and could get up. Hi waned to call ambulance but he didn’t want to. I wasn’t about to sit on the floor for sn hit so he did it. The were very quick and nice🎇, but I woilve have been too late for app.
    I hope you can read this because I don’t have my glasse on,
  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    50’s girl Lynn so sorry about the falls. I hope you’re feeling a little better now.

    Sadieservant I’m in for pocket duty for recovery time. I didn’t read until late.

    Sf cakes I am on zometa quarterly. I have heard some ladies have problems with their jaw. I’m sure they’ll chime in soon. I just hope it’s keeping my bones strong. I’ve had 1 fracture and 2 kyphoplastys so it’s worth trying for sure.

    Booboo I hope your new meds are making you comfortable. Sending hugs.

    I hope all of those sick with colds flu and covid are getting better. It seems that the covid going around now is t as bad as the previous strains.

    Mel hope your cold is clearing up too.

    I did my appt list for the week. The MRI I read results in portal and it looks stable but I get the doctor read results week after next. The endoscopy showed lots of things ulcer hiatal hernia dudenitis etc. so I have two new medications. doctor said she didn’t see a large tumor or anything but some precancerous lesions that she biopsied and I see her week after next too.

    Waving hello to all KBL sunshine Emac Runor kitty Karenfiezed Candy Mara Mae Denny peony SeeQ living Boo-boo Goldens and all who I’ve forgotten. Take care.


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,039

    50's girl-What an awful situation. Hope that you are resting comfortably now. You will be in my prayers. You have been such a great support to many of us here. Hope that we can be a support for you during this challenging time.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Lynne~I am so worried about you’re falling so much. Your ooor DH and you having to go through that. I am thinking of you so much and sending thoughts your way. I hope it was just a spell. Hugging you from a far

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I have not had zometa. I've had xgeva every three months shot. I believe zometa is an infusion. I could be wrong. I try to avoid infusions at all cost. I don't like them at all. I'd rather have a shot and be done with it. My first shot I had awful bone pain. Then I learned to Take Claritin and that eliminated the bone issues. That's as far as my knowledge goes on the topic.

    Edited to add. And I have fallen. Several times. I fell just this week and shook my entire body up. I was aches and pains for a week. Whiplash. I always worry about breakage

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Lynne, I am sorry to hear about your falls. I still can't get up either. I hope they stop and that a cane or walker is assisting until leg strength returns.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    My Dear Lynne, Falling is the worst…especially not knowing if you hurt yourself. I am hopeful that you are okay and that nothing is broken. I’ll be praying for healing.



  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Lynn (50sGirl) - I am also sorry to hear about your falls and hoping that you heal quickly.

    Tanya - Yay for stable! I hope your doctors visits are able to confirm the news for you.

    Here for pocket duty for the rest that are recovering (Mae, Sadiesservant, Mel and anyone else who needs it).

    I'm finally feeling better. I still have a pretty congested cough but am up and having ore endurance to move. I am going to end up missing 4 days of work over this but I want to make sure I'm completely over it before I go out in public for anything. I have labs/injections later this week and also a not looking forward to that.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    50sgirl, I'm sorry you've been falling! That's scary and maddening at the same time. I'm glad you called an ambulance and that they were kind to you.

    Tany, nice to "see" you, as always. I hope everything that was biopsied is OK.

    Regarding falls, I've felt close to falling more lately. Sometimes, my leg just starts to give out, like it's going to collapse under me. It's a weird feeling. Right hip and thigh continue to hurt. Scans are stable, though. I still mention it to my MO at my next appointment.

    I'll see a pulmonologist on Monday for the "ground glass opacity" in my lung. I'm pretty sure it's related to the COVID/pneumonia that I had, but my MO wanted to be sure.

    Emac, I hope you're feeling better. Yay (NOT) for the colonoscopy. I wish the prep wasn't such an ordeal.

    Waving hi to all,


  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Hi all. Thanks for the positive thoughts. Procedure went well but recovery has been more challenging than I anticipated. The sedation made me very nauseous to the point that yesterday I had trouble keeping water down. I’ve managed to nibble on some soda crackers and a bit of banana this morning and kept them down despite an episode of the heaves. Painful urination apparently goes with the territory for about a week. Like a bad UTI. Goody.

    Lynne, I’m so sorry you had another fall. It’s so scary and upsetting. And to miss the MRI appointment. Did they indicate when the could reschedule? Thinking of you.

    My thoughts are with others having tests. Apologies, I lose track at the best of times but can’t say that I’m exactly with it today!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Sadies' servant, glad your procedure went well. Will be best when the nausea goes away.

    Lynne, hoping the falling becomes fewer or not at all for you.

    Tanya, I am cheering for your stable tests, that is awesome.

    Unusually, older DB wanted to go out early this afternoon. They wanted a mall walk around a larger mall, knowing this, decided to breakout the cane. It makes a real difference in energy. I usually stop every few minutes to sit, did not have to today. We also went to a grocery store. Disgusting prices. 30.00 for oreo baking crumbs, beefless ground. Most inexpensive things were the seasonings I got and beans as well. Luckily did not need milk either. I have the money to buy but I feel really bad for people living on disability who don't have a back up bank account.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Sorry I missed you when I posted last about your scans. I am hopeful that all is well and stable when you hear from your doctor. Who are you seeing now? I think there are new Oncology doctors where you are going now, correct? All the best to you, my friend.

    I have not been on treatment since April of 2021 if you don’t count the couple of months I was on Faslodex. I can’t believe how long it has taken me to feel “better”. I don’t think I will ever feel the same again. All of the drugs that were thrown at me definitely compromised my immune system and every other system in my body. But at least I was given a chance to spend some wonderful time with my family. I love them dearly, and hope that all of you will see some miraculous things in the near future with regard to treatments that really work

    Love to all,

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Laurie, I am glad that you have gradually been able to feel better, that is so important and glad family time has been so healing for you. Always in your pocket even if you don't need me.

    I woke up late today. Just getting laundry done and planning food for the day. Rice and beans for sure. I bought some extra garlic parmesan seasoning and garlic alfredo seasoning. Will use one of those, chop up the beans, don't like them chewy, tired of prebaking. Beans, some canned turkey and the seasoning will be chopped together. Put down 1/4 cup rice, sprinkle of cheese and bran and mix mayo and mustard as a binder. Should be good.

    The beefless ground is getting pricey as well so I am going to stretch it and mix with less expensive protein options like the canned meat. We will see. Also planning an outdoor walk for 30 mins, with cane of course. I feel so much more confident with it. I am also taking the walking sticks to a nearby park to practice building up speed and get a nordic walk type workout along with supporting balance.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I have a question: I've been having a new pain in my head. It's around the area of my right temple. Sometimes it's when I sneeze, and sometimes it comes on suddenly without anything I've done. It's sharp and localized and it's enough to make me say "Ouch." Of course, I have "brain mets" going through my head (bad pun) but don't want to be a worrypants and contact my MO. I don't see her until March, but this is concerning. I guess my question is, how long do I wait before contacting my MO? Have I mentioned that I hate cancer???


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sunshine, I message my MO about anything new but I usually give it two weeks to see if it goes away or if there’s a pattern. I will say thought that a random pain like that doesn’t sound like brain mets. I get random twinges, regardless of active mets or not, just one of those weird body mysteries.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Sunshine, I concur with Mae about the two weeks. If it's still an issue, an MRI may be in order.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mae and mara, thank you. It's been there for a couple of weeks, but it's random. I'll wait and see. I will see the pulmonologist this morning for a consultation regarding my CT scan. I'm not expecting anything new. It's very likely the aftermath of COVID.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    In your pocket sunshine for sure.

    I am figuring out ways to stretch my beefless ground to last longer. I will probably start mixing chopped up things like chicken hot dogs, sausage among other things. Beefless ground has gone up 3.00 per package within a month and I do like the nutrition but cannot afford to replace all the time. Milk and cheese stay but I can reduce the amount of beefless ground when blended with other meat. I also enjoyed the canned meat yesterday when chopped up with the beans, was very good with the garlic parmesan seasoning as well. I also have ground beef roll that I can cook up too.

    Besides stretching food, planning a walk to the grocery store, couple extra things I am looking for like a frozen pizza that I can then cut up when it thaws and freeze the rest, I love topping a plain pizza with ground up beans and bit of shredded cheese on top.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Scans ok - not quite NEAD but very close. Small patch on my hip is active, apparently, but not growing. MRI even got a high level look at my brain which was pretty neat to see. Very slight uptick in markers but still well within ok range, may be due to recent surgery. In even better news, my cancer hospital is finally getting an Epic-based patient platform so I can hopefully start to see my numbers in person rather than over my oncologists shoulder. Same scan again in 3 months.

    Ill admit I got a Maccies for lunch to celebrate but I want to go hard on a clean diet this month (from tonight) and see what that does to bloods next month as a matter of curiosity. Also want to take off some flab at any rate, make things a bit easier on my bones.

    Very sorry to see SusaninSFs current situation, in the clinical trials thread. Susan, we are all here to lend a shoulder or an ear as you move into this next phase.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I am sad to hear about Susan's situation. She really helped me have less fear about my brain mets because she was so matter of fact about the whole brain radiation and the fact she could continue her activities. I do know she had many more mets in other body parts but it still cannot be easy. I am going to follow Clinical Trials thread to keep up, sent her my support. Makes me sad.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Still thinking about Susan, from Brain Mets Sisters and the Clinical Trials and probably other threads, in your pocket sending out peaceful thoughts your way.

    I had to phone the hospital as my schedule has been screwed up badly. Got to get it back on track. If I don't hear from them Thursday, will call back.

    Doing wand wash as I am washing clothes, just stick them in portable washer and use the wash. Keeps leggings from twisting. Dry as normal in the dryer. Also planning to make up more soap by soaking bar soap in hotwater and then adding the liquid soap for more foaming or spray soap.

    Breakfast is going to be 1/4 cup rice, 1/2 cup beans, 1/8 cup beefless ground along with 1/8 cup turkey. Grinding up and adding cheese. Season with my garlic parmesan seasoning and using mayo to bind it all together. Should taste good and canned chicken stretches the pricier beefless ground. My care worker was telling me she could not afford her chicken. I suggested she try chicken wieners as they are far less expensive, grind them up and add them to a dish. Good way to save money until a good sale comes along and she can get proper chicken, canned meat is always an option in a bind as well.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I'm always sorry to hear about another sister's progression. This disease stinks.

    I saw the pulmonologist yesterday. I really liked him. He showed me the CT scans and the areas of concern. He's 99% sure it's related to the COVID I had, but I will follow up with him after my next scan at the end of next month.

    I'm tracking my "headaches" (for lack of a better word.) I had three incidents yesterday and will continue to monitor them and message my MO if they continue.

    mara, do you like tofu? Have you ever tried freezing it, then thawing it and squeezing out the water. It changes the texture and maybe you could crumble it up to augment the beefless ground. Tofu isn't always cheaper though. It's weird how the price fluctuates on it.

    Waving hi to everyone,


  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Hi All. Well, the stents didn’t go precisely as planned. I’m in the hospital awaiting nephrostomy tube insertion as I was having lower back pain and my kidney function has plummeted. It’s a bit of a bummer but hopefully this will do the trick. Fingers crossed!

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Sunshine99 - Your headaches sound a little like the "icepick headaches" I get sometimes. Mine are typically on the right side and happen either on the top right of my head or behind my right eye. They pulse sharply for a few seconds and go away. Some do make me wince and rub the area it's so painful. I wonder if you could have something similar?

    Still working on recovery. I feel better but my endurance is not quite there. I am still shaky and exhausted after something as simple as showering and getting dressed. I made it to the doctor's office to do a chest x-ray yesterday and that was about all I could tolerate without resting. The x-ray was completely normal thankfully so I think I'm just going to have to work harder at getting stronger. Finally got the GI system calmed down though so that's a bonus.

    In pockets for whomever needs it. I hadn't heard Susan's update but I will pop over to the clinical trial page. I hate to hear of any of us struggling. I hate this disease so much.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Sunshine, I tried tofu before and found that I did not like the texture though you have a good idea there. I am enjoying mixing the different proteins with the beefless ground. Have to pick up some spinach as well. I will check the price and see what I can do if it is reasonably priced. May also find inexpensive ground beef as well and mix those. Got some real ground beef that needs to be thawed and cooked.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    I am not doing alot, that isn't unusual for me though. Might take the bus up to a different grocery store that is carrying beef pies again that I love. When I worked at my call centre, I would microwave them as my meals. I could not find them for a long time. They would be a good additional treat, thinking of cutting the wee beef pies in half and combining with beans, yummy.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,449

    Pat, I am hoping the nephrostomy helps out for your kidney function, will be in your pocket all the way. I am sorry the stents did not work out so well.