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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    Candy, in your pocket for scans.

    Breakfast today is weird. I had some instant noodles that did not taste good a couple of days ago due to what I put on them. I have been rinsing them and grinding them into my ground beef and beans. I make 1/4 cup rice, grind up 1/4 cup beans, spinach and whatever handful of the rinsed noodles along with 1/4 cup of the ground beef cooked previously. Put them all in the frypan together, add a little shredded cheese and leave them in long enough for the cheese to melt. Season according to what I want.

    I still plan to stretch my meat by mixing in some canned meats each meal but the funny thing is, the ground beef is actually cheaper than the beefless ground which is weird.

    Walking wise, will take my cane and walk the inside hallway on my floor until the rain calms down. Other option is to do a walk in the daytime across the living room with the cane as well just to keep up motion. I am waiting for the fold up, might also practice walking with my two walking sticks as well.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    My scans-- CT chest and MRI abdomen and pelvis-- is Monday Jan 30. I get labs, Lupron, Xgeva, and see MO that day also. A full day of fun. Haha.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Thanks everyone for pocket duty, and Candy I'll be in your pocket on the 30th for sure.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Candy ~ will be with you in your pocket for duty! Hugs to you sweet woman.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Finally saw cardiologist yesterday (she was awesome too) who reviewed all my tests and determined that my shortness of breath and fatigue are not caused by a cardiac issue. I have a pulmonary function test on Monday and see the pulmonologist later that same day. On a more positive note my fatigue has gone from severe to moderate and the shortness of breath issue is also not as bad.

    Thinking of all my sisters and sending wishes for a nice weekend.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Goldens great news that they found the cause and you’re not as fatigued.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    Goldens, glad things are looking better for you.

    Candy, in your pocket for tests.

    I am not doing a lot, heck, when am I ever. I am washing a bra AGAIN. It got really sweatstained under my nose. Started with soaks in oxiclean white revive, notthing faded. Washed in bleach and detergent next, faded but to obvious for my taste. Soaked in vinegar next then put a paste of peroxide, baking soda and salt and scrubbed it in, washed it in another bleach and detergent. This will be the final wash, it is definitely faded but cannot keep washing the poor thing. Thankfully my armpits don't ever sweat or stink, white Tshirts are fine. I will still wear the bra even with a faded sweatstain.

    I had spinach, black beans, canned turkey and ground beef which I chopped up since the ground beef was kind of lumpy. Added to frypan with some cheese, once cheese melted it, put some wheat bran for fiber. Seasoned liberally with some steak seasoning and garlic parmesan seasoning, bit of salt. Used equal parts of caesar dressing and mayo to bind. Tasted quite good to me. For a dessert just before my walk, I just melted some chocolate chips with a bit of mint choc chips. For a sugar boost of energy and will walk for an hour. Bringing my foldable cane as back up balance as well in my bag. Need some salt from the grocery store.

    Also planning shopping for when older DB moves out of town. He has not said he is moving but figure it would be good to figure out getting heavy items here. Easy enough for me to get regular stuff a few times a week as the weather should start improving. I do hope he gets the job as it is what he has wanted for years, to get out of middle management. Planning surveys and games for Walmart gift cards, use them to pay the delivery charge and just order stuff like cat food, cat litter and vinegar when needed. If worst came to worst, could use uber as well to bring groceries home if heavy though walmart delivery is the cheapest.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    livinglife: Hi. It's me and I am okay and doing well. Thank you for asking. I have been lurking on the thread. I was making notes to address each lady, then I would have to go back and change them. I took a break. But I went all the way back and started over. I wanted to say something MEANINGFUL. I am saddened by the women we knew and lost, the progressions, the loss of spouses, siblings struggling, the stress, the fears that stalks us...the whole shit show. It seems there are so many of us hitting the wall all at once. I wanted to say something that didn't sound as empty as "our thoughts and prayers" that inevitably always follow a mass shooting, even if it is heart felt. It is awful. It is painful. It is unfair. It is cruel. None of us deserved any of this. You are my sisters

    Always in here in spirit and will bring treats for pocket duties.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Jumping in from pocket to pocket too with potato chips (sorry about the loud crunching).

    DH and I both had medical appointments in El Paso, so we spent Wednesday at a hotel. Getting a lot done today thanks to the steroid pre meds before my infusion yesterday.

    Not much else to report, scans and a pre birthday dinner in Houston in a couple weeks, looking forward to that 😁

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- good to know you are doing OK. I agree sometimes words can't express what we as sisters can say to ease the struggles of others. Take care and keep lurking!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    livingivlife: Back and trying to catch up on other posts that are less disheartening.

    mae: I just love your beach bar!!! My fave painting is the bus!!! It is like the ones I always knew would pick me up back in the days when I was young and stupid enough to hitchhike. I usually alighted in a slightly altered state of consciousness. Ha ha It must be magical to live in a place where you can actually see so many stars, nothing hidden by light pollution. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets --- even the mist on the hillsides. I can see our mountains from my city sidewalks --- happy to see the snow staying there and not down here. Not outdoorsy enough to put on heavy duty hiking boots and go for walks. A co-worker of mine did a hike once and wandered off a trail only to get lost. She spent a terrifying and cold night in the woods. She was eaten alive by mosquitoes, could hear bears snuffling in the distance. Before dark she could hear the sounds of the helicopters looking for her until it got too dark What saved her was she got lost with two dogs. Rescue teams found all sorts of footprints in the woods but when they found a fresh set of human prints and a set of two dogs they knew it was her. She was lifted to safety the next morning by heli. She had found a clearing and had laid out rocks in a large SOS hoping it would be seen by air.

    A stroll along the seawall, a walk in the park in one of our inlets - a place where I can smell the ocean, feed squirrels -- it is all I need.

    How far are you from El Paso?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I had a friend who spent the night in the woods with her friend because they couldn't see the trail and wisely didn't try. She said during the night she dreamed that a great big bear came and laid on top of her and it was warm. Once it was daylight they could continue hiking back to the car.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    wren44: your friend was wiser than my co-worker. She went way ahead of the bunch she was hiking with. Rule One: stay together. Her backpack had just dental floss and a nail file: Rule Two: carry one of those foil emergency blankets, a flashlight, some water and maybe a power bar. We joked with her afterwards that when they found her half eaten corpse she would have at least had nice nails and teeth. The woods where she got lost are thick, dark, impenetrable........They had an idea where she might be but it took a helicopter to find her in the clearing.

    Lesson learned. She made the local news hour, embracing the heli crew. A year later she was attacked on the seawall by a pitbull who ripped her arm open. She made the news again. This time we teased her about what she was prepared to do to stay in the news.

    All you adventurers, stay safe!

    Wishing good news all those with upcoming scans. Wishing for all of you relief from SE's, pain and anxiety.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    Quiet day for me. I am doing laundry and at the same time, earning some money to buy another Walmart gift card so I can get free grocery delivery. Will get things like vinegar, cat litter and cat food but might as well save the 12.79 delivery fee by filling out surveys, playing games or whatever else I do.

    Had a delicious breakfast. Took the leftover black beans, added spinach and some olives. Added some leftover canned turkey. Put them all in the chopper. In the background, made 1/4 cup rotini pasta, drained and put in my frypan. Kept heat at medium on the burner. Scooped the mixture from the chopper in, added a bit of shred cheese and handful of wheat bran. I also melted a bit of butter and put some of my garlic powder, think it will be less expensive to just by some basic garlic powder and melt with a small amount of butter than buying premade garlic spread. Added garlic butter to the frypan, mixed around til shredded cheese melted. Scooped it all on my plate and used my tomato sauce as the binder. It was really good. Soaking my dishes now in some hot water, lazy girl way to do dishes well without much scrubbing when you don't have a dishwasher.

    I have also decided that I am going to save toward an automatic portable washer, just have to figure out getting the aerator off the sink, I cannot twist it off myself, might get help from DB. I want something to wash all my bedding, don't like using the tub. Not taking 2 blankets and wasting time at the laundry either. I can Macgyver a place to keep it permanently and use an unused yoga mat to muffle and stop any noise or movement. Will not happen for quite a while but a good goal to work toward I think. For now the tiny washer/spinner will suffice.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Elderberry, I’m about 3 hours southeast of El Paso. Scary being lost in the woods.

    Minor decorating to complete the the bar is pretty much done. Here are pics of the lounge side, bar side and bar close up.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: totally cool. I'll have a Mai Tai.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mae, I love it!!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    pretty damn awesome. I’ll have the cure for our cancer please? No really though. The colors are beautiful, I’d love spending time there. Great work DH too!!!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- love it! I'll have a Mojito please!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    Mae, great bar for sure. Hope you are enjoying all of your hard work.

    Most frustrating grocery order from Walmart. Earned 35.00 in gift cards from surveys so that was good, what would have been 55.00 is now 20 but getting those gift cards applied was so annoying but finally got it done. Cats are getting some extra food, I get pizza and some other stuff, added beans. Thinking I want to get a pantry to put in the living room and put all shelf stable stuff there. I will need to find a way to make it easier next time.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, I thought about you yesterday when my DH went to REI and got some spikey things to put on his boots when he's walking on icy trails. Apparently, when he was on one of his hikes, the trail got icy and slick so he turned around. A couple of guys passed him going up the trail and one of them slipped and went off the side of the mountain. He didn't survive. My DH is careful, but he's also really active. I'm glad he got them. He's heading up to Bishop, CA, to go skiing for a few days. Don't know if he'll need the spikes up there, but at least he'll have them.

    I love shelf-stable pantry stuff. I keep most of it in my garage, but I have a shelf on my back porch that collects a lot of stuff. I don't have a lot of cabinet space. I've been using my food dehydrator more lately and have been dehydrating sliced mushrooms, chopped green onions and tofu. Then I get the bowls of Vietnamese Pho and add those things to it before I add the hot water. It makes it heartier.

    The tofu is very interesting when I slice it, then freeze it. Once it's frozen, I take it out, let it thaw and then squeeze the water out of it. It gets really spongy and then soaks up the other flavors well.

    Today I'm waiting for my Ibrance to be delivered after a delay of a week. New insurance, new problems... I also ordered a space heater for my bathroom. The old one died, and I don't like taking a shower when it's 52 degrees F in there. Our house is cold as it's a 1910 Craftsman. We bundle up in the winter.

    Happy Monday, everyone!


  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Illimae— love the new bar/relaxation space. Really nicely done.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    illimae: If you see a U-Haul coming up the road it is a few spare chairs and couches from Mel's living room so we can hang out there as well. :-)

    sunshine: I love Craftsman type houses but people must have been heartier back then or wore lots of clothes indoors. Our kitchen is now the only room in the house (1929) that hasn't had newer insulation put in. You can feel and sometimes hear the wind blowing in through the light socket on the wall adjacent to the outside. I hope your DH didn't actually see the poor man fall to his death. That would be traumatic

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    I am sorry to hear about the person who did not make it off the mountain. I do love the cleats and have not had to bust them out yet but am ready when we get a major snow. I may also look for reversible cleats as well, who knows.

    I have never tried tofu, I tend to try different things and flavours together. Got more stuff from Walmart grocery and a huge bag of cat food that is more affordable. I am enjoying ramen as well, may try out different versions of ramen with beans. Pizza is on the agenda tonight though.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    I’d bartend for the whole gang, what fun that would be!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and you're always glad you came.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    I always worry when I check in here in the morning and see more than 10+ new posts. My concern is that there is bad news somewhere in those posts. What a nice surprise to see it was all about Mae’s beach bar! Oh if only we could all gather in person for happy hour and then some. HUGS! Mara - great reference

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,448

    My usual post this morning. Doing some laundry, in the dryer now, surveys and games for more Walmart Gift cards. Had a delivery that would have been 54.00 that became 19.00 dollars with all the Walmart gift cards. That was nice. Not sure what to have for breakfast. May get lazy and just have a slice of pizza for breakfast and save the white and black bean mix for supper maybe.

    Resolving to stop starting a chore and leaving it half done and forgetting about it. Have been really bad about that with laundry. Figure if I want the laundry to soak, do it overnight and then do the bit of fabric softener rinse and last vinegar rinse the next day. I am so stupid, my portable washer spinner did not work initially and I thought goody, can justify the automatic washer purchase but alas, the plug became unplugged, sigh. I will need to put my bed sheets in the tub sometime this week. The frugal in me cannot bring myself to wash two blankets.

    Lastly, it looks OK out today, if walk outdoors, may bust out the cleats as we got a bit of show. We are also supposed to a fair bit of snow from a Texas low coming up so that should be fun. We will see.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    woke up to snow this morning and 40 mph winds! It’s 74 degrees in my bar, might need to spend the day there instead of the cabin.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I’d love to hang out with you all. Mae the bartender, I’ll bring snacks and cheese! It really looks awesome. Great job!