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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165

    Mae - I'm sorry you had a very bad horribly rotten day. Ugg. Crewel fir dinner and crawling back under the covers sounds like the perfect response.

    Sue51 - if you still need the Imodium, you might try the liquid form. It's easier to do a half or quarter dose with the liquid. Metamucil (or another psyllium fiber) can also help.

    Sadiesservant- I've been thinking of you. I hope you are doing all right.

    Mel - you and your sister have also been on my mind.

    Goldens - sorry to hear about your MIL and the effect on your daughter. Have they gotten your SOB issues figured out? I'm sure you'd like to have that shoulder fixed.

    Things here are going all right. I've been reading along. Not feeling like I have much of value to offer at the moment.

    Waving to everyone around the room. You're always in my thoughts.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mae - what an awful day🤢🤢. Sounds like things started to take a turn for the better. Hope today is a good one.

    Seeq - thanks for asking - cardiologist and pulmonologist gave me a clean bill of health so those systems are not responsible. I do have a type of anemia that would be confirmed with a bone marrow biopsy but my oncologist is against doing one as she would not change current treatment. So meanwhile I continue to huff and puff.

    Happy Sunday sisters! Hugs to all🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    For everyone juggling the big D and constipation, you have my sympathy. I have just has a coure of 2 different antibiotics to get rid of a chest infection after covid. Layer in 2 rounds of Enhrtu and I dont know what will happen next, but it is usually spending a lot of time in the bathroom :(.

    mara, I have not tried the digestive enzymes, can you tell me where you get them? Does your oncology team approve? Thanks.x

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    You can get the enzymes at a local drugstore or on amazon. They don't need to be complicated, you want mainly for it to break down fat, carbs and protein. I take them before every meal and snack and it got rid of the bowel symptoms and reflux and the heartburn. If I eat badly in a day, they still offset the digestive issues a bit giving loose BM vs full on Big D. In the US, this is the link to what I think would work


    If you are in Canada, this is what I personally use


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Boring day here I think, will be doing some surveys, mobile games etc to get some more grocery money. Used my grocery gift card by accident to purchase some new winter items so I am looking to build the grocery gift card back up. I also want to make up the 60 dollar raise the federal government gave me for their side of the CPP that my province has decreased there so there is no net benefit. If I can do these sites and earn it back in euros or USD, it makes quite a bit of difference for me. Laundry will be underway, dishes are soaking in sink for a bit and breakfast was basic again. Real ground beef previously cooked, shopped up beans, hate them chewy, white and brown, put in frypan with some cheese, added wheat bran and bound with with sour cream seasoned by taco seasoning and a bit of salt. Was pretty good and filling. Not sure if feeling like doing much, we will see.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    sue51: yes to liquid imodium. You can figure out an appropriate dosage. Since neither Herceptin not Perjeta cause major problems I plan to keep using both.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Sue51 my veins are very difficult to access especially when they thread the catheter for infusion. I got a port and many other women on here use a port. It’s a outpatient surgery and can usually be used right away for blood draws and infusions.

    Went to San Antonio for unexpected visit with my friend. I just went into social worker mode with the facility she landed in. They were complaining about her attitude. In 4 months she lost everything from a fungal infection. She’s blind in both eyes now, no pallet or teeth in top of her mouth, sinus cavity removed, nothing by mouth, feeding tube, deaf in one ear hard of hearing in the other , well if that doesn’t make you a little cranky I don’t know what will. I told them that she needs services for the hearing impairment and services for the blind and therapy. Ugh any thing else ladies?

    Waving hello to all


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mae, I hope you're feeling better today. That sounded awful. Here's to a boring day!

    mara, thanks for the link to the enzymes. I book marked the link on Amazon. I tend toward C with the occasional D (if I take too much MOM.)

    Hoping for an uneventful day for everyone.

    mara, I'm looking at some spikes for my cane and my shoes. DH and I were talking about me going with him on one of his skiing trips. There is a lift that goes halfway up the mountain at Mammoth and there is a nice lodge where I could hang out while he skies. I may need the spikes to navigate some of the walkways/paths to get to the gondola that goes up the mountain.

  • eleanora
    eleanora Member Posts: 299


    I have been fortunate enough not to need permanent walking assistance yet, however I did need it for a year or so before my hip replacement in 2019 and then for about 6 months after. I used a cane initially and then bought a pair of inexpensive walking poles on Amazon. They come with removable spikes, are height adjustable and collapsible and have wrist straps if you are concerned about dropping one. I still take them with me on trips that require a lot of walking. I hope you go on the trip (a big fireplace, a glass of wine, a book, I'm a little jealous) and have a lovely time. I find that periodically running away from home is very good for my mind and my soul.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    sunshine, here are my picks, same brands as mine. first link for the cleats and later link for the cane tip. You can also get canes with their own retractable tip but have not used them. I use the ones on the bottom and use the stabilicers to stay stead on snow and ice, using both, it would be hard to slip and fall, don't use cleats on a hard floor, it could damage the floor and be slippery, pavement and snow is fine. If you go in and out of a building, bring along a pair of slip on shoes for indoor walking. The cane tips fold up when not in use.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Eleanora, I have walking sticks I use, mostly for park walking as well as mall walking in the winter. When I go to the hospital for Herceptin, I take my cane and keep the folding one in my over the shoulder bag. They were given to me buy Chicagoan, another member here and were the first things I used. I have a walker but really do not like it as I cannot see the gaps in the sidewalk pavers and I have tripped over those before. I will keep the walker though. My original cane was given to me by my old neighbour who has moved out, really miss him. That is the one that gets me to the hospital without too much trouble.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mae - I am so sorry to hear about your awful day. That sounds miserable. I hope today is better. I love Fruit Loops! Cereal is my go-to comfort food.

    Sue - Welcome to the thread.

    I am still fighting feeling off. I'm over the flu but am still struggling with weakness, lightheadedness and continued stomach troubles. I was taken off Dexamethasone again last week so maybe steroid withdrawal? I don't know. I was only on 0.5 mg and was tapered off that slowly so it would seem unlikely. This was pretty constant even before I was taken off the meds. I'm just frustrated. Yesterday I got lightheaded and lost my balance and wasn't strong enough to catch myself so I fell. Second time in two weeks that has happened. Both times I wasn't hurt, just irritated. I'm down 10 pounds because I just don't tolerate much or I don't have much of an appetite or both. Anyway, if this persists into Monday I will reach out to my PCP and see what she thinks. I'm doing as much as I can to keep a normal routine but I have to stop and rest often.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Emac, I am sorry you lost your balance, even when not hurt, it still is disconcerting. Perhaps a cane to use if you do find yourself lightheaded again might be helpful, just a thought, could even be a foldable one that way, if needed, you have it, if not fold it up. It can help a lot.

    Well, my inner laundry junkie is very happy. Decided I needed some liquid detergent when washing clothes so I ordered a big container and a couple of smaller tide containers. Would have got off Amazon but it was twice the price of Walmart, both detergents smell great and will last forever as it only takes a small scoop. I also got some more white revive powder, this is for things like cloths or my socks even as they get pretty grungy depending on what I walk through. I have to wash the new outerwear I purchased on Thursday. It will not go through the regular tumble dryer, will just be put in my heating rack and tent. Won't get damaged that way.

    I also ordered a pizza, just a pepperoni from Walmart and added a bit of ground beef and extra cheese, it was a good treat as well.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Today was much better, just some fatigue but I can deal with that. I appreciate you gals 🙂

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    My SIL is from Asia. He uses strong black tea to fight diarrhea. It should be strong enough to taste the takin. He said if you drink too much it can flip and make you constipated. I think it only takes a single cup to work.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Mae, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and yes, fatigue is much easier to deal with than what you dealt with before.

    Wren, never heard of strong black tea being used to treat the big D. Maybe I'll get some black tea bags to keep on hand. I would prefer those if I have a BM looser than I like. Who knows.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    I am finally washing up my new outerwear but noticed the hoodie that I thought was broken is not, oh well, the new stuff have nicer colours and if cold, I can put the hoodie on. Wand washing instead of normal wash and using new liquid detergent, keep sniffing the washer, it smells lovely, does not smell like much after but that is OK. Setting up my heating rack in a tent to dry them as well, that will take a while but that is OK too.

    Going to have a quick breakfast, couple of microwaved hashbrowns for the speed of cooking, mayo and salt should be good, save the beans for lunch or dinner. Only other plans besides washing up the rest is to vacuum, do my surveys and games for cash and that is about it. Hope everyone has a better day who needs to

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Mara, thank you so much for the link to the poles and spikes.

    Emac, I'm sorry you're feeling poorly and have fallen. I hate balance issues. I'm embarrassed when that happens. No need to be but that's just how I feel. I think I posted somewhere that DH wants me to take my phone with me everywhere – even out to our detached garage, just in case I fall. I use a cane whenever I'm out and about. I feel more stable with it and it lets people know that I need a bit of space.

    Funny story about "space" is when I go to Costco with our son, he's very protective of me and if anyone gets to close with their cart, he steps in to defend/protect me. Someone almost ran into me with their cart, and boy did they get the stink-eye from him!

    Amazon can be a funny thing. I bought some Vietnamese Pho and Costco. I really like it. I thought I'd order more on Amazon, but it's twice the price – just like you found with your laundry detergent, mara! Amazon often, but not always has the best deals. I may have to look into Walmart delivery.

    Mae, I'm glad you're feeling better today. I was thinking about you yesterday and just felt bad for you.

    Wren44, who knew? I had no idea that black tea could help D, but that too much could cause C.

    Mara, hashbrown patties are EVIL!!! I love them so much that I don't often buy them. I'd eat them all in one sitting- with catsup of course and maybe a little hot sauce.

    I've been working on some backpacking meals for DH. He really likes curry, so I'm experimenting with recipes that have all dried ingredients and just need water. I have a food dehydrator and have been drying vegetables and tofu. I ordered some dried coconut milk from Amazon. I'll try to remember to let you know how it turns out.

    I hope everyone has an uneventful Monday.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Sunshine, my family is like that with me as well when we are out too, that is wonderful when they are protective as well. I am honestly craving more hashbrowns, all that wand washing tired me out

    I am totally unsure why but I am in a very frustrated mood, nothing has happened to make me feel this way. I put together the tent dryer and am drying the new clothes, order velvet hangers and little things that sit on the front of the hangers to provide more room for hanging stuff in the bedroom and front closet. Bigger zipties to tie up cords, easier to open when needed. Used my new liquid detergents which will last forever as I use maybe a teaspoonful of each. These are all things that should make me happy but find myself in an almost angry mood, this is so stupid. Probably need to exercise on the treadmill later after a good lunch to see if that settles my temper because there is no one here to get mad at except myself which would be super stupid.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Oh, mara, I'm sorry you're in a frustrated mood. I get it - I think we all do. There are some days I'm just in a pissy mood for no reason. I have to tell my DH that I'm just in a mood and it's not him. I hope you "feel" better soon!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    It is gradually lightening up. Telling myself to chill out as the mood I was in would not help if I had a real problem which I did not have today. I also decided that everything will just be dried in my tumble dryer but protected with mesh bags. My hoodie did not break and I think it is overkill. I keep telling myself I don't have a real problem so just relax and watch TV before soaking dishes.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Hi. Just an update on me. I was to have my scans and MO appointment today. I had to cancel due to weather-- we had icy roads and I drive 2 hours one way to get there. I rescheduled my scans for this Friday. And was going to have to make a separate trip for the MO visit next Monday. But then they offered me a telephone visit with MO for Monday instead. I took that. I am going under the assumption that I will be stable again with just a quick visit needed with MO over the phone. If I have progression this time, then I guess the phone call MO visit will not be such a good idea. Lets go with thinking I will be stable again.

    Waving HI to all on here. I continue to read the posts.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I’m sorry Mae. I know those days are hard ones. Sending you a virtual hug. Get some Rest .

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Candy, glad you are not driving on those icy roads, sounds alot like what we have here as well, pretty icy out there. I am in your pocket that you will be stable again.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    in candy’s pocket!!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Waving hi to everyone. Am here with my cup of coffee but will put it down before I hop into anyone's pocket. Sorry for the stupid humor. I'm feeling punchy this morning.

    I have a phone meeting on Thursday with a broker(recommended by an attorney friend of mine) to discuss my Medicare options. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that. We just switched insurance due to DH's bank being acquired by another bank. Big pain getting meds and scans approved. Now it sounds like I'll get to do it all over again. What fun!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Still in Candy's waterproof pocket, sunshine, go ahead and bring the coffee since you are dealing with insurance changing.

    Mel, how are your sister, mom and you doing now? I am in your waterproof pocket as well.

    I just got paid so paid my bills for this month, still got some left which is good. Will take the interest earned in savings to add to my debit card and may do my taxes soon so I get a refund sooner. Still going to spend as if I have no money for groceries, trying to maintain under 100 per month since it is just me, I just will take stock of what I already have and not buy what is not needed unless it is on sale and shop more at my regular grocery store to use my gift cards that I purchase every month. Save some of the other I make on surveys and use that for Walmart. Will have a couple of GIC purchases coming in adding extra as well. Considering what I make on disability, I have been able to stretch it quite a bit and still live and eat decently without having to dig into my house sale savings which makes me feel better. That is due to all surveys and other stuff I make as well.

    Breakfast is strange, having the rest of my pizza but wanted to get the ground beef used up, Going beefless for a bit after. I put ground beef right on top of the pizza, warmed them up until the cheese melted and will put something on top I think. Not sure what else I might do today, should go out in cleats as it is cold but beautiful and sunny. Nice day for a walk. Putting the spikes down on the cane and cleats will prevent slipping. Snow is basically frozen, unsure if the freezing rain has been by but again, I don't care about that as side walks have been plowed. I do get bored from time to time.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    I may be stepping out of line but some of you might have missed this post from Susan's husband. SInce susaninsf was mostly here in Mel's living room I thought I would share it.


    This is Chuck Han, husband of Susan Kobayashi. I'm sorry if I am breaking etiquette by using her account, but one of her wishes was to notify the boards of her passing.

    Susan passed away peacefully this morning with her family at her side. She was grateful for the support of this community.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    So sorry to read of susaninsf's passing. I read her posts on other threads. May she rest in peace. Another sister gone from this #$%^ disease.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Oh no Susan, I knew about hospice and being out of treatment options. She had no idea how she made me feel better after I got my brain tumour. My condolences to her family, friends and friends here too. I am sad as well. Glad she's finally at peace.