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Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Chico...I was diagnosed couple years after I was told by my doctor that I was pre-diabetic and that I should be on a low-carb diet...I think that the high-protein diet fueled the cancer that had probably started from intense stress and poor diet while on location. I remember at the end of working on a film, I went to Europe on a long vacation, but never recovered my strength. I was and remained deeply exhausted. Now, I’m managing my blood sugar with metformin and large amounts of green vegetables. I was eating eggs, but I’m giving those up as well. I’ve always loved animals, and find their suffering unbearable.

    Congratulations Schnauzermom! We’re on our way to healing ourselves!

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    hi friends who have given up on meat. Here is a nice handout on plant proteins that you may find helpful:



  • novagirl
    novagirl Member Posts: 82

    I’m on 850 mg of metformin. I’ve been on it since 2014 when I was early stage. Hopkins was doing a trial looking at cancer recurrence. The enrollment was closed so I asked my MO for a script. It didn’t prevent me from going metastatic but I still take it.

    Thanks for the veggie protein chart changed name!

    Miaomix, I LOVE beyond meat stuff. I used to eat so much morning star crap which has highly processed soy. I have it all up when I was first diagnosed. I was so happy when more places started carrying beyond meat

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I changedmyname thank you for the information on how to get proteins from vegetarian sources.

    Novagirl...I agree....long live beyond meat! May they grow and continue to make a wholesome product.I think the CEO has a big heart....and a conscience...I hope he doesn't loose them....the metformin helps me manage the carbs when the need for pasta dishes can't be suppressed, but I'm learning to cheat. I now make my baked pasta with 4 types of vegetables and the beyond meat type meatballs, and only a little pasta

    I recommend that during a downturn in the stock market, as people pocket their gains, we all invest in this company...with the profits we'll be able to pay for all the fenben, curcumin, and vitamin E we need.

    So far, no SE from the fenben...I’m going to get bloodwork done next week.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    good luck all you brave pioneers!!! I am grateful for you taking this step into self-experimentation!!! Thank you thank you!!!!

  • chico
    chico Member Posts: 197

    I emailed my Onc re something else and at the same time asked what he thought re the COC protocol. He basically replied “I have yet to be convinced about any of the COC protocols. Certainly a number of side-effects, but I'm not aware of any good evidence for benefit. Strictly though, there's no info that it would be damaging to the current treatment either”. Considering that this was not a face to face conversation I felt that it was a fairly positive response from a research Onc who is used to dealing with the “science”. The main thing is he certainly was not saying that I/we should not go down this route. Ashas already been said on this thread the fantastic Miaomix, Schnauzer etc will be running their own trial.

    I have my next scan and meeting with my Onc in July when I will give him a more in depth grilling and will then decide if/when to join you ladies.

    I will however be following you with great interest and for the moment anyway cheering you on from the sidelines.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Wow, Chico, is your onc walking down the middle of the road. Safe, taking no risk. So doctor-like. She says as she sits here being a parasite, waiting to see how you pioneers do. Side effects would be my main issue. I wonder what he is referring to. My dog, when a puppy, took Panacure C for gairdia. He had diarrhea. That, I cannot have. Thank you all for trying this. I see no ulterior motive by the guy who wrote the blog. None at all.

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Wow ladies! This thread is amazing! I remember that dra. Hulda Clark always said that cancer are caused by worms, so if that theory is right it is the cure...isn't it? In my opinion that should explain the hungry of sugar by cancer cells. I will expected your news, crossing my fingers. You ladies are pionners!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Yndorian, Chico and Jaycee thank you for your support,

    Let me ask you,....if we didn't know anything about cancer, and something was growing inside us, and eating us alive , would've think that it was some kind of parasite, or a systemic fungal infection?

    Aren't these the creatures that are known to feed off the living till the host dies?...and isn't an amazing coincidence that cancer takes away our strength, forcing us to passively lay there mostly in pain, so it's job of growing can be facilitated? If we had the same energy we once had, it wouldn't be able to grow and thrive as it does.

    Do you remember when Z used to urge everyone to move and stay active? She knew we needed oxygen to fight back and create an unwelcoming environment!! But how can we do that, when even the medications we must take further weaken and sicken us?

    Are we, any different than those ants that get invaded by cordycept spores, that forces them to behave in a weird manner till they are immobilized. Than, as the ants die, cordycepts mushroom grow out of their bodies?

    What I like about this protocol is that except for the Fenben, I was already taking those same supplements—I take a lot of various supplements—but, I had been wanting to take some form of antifungal medication for a very long time. The problem was getting a prescription and the horrible se of associated with the powerful antifungals in addition to the horrible SE of chemotherapy.

    This protocol, if it works, brilliantly resolves all those problems. Over the counter, and in such minute quantities, no SE to speak of so that's very exciting to me.

    I see it as the most beautiful solution to my problem and the answer to my prayers....

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    the 'meta' is the same...

    there may be more evidence on mebendazole which is an anti parasitic they prescribe to people Presumably a cancer patient might need to get treated for worms... I have taken a pin worm med, years ago when my toddler got pinworms. They treat the whole family. No side effects at the typical dose....

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    No side effects at all yet (just the second day, but still, no discernible side effects). I am hopeful and actually feeling empowered to be doing this, and this runs counter my previously traditional approach.(Plus, I love the humor of taking canine dewormer. The dog jokes are endless! Today's my birthday, and my husband and I were at Costco. He asked if there was anything I'd like. I waited until we got to the back of the store and pointed at the chew toys and dog beds. "Those, please!")

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Miaomix, Shnauzer, congratulations on the new experiment . I believe that this protocol will be successful for most of us. I am joining you on May 8, when my last order will arrive. I am still on I/F with stable PET scan, but I want to do everything in my power before next progression.

    I wish everyone who is trying dramatic success!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Shnauzermom you cracked me up! Happy Birthday and many returns on the day! Woof..woof....I also have no discernible side effects...and feel extremely hopeful....

    Blueshine....yes! Join our little experiment when you're ready....nothing to lose and much to gain....

    By comparing notes, since we are on different treatments, we can learn much about what works and what doesn't....

    Santabarbarian....thank you for sharing your experience with the mebendazole, if the canine dose doesn’t work...we'll move on to that

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    I want to add my two cents. I think worms theory is right. After my dx I beggining to drink turpentine every day (turpentine is a terpen extracted fron the pine and acts against worms and kill fungus too) Dra. Clark recommended 10 drops of pure oregan esencial oil during 3 days after desparasitation to kill bacteria chlostridium, who contributes tu grow cancer worm (named fasciola something) The drops can be put in a empty pill because is very hard to take.

    I don't know if the fenbendazol penetrates bones, turpentine does and penetrates brain too like an alcohol it is. Just use turpentine for internal use, not for painting

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Yndorian....I asked myself the same question: will the fenben, in minute amounts, get to the bones?...we'll see...if not, I will follow Md. Clark protocol as you described it. Thank you for sharing that info.

    In his blog Joe mentions that up to forty people so far, with various cancers have used the treatment successfully, including MBC in the bones....but as we know, with cancer anything goes....

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, Miaomix! Getting older is such a privilege, truly. (This is my seventh birthday since mets diagnosis and 32nd since my first diagnosis. I've treasured each year. I would never have expected to still be here--we just can't predict.) Wagging my tail!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Your story is very uplifting Schnauzermom....I share your experience of feeling fully alive and celebrating every moment...may you get to see your great, great grandchildren get married!

    I would love to see a picture of your dog....I've always wanted a dog, but end up with cats throughout my life...I traveled internationally when I was working, and cats were more acceptable to my caretaking friends. I had a love affair with birds for a while, I had an African grey and a couple of lovebirds, but they were extremely messy, I used to let them fly around the apartment and I would end up withfeathers, poop and seeds everywhere! However, they were a lot of fun....luckily my partner adopted them all

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Happy birthday Schnauzermom! I wish you many more to come! Actually i think to celebrate every day .

    Yndorian, thank you for sharing . i heard this before, but back than it sounded crazy . NOW everything is new hope....

    Miaomax, i think we are going to gain!!! yes, i keep notes, so we can compare

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Bluebird - it sounded crazy to me too, but how you well said NOW is HOPE, for a cure and for prevention why not? Hugs

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Okay folks....Joe has updated his blog to answer questions that I had asked his pharmacist regarding the use of the CBD oil. This is what he wrote.


    I have had many people ask gazillions of questions surrounding the confusion around my recommendation to take 25mg of CBD per day. Let me attempt to clear things up a bit, at least from my perspective.

    First, I am not recommending CBD for pain or discomfort or nausea. I am recommending it as a "separate fight against cancer cells"

    Second, while I am not (as part of my regimen) recommending THC or RSO, I am not opposed to the use of THC. In fact, a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC might be very beneficial to some people as the CBD offsets the hallucinogenic effects of THC to some extent. I chose not to actively recommend THC for two reasons: (i) there are just so many people in the masses that either don't approve of it or don't understand it or simply can't get it, and (ii) contrary to many ardent and fervent THC evangelicals, I "personally" believe the right full spectrum CBD is equally as potent in negatively impacting cancer cells and I believe recent research bears this out.

    Many people get confused about the term Cannibus. Cannibus is the genus and Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis are the species. Many people are confused thinking Marijuana is Cannibus and Hemp is something entirely different (Hemp is Cannibus too). Typical Marijuana plants are Cannibus plants bred for high THC levels. What is referred to as hemp today is Cannibus strains bred for very minimal levels of THC. Both plants produce broad spectrum CBD (Cannabidiol), which has no psychotropic effects by itself. Generally speaking, CBD oils have less than .3% THC in them. The term HEMP has morphed into simply any Cannibus plant that is very low in THC and not produced as a psychotopic drug.

    The reason high purity, broad spectrum CBD producers synthesize low THC hemp is simple. The extraction methods become more complex if elimination of THC is required as a tertiary step.

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a different and major constituent of the Cannibus species. There are 113 different cannabinoids isolated from cannabis, including

    non-psychotropic: CBG, CBC, CBD, CBE, CBL, CBT

    psychotropic: THC and iso-THC.

    A full spectrum CBD sans THC oil would be one that contains a broad spectrum of 6 cannibinoids that are non-psychotropic.

    I recommend a high-purity level broad spectrum CBD oil that picks up as many of the cannibinoids as possible.

    People always ask, which brand? which CBD oil? That is almost impossible to answer as all processors are different. What you need to endeavor to achieve is 25mg per day of broad spectrum CBD. Some products are low purity with as little as 3mg of CBD per ml. dropper (requiring 8-9 droppers full per day). Others have high purity and 25mg per ml. dropper (requiring only 1 dropper per day).

    I have purchased high purity THC as well, and if you are so inclined, I would recommend working your way (slowly) up to a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC such that the psychotropic effects of the THC are minimized. HOWEVER, I want it to be perfectly clear that I personally believe the right broad spectrum CBD alone will work within my regimen.

    I personally buy my CBD from the Randy the pharmacist linked above. He gets his from a high tech laboratory that only sells to pharmacists.

    So there you have it....It looks as if we have to add the freaking oil!! Small price to pay if it works!

    What say yee? Unless we find our own sources, these are the prices the pharmacist attached to his email...


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Last night I read as much as possible about the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil and what they are used for. They are quite different and CBD oil is non hallucinogenic if it doesn't contain THC.

    From medical news I gathered that CBD oil has many proven benefits against major disease, as far as cancer is concerned this is what it says:

    Fighting cancer

    Some researchers have found that CBD may prove to combat cancer.

    Authors of a review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found evidence that CBD significantly helped to prevent the spread of cancer.

    The researchers also noted that the compound tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote their destruction.

    They pointed out that CBD has low levels of toxicity. They called for further research into its potential as an accompaniment to standard cancer treatments.

    So, in my mind, Joe is right and CBD oil will be part of my regimen. The next question to resolve is what brand? Can we save money or is the price quoted fair?

    A search on amazon and the web indicates that what's available over the counter is ONLY hemp that's that.

    So it's up to everyone of you to decide if you should use the CBD or not. A mixed consensus will be good, because in three months time, we can look at all our pet scanresults and determine if it's essential or not...

    Right now, I think I’m gonna take it....heck if it’s essential it’s a small price to pay

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Miaomix -----Just some thoughts......

    There are a couple of gurus in the Hemp Oil debate. There's Rick Simpson (Phoenix Tears) and a couple of other who claim they have been cured using the oil.  BUT, they all infatuatedly state that it has to have the THC in it. I know of a couple of sites which show you how to buy the leaf, boil it down correctly, and make your own tincture.

    In my state, I can get a med.card buy to my Hemp Legally. But, dang, it's hundreds a month to buy in the quantity that I would need.

    A few months ago, my nurse prac. at my Onc.'s office, said that she wished they would make Marijuana a Class 2 status.  She said there were several studies coming out of Europe showing the benefits of MJ.   

    Olivia Newton-John (movie Grease)   She's battling cancer for the third time and she's doing it with the Hemp oil which contains THC. In her state, CA, it's legal to grow so many plants. (She also used it when she battled cancer #2)

    Then there's this.....can't remember when I read it...but there's research that Hemp Oil  and the cancer hormone status are important.  Between Pos and Neg.  one of them, Hemp helps, the other one it causes the cancer  to grow. 

    I'll be reading a lot this week-end.    In the beginning of this it looked as if no one was making a profit.  Joe was a Good Guy.  Which I believe is true.  But what about the pharmacist?  What do we know about him?  He seems to be profiting …..but then again, I am a very skeptical person.   


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky thank you for your invaluable contribution to this subject. I must confess, I know absolutely nothing about it...

    I will start by reading up on the people and research you've mentioned and see what I can learn.

    It's important to remember, however, that Joe's is the one that managed to survive a deadly cancer, and maybe selling the CBD oil, helps him finance his goal of helping sick people like us...

    I know cost is an issue...I’m willing to spend the money and take the oil, so we can all figure out if it’s really needed.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky...I started listening to Rick Simpson's story and I really like this guy....going back to learning...more to follow I'm sure...

    THC is one of the active hour into my research and I decided that till I know better and what to buy...I'm going to pull out and start smoking the one ounce of marijuana I bought more than 15 years ago that I never used.... prior to my FENBEN protocol, I took a few tokes and I can attest the MJ is still good...I got a very pleasant buzz, and added it to my healing altar, till I know better it will be part of my healing.

    Ten minutes after smoking the MJ I'm experiencing a deep relaxation and a peaceful inner state....I had no idea how afraid andwindup I was till now....I can see how the sheer unwinding of the whole psyche would be extremely beneficial.

    It's basically the opposite to the deep and unconscious stresses caused by my other cancer treatments...I can see clearly how Steve Jobs could leave this reality unafraid, saying....whaoooo....whaoooo....the relaxation and sense of well-being feels so real....of course this would have to be an essential part of any healing therapy...


  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Thank You Miaomix.. And please know everyone on this thread, that I am not trying to sabotage your effects by negativity.  I am a total think outside the box person and have been convinced for over two years that some cancers are caused by systemic fungal infections.   Yes, I also took the turpentine a couple of years ago.  Since anti-bodices have been so over prescribed in last 50 yrs.  We all have a compromised immune system.  PROBOTICS are essential every time you need to take an anti-bodice. (My poor Grand dau. has had 5 yeast infections (bladder) and she's only SIX yrs old.

    Have you read about Suzanne Summers.  She and DH had to temporally rent a home. They both started getting sick.  Turns out there was black mold in the house. She had full body scans (prev BC survivor) and was told there was cancer thru-out her body.  She refused chemo.  She says for 5/6 days she laid in the hospital listening to the doctors tell her that her time was short.   More tests.    Turns out, tests did not detect cancer but found FUNGUS growing through out her body.    

    yes, we really need to advocate for ourselves.  I will be joining this protocol in about two weeks. Might be the test side of the trail as I will not be using CBC oil.  

    God bless us all

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    I have read that the effect of cannabis oil against cancer is that cannabis increases endorphines, wich helps to make more natural killer cells (called Tcells). But for that purpose I find that low dosis naltrexone is more effective. Obviously all of this is just theory

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850     Darren Miller's a hugh Hemp supporter. Here's his FB page.

    Hi Y.   Nice to read your posts!  I've read that DIM, Vit D, Beta-Glutens, Turmeric all increase T cells.  My ONC told me to back off the Tumeric?? She said new research out in conflicting. 

    This is great everyone sharing info.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hey there Miao, LoL wish I could join you in your inner peace.  But careful there. Strains of the MJ are important.  And smoking is not the best way to get the most THC. People actually cook with it, and that's more THC.   But to get the full benefit it needs to be boiled into a tincture.   Lol In case anyone is wondering. Besides what I have read, I know nothing about  MJ.  And although my user name suggests I'm a young kid, I'm 65.  But I have been researching MJ for last 2yrs.   

    Enjoy MIao

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky or someone with a Facebook account...could you check out what the discussions and consensus are regarding the CBD oil in joe's group. What we need to know is: did other people benefit equally from the integration of CBD or not? Do they get consistent results

    One thing s clear so far, the very common hemp oil is totally useless for us...the choices are between the RSO and CBD...price wise they are both expensive and we would have to make our own RSO which I'm not about to do in aNYC Co-op apartment!

    I don't have a Facebook account and would rather not open one...I have a deep deep distrust of Mark Zuckerberg...