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Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Good to know! Can't take Tylenol with Fenben

    Thank you Snooky!

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    You can take celebrex, and obtain two in one benefits because celecoxib works against cancer too. There's some information in google

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    I think that a lot of the info on this site has been posted on here already.  But, for me, this explains it non scientifically so that I can understand.

    Interesting that it says Fenben blocks cancer's use of sugar.  This sugar connection is hugh in the alternative med field.  One researcher, from the Phillipines (with a large number of credentials) claims that high glucose levels is the cause of cancer. Esp. in the USA, our intake of glucose, in all products has  skyrocketed enormously.   The researcher/PR actioner is currently helping his patients to keep sugar levels below 90 and is seeing great success.  Read your product lables high fructose corn syrup is in most foods.  Not to mention the obesity rate in the US. I'm realizing that it's not these folks fault. They eat but cannot feel full cause of empty calories from our food supply.

    Read "Silent Spring" came out in 1969.  

    We have so much research to do!!!!!  And, I"m not the smartest apple in the bushel here.  The reason I'm trying to find a pine tree connection is in next post.  

    Humor my ramblings.....Dang doc increased my anti- depressents so I'm in na na land.

    On another note:  Did I read on this site that taxol chemo and Fenben are related?   I'm trying to find the active ingredient in Fenben.  Is it too made from some form of the pine species?

    trying to make a connection:

    Taxol--from the Yew tree

    Turpentine--from the resin of the pine trees (I'm not taking about the turp brought at the hardware stores.) I live in a small town, and the country grocery store sells small bottle of Turpentine with the words "for medicinal use" printed on the label!!!!!

    Older folks, especially southerners, will tell you that their parents gave them turp on a bit of sugar one or twice a yr "to clean their system" (if you worked near animals, esp. in farming, you had worms, that's the way it was) Also, just had a Virgina friend tell me that her Mom would take a feather dip it In turp and rub it on her tonsils when she was getting a sore throat.

    Trying to figure if all meds from pine trees or similar species share this worming feature

    On Joe's fB page, they esp. state they are not trying to clear out worms.  The FenBen lowers sugar levels.


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky...Taxol is a powerful antifungal, that's why it works!

    Antifungal properties of taxol and various analogues


    The antimitotic agent taxol was tested for toxicity towards fungi from different taxonomic groups and found to be particularly active against oomycete fungi. In germinating zoospore cysts of the oomycetePhytophthora capsici the mechanism of action of taxol was shown to involve inhibition of mitosis, presumably resulting from an effect on microtubules. Various taxol analogues with deleted A-ring C-13 side chain substituents were tested for toxicity towardsP. capsici andAphanomyces cochlioides to provide insight into structural features required for activity. The importance of the side chain was shown by the much lower activity as compared to taxol of analogues lacking all or part of the side chain. The effect of stereochemistry at the C-2′ position on fungitoxicity towards oomycetes was similar to that reported previously on mammalian microtubule assembly.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    ok need to give you some of my background so that you can see my line of throught

    I've been fighting fungus infections for over 40 yrs. It clears, from one area for a few months and then reappears. Meds from doctors do nothing.

    Finally, in 2018, I detoxed my entire intestines. I saw the fungal infection that had lodged itself in my colon/intestional tract, and after months, I thought that I was clean.

    Then 3 mos ago, I HAD to go on taxol chemo. (A second area of my breast developed cribform IDC in situ.  But the nodules started to grow out of my breast and decided to make a home on my skin.  ONC's insisted they would ulcerate and I agreed to 3cycles, (9infusions of taxol) and then back to hormonals.

    But during the chemo, fungus returned to my scalp, thrush returned, toe-nails, and now I'm finding it in my intestines again.  


    Because working it is:

    Recent scan this past Fri.----after 3 mos.   Several small nodules in lungs have dissipated. 

    Original tumor, which was found at 4.5CM but grew to 5.85 on Ful/IB is now  2.25CM(amazing)   The second breast tumor is also shrinking and the nodule growth on my breast has stopped maybe a small bit of shrinkage. The axillary lymph node also has shrink by half.   However, the 4 spots on my spine have grown slightly and now there is a couple more....

    I find it odd that the tumors (full of fungus IMO) are shrinking but it's moving to other areas of my body.  But that's the nature of fungus.  When it's attacked it goes into hiding only to return later.

    My mind is mush right now.  I see my ONC  this Wednes.  and although I had agreed to 3 mos chemo and then onto something else.  I know that he's going to want to continue chemo.  Guess I'd be a fool not to give it a bit longer to finish shrinking the breast mass.

    Fungus also feeds on sugar. 

    Need to find out active ingredient in FenBen.   I rest of my supplies arrived today. Except for CBC oil which I would not add at this time.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Oh,  Mia..we cross posted. THANK YOU

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Ok group...  If you start the treatment and then start feeling awful, flu like systems, rashes, depression, among other things.  It is because of the die-off of the cancer cells. It's called Herx ????? You need to keep your elimination running fast.  Also, it can effect your liver.  So keep an eye out.

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    That fillipine investigator may be ted from Earthclinic page, isn't he? He talks a lot about sugar levels in cancer. He says are in theory two kinds on cancer, one caused by fungus and another caused by virus. I have read the idea of take azoxystrobine like an anticancer in his posts. L lysine for virus and a lot or more remedies. He is a genius

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky....I'm not expert on fungal medications, but what I know is that there are different antifungals for different types of fungi. Maybe, your fungus would respond to more and persistent medication in addition to Taxol, or in combination with Taxol

    It's true that it's impossible to totally eliminate them, because they are part of our biodome, they become dangerous when they take over. I wish I knew more...and could be more helpful.

    Did they ever analyzed what type of fungus or funguses you were suffering from? I'm going to read up on the Filipino doctor...thank you for the info.

    I have to say, that lately, repeated doses of bicarbonate have provided more relief, than all the various painkiller medications....

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Yes, Yndorian, that's who I'm speaking of.  Unfortunately, Ted had a stroke in 2015 and no longer answers questions.

    Yes, I know that he recommends an agricultural product --for fungal infections. But that is too scary for me.   Copper is another idea.  In gardening I use copper for fungus on my plants and I've read that a lot of people don't have enough copper in their diets.  He's also big on iodine.  I take additional iodine since I use sea salt which has none in it.

    Yes, Ted is a genius. 

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    analyze ?  Heck no.  The medical profession is not big on that.  And parasites infestations they don't even think that's possible in the US.  

    Right,, they are part of the gut flora.  Taking antibodics for long periods upsets this balance.  

    This is probably more info than anyone wants to know but: when I had my Ct scan on Fri. on the report it read that my intestine was compacted with feces.  Probably from constipation from the chemo.  A ah....light bulb moment.  That's why the last few weeks of taxol made me so ill.   I was having a die-off reaction.  The dead cancer cells being sick in my body.   So  I'm doing my Epson salt flushed to clear the colon.  I'm sure that I'm going to feel a lot better soon.  

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Oh, just saw what you said about baking soda and pain.  Yes, ted, is a hugh supporter of it.  Cancer causes our body to be too acidic.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky when I was first diagnosed I went to see MO Nicholas Gonzales, unfortunately he died two months later from an heart attack, but by then I had already started on his protocol.

    One of the routines were coffee enemas to detox the liver twice@day. Of course everything gets cleaned as well in the process...but do it only if you're familiar with the procedure.

    I did them for two years, and remember always feeling amazing after the procedure. He did not allow the drinking of coffee, tea or highly acidic foods. Protein wise only 2 ounces of cheese a day. No meat, no fish, but all the fruits and vegetables I could possibly want

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    It is very dificult to eat a diet low in carbs without any kind of meat. I was for a while in a Cancer Metabolic Institute, in Argentina. They gave to me a diet to low my glucose, it was 90% meat, a short list of vegetables alloweds, no fruits, I get IV vit.C and another things I don't remember. They says that diet is for ever. Wtf? When I begining chemo I had to quit because of the damage in my veins. But I'm not sure that the glucose thing is the solution. We have glucose in our blood all the time so cancer cells don't going to death by starving. The goal is to kill cancer cells

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Yndorian...I recently learned that cancer cell can feed on everything, proteins and fats if they can't find sugars. I think sugar is bad for us because it's associated with junk foods that cause overeating, obesity, addictions, and ruin our health in all the other ways...which facilitates cancer development....

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Totally agree with that. A healthier diet helps with everything. What a healthier diet is? Every guru had his theory. Macrobiotic, raw food, vegane, lacto ovo vegetarian, paleolitic... I don't yet discovered wich of all those works to me. I just know that I was drinking latex of euphorbia turicalli, and today my MO was surprised for my response to "chemo". I'm grade 2 and positive to er pr so my MO didn't expect that pcr. I belive was the plant

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Euphorbia turicalli has been studied by oncologists of the Albert Einstain hospital of Brasil. In this hospital there is a complete area dedicated to alternative treatments. A man in youtube talked about how his mother was derivated by her own MOs to that area when treatments didn't work anymore for her, there they teached her how to consume the latex of turicalli. The woman was totaly cured by this plant. Many years later the same man was cured of a prostate cancer using the same plant. There are many many testimonials of cure. I share this in case someone be interesed

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    I snipped this from Joe's FB page:

    " I ordered the Thomas Labs fish fenbendazole because I read that the canine version has parabans that could be estrogen stimulating. Also I was about to order the Life Extensions Gamma E and found out that it also has some soy in it so I did a quick search for a soy-free full spectrum vit E and found a product called Rootcology soy-free full spectrum Vitamin E. "

    we need to check this out if we're E+...…..also Soy is not good for us.

    Yes,Mioamix,, I too tried coffee enemas. I had a lot of trouble doing it alone.  I quit them. For liver MilkTHistle is the supplement that I take.  However, I did my favorite Epson salt fluses  last night and feel a lot better this am. 

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thank you Snooky for sharing this information. I’m going to finish what I ordered because my cancer stopped being estrogen receptive a long time ago, but it’s essential for others to know....

    YNdorian happy to read about the good results you got from using the euphorbia tirucally, I know nothing about this herb, will look it up,

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    The link that I published above is an article about the plant. Is an english one because a lot of them are in portuguese

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    update: I ducked having to take Doxil this Friday....I will instead join a clinical trial for an updated type of ibrance that’s being examined as a monotheraphy.

    Of course I agreed, have to keep my blood sugar low to qualify, which is great for many reasons.

    I’m happy as all get out

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Oh Mina,  I am so very happy for you!!  You'll have to tell us all the details. I wish you the best of success with this treatment.  XXXXOOOOXXXXXOooo

  • chico
    chico Member Posts: 197

    Wow Miaomix not having to do Doxil and getting on a trial for an updated version of Ibrance sounds wonderful. Please let us know more about this when you get the info. I have been on I/L since September 2016 so am very interested to learn if this could be a future med for people like me. Cutting back on sugar for me would be a tough call but if needs must!! Good luck

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Miaomix, these are very good news! Good luck!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Thank you all for your good wishes! I'm going to need all the luck in this world!

    I will spend practically the first two weeks being tested at the hospital (a huge sacrifice of time for me, but I'm willing and able if I can postpone chemotherapy) but after that, once a month! And it's just a pill!

    Keeping low blood sugar low will hopefully be a piece of cake...the medical mushrooms lower it by 30%...ill be brewing a gallon of chaga tea tomorrow, tonight!

    Yes! A new ibrance more effective and less toxic would benefit Chico et all and be an excellent addition to the MBC arsenal of TXs. Let's hope they know what they're doing...

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,043

    That is exciting news Miaomix-keep us posted on how it goes. I'll be interested in learning what they will have you do to keep your blood sugar low.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    How interesting and I wonder why they want lower blood sugar?! A tip, if you have eaten more sugar than you wanted to in a given day just stop eating in early evening and fast (water, tea only) and the sugar will burn off, nighttime fasting is super efficient at burning off sugar. Also its great that you have had a break from Ibrance, remember that paper came out saying if you take a break from Ibrance you may reset to become sensitive again- exciting trial!!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thank you all for the good wishes and tips on how to lower my BS! I'll divulge more after I meet my MO on Friday...I'm happy that he's one of the doctors running this trial because he understands my priorities

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Miaomix, I’ll pray the new drug to work for a very long time!

    Much love and hugs. Elena