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Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441

    I was reading about fenbendazole, and found this article. It's very interesting, in the light of what we've been talking about here.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thanks blainejennifer! It's reassuring that the combo worked on those lucky mice.

    How are things with you? When are u starting at MSK?

    You know...I'm being treated there as well...maybe we'll bump into each other one day...who knows....I’m usually there on Fridays early mornings...tomorrow I have a 8.20 appointment

    Best of luck

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Thank you blainejenifer for the information. I’ll print it and show to my MO

    Hugs. Elena

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    A couple of things:

    First, good luck to Miaomix with the clinical trial. Hope the new Ibrance therapy works well for you! When do you start?

    Next, a Fenben update. I started my second cycle of Fenben this morning. I have had a wonderful side effect--Verzenio diarrhea is greatly improved this past week!!! I'm taking the 200 mg Verzenio, and the diarrhea has been frequent and depleting, of both hydration and energy. I feel so much better not pooping my innards out all the time, and my behind is not stinging and burning now. (Graphic, I know.) I did not want to have to drop to 150 mg Verzenio, and now I think the 200 mg can be sustainable. I am indebted to Fenben for that. (Now I'm hoping it cleans up liver and bone buggers.)

    Eager to hear how fellow Fenbenners are doing!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I started my second cycle of fenben this morning as well shnauzermom!

    So happy to hear of that unexpected benefit you’ve experienced

    I will meet my MO tomorrow and sign the papers, won’t start till the end of May....but I’m okay with that because I have this protocol going.

    Good luck to all that are trying...

    May we all succeed!

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    I wish so much that you ladies do it well with F protocol! Glad to read there are positive SE. Not bad at all and it is just the beggining. 💪💪💪

  • wam
    wam Member Posts: 98

    I had chemo today and I am starting my second cycle too. I haven't noticed any SE's. My labs were normal, which I was worried about. It is so nice to have company on this endeavor. Thank you Miaomix and Snauzermom for chiming in about this! I am very hopeful!

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hello Ladies,

       Well I start my FenBen tonight, but without the C oil.  Not affordable at this minute. But if my scans aren't good in three months, I"ll find a way to get it.   Praying for all of us.

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    Fraidycat, glad to hear your labs were normal today. Are you telling your oncologist about the Fenben? I want to be forthright with my doctor, but I'm a little apprehensive. Appointment Monday. I always dread waiting for those tumor markers (2-3 day wait, but seems longer).

    Snooki, good luck with the Fenben! I'm not doing the CBD oil either.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Hi all, check out this exciting and inspiring story! This is the future of cancer care: effective, smart, cheap, no side effects! Enjoy!

    It’s the science behind the use of Doxycycline, one of the off-labels medications that Jane McFalland took to cure her cancer, i want to add this to my arsenal, but I need to find a doctor that would read the article and understand how important it is for m survival.

    Michael Lisanti and antibiotics: the next cancer revolution

    Congratulations Snooky for starting on your journey, and to Fridaycat for her good report. I too am not experiencing any SE.

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Hi ladies. Schnauzermom, soo happy to hear already some benefits from the Fenben.

    I still can’t start, because my package from Amazon got lost. I can’t wait...... I ordered Jane,s book .She mention that curcum can reduce by 50 percent the effectiveness of chemotherapy and other medications. Maybe to reduce chemotherapy is good, because they give us higher doses that we need, but I am not sure about Ibrance, which is target therapy.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I hear you Blueshine it is a concern ....I'm supposed to start taking ibrance myself

    In mice trial, they discovered that what was effective, was the combo of fenben and vitamin E. So maybe there will be some benefit anyway.

    Read the article about the role doxycycline plays in killing stem cells which cause metastasis, which aren't affected by current TXs. Maybe that medication would be allowed...

    Meanwhile good luck and keep on sharing your findings....

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    snipped this from a FB site.  Have cross posted on Ibrance.

    Curcumin seem to ACTIVATE the CYP3A4 system in liver, that is responsible for the metabolism/break down of 50% of all drugs, also some cancer drugs (like e.g. TKIs).
    This means that the level (AUC=bioavailability) in blood could drop.
    By as much as 70-76% in the case of Everolimus.
    Same have been seen for Tamoxifen (posted earlier).

    So when supplementing with curcumin it seems wise to find out if other important drugs you are taking e.g. cancer drugs are metabolized by this enzyme - and in the case of this be cautious not overdoing the curcumin.""


    It enhances Letrozole to inhibit tumor growth!

    I'm not too savvy in understanding all the above but, if you go to Ibrance thread,  Husband and Curious explained.  Hope this helps
  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    So maybe stop with the curcumin until we know more? I'm fine with that.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    This comes from Dr Axe.. He's a good guy. His mother had cancer, on her third reoccurance he changed from a reg. Dr into alternative medicine.  His methods "cured" his mom"s cancer. He's written a book telling his method.  Any way here is a snip from his facebook page explaining about CBC oil. Exactly how and why it works in our bodies.

    Let me know what you think:

    "We continue to learn about the extraordinary body system known as the
    "endocannabinoid system". More info here:"

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooki how are u doing?

    Thank you for posting that article. I love md Axe. I think that the CBD oil must have curative powers, because the plant was used medicinally for thousands of years.

    I would certainly use it at some point...maybe two months from now when the trial I’m on will be over.

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255

    My friend who was doing this all as a side treatment to his chemo has major progression and is at MD Anderson today to see if there’s anything they could do for him. His onc told him he’s at the point where there’s nothing else for him. I think this protocol failed completely for him

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Gracie...thank you for sharing this information. Although, I think Joe made us all aware that it doesn’t work for everyone, and that we shouldn’t stop using conventional therapies while taking the supplements.

    Can you share more about your friend, what type of cancer he has, and what treatments was he undergoing? long did he take the supplements and did he skip on the CBD oil?

    I wish him and you the best of luck....hugs....

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Re curcumin, my MO was fine with me taking it. The Integrative MO I consulted with recommended it. I am TNBC and took Taxotere/Carboplatin. He had me doing 6,000 mg. At that dosage, be aware curcumin is a blood thinner....

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Santabarbarian...thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. In three months time, we will be able to make an assessment of the results of this therapy under the various TXs and cancer types and share it with Joe's group

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Thanks for asking about me Miaomix, ,  I'm hanging in there. The taxol chemo was really easy for the first 6 or so treatments.  then I fell into a hugh depression.  I mean bad.  I told the Onc I couldn't do taxol anymore. But with lowering my steroid dose, and changing my schedule,  I'm coming "back to life'.  Praise God.  Plus, it's summer and my love of gardening is hugh  So, I've decided to fight fight fight.  

    While the chemo decreased my breast tumor and one axillary node, and completely elimated also all my tiny lung nodules, it's doing nothing for bone mets.

    I have two compression fractures from osterperos (sp), and the T10 vertebra is concerning my ONC.  So he wants me to consult with a Radiologist and see what they can do.  Hate that idea, but since I like walking, forcing myself to do it.   Have a consult this Fri.

    So for Joe's Protocol, this is my first week of it.  No SE"s but I'm not doing the Curumin, read too many bad issues with it.  I have read that Turmeric is ok.  I have a hugh bag of that so time to make lots of curry's.

    One day at a time,  right?  Stay positive and believe.  One thing, I have bone mets in 6 different areas,  There's never been any pain.  Since starting the treatment they are starting to ache now and then.  So I"ve decided that means they are healing (that's my story and I'm sticking to it. lol)

    Love and prayers for all of us,

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Snooky, sorry for snooping in your thread, but I know a woman who resolved her bone mets eating apricot seeds. It taked about 10 month but she did. She ate about 50 per day. She now is in maintenance eating 10/15 per day. Apricot seeds can't damage at all, they're plenty of vitamins and minerals. There is some information in google about it. I'm are eating a lot of they since my dx. For the bones, another suplements even more beneficious than calcium are magnesium and boron. You can take about a 500 mg of borax (emule team) wich is boric acid. You can mix it in your water bottle. Sorry about my intromission. Good luck!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    So is this just for 3 days, per his protocol? $33.52 a month, not bad! 

    Then 4 days off?

    After reading his blog, he continues with this. It's not something he quit doing after being told he was cancer free.

    The blog, sorry if it has already been posted. I'm just so interested in it. It just falls under "if it sounds too good to be true....." you know the rest.

    I'll certainly be following this. I am currently on Xeloda and Xgeva, for 4 years. Next treatment onc want to try Verzino (sp) with Faslodex. He said the worst SE was diarrhea, but it goes away after a week or so. I saw here in an earlier post that someone thought that this medicine took the "D" away, which perhaps it did, but I was told it would go away on it's own. Just sharing.

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441

    I'm oldish (58), and I grew up in Mexico. I remember laetrile being the big thing when I was a pre-teen, and how people would go to clinics in Mexico for treatment. We hosted some family and friends doing that very thing. So, I'm familiar with apricot seeds. Be careful out there, folks.

    I have never heard of anyone curing their cancer with apricot seeds, or any stone fruit seeds. It seems the cyanide is a risk that should be considered throughly.

    Mind you, I've bought Joe's protocol, and will pull that cord if need be. From my reading, it seems that combining it with the vitamin therapy is key. But, Joe's protocol won't kill you - it just won't work. Cyanide can kill a person.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Blain, I agree. I did those and it did nothing!

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Jennifer, with all my respect, I've been eating a lot of apricot seeds since about 8 months ago. Anybody can dude if it is a cure but I'm sure I'm not dead

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky we're going through similar experiences with bone pains. While I was on capecitabine I managed my lower back pain easily, but since mo stopped that TX I started suffering from a weakness in my leg and arm. acupuncture instead of pain killers is working for me right now

    Radiology can definitely help, but try to get the safe kind SRBT I think it’s called...only 5 sessions vs 25 session which is what they usually prescribe. With only 5 sessions your skin won’t be burned to a crisp and the organ that stand in the way of the rays don’t get as much damage either. It provided relief when I did it.

    Glad the beautiful weather is lifting your spirits, stay strong and focused on feeling better.

    Things change on a dime with this disease, for better or worst...I hope you benefit greatly from whatever they propose next.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Yndorian,, You're definitely NOT hijacking "my thread"  I appreciate your comments. In fact, I ate a lot of apricot seeds a couple of years ago.  I've also used 20 mule team borax (a tiny bit, tiny) it does help ease arthritis pain.  And I've been taking magnesium. It totally stopped my nightly leg cramps.

    Jennifer-- Joe has a facebook group.  There are lots of positive responses to his treatment, although as Miao said it doesn't work for everyone.  Also, the B17 apricot seed protocol was based on a group of islanders who had little if any cancer. They found that this group of people ate apricot seeds regularly. (wish I could remember more of the details)  I appreciate your apprehension though and thank you for your thoughts.  Joe's protocol is not about killing worms like it sounds.  The theory is it works because it lowers your blood sugar.

    Goldie--5 years on Zoleda. Fantastic. Hoping you get 5 more.

    Miao-- Sorry, I wasn't clear on the above.  I have not stopped the taxol chemo. We just changed my schedule.  I'm doing every other week now instead of 3on and 1 off. The aches and pains started when I started Joe's protocol.  I was trying to be light- hearted about the aches and pains.  Of course, I have no idea what is causing them.

     And thanks for the info about radiation, I know nothing about it.  But I'll find out this Fri.

    I sure wish the best possible outcome for you and the other participants in the trail.

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255

    Miao, he has colon cancer, and was on one of the new drugs, but I don’t remember which one, it was iv chemo. He had been doing the regiment for right about six months, and was doing it all, including the curcumin and cbd oil

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Gracie so sorry it didn't work....I was just now re-reading Joe's blog carefully. He does mention that some people increased the fenben to every six days, instead of three....that's what I would personally do if I have a similar's worth giving it a try...since it's non toxic and relatively inexpensive when considering the alternative...are you following this protocol yourself?

    The conclusions of one of the clinical trials, clearly indicated that it was the combo of FENBEN and vitamin E that made all the difference....