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Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255

    Maio, no I’m not on it, was kind of waiting to see how Dave did on it. I don’t think I’ll be doing it now, but wish you all the best on it

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I started reading Jane McLelland book and I just had a powerful hunch... I think I figured out, why Joe Tippens succeeded so easily.

    When he was being treated at MD Anderson with radiation and chemotherapy, they end up frying his esophagus and the poor guy couldn't eat for months and he lost half of his weight....

    now based on Jane's research and success story, cancer feeds primarily on sugars and glutamine...the problem is that although we can eliminate or reduce sugars, it's impossible to eliminate glutamine because it's found in most foods, and we need foodto survive.

    So....I deduct that by the time Joe started his protocol after his forced starvation, his cancer cells were already very weak—the guy had by then lost 125 pounds—this allowed the fenben to deliver the coup de gras to his cancer cells....

    This also jives with current cancer treatments protocols promoting fasting, that Z was following, based on MD Luongo theories and experiments. Of course it's very hard to willingly starve oneself for long...therefore the dire results of most cancers TXs..

    The good news is, I will soon be testing my theory, because the drug I'll be taking during the clinical trial is known to cause a lack of appetite, nausea, and vomit...i believe I'll lose some weight.

    I had great anxiety about this, but now instead I see it as a benefit, as long as it doesn't make me cachexic, of course!

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    miaomix     Very interesting theory.  I'm going to read up on glutamine and see what foods can be elimated.  Also, how important is glutamine to our over all health.

    I've read that cancer also feeds on iron.  I "thought" that's why some/most cancer patients become anemic. Months ago when on Amidrax (?) I was still on a vegan diet. My nurses were encouraging me to eat more iron containing foods.  I replied that I juiced spinach everyday.  The nurse said well then it's your cancer causing the anemia.  Any thoughts on that?   Also, it appears that lack of iron is not the only thing that causes anemia.  I had an iron panel done and my iron levels were fine.

    Thank you so much for all your input!    Incidentally, my dau-in-law worked for Cancer Society for years as a top fundraiser.  Two years ago, she said that they were thinking that obesity was the leading cause of cancer.( to my mind in order to be extremely overweight your eating a lot of sugar, even unintentionally since corn fructose is in most of our foods.)   Lately the thought is  that stress is the villain, even more so than obesity and smoking.  

    One thing for sure, we can't rely on just the medical profession because they just don't know. We have to be proactive.

    Lets keep the pieces of the puzzle coming.. Thank You for your info

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    this is a post from Joe himself on his FB page


    Got some calls in the past few days that need summarized:

    1. Kelly L. had 4th stage pancreatic cancer in March 2018.  He was done with Chemo and decided to take only the Regimen.  Today he reports NED.  He also reports that he has another friend that is almost identical who he will chronicle for me.
    2. David W.  Had fibrosis of the lungs but when he went in for a scan, they discovered Small Cell Lung Cancer metastasized widely.  Today he is NED.  He also reports that he has another friend with an equally impressive story and he will get the details for me.

    So, this is amazing.  Two success stories that will begat two more that I am SURE will begat many more.

    I get chills when I talk to people

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky, glutamine is found primarily in protein rich foods, but it's also in vegetables...our immune system needs it. No dairy and a vegetarian diet reduce glutamine intake.

    I could never figure out the iron factor, so I don't supplement with it because according to my blood tests i seem to have enough, yet I am terribly fatigued.

    I believe stress is a factor, because it lowers our immune system and raises Cortisol...prevents a good night's sleep. But it's only one of the many factors....I believe obesity and a screwed up metabolism start the cancer making process going, and then genetic mutations damages occur because of environmental carcinogens found in most of the foods we eat. The rest of the world refuses to buy our foods, that should tell you something. The Chinese were importing our soy and grains only because they have billions of people to feed and they themselves are not very environmentally clean. Processed foods are the worst!

    Unfortunately, our current TXs treat only the symptoms...not the disease itself, therefore the utter failure to save lives.

    I’m very disappointed with Jane McLelland, she did not include the chart showing how to block the various pathways and there are no illustrations inside the book. I’m so disappointed!!....

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Totally agree about our food system is comprised. Our soils are depleted because of pesticide and herbicides. Big ag ruined the cattle/chicken industry. A big fat YES to processed foods.  Don't get me started.  And yes I know about other countries not accepting our imports of beef.

    But came to post this article, (I don't think that it's a repeat) while most of it is beyond my understanding, some might come along to explain.  Joe says FEN works because it blocks three different pathways. I got this link from his FB page.

    The more I read on Joe's FB page the more convinced I am in his protocal.

    IMHO, until the medical profession knows what causes Cancer how In the heck can they know how to treat it.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I was reading that part of Joe's blog this factor is fenben disruption of the capsule that cancer cells protect themselves with, the second is the increase of p53, something that cancer patients lack but his therapy increases, and disruption of the glucose factor that fuels cancer cells ...

    Maybe someone else can be more specific...but that's what I was capable of understanding at 5 this morning...

    Jane instead, talks about blocking ALL pathways simultaneously which are 4, but didn't include the damn chart with the book....still reading it but I'm really pissed off...

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    this is from Jane's FB group

    Here is another pathway,I have searched aldehyde in the group and found nothing. Possibles for blocking ALDH1,gossypol, combined with mitochondrial complex I inhibition using phenformin.
    ALDH 1 disulfriam,curcumin,quercetin. Still looking,for possibles.

    Berberine can block complex 1. So possible this path is blocked by some of the supplements people are already taking. This is a somewhat different approach to cancer energy metabolism. oldmike


    I haven't read though this yet

  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441

    I am so glad Yndorian found success with the apricot seeds. I wish her continued health! It might be one of those things where one person gets results from a therapy, and the next in line doesn't. Cancer is idiosyncratic.

    For those of you wondering what trial Joe had been on, it was for Keytruda, wasn't it? I'd google-fu, but am tired.

    Cancer loves iron. I tried skating along at about an 8 rbc, but just couldn't take the reduction in quality of life (sob, fatigue, the blues). When you are anemic, everything is so hard. So, I started supplementing with 27 mg of iron daily. I feel better, but I think my cancer does too, so am going to take it down to 27 mg every third day.

    Labs tomorrow to see if I can get week 2 of Gemzar/Carbo. It's been pretty hit and miss with keeping the platelets up high enough for treatment.

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    Blainejennifer, you don't even imagine how much I wanna find a protocol that works for all of us. You are right, cancer is idiosyncratic. I've just mentioned the seeds because they worked for a woman I know who had bone mets. I don't know if they eventually will work for me. That's why I admire so much this experience that you all are doing. Because I don't know anything about my future and I'm afraid to death. I love this thread, it is so openminded! Hugs

  • blueshine
    blueshine Member Posts: 247

    Miaomix, if the key for Joes healing was the period of forced starvation, than how we can explain the 40 success stories? We have so many questions so little answers......

    I bought Jane s book too , but I am disappointed. She said somewhere at the end , that if we have different type cancer, what she was doing was not goi to work for us. Great! Too many details and was very confusing for me. I hope it would help somebody else.

    I am praying for our little group and everyone who is fighting this horrible monster to find the way of healing

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    SchMom-------Stopped your diarrhea….that is interesting.  Taxol, of course, caused me constipation even with the use of  Senna Laxative.  But guess what?  Since I started Joe's Protocol, I easily have a nice easy semi-lose BM twice a day!  WOW

    Yes, Jennifer it was Keytruda.  I wish you the best with your labs tomorrow. Your in my prayers.  

    maybe I should go back on intermittent fasting.  Not eating past 6pm and nothing before 10am.  

    I'm going to snip another interesting tidbit from Joes Protocol..PLEASE  I keep snipping like this if this is bad internet practice someone tell me.

    OK read next post, gotta go find it.   lol

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    this thread moves too fast!

    anyway, I am popping in to point out that glutaminase inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials to block glutamine uptake. Also one route to resistance was uncovered and they can block that too.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    To whom in this group dealing with Stage 4, PANCREATIC CANCER.
    My mom who is 66, was diagnosed with PC 6/18. After her last immunotherapy on 4/19, we were informed that treatment might not been working bc her tumor markers when up from 134 to 3,270 in around 6 weeks. What we had done different in the last 28 days? Just the protocol, that's all. Today we went for blood-work and see if she will be able to continue immunotherapy. Guess what?!?! She is just on week 3 of the protocol and her CA19-9, when from 3,270 down to 824.5. Here the evidence for you can see the improvement and of course my beautiful mama after they decided keep her on Keytruda!

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

    No photo description available.

    ohhhhhh, don't know how to delete the ladies photo....


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Blueshine, you have raised some very good questions. Many cancer patients lose weight while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation...since my diagnosis four years ago, I became cachexic twice and lost quite a bit of weight...I found a way to stop the downward spiral, but it happens frequently and it can turn deadly.

    Anyway, what I'm getting at is that we don't know, if the people in the other success stories, lost weight as well, because they lost their appetite, which weakened their stem cells or not.

    This is an observation we should communicate to Joe....he could then ask those other people and arrive at a deeper understanding of what supports or blocks the therapy.

    Regarding Jane's book, I'm still reading it, but I complained about the lack of the chart she used when she was being interviewed, and promoting the book....if she doesn't respond, I'll make sure to warn other people on Amazon.

    Although we are all different, metabolically speaking, all cancers grow by using those same pathways, and she talks about how she blocked all of them at the same time. Don't forget, the whole idea is to weaken the cancer stem cells from every angle, which is not done with conventional TXs.

    Im convinced, that my cancer was triggered by the consumption of too many proteins and saturated fats, because a year before diagnosis, I was told by my doctor to reduce the carbs in order to lower my blood sugar levels. That, and a combination of major stress factors.

    So now I'm eating lots of vegetables, good fats, low glycemic fruits, small amount of imported cheese ( which I might have to give up) small amounts of complex carbs and seaweeds and many supplements as prescribed my MO Nicholas Gonzales, oncologist to the stars, two months before he died of an heart attack!

    I outlived my first MO! Unbelievable! Can't make this stuff up....

    Snooky...that's an amazing story! I'm so happy for you and your mom! Tell her how much we care!!

    Cure-ious thank you for the info regarding the glutamine...I want to also apologize for the confusion in my communications. I finally realized that when you talk about the CDK2/4/6 PATHWAYS, you're referring to the GENETIC treatment of cancers, while every time I refer to the pathways, I'm referring to the METABOLIC treatment of cancer.....simply because we know that the genetic path is not going to save our lives.

    I believe we need to use the conventional therapies in conjunction with what we can learn from the people that survived against all odds. After all we have nothing to lose and much to gain....

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    snooky, exciting for your mom! How long was she on Keytruda before she took the fenben, and were her tumor markers stable for that time? Then just spiked after she started the fenben? Are her liver enzymes unchanged? Interesting that the lung patient guy was also on immunotherapy when he took the fenben..

    The SciRep paper on fenben is very helpful, the metastatic changes seem exciting and would predict synergy with metformin- has no one tested whether fenben is synergistic with immunotherapy (or what effects it has on immunosuppression of tumors?)

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    OH I"m sorry  NOT MY mom.  I snipped that from Joe's FB page.  I'll try to be more clear in the future.

    So, I made my first post on Joe's FB page just now. Asking if anyone lost weight during treatment.  Since Joe post on there also,  I asked him if he through his weight loss was a factor in his success.  

    Last post of the night folks... Gotta get mind off cancer and chill so I can sleep tonight.  Have Radiation consult for my T10 tomorrow.

    This is a great group of people.  Love and Hugs to all.

  • Yndorian
    Yndorian Member Posts: 236

    snooky: unbelievable! What was MO explanation for this dramatic results? Does he/she knows about the protocol? Your mother looks so good! I'm very happy for her and for you! This is very encouraging!!! Hugs

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75

    Snooky, your mother is lovely! All good wishes to her and to you

    Yes, the fenbendazole continues to help a great deal with my Verzenio-inspired diarrhea. (Graphic, be warned: I've been taking Verzenio for 10 months. Started with 200 mg, but after a month had to drop to 150 because of diarrhea After a scan in January my oncologist thought I should try to go back to 200. Five to eight daily bouts of diarrhea, but since starting fenbendazole it's reduced to two a day. Nothing else has changed. I do feel better.) Started the third sequence of fenben today.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    cure-ious, there’s no correlation between keytruda and the other forty success stories based on the description of the various patients, cancers and therapies ...Some one published an extensive paper on HOW it works...too complicated for me to convey

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    BOY have I confused everyone.  I'll go back and read the post on Joe's FB page and try to find anwers to your questions. 

    Once again, a lovely lady but not my Mom. 

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    Fenbendazole works on KRAS-mutant tumors:

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Listen to Episode 040: Wellness Speaks With Joe Tippens About His Cancer Story from Wellness Speaks Podcast in Podcasts.

    Listen to this great interview...

    joe says the weight loss was not pivotal to his success ....the fenben was..

    This belief is based on all the other success stories...sothats good news for us!

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    Following this, though I'm not Stage IV. I live in the OKC area and wanted to see if this guy is legit. Turns out a friend of mine was in college with Joe at OSU and this person's spouse’s sibling is married to one of Joe's siblings.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Started 2nd week of FenBen & Vit E.

    Curious was right too much traffic on this site , mostly by me and for that I am sorry.  But I was doing anything to avoid my consult with a Radiologist this am concerning my T10.  

    For the last 9 mos. every CT and Nuc Bone scan showed this area taking up more tracer. (had a compression fracture) And my Onc. scared the daylights out of me talking about cancer eating away the bone. 

    Long story short.  At my consult today three different radiologist said there is "little to NO cancer " in the T10.  What the tracer is picking up is HEALING bone.  I'm happy but still a bit in shock. So, doing an MRI this Tues. and then another consult. 

    Good luck to us all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Snooky, that is some awesome news. I got my Fenben the other day, need to get my Vit E, but also waiting to see results of the gals here that are using it. My DH has really been razing me on the dog de worming pills. Are you doing the CBD oil as well? I asked to join Joe's FB page, but haven't been accepted yet. Hoping to hear some great results fromt the MRI, good luck.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    hi all! I've been reading Jane McFalland's book, which I find very helpful regarding the clearing of some major misconceptions about the role of antioxidants while undergoing conventional treatments. She explains the reasons—something that none of my three MOs could do—as to which ones, and why we shouldn't use them during specific TXs. That alone is very useful information for someone like me that likes antioxidants and will be soon undergoing the equivalent of ingested chemotherapy.

    Yesterday, I spent the whole day at the hospital where I underwent various tests, in anticipation of the intake of the untested drug that I will start taking next week.

    I just checked the results of the labs, and to my surprise, 6 weeks WITHOUT TREATMENT, my cancer markers have barely budged upwards, AND all the various blood markers that were off, are now within range. That means that we can all recover from the side effects of the TXs, if if they have't already damaged major organs, and being without any tx might not be the end of the world, as I feared

    This is a small consolation, of course, because soon, I'm pretty sure, my heart, immune system, liver functions, and kidney will be terribly off, to the point where they will be monitoring my blood and vital signs every two hours!

    I want to apologize to the converted... but although this is the state of the arts, it doesn't make it less insane! It's very hard for me to ignore that the emperor is prancing around naked....BUT, I shall persist and find consolation and hope in the therapies of those that have survived this dreadful disease and can help me understand why. I find great relief and optimism in that knowledge.

    I have no doubts that cancer is a metabolic disease that affects our DNA. How do I know? Because we are ALL FATIGUED, we are all rubbed of our energy, so we are forced to lay there while and our bodies turn into a food source to something that acts very much like a parasite. Some of us, had cancer growing for decades and didn't know it...till the symptoms were too much to ignore and the actual tumor was palpable.

    Placing the focus and TXs on the broken DNA, is like treating all the various de-habilitating effects of diabetes-ie. heart diseases, gangrene, kidney failure, high blood sugar levels, and blindness separately. But once insulin was discovered, all those diseases could be managed with ONE MEDICATION. Some people can manage their diabetes by changing their DIETS! No medications are needed when we give up the typical American diet. Obviously, thaa beautiful thing for patients, but a nightmare for the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

    I believe when and if, they uncover THE CAUSE, it will be the same for all cancers, and likewise, people will learn how to live and managed it without medications, but there will be also addicted people, (the misguided majority) that will prefer to continue to consume carcinogens and undergo the various treatments.

    As an indication of how stressful I find conventional TXs ( and I LOVE all my doctors, nurses and support at MSK, which is the equivalent of a county club for cancer patients ) when I got home from the hospital, around 6pm yesterday, I ate something and went straight to bed and slept deeply for 16 hours to recover from the stress.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Two sources of good info on nutrition are "Life Over Cancer" by Dr Keith Block (the integrative MO I had a consult with) and "The Ross Report" which combs through all the studies and vets the most promising nutritional and natural substances...

    Dr Block is all for antioxidants during cancer treatment, depending on the specific chemo, and he recommends a close-to-macrobiotic diet with LOW animal products, primarily deep sea fish, focusing on a rainbow of vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fruit (fruit ~2 servings or so per day).

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thank you Santabarbarian for sharing that valuable info...a semi macrobiotic diet is what I'm currently following. Once I started removing all the processed foods, the ones known to be contaminated with mycotoxins, the one's that are sprayed with carcinogens ( Monsanto) the sweet fruits, the meat and dairy products of diseased and tortured animals loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics,....there's not much left that's safe to eat other than organic vegetables and seaweeds, small fish like sardines, a little organic rice and beans, and berries as a treat. I started buying the beyond meat burgers, very tasty sources of proteins, but the canola oil that's including in the formula, makes me nervous....ultimately in a utilitarian and therefore amoral society, such as ours, unfortunately, I find it hard to trust even the words organic, and grass fed....

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255

    I'm glad you all are talking about nutrition. I know next to nothing, except what I can't eat from being celiac!