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Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,040

    Yes dear Sonia, how is radiation? My Sandra's radiation is going well, 15 done, 10 left. Yesterday she did her blood, so seems radiation affects her WBCs - they were only 2.45 (dropped from 3.1 after 18th chemo - Docetaxel). I read that can happen but it was never very clear in scientific literature. They say this can mostly happen if radiation is applied to areas with big bones, like hips and so on. Did you have such an experiance? Sure, she has not recovered from chemo, and then had mastectomy, and right away radiation, so it all is not easy. Seems that neutrophyls (1.4) and lymphocytes (0.8) are most affected. Hemoglobin is normal, platelets too. All liver numbers are fantastic. Still waiting for CA15.3 and CEA to show up in the system. Let's see what her doctor tells today/tomorrow after her check-up.

    Sciteachmama: great job! I need more time to get into all of it. I also have it but in a bit different form. Having the whole picture on one page (big screen or A3 pronted) is simply great. I'd advise it to everyone.

    To everyone: my English is also far from perfect, so hope this does not bring much chaos/misunderstandings in my texts:/


  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,040

    CA15.3 is 15.5 (norm <32.4), CEA is 0.6 (norm below 5.0). Mhm... doctors say they are not very informative for Sadra but it is still a good sign!

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Hi, thanks for asking. I was doing very well with radiation until I made number 20. My skin is red and it hurts and burns. It was sudden! Now I am spreading pure dmso (before I moisten the skin a little) that helps me a lot with pain. I love dmso, my RO didn't even heard about it... (why I am not surprised?) Saulius, I hope Sandra does well, she has fewer sessions than me. These days I will have my blood values. I suspect that my wcb are low too, I know my body. I have read that it can take up to a year for the wbc to return to normal values after chemo. My initial CA 15-3 was about 19... It was in september 2018, we will see those values when the rads are over.

    Your english is perfectly understandable! At least for me.

    Hugs to you all❤

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,040

    Dear Sonia, you said she gets fewer sessions - she'll get 25, 50 Gy total, mastectomy scar and whole area around, including axiliary and supraclavicular lymph nodes. What will you get? Her skin is also scarily red (for me) in those areas but she does not complain much...

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Saulius, I'm having #33, because I had lumpectomy. The first 25 exactly the same as Sandra's, and then 8 boosts to the lumpectomy scar. Today is # 22 SickTired

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Thanks for all the suggestions for constipation. I do take Mag twice a day but apparently not enough, just 200 a.m. and 200 before bedtime. Phy husks aren't working for me anymore. They did before Taxol. Pear juice? Great I love pears.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    This is a study that shows that high dose melatonin at night is ant-cancer. BUT you should not take it during the daytime.

    Another contradiction to what has been posted. sigh

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Thanks for that article about melatonin and the warning about morning dosing Snooky. I will tell my wife to quit the morning melatonin.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Melatonin all day would perhaps defeat the circadian benefits of a melatonin surge at bed time?

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    A Doctor from the Riordon Clinic recommends high dose melatonin 24 hours a day for his cancer patients. To quote him, cancer does not grow in the presence of melatonin. He says 60 mg 4-6 times a day. Also says 180 mg just before bedtime in some circumstances. My wife finds high dose near bed time profoundly disturbs her sleep.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Both the Cancer-support-Naturopath and the Integrative Oncologist I consulted said bedtime/ 20 mg. I do not know what the Riordan approach is. I will look that up. It may be a question of whether one is metastatic or not, which I am not. Maybe the 'risk' of 24 hour melatonin is worth it if the cancer is not responding to other approaches. It's always a risk/benefit analysis.

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184

    Shiteachmama, yes thank you for giving us your detailed spreadsheet!!! That is amazing and really helped me as I was quite overwhelmed trying to figure out all the pathway stuff from Jane's book. Thank you!!! And Snooky maybe stewed prunes? They really don't taste as bad as they sound, and when I was pregnant years ago had quite a problem with constipation. The stewed prunes were the only thing that worked. 3-4 a day in the morning with breakfast.

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184

    This is a newsletter I get from a naturopathic cancer clinic. . .the last point in here talks about NAC and may help explain the mixed results for that supplement. . sounds like it is okay for some and not for other--but depends on the genetics of your cancer--at least that is the way I read it. That would make sense to me about the mixed study results.

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    Not sure if I am supposed to post here. Sorry to hear what you're going through this Snooky and then having to deal with insurance crap.

    My dad had a vivid dream that I should pray to the “Little Flower." He didn't know what it meant and neither did I. She is a catholic saint and today is her feast day. I am a lapsed Catholic but thought it couldn't hurt to try, so I have been praying to her occasionally and strange (positive) things keep happening to me whenever I pray to her that seem more than coincidental. It is starting to make me more of a believer or at least encouraging more spirituality . Anyway, she lost her mom to breast cancer, so maybe she looks out for this affliction.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    I have googled the little flower saint, she is Santa Teresa. I didn't know that her mother had suffered from breast cancer. It's amazing that your father dreamed about her without knowing her. I strongly believe that the signals are presented to each of us in different ways, and I (personally) pay attention to those signals. Thank you for posting this here. We never know the scope of what we post, and this thread is read by many people who do not post here. I know, thanks!

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Ann, Sure you can post here. Welcome. My MRI to check for brain mets is tomorrow. Actually I'm now looking forward to it. Decided that it's better to know.

    The insurance "crap" is an on going issue. I filled out all the forms that they told me to and took to SSA. Trying to get Part B retroactive. The lady at SSA said it could take MONTHS to have an answer.

    Meanwhile, Praise God , Medicaid out of the blue reversed their decision and decided they would pay for the Zeloda. Blow me away three months ago they were adamant that they could not pay. It's Devine Intervention.

    God is good. Amen

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Oh there is a church here called church Of the Little Flower. I never knew what it meant, thanks Sonia.

  • olma61
    olma61 Member Posts: 1,026

    About the Little Flower of Jesus, I started going to Mass again after I was diagnosed and about 8 months later, I felt drawn to find some prayers or prayer cards of St. Therese. I was not aware of a breast cancer connection but now, reading ann’s Post, it makes sense that I was led to her.

    Let me share with you the website of her shrine in the US.

    And here is a site the Carmelites devoted to her. I subscribed to their emails when I found it, they send a link to a daily prayer and meditation (which I have lately neglected, so thanks for reminding me ❤️ 🌹)

    Tomorrow’s my scan so I will pray for strength through therese(for me and all of us) xo

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Snooky: I'm glad that your insurance problems are solved. You have removed a huge source of stress and anguish from you. We will be with you tomorrow in that MRI! I'll be in your pockets (as they say in other threads) ❤

    To clarify, there are 2 Saint Teresa ... this one was called the little Saint Teresita of the flowers 💐

    Pd: Olma, we have crossed posts. I will be in your pockets too!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Snooky, thinking of you tomorrow. I know you must be scared. Just know that we are all in your pocket and praying for you and for good results. Hold tight to your faith. Glad you are getting things taken care of with insurance. Do you get Social Security Disability? I filed right away when I was diagnosed with stage IV. I think it took a few months, but I also got retroactive pay from the beginning of my diagnosis. You have been stage IV for a year. I get about $1000 a month. How nice would it be if you got $12,000.00 retro!

    Hi to all and thanks for the welcome back. I will be gone again in a couple of weeks, need to visit my MIL in Ohio.

    Love N Huggles

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky and Olma....count me in your pockets too. And if it gets too crowded I'll be in your back pocket 🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰

    All teasing aside, I hope the scans show you're NED!

    I'm gonna pray to St. Theresa which happens to be my sister's name as well

    Goldie enjoy your next vacation

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Olma, Snooky and all, you are all in my prayers!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Olma, I missed that you were having scans as well, so in your pocket as well, and praying to Little Flower for good results for you too. May I ask why and where you had rads to the bones and was it due to pain? My bone mets are hips, spine, ribs, jaw and skull.

    Frisky, it is not a vacation by no means, hubby doesn't even want to go! Nothing to do, and have to sleep in a full size, uncomfortable bed. Biggest thing to go to is a pencil museum!

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Olma and Snooky,

    Wishing you luck tomorrow on your scans.

  • olma61
    olma61 Member Posts: 1,026

    Thanks for all the good wishes and support! Snooky I will be thinking of you too as we're going to do it “together “ praying for best results for you! Let me share I've had two brain MRIs, one was last year due to a horrific bout with dizziness and it was all clear. Everything isn't always cancer but of course we have to follow up.,,hope you'll have a good result. Brain MRI is particularly “not fun" I try really hard to make my mind take me somewhere else when I'm in that contraption.

    Goldie, I had rads to my spine, just the L'1 vertebrae because I had been NED and one nasty spot appeared on my April scan. So the MO thought this was the best way to deal with the one spot, rather than changing meds. I did not have pain or any symptoms. Pretty sure the rads took care of it but I hope nothing else decided to grow in the meantime.

    I won't have results til Friday , they don't put my scans in my patient portal, gotta see the doc for results

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Drinking my coffee just before going to my rads session ... Thinking of you Snooky and Olma, good luck today friends! ❤

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Thank all of you for your well wishes, prayers, and going with me in spirit. Olma, don't know if you remember, but in June your advise and well wishes got me through rads to my T10. We did that at the same time too.

    The scans themselves don't bother me. It's waiting for the results.

    God Bless everyone and great big group HUG.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Something strange happened to me today ... I was waiting for the bus to return home after my rads session... There were two older men talking in the line, in front of me. I was not paying attention to the conversation, until one of them said "Santa Teresita" They kept talking, and I thought I had heard wrong ... I didn't want to keep the doubt and I asked: excuse me, did you say Santa Teresita? he said: yes, I was explaining him how to get to the Church of Santa Teresita. There are two Santa Teresa. This is Santa Teresita the little flower" I was in shock, I stayed up last night thinking about the whole thing about this saint and her mother's history with breast cancer, and asked for a sign. Well, today I had that signal, clearer than a hammer in the head. I will pray to Santa Teresita for all of us, if you allow me...

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    What a great story Sonia! Yes, it's too strong of a coincidence to be anything but a sign... I will join you in your prayers for a the healing of our community!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Dear Nicole,

    I was saddened by the news of progression. Please know that we're all here to support you as you move on to your next treatment.

    May that treatment be easy and effective in shrinking the lesions and taking you to NED.

    Best wishes and hugs!