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  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Today I begin the Novena for five dear ladies. Two of which are in fear and waiting to see if their cancer has spread, and the other three are in constant pain due to cancer.

    For :Jane, Karen, Jill, Genia and Debbie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,In Jesus name I pray.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009
    Rosemary.. another idea... get the Holy Card ( lamented... if you do not have one.. PM your addy and I will get one to you..).. then... put a hole in it ( punch hole).. and put it on your  key chain. :) You will see it everyday...:)
  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    A Prayer for when in Pain... ( as so many of us are during and after BC)

    When in Pain:

    God of Compassion, You know of my pain. Strengthen me and my faith in You. Even in this pain, help me experience and know Your presence. Strengthen my faith when I despair. Give me the assurance of Your eternal love. Amen

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    This is NOT for advertising... I have a devout Catholic family site I have ordered things on for YEARS now. It is family of 15 I think. They are wonderful and in NY.

    If ANYONE wants the online shopping addy... let me know. I make NO money with them.. and I do NOT know them. But due to the devout Christian family they are.. I do order ANYTHING I need from them. Great prices too.


  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    I use the "Magnificat" book to do morning and evening prayer and to follow the readings at the daily masses, and that is where I keep my novena cards, as well. I don't leave the house without my "Magnificat" It is small enough for my pocketbook, is great to have to prepare before Mass, to read on a bus...or waiting in a doctor's office! :). That along with my Rosary beads.

    I have a prayer card to the Blessed Mother that I wrote on the bottom of it "And for all the intentions I have been asked to pray for" because I don't want to forget anybody's!  If you would like more info on this book you can get info at

    God Bless All!


    PS...when I am in pain, I try to remember to ask the Good Lord to join my pain with the pain of His passion in order to save my soul and the souls of others who have  no one to pray for them.  This way, our pain is never in vain!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    AWESOME ANGEL!!! You are super duper! ( who says that)

    I pray your recon. is going well.. and you are healing sister!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    If I may share with you what I read daily until I had my healing... it gave me strength!

    Mark 11:24

    " Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."

    It was my daily reminder.

    oops.. edited to add...

    I had this verse typed and laminated. I keep them in my purse. They are to give out to those who despair and are needing Jesus peace.. ( I do not push Jesus.. or the Bible.. or the Church...).. I say what I believe.. and if they wanna talk.. I am there.. if not.. I DO NOT PUSH my faith on them.. I TRY to do what Jesus did.. walk away and Pray.

     I just looked.. I only have a few more left. I need to get to Kinkos....:).....

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Thanks Laura, praying for you and your pain relief, too.

    God Bless,


  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009


    You are such an inspiration, thank you for all of your wonderful thoughts. 

    St. Peregrine pray for us.

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2009

    Day 9 for Heidi, Teresa and Stephanie.  Father God, you are so good.  Thank you for hearing our prayers.  In the name of Jesus, Amen!

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Day 3 for my intentions.

    And May St. Bernard  also intercede for us today, on his feast day, Amen

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2009

    I pray today to St. Peregrine for his intercession with Our Lord on behalf of all here.

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited August 2009

    Day 3 tonight for all my BCO-ladies.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    A man named Del... a family friend.... is dying right now from Lung Cancer and Heart Disease. He will not make it and is on heavy meds to control pain...:(

    I ask for prayer for his soul. He is a Christian.. a believer.. but does not go to church...

    Thank you.!

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009


    Del is in my prayers is sad that he has not been in church...that would have helped him tremendously, but God sees what is in his heart...and that will be of great importance when they meet face to face.

    Bless him...


  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited August 2009

    I will prayer for Del.

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2009

    I pray today to St. Peregrine for his intercession with Our Lord on behalf of all here, especially Del.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    For :Jane, Karen, Jill, Genia and Debbie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,In Jesus name I pray.

  • nonijones333
    nonijones333 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2009

    Continuing to lift us all up in PRAYER, especially for all the special intentions, IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY, AMEN

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Day 4: Through the intercession o St. Peregrine, St. Agatha, and St Pius X on his feast day, for all our intentions here on BCO.


    PS Laura, can you pass along that website from that family you order from? I will book mark it!


  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    St. Peregrine pray for us, St. Jude pray for us especially Del.  Amen.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    LADIES!.. Good news.. JANE... one of the ladies I started doing the Novena for.... found out today...NED NED NED NED.. NO spread..wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

    Thank you St. Peregrine for you intercessory prayer. Thank you!

    Ladies.. thank you so very much for praying for Dels soul.

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    What fabulous news!!!!!!  Indeed, God is good!

    I have never prayed a novena before, thank you for this way of connecting.

    St. Peregrine pray for us.

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Day 5 for my intentions through the intercession of St. Peregrine, St. Agatha and Mary the Queen of Heaven, Queen of Earth!

    GREAT NEWS ON JANE!  God IS good...All the time!

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2009
    Laura, that is terrific news about Jane!  Praise the Lord!

    Ladies, I've just come from Heidi's thread, and I'm in tears.  I'm starting the novena again for her and for Stephanie.  It's breaking my heart to see how sick they are; they have young children, and I am weeping for them all. 

    Day 1...for Heidi and Stephanie.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.
  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Thanks Artemis...will keep the prayers going for Heidi and Stephanie...but perhaps more so for their families that they are lifted up in these difficult times....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    OH Art... I have not seen this today..Crushes our souls here...:(.. with kids.

    Thank you for starting the Novena again. If it is Gods will...

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Fellow disciples...a prayer for all of us when we cannot make it to Mass and Communion...see the story and prayer below..

    Send Your Angel to Mass

    This very special prayer was written by a devout woman named Ruth Merz from Cincinnati, Ohio. Ruth was the mother of eight children who was diagnosed with cancer, which eventually and sadly claimed her life. Unable to attend mass because of her illness, she wrote this wonderful prayer. We hope that her words will convey special meaning to those who are ill and to their friends and families who care for them. Please feel free to share it with anyone that you feel might benefit from it.


    O' Holy angel at my side
    Go to church for me
    Kneel in my place at Holy Mass
    Where I desire to be.

    At offertory in my stead
    Take all I am and own
    And place it as a sacrifice
    Upon the Altar throne.

    At Holy Consecration bell,
    Adore with Seraph's love
    My Jesus hidden in the Host
    Come down from Heaven above.

    There pray for those I dearly love
    And those that cause me grief
    That Jesus' blood may cleanse all hearts
    Give suffering souls relief.

    That when the priest Communion takes
    Then bring my Lord to me
    That His sweet heart may rest in mine
    And I His temple be.

    Pray that the sacrifice divine
    May all man's sin efface
    Then bring me Jesus' blessing home
    The pledge of every grace.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    For those we pray for in our Novena's, In Jesus name. Amen,

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Angel, that was amazing! TY!