For Older People with Sense



  • Pessa, I too love turtles!  I did get to swim around them snorkeling once and they are so peaceful.  Welcome to you  and all newer people.

  • It is really nice to see so many people on this thread....many of you I recognize from other theads I have either posted on or read and it's good to seethat there are so many sensible older women around.  I am at my Dad's for the weekend where I spend a good deal of my weekends.....he's going to be 89 in May and lives by himself so I keep pretty close tabs on I am doing a lot of redecorating and renovations on his house since one day we will probably move here.   Sometimes I think he is in better shape than I am mentally.  When I was unloading the car, I found the phone from my house that I was unable to locate this morning even though I kept pushing the locater button....saw it and thought ah ha, so this is where I left it. I hope I remembered my pillbox.  The onco nurse called me on my cell on the way here because I had called there this AM inquiring about my CA27/'s now up to 1,828 and I am not happy about that since it's up another 200 and I think it was only two weeks ago that they did it.  I know it isn't always an accurate indicator, but still it has me worried.  Well, Dad is asking what's for dinner so I need to go see what I can fix.  Normally this is about his bedtime, but he's a gungho Buckeye so has to stay up and watch basketball tonight.  Hope you all have a good evening. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Posts: 1,262

    Wow - such activity!  love so many new people joining us. Welcome to all of you, sorry but there is no way on earth I would remember every name at this point.

    Marybe - glad you found your phone. I found my cell phone in the freezer this morning and I think it is still frozen! It has been acting weird all day.  At least I am reasonable sure Daisy did not put it there. She has not learned how to open the freezer door yet. ;-)  So sorry your numbers are still going up.  You are right that they are not really a reliable predictor, but I also know how worried you can get when they go up.  You have been fighting this fight for so many years now.  You are still my hero.  Sending lots of prayers your way.

    I have one more rad treatment on Monday, March 28th then I am DONE!  The fatigue is realy getting to me, all I do is sleep, go to treatments, sleep, go to PT, sleep, eat, sleep.  I seem to sleep all day and all night and I am still tired.  I will be so glad to be done! Maybe then I can start to regain some of my strength and energy. 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and get the rest you need and enjoys time with family and friends.  Amy Jo 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Posts: 208

    Oh, Marybe, so sad your tumor markers are up...will say a little prayer and send healing white light. Enjoy your visit with your is so good that he is still percolating.

    Welcome all new ladies, am so glad we are able to share the good and bad, we know we are not alone.

    Had the onc appt this morning to get the test results (he insists on seeing me in person which galls me...more money for the clinic I guess). Anyway all my labs are good with the exception of my alkaline phosphatase, but that is down from last month's reading. My pneumonia is almost cleared up and will do another chest ray in September. They do not expect the ovarian mass to be malignant.....whew. I do have to make an appt with a gyn for further studies because there is a thickening in the uterus as well....who know what that means!!!!  I will probably call for an appt next week.  I feel like I dodged another bullet!  Someone is watching out for me, thank you God.

    Chrissy, you asked how my DH is doing, he is fine and when someone asks him he frequently says: "I woke up on this side fo the grass this morning"  Thank you for asking.

    Sheesh, just can't get warm is 19 degrees now and a bone-chilling wind to boot.  I am so ready for warmth. Next Sat. I hope to get some of that warmth, we are going to Vegas for 6 days, DH has a business thingy going and I will just have to find all sorts of things to entertain myself with.....what better place than Vegas, eh?????

    gentle hugs........

  • Dilly
    Dilly Posts: 394

    Marybe, you are my hero too.  I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers and gentle hugs your way.

    Amyjo, great news about last rads.  They are exhausting, and it'll take awhile to get your strength back.  Eating lots of good quality protein & of course drinking lots of water is supposed to help.

    Alyson congrats on Samuel - what a blessing!

     Have a great weekend all. We're still having west coast storms, but next week is predicted sunny.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    Happy Birthday hbcheryl 

    Mostlymom,  glad that your results were better than you expected.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    Happy birthday 3jay

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    Happy BirthdayAlyson

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    Dragon, ROFLMAO on the things you've learned list!!

    AmyJo, so happy you only have ONE MORE!! Monday will be pah-tay time!!

    Suz has a birthday tomorrow!! Hopefully, it will warm up a bit. This winter has been really brutal for you northern gals. So glad I live in FL.

    L_C, hope the storms aren't bad and that next week is sunny and mild!

    MaryBe, I know it is easy for me to say but try to relax until your scan. Your onc thinks you are doing well. I have prayers going up for you each and every day!!

    Pessa, I love turtles, too. My DH and I were on a cruise in January and went to a turtle sanctuary in Bequia, SVG. This guy is an albino hawksbill turtle. They told us that if he were released in the wild the other turtle would kill him because he is different.

  • Barb, What are you doing up so early?  I didnt know OSU lost until I saw your post on dad will be unhappy.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548

    I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 3:30. Sigh. Could not get back to sleep.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Posts: 138

    Just jumping in before this thread fills up again, I can't read that fast and can't remember anything.  Happy birthday to everybody that had one, Congrats on beautiful new baby Alyson.  My hands won't let me type much tonight so will save my info for later.  Glad to see so many familiar avatars and some new ones as well.  Thanks Chrissy for starting this thread.  Darla

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Posts: 1,152

    Darla ~ I could have written your post! LOL This is a really busy thread which is great but I can't respond that fast. SLOW thinker these days. Gotta love that Femara.

    BarbaraA ~ Been falling asleep around 9 and sleeping until 3:30 ever since radiation. It must have reset my clock somehow, so for now they are my "normal" hours. Should be a great schedule for the summer. :)

    Happy Saturday Ladies hope you're all planning a fun week end!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    3jays, I saw that someone with your real name had a birthday on FB, but I didn't remember who you were!!!! So BELATED Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! You don't have your pic on FB so I didn't click. Sounds like you had a marvelous night, boy's bitching aside!!!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Posts: 394

    Good Morning ladies. There must be something in the air - it's an up-early morning for many. I got up about an hour ago...

    Suzie14, good news about the ovarian mass; hoping for good results for you.

    Barb, love the turtle photo.

    I've been meaning to send this for the German Shepherd lovers on this thread: try - they have great photos. (and in IMHO, great dogs). My Gus is from their 2/27/08 litter of Tommy & Cat linked on the puppy page. They boarded Gus for me for a week when he was about 4 months old so those photos are on there as well. (They send new owners pix each week from birth -- too cute). Gus is now too tall to fit under the kitchen table, and weighs about 130# - he is bigger than expected, but a real delight and very obedient. My organic game-boy.

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160

    wow, what a great thread. I sometimes lack sense, but sure do appreciate it. I will go back and read all of the posts- you all have a wonderful day:)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Posts: 11,437

    Hi all!  I am so amazed at the speed at which the pages seem to fly by!  It has taken me almost 45 mins to read them all!  I am so glad that everyone is enjoying the thread as much as I am.  Hi and welcome to all the new girls!  I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, mine is half over already but so far, it has been a very relaxing one.......tomorrow will be no different if I have anything to say about  The cooler weather has arrived and I think, if it is as cool tomorrow as it was today, the first fire of the season will be lit.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • pj12
    pj12 Posts: 18,108

    For all you turtle lovers... there is a turtle rescue center in Ponce Inlet, Florida. They take in some  big ones who get injured by boats or whatever and shelter babies that hatch on our beaches and somehow don't make it back to the water to swim off. It's a great place to take kids and there are lots of turtles to ooh and aah over. Ponce Inlet is just south of Daytona Beach.

    While I was   going through radiation I left my cell phone in a pocket of a pair of pants. It went through the washer! Had to buy a new phone but luckily I am still in the dark ages and just use the simple ones. After the fact, the phone salesman told me I might have been able to save my sim card if I had taken it out right away. Never occurred to me. :( I had to email everyone and ask for new contact info and everyone got a good laugh out of the story.

    Marybe, you are a constant inspiration to everyone. Your energy is amazing and your strength in light of sometimes worrisome news is wonderful. My new motto should be "What would Marybe do?"

    Wow, snow in DC on the cherry blossoms and really cold temps in WI! Didn't the groundhog say it would be an early spring? Looks like he did not know what he was talking about.

    My son and his family are coming later today so have to figure out what to fix for dinner. GD only wants mac and cheese, GS does not eat "grey meat" (beef) so looks like we will have a buffet :)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645

    Hi Ladies...........Ok, what is with this waking up early .......At 2am Eastern time I found myself looking at the ceiling, and thinking "why am I up"..........I finally turned on the TV which Dr. Oz. says don't do,,,,,,,,,,,,and at 4am after shutting it off, finally fell back to sleep.........God I hate that.........I was gonna get out of bed and go to the computer, then thought, "no", maybe I'll go make breakfast, did neither, just laid there like a Mummy till I finally dozed off..............Actually it could have been 1 of 2 things...........My daughter came over with a box of fresh warm cinammon buns, and put on the coffee............Of course I drank it.......................the other thing could have been the "shingles" vaccine..........A headache woke me up, and that is a SE of getting the vaccine, so possibly it was that.................well whatever it was I can see I was not alone..........God help me when I start RADS if that makes you tired, and then wake up, sleep, and then wake up.............I'll be a Zombie.............

    It is really great how many ladies have joined this thread.............And for those of you who love turtles,,,,,me too..........Having a home down the Jersey shore we go on a lot of back roads to get there (to avoicd the tourists, and the traffic), and we are always finding the little guys walking along the side of the road...............We have many times taken them home, and raised them.  My grandchildren love turtles, and name each one...........only problem when the find their way out of the yard and wonder off they are sad for weeks when we can't find them..........I just would tell them "they went back to the shore to look for their Mommy"......Of course there is always the one who says  "how come he waited so long"........there is always a condedian in the crow

    Question for you ladies with Lumpectomies...............I had 10 nodes removed, all were negative.  My BS told me I was not to get any cuts, or injuries to my right hand (tumor side) nor was I to get blood drawn, or blood pressure taken in the right arm...........has anyone else been told that, and of course I forgot to ask "for how long is this"..............Someone told me the blood thing was forever............the cuts on the hand temporary.............When I told my son on the way home from his office about not being allowed to get injured to the right hand,  his response was "oh that's great for Mrs. "oh look I cut another finger off making dinner"......another comedian...............but he is hands look like the map of Pa. with all the scars from just  being in a hurry to get things done..not to mention I have a blood disorder and take aspirin everyday, so imagine what it looks like when I do get cut. 1/2 the time I don't even know I've cut myself till I see the trail of blood............this is not good if its true, cause I am a clumsy oooofff.

    Well ladies it is a sunshiny day here in our part of Pa., but cool, Lord I can't wait for the really nice weather to set in.........I would just like to get on with all this business that is left to do..........I have a plaque on my wall that says "LORD GIVE ME PATIENCE......BUT I NEED IT NOW........Have a great day ladies, and a better weekend...............Hugs to you all.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677

    Duckyb, when I had the mastectomy and 17 nodes removed the doc told me to not get my BP taken on that arm. He never mentioned cuts at all.

    I've never had a problem, didn't even get lymphedema, and after 10 yrs or so I decided not to worry about taking BP on that side.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Ducky, the care of the node side arm is forever. You can't take a chance at infection or cullulitis as your lymph system is already vulnerable. Don' carry heavy things for a long period of time on that arm either! No blood draws, no blood pressure, etc. For ever.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Posts: 11,437

    Ducky, the reason your doc says no injuries, bloods or tight things on the arm where you have had surgery is because of the danger of getting lymphodema.  If you injure that arm as in cuts and pricks, there is also a danger of infection and that is a real problem.  So my dear.......bottom line is take real good care from now on and yes, that is for life.  I know it's hard and accidents do happen but be very aware and careful not to get and infection when you do have a mishap.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    LE has been known to show up 20 YEARS after the surgery that had the potential to set it off. I already have truncal LE and the pain isn't worth taking any more chances.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677

    I found a small tortoise meandering down a busy street and just about to cross a boulevard. I scooped him up and then checked the paper to see if anyone had lost one. Someone had, but it was not the right one. The man seemed nice and said he and his wife had just retired and was going to start a rescue so he took it anyway.

    I would have kept it, but didn't know what the dogs would do. What do you guys think? Would a dog attack a turtle or a tortoise?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Posts: 11,437

    Hi srb, I have heard of dogs killing turtles and tortoises, sometimes deliberately and others by accident.  If a dog gets playful and tries to pick a T up the dog can pierce the shell with it's teeth and introduce infection to the T and that's what they die of.  If you want to keep both, you would probably need an inclosure of some sort to keep the dogs away. 

    Hugs.  Chrissy

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677


  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754

    I just found this tread, and would so like to join. I live in Florida and find turtles walking along the road often. What I do is just move them to the other side of the road so they won't be hit by cars. We see them so often I would have a house full of them if I brought each  one home.

    As far as the SNB side it is something I have to remind the DR's about every time I see them. Just this week I went to my GP, and he had a trainee there. I told her not my left side and she had never heard of LE. It seems so sad the schools aren't teaching nurses about LE.

  • Happy birthday to Alyson and 3jays.  Marybe, I'm praying for you.  Re:  prayers--was raised a Catholic but basically just practice spirituality rather than religion.  Had bad experiences with our parish priest as a kid and now just want a relationship with God without the organized religion part.  I hope no one is offended by that.  I thoroughly respect and love all my religious and non-religious friends the same.  I have friends of all persuasions, and they are all welcome. 

    That aside, it's supposed to warm up this week and I'm more than ready!  We live in Oregon, near Portland so rain is our usual state of affairs.  I do really like our weather because everything is so green but would love to see the rhododendrons come into bloom.  Boy has it been a long winter.  BC makes the time drag on.  And face it, we're not always in a good mood when somebody is poking at us every third day (or every day for some of us...) 

    This is a great thread and reading it is inspiring and a good de-stresser.  I so admire everyone here.  Can't imagine having to work on top of all this cancer stuff--my DH is a cancer patient as well and it's a real balancing act for both of us to just get to appointments and keep positive.  I do miss working and especially miss the patients I used to have.  That said, I'm pouring my second cup of coffee!  XOXO to all.  PS--DH and I are doing a bit of bird watching.  We finally got some decent binoculars. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645

    Hi Ladies.........juist checking in again, and did get my answers.........Wow I really do have to be careful..........As I said I am so clumsy.........Thank goodness for you all............I have learned so much from everyone of you.........I spoke to a cancer patient yesterday...She lives behind my daughter, and we ran into her in Target...........She was very bad when they found her BC and Dr. said she had 6 months to live......They didn't even do surgery cause they said she was too far gone......They bombarded her with chemo, and rads, and is on Amidex........That was 2 years 7 months ago...She does look good I must say.......Not sure who she went to or where she went for her visits and treatment.........Anyway..........when I told her I got the Shingles Vaccine she said she never got it, and did end up with Shingles during treatment..........I asked her if she ever went on this site, and she said "no, I don't go on those places".........I said to her, well had you, you might have found out that it is a good idea to get the Shingles vaccine before any treatment, which is where I heard about it..........I just don't understand people.......To each his own, but you guys are a World Book of Knowledge..........Now I did find out after her husband started talking to me that "he" went on this website..........He said "yea I have been on there" with a kind of a "so what can they teach you attitude", so I dropped the subject...........As  I have said  I have learned a multitude of things from you ladies..........Well again thanks for the infor about the right arm and hand..........Since it is so important I would have thought the Dr. would have reflected on it a little stronger..........but again maybe not.        Ok, have a great rest of the day.   Hugs.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Posts: 2,883

    Wow, great thread!!!! Thanks, ChrissyB!!!!!!!!


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