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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Eema, oh, Eema.  I'm so sorry.  Take care.  Be strong.  We're all right there with you in spirit.  Tons of love!!!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2012

    Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers.  I really know that you all understand.

    Superballs to cancer.  I am so tired of it.

    Eema - as a childhood abuse survivor (family member) I can't really say on here what I really think about this person!!!   I know how hard it was to trust others around my 3 girls, I hope you can find peace with it.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012

    Hi kiwi mum

    Thank you for the birthday wish..yes I'm done with active tx which scares the heck out of me but I am on tamoxifen..still waiting for the exchange surgery been a year since mastectomy..can't wait I hate these expanders.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2012

    Hi Sherry! I'm so glad you found us! We're a tight-knit group and always here if you need us. We're glad to have you!!

    Just a note: I have a profoundly autistic 13 year old so I can relate to the difficulties and the desperate need to stick around so you can take care of them forever. You sound like you're doing great, especially after all that treatment!

    Looking forward to getting to know you!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012

    Dutchie thank you very much for your's nice to have people to relate to..I hate when people find out what I've been through cuz the tone of their voice always changes to a sympathy tone so I try not to tell to many people or talk about..I find it hard to live life because I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop because I feel good..I know I have done everything I could do but I'm such a worry wart..though I keep going..thanks again

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Sherry, my brother went in the navy at 17.  It's so hard on the family when they're gone.  I know just what you mean about the sympathy tone.  I HATE that!  but hey, you can talk about ANYTHING here.  Truly.  You should read some of the crap we've talked about!  LOL!  :)  Why so long with the TEs?  They were so uncomfortable!  ugh.  Love to all!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012


    My PS says I have to wait for these implants called Sientra to come in..they are approved for RI but in the process of approval for the RI hospital...can't wait they are very painful sometimes...PS says the new silicone implants are more natural but he doesn't get the discomfort..

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012

    Sorry spelled your name wrong..

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012

    Just watched the news they said working on a vaccine to end BC by 2020 wouldn't that be great..

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Well, not sure how my day in court went. Perp and his parents went into judges chambers and came out crying. I can call tomorrow to get dispensation.

    Sherry, my PS also told me some "gummy bear" implants are almost approved in the US. Could that be it? I also started PT today and PT guy said absolutely my big ol' implants could be causing me more pain. Thinking about going to a smaller size once my neck is figured out...

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Geez louise!  So, they're making you wait for super new implants?  hmmm.  I mean, I am not really thrilled with my implants.  So, I guess waiting may be the way to go, but I was so ready to get rid of my TEs I think I would have taken any implants!  I really don't think I'd do the damn recon if I had to do it again.  I mean, it feels like it's just about clothes.  Hubby doesn't touch 'em.  I think they're not really uncomfortable, but they're noticeable. 

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012


    Hope it's soon because there have been many occasions I would have loved to rip them out myself but also have heard it feels different with the implants hope so..


    You can google the brand sientra ,,they are approved here just waiting on the hospital..I'm not the only one waiting he told me they are suppose to be better for those of us who have had MX..

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Eema - sending prayers but have to say I agree with Profbee, fry 'em! 

    Sherry67 - You are my hero. I think if I had to have the TE's any longer, I would have ripped them out. Hang in there and hopefully the wait will be over soon.

    Profbee - mine aren't uncomfortable but noticeable too. great description.

    Hope any of you in Louisiana or on the Alabama coast weather the storm well. Stay safe and have a great Tuesday ladies! 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2012

    Hmmmm, where to start????? Foobs or seasons??? FOOBS!

    I want mine out!!!! I hate them. They have no feeling and they are just there. DH says they are fine. He's happy with them, but I just don't know. What would they look like without anything??? I'm not much not, just bumps in the road, but they still hurt. Undecided (they 'don't have tears) Just talking about it makes me think about it. I wish, when they did my bottom end surgery, that they would take my top too!!!! I could hope huh???

    OK, better subject!!!! 

    I have to laugh at Kim (boy, I hope it was Kim that said that!!!) talking about the days getting longer and Spring is on it's way!! It's funny to believe that we actually have FRIENDS in another hemisphere!!! It would be AWESOME to be almost Spring!!! Then school would almost be outCool and Summer would soon begin!!!!  LOL  I could wish huh!!! Enjoy those days of the daffodills & tulips blooming!!! It's a beautiful time of year!!! I'm awaiting the fall colors.....Ahhhh, mountains with layers and layers of yellows, orange and reds!!!! It's amazing to have 2 of the most beautiful times of year going on at the same time!!!!!

     I'm HORRIBLE!!!!! Sad and crying one minute and dreaming about the seasons the next!!! That's life for ya!!!!

    You all are a beautiful, wonderful and inspiring group!!! Love ALL of you without even knowing you!!!!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Oh Debbie, you sound like you could use a hug.  I think the emotional rollercoaster is normal and probably made worse by tami.

    Don't know what it is like to have the recon, but maybe time will heal some.  I had inflamation in my ribs (little muscles/ligaments in between) after rads.  Finally starting to improve, but I am so tight.  Radiated boob is still rather hard and so it feels fake some days.  Only have one bra that I can wear without feeling like I am being tortured.  Need to wear one as BC boob and other don't match and bra helps to hide it.  Have to stretch every day before I get out of bed so I can keep moving.  Both legs and arm.  I don`t know if this is normal for everyone.

    I think that sometimes drs contribute to our frustration.  They always tell us how great everything is going to be.  How can we not have high expectations.

    Some people seem to to move through treatment with less SE's, but I don't think that makes it wrong for those who don't to be very frustrated and upset that things don't go the way we expect.  You did not ask for BC!

    I too am a Spring and Fall person.  Love the colour and more moderate temperatures.

    Coming up on my cancerversary in October.  If I get through BC awareness month without killing someone, I hope that the next year will bring better things for all of us.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2012

    Debbie, I was just telling my therapist today that if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't do recon.  I think the real plus is that I don't have to futz with anything to wear a dress that fits, but ugh...they're not the dream "boob job" people think they are.  And yeah, Jane, my plastic surgeon keeps telling me when it's all done I'll be happy, but I really don't think so.  

    School just started here, so back to work!  ugh...Although there are some good things about being back to work and getting dressed up and feeling like my capable self, oh how I wish summer was just starting!  :)

     Love to you all!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2012

    You know, I've thought the same thing, too.  I think many of us try to deceive ourselves into feeling better about having to get the mx in the first place by falling into the propaganda that it will be some sort of boob job, that it will look as good or better than the ones Mother Nature gave us.  Then we realize we can't feel ANYTHING, no matter how hard our partners may try.  I don't know, ladies with flap you feel anything?  

    I'm ready to have mine taken out for something much, much smaller.  I'm certain the big ol' hooters are causing pain in my neck and probably adding to my degeneration.  (HA! I'm a degenerate!).  I was big to begin with, but they seem heavier when they are filled with silicone.  I'm waiting till 'gummy bears' are legal in our hospital and then going for a small C, large B, which is what I went in for.  

    Have a good day, everyone!  The important thing is to love yourself no matter what you have up top! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2012

    I changed my signature and want to see if it shows up.  :)

    Love you girls.  Remember who you are and what you are made of...sugar and spice and everything nice! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2012

    OK, edited it again.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Eema... My foobs look and feel like the originals.. my sensory is not the same though. No nipple feeling, but imagine if I were wearing a skimpy bikini, I feel outside the bikini line, but not under it. I am pleased with my flap boobs. No pain, no replacement later and a flat belly and lifted butt. (I had a Body Lift procedure - DIEP and GAP).

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Hi All, a quick visit as I am suppossed to be working from home (and already walked kids to first day of school, went to get blood drawn and went to gym, lol).  Vacation was GREAT!  Can't say enough good things about it.  Mt. Rushmore didn't even make any of our top 3 lists.  Highlights were Devils Tower, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Cave, Wind Cave, Mamosite, and trip to Coors Field.

    Burley & KiwiMum, like your new pics. KiwiMum, how was the Olymics??? I've been excited to hear!

    Jane, very sorry to hear about your dad, great that you could spend so much time with him this summer though, I'm sure that meant a lot to him and your mom.

    I also definately have reduced odor!  I switched to Toms of Maine.  My underarm hairs grow very slowly now, much slower than my legs.

    My foobs, I can feel all around the foobs, but not the nipple area. 

    Eema, hope you get good news from the courthouse and I love your new sig.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2012

    Meegan - the Olympics was amazing! We had the best time at the events and in London.

    We went to 3 events. Swimming - when Phelps got gold. Athletics - the Usain Bolt 100m final night. Rowing - when NZ got 2 golds! We we very lucky!

    London was fantastic. The sun came out and it was lovely and warm. We went sightseeing everywhere. I saw so many landmarks which I had only ever read about. Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Althorp (where Princess Diana Is buried), St Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London ... and the list goes on. We spent far too much money on clothes, food and alcohol!!

    I now want to go back and take the children. My husbands family, who we visited for 3 days, in North Hampton were disappointed we didn't bring the children. A lot are elderly and would like to meet the girls ... one uncle and aunt who are 85 and 90 said "don't leave it too long". I guess you do feel your mortality at that age!

    I've had a really busy week. It's Friday night here and I'm happy it's the weekend. We are taking the girls to Cinderella the ballet for a Sunday afternoon matinee. Holly, my youngest, does ballet classes and is VERY excited to see the ballerinas!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Hi, Kiwimum, so glad your trip went so well and it sounds like you really did luck out with your olympic events - what great ones to see.  I watched a lot of the swimming and gymnastics on TV, not as much as the Track and Field.

    I'm glad it's Friday also.  We are having our annual Block Party tomorrow and everyone is so excited.  We just sold 125 tickets, so I'm happy as we should break-even.  The bouncy obstacle course and the lights are going up today and the rest will be set up tomorrow.  The kids love it, now we are crossing our fingers that the rain holds out till later tomorrow evening, at least after dinner.

    So, when I went on my trip I completely forgot to take my lymphadema sleeve for flying.  I know it crossed my mind once during the days I was finishing the planning, but then I forgot all about it. I don't have lymphadema, but feel I am very susceptible as my fingers still swell up overnight.  I rushed around ordering it and stressed about it not getting here in time last summer for my sisters wedding, and it did come.  I wore it on the plane ride down, but then we drove to my mother-in-laws house for a few days and I completely forgot, again, on the plane ride home.  Urgh...  Luckily, no apparant swelling as of now.

    So, went and got my blood retested yesterday.  I figure I will find out Tuesday what the result is and move on to scans from there.  I am feeling well, so I didn't even think about it once during vacation, which was good.

    I understand some threads are negative here and why Facebook may be better and easier.  Just not there yet for me. I am usually so rushed when I come on, I look at this thread and a few others and that's it.  I don't look at the active threads, actually with the new format, I'm not even sure where they are anymore. 

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2012

    Meegan, I'm pleased you've had no LE trouble flying. I don't have LE either but am paranoid in case I do something that might trigger it. I wear my sleeve religiously when flying. A few months ago I arrived at the airport for a quick day trip for work and realized that I'd forgotten it. I missed my flight as my husband was adamant that I not fly without it and rushed to the airport with it for me.

    The Block Party sounds like it's going to be great fun. I'm crossing my fingers for good weather for you!

    Hoping for good blood test results. What scans do they do on you?

    Kmur (Kim) - I was at a work dinner on Thursday night with my boss, who is from Arizona. He was asking which next event I wanted to take clients to (like the Olympics). I replied "the Kentucky Derby". He looked a bit surprised but interested. I didn't tell him it was so I could hang with my friend in the US. Hopefully I didn't get my events confused. This is near you right?

    I haven't had recon yet but was reading your "I wouldn't do it again" posts. Meegan, you've had both DIEP and Tram Flap. I'm interested in your thoughts. My surgeon is recommending Tram Flap for me.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2012

    KIWIMUM!!!!  Yippee...Oh I hope you get to come..yes, it is actually 10 miles from my house. Derby is the biggest thing in Ky. (you would think anyhow) The parties begin the week before and each day something is going on. The day before Derby is Oaks and it is really fun too. The Derby you sip Mint Julips and the Oaks it is a Lilly drink. It is all about the fight against breast cancer. I will be crossing my fingers and hoping we can sip julips together and have a big time! Lol....Oh Lord now I will be so excited and it is so long to wait!! would just be awesome if everyone could come ( all of us I mean). You will have to keep me posted and if you need any information just hollar ( as they say). Yippee!!

    Meegan I am so happy your trip was so wonderful. I had thought of you. Your block party sounds like fun,how great to have friendly neighbors.

    Eema..I like that sig line very much

    as for reconstruction...I am happy ..are they victoria secret great..not so much..but I will say in my case they are more shapely etc than my real ones..mine had seen better days before preganancy/breast if they come along with great ones I will trade in Lol...with mine now though even in bathing suits..I do not think you could tell

    Happy weekend everyone...Kiwimum love the new look fantastic!! I am so proud of us and far we have come...I love us very much!!  LOl

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2012

    Boo!  Typed a response then switched pages.

    Catnz-if you're reading, I just your message on Facebook.  I sent you a friend request, then I can add you to the group :)

    Regarding recon: if I had know I would be in pain and they wouldn't have any feeling, I may have opted for no recon.  Like Prof, my hubby never touches them (except to grab them in the kitchen once in a while), and they're uncomfortable all the time.  When they need to be replaced in 10 years or so, I may decide to just have them taken out.  Oh well.

    I hope everyone is having a great week! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2012

    I'm going to try Kim!! I am definitely going to try!!

    We do need to plan a group catch up, even if it's 2 years away. It will give us heaps of time to plan and save. How about Kentucky Derby May 2014? What do you reckon girls?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2012

    That would be so great!!....i had to tell you because it struck me funny..I really do think Kentucky people see the Derby as the Olympics!! It is that important..even school is  I am crossing my toes and my fingers!! I would meet you all anywhere in ship..beach...Kentucky maybe together we can come up with the best place to do that...That would be such a special time...just thinking about it makes me grin.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Kiwi.. I had DIEP and Hip flaps and I love my recon. They are soft and warm and no pain. If I were you though I would do DIEP, not TRAM. TRAM takes a part of your core muscle, which can affect you forever.  DIEP is a microsurgery, but HAS to be done with an experienced surgeon, one who does many per week. I flew across the country to go to the most experienced with this procedure. And I wasn't a candidate for DIEP alone, and very few do the Hip flaps.

    Meegan, I know you had healing trouble, yes??

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2012

    Hello all, I just found this thread and thought I would start following it. I am 42, diagnosed in April, now doing neoadjuvant chemo. My onco told me the average age of breast cancer diagnosis is 66. I used to think I was getting old. Now suddenly I feel young again! Well, except for the chemo-induced menopause and hot flashes.

    But overall I think it's got to be easier going through treatment at our age than for these poor women in their 60s and 70s. We're in the prime of life!