STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Posts: 142
    edited December 2012

    Kassey, I'm thinking your mom is just scared and doesn't know what to do. She will come around! You can't let it eat at you though. Easier said than done. I think we may have the same Mom.

    Take care,


  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Posts: 289
    edited December 2012

    OMG!! You..Girls were up late...keeping these boards going.....In Response to feeling is these boards are to relate our give medical advice...Cancer is a very sensitive subject and each person's journey is so very individual....sometimes and this is more often then not I find people dwelling and dwelling on their issues...that can really keep you in one most of the time I just lurk as I myself have moved on a lot since two years ago....Liz

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    Sandcastle, I'm with you and Granny......we are not Drs ....these Boards are for supporting one another, lending an ear, giving our experiences etc.....NOT to give medical advice.......and Grannydukes, we hope you never STFU, you are too valuable


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Our little Granny is just so full of beans!  She loves to "get it going" and that's what makes her so valuable to all of us...Wink If you let her, she will just crawl into your heart, and never leave....  Thank God!   Actually her name is "Kantalope" because she was having such a problem with swelling on her breast, I teased her and said it must look like a Kantalope... It stuck!  And she will be the FIRST one to tell us to STFU....Ha, ha!

    Did anyone ever tell you that you got cancer because you ate too much of this?  Or that?  Like how did it get down to my breast?   And my one friend said why are you taking Testosterone????  Won't that make you grow even more hair?  You always had so much on your arms anyway!!! What????  I said Tamoxifen (you dumb beeotch!)    Side note.... nope, didn't grow more hair, just went deaf....(another Wink)

    So heres a whole bunch of STFU's!!! 

    I think it's alright for us to help someone, if when we are asked, to tell them what we did... or if we're asked what we should do... I mean it's just my own personal opinion, which could mean for me to STFU!  Haaaaaaaaa!

  • trailertrash
    trailertrash Posts: 8
    edited December 2012

    Snapping. Crying. Then repeat.

  • trailertrash
    trailertrash Posts: 8
    edited December 2012

    Moira hit the nail on the head with this one:

    People are very scared of cancer and it seems to come out of nowhere and we hate the lose of control over our own bodies. It makes people grasp at straws to explain it and deny it could happen to them.

  • trailertrash
    trailertrash Posts: 8
    edited December 2012

    THank you, Selena. THere IS a Pink Ribbon Tyranny!

  • trailertrash
    trailertrash Posts: 8
    edited December 2012

    I work in cancer care (as well as now having BC), and I've always thought that was a load of crap, too. Like it blames people for not having the "right" mindset, like if only they'd forced a smile when they felt like hiding or screaming, they would somehow be magically switched to a better category.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    I have a second cousin who lives in Scotland.....we more or less grew up together, although she is a few years younger than I am. She was the only relative back home that I told about my BC. She became very supportive UNTIL the Olympics and Wimbledon

    arrived. Stopped hearing from her altogether, so eventually I e-mailed her to make sure SHE was ok. Yeah, she said, just too busy with the Olympics and Wimbledon. I said,

    "How sad that these things take precedence over your cousin going through C treatment".....she said, "oh grow up and behave yourself" ....I said, "I'm all grown up, but seems you have a way to go yet" so STFU and just stay out of my life"......granny would love this now keeps e-mailing me, but I just press delete.....maybe I should send her another

  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Posts: 84
    edited December 2012

    Almost 2 weeks out from my surgery and what a fun read this thread has been.  I needed this!!  Yes all you fiesty, vibrant and wonderful women, this IS supposed to be a place for support and information and a place to lean on others that understand you.  That's why I came here (and plan to never leave).  All of our experiences are different, yet we are all part of this shitty fight together. 

    I pleased to add that I had a STFU moment with my PS post surgery.  He came in to check on me and after announcing that he was exhausted (yeah, try having both your balls removed buddy) he started talking to the nurses about another patient who had breast implants, that were ELECTIVE, and that she got them so big and how ridiculous that was..ha...ha....ha.  

    In my morphine pump haze, I piped in with "Well, isn't that nice for her that she had that CHOICE".  He clearly realized his blunder and lack of humanity and apologized. 

    I gave him my best STFU look. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited December 2012

    Oh Chevy---you are getting out of hand now...i gotta fix you right now...1-thanks for the kantalope name.Do you have to tell everyone?ha.I think you should tell the sistas about your tamox story...WOW.

    Thank you Shane for starting this see Chevy and I used to be on the same threads and then we changed we are together again.

    I love this thread.

    Ill be back

    my name is kantalope

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Well Shane, what a D-i-doublek !  (I thought that was pretty lady-like)

    Scottee.... just go for the STFU letter... and don't answer her emails with something nice and lady-like!  She was rude, and un-caring.  Just ignore that.... person.

    Yes, Granny, I mean Kantalope would be all OVER that one!   She doesn't let too much crap get in her road!   She's just hard to handle.... have to catch her and shake her a little.... show her who's boss....Wink

    "Trailertrash".... I LOVE your name....  !   

    Just behave gals...... a little.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited December 2012

    Good job girls....proud of all of you...each and everyone of you are soo different and yet we are all so alike(except Chevy)hahaha.

    this thread is soo great....we gotta let it out somewhere.This will be my new home away from home!!!!

    hugggs everyone.Ill be back!!!!!!!!


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012

    Thanks chevyboy...I think I need to exchange my delete button for a STFU one for certain individuals, including my cousin.💃💃💃

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited December 2012

    Changed my profile pic.....why? cause this shirt was from the PINK STINKS THREAD...

    It looks like on one of the threads im on that the sistas want the color red!!!!!!!

    IM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!pink stinks....Ya wanna talk about makin a statement!!!!!!!

    what do ya think????????????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2012

    Granny I've been on threads with u too--and I like the new Pic.==Pink yuck

    And chevy u know I know nothing about cancer, just cuz u lived thru it and SE's doesn't make me an expert. One board a while ago I ot hit with the quesrion--how could u possibly not know anything, u'r obiously wrong with u stage too.--that was a while back--and even got PM that it wasn't funny to pretend to have this just to talk to people. I laughed anyway. So I don't give medical advice I'm just here--I have used my funny stories with Drs. tho. And I am on somethreads where there are really nice people but I don't nderstand what their talkig about most of the time--so I lurk. All I really said to my Drs. at the beginning was as long as u know how bad it is then u worry about it, not me and never asked a question and never listened either LOL I chose that atritude and it did very well for me-I don't advise it--but it was my choice. So STFU to those that qestioned me.--I love it. hahaha

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Camille, I think I remember reading that!  I know what you mean.... some things said, are just put-downs.  And it's like an old saying... You might not remember the exact words someone said to you, but you will always remember the feeling it gave you.  

    So just don't worry.... easy to say, right?  If someone inadvertantly says something that hurts us, we just gotta get through it, someway.    And we have to think to say STFU...please!  See, saying please sort of takes the sting off a little.Wink

    Little Granny Kantalope is one gal that will drag us back up, smack us around a little, then make us laugh!  That kid has more spit-fire than anyone else I know.  You all KNOW Kantalope is only 4 feet tall?  But her feet are size 12 1/2!  You could put her in a carry-on, but her feet would be sticking out. 

    But I LOVE pink!  It was my Mom's favorite color... And when she passed away, my Daughter's gave me a pink rose-bush to plant in my garden, for her.... so I might be the only one who loves pink.  My car is pink.... so is my house..... 

  • iatigger
    iatigger Posts: 269
    edited December 2012

    Chevy I have to admit, I was a fan of Pink long before this all happened. Wait maybe wearing pink is what caused my cancer??? Maybe I wished it upon myself. STFU

    ShaneOak, glad you put that doc in his place!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 942
    edited December 2012

    Girls~My mothers favorite color was always pink. She bragged in her 80's that after birthing 9 babies, her nipples were still pink.

    So, yeah, that's probably why I got BC!



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2012

    Just HAD to do it!  Wink

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited December 2012 it .....we have a female cat who loves company but at a distance. When we try to "baby her" the paws come out.....I'm sure that's exactly what she is

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Posts: 142
    edited December 2012

    I used to be a pink lover. Looked good on me! However, this summer, I am burning everything pink..I can't believe how much pink stuff with the ribbons everyone has given me. Of course, they have good intentions but its a constant damn reminder that I have cancer. No More Pink. I'm going with Red cause it shows power! Power to stomp the little F'er out of me and not to return!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Posts: 289
    edited December 2012

    Hopex3.....I, use to think people had good intentions...but now I feel they make it about THEM and not the Cancer Patient.....they just do not understand how delicate the issue is....BUT!! when it happens to does change things....Liz

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited December 2012

    OK you lill shit Chevy 5ft.120lbs and i wear a size 5 shoe...beat that one!!!!

    This lill sista of our can take care of herself and most of you here too...why???because i love all of you.

    I hate pink.never was a pastel person...i like bright rich colors and yes RED is powerful,bright,and brings positive energy....I want the red shit!!!!!

    I gotta run...I really wanted to wish everyone of you a very special happy new year....healing love,blessings and may all your wishes and dreams come true.

    see ya tomorrow in 2013....

  • Kassylou
    Kassylou Posts: 53
    edited January 2013

    Happy heathy new year everyone.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    love this thread...


  • qutypy
    qutypy Posts: 7
    edited January 2013

    You read my mind.....

  • qutypy
    qutypy Posts: 7
    edited January 2013

    My parents never showed. Said the weather was bad for traveling ......I will never forgive them for that. I wish I had the ability to actually tell them how disappointed I was... I'm a

    Wimp I guess,..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2013

    Im sorry gutypy.... I know how you feel!  But it's alright....  The one time I finally said something to my Dad, for all the years he drank and made our lives miserable, I felt bad, because it hurt him.  I wrote it all down in a letter.... well naturally he read it when he was sober, and it made him feel bad.    I don't have him anymore, and we made "peace" after Mom passed away, and I realized I loved him with all my heart.... 

    Just write it all down in a letter, save it awhile, then tear it up.  It's okay being a wimp sometimes...  And glad you stfu....Ha! 

    Happy New year...gals!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2013

    Chevy I love that picture--perfect.

    Oh and Granny has tiny little feet and is tiny--but she's fierce. LOL Besides I' the one with a size 12 foot.

    Did everyone or anyone celebrate last night? Not me. My GS just told me he struggled to stay up til midnigt--everyone else was sleeping.I don't know what he thought was happening?

    But I do wish everyone a Happy New Year and bringing good Health to us all.


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