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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2015

    I sincerely think I'm done! One more month of compression and I am truly "moving on," no more tats, touch-ups, tightening! It does happen.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2015

    Lahela, I have tat touch up in the spring and that's THE END for me.

  • jmb5
    jmb5 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2015

    I'm getting my tattoos at Vinnie's in April, and then I'm done! I'm really excited, but wish Vinnie's was down south instead of Maryland. I could really use the beach right now. I just can't seem to get back in the groove. I am tired all the time and have no motivation to do anything. I don't know if it's the winter blues (crappy Ohio weather) or the results of a year of cancer surgeries, or both. I need to get back to exercising, but I can't seem to drag myself out in the cold to go. Really feeling in a funk right now.

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited January 2015

    jmb5: I am happy for you that the process will "end" in April, but you and your body have been through a lot. I just met with my MO at DF in Boston. Some individual shot a Dr. at block away. My MO's husband is a Dr at BWH, and she still met with me. She knew her husband was Ok, she was concerned for other Dr friends. It was a weird day. I am sharing this with you because this whole cancer journey sometimes suck. I too am tired and depressed! You should try to do something special for yourself ! Pamper yourself! Rest. This too shall they say. LiLi

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2015

    Hi... I thought I had moved on. I'm a 2013 NOLA girl. I had bilateral breast cancer with mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction. My results were great and my oncologist has been totally impressed by the cosmetic results. I've been off the boards since June because my mom passed away unexpectedly and I've been caring for my dad who has Parkinson's. Anyway, I had my 6 month check up on Monday and I pointed out two lumps by one of my incisions where the breast surgeon had trouble initially getting clean margins. My oncologist sent me for an ultrasound and now I've been told they are suspicious and I have a biopsy scheduled for Friday. I feel like I'm right back where I was two years ago... at the beginning of the rollercoaster. Make me want to throw-up! :-(

    I know that you can develop fat necrosis and cysts... would they have been able to tell if that is what it is from the ultrasound? Anyone else go through this and has it ever been a false alarm?


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2015

    Kristin, so sorry you are dealing with all this worry. I don't have any experience with necrosis, but there are many ladies who have, and perhaps they will weigh in here. It seems as though these worrisome lumps appear a year or two following surgery, but I recall that most turn out to be nothing or oil cysts. I am praying that you have results soon and it is nothiing. Hugs.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2015

    jmb5 - we talked about the blahs vs winter blues today in my crochet group. Several said they had to make themselves get up to do inns most days. I make a list of to-dos so that I have tasks to complete each day. That helps me get through the gray days of winter. I also give myself a treat every couple of weeks--lunch out, a movie, a mani/pedi. Hope you get past the blahs

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited January 2015

    HI all.....just popping in for a quick "Hello"........I have had a lot on my plate since last August, but find myself coming up for air, at least's nice to see that some of the "old-timers" still post from time to time.Smile

    KLanders.....I am keeping my fingers crossed that your lumps will be just that...."Lumps"........

    I was one of the early 2013 Jan. 18, 2013.......hard to believe that two years have gone by. I still have to get my nips tattooed.....but am in no hurry, since DH passed away, who's looking? Will probably get them done later on in the year. But for all intents and purposes, I am finished.

    For those of you who sent me cards after Dave died, thank you so much for taking the time to do so. It meant a lot to me to know that women that I had never meat in person cared enough to do that.

    I will check in from time to time, but know that you lovely ladies are in my thoughts often.......



  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited January 2015

    im working on my recon plan currently...and am interested in the DIEP....i do have enough belly for it...but am wondering if my ER + status would maybe disallow this procedure? I had heard from 2 drs that they wouldnt want to give me fat grafts as part of my recon because of my er+ staus and risk a recurrence or new cancer....i had heard that belly tissie has homrones too so maybe that would not allow me to do a DIEP??? any ideas??

    ALso wondering...after DIEP and nip recon, is there ANY sensation on the areola/nip area?

  • norita19
    norita19 Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2015

    I was ER+ too and that was not an issue for me, I had Diep.

  • Kanada
    Kanada Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2015

    jmb5 - turn up the heat - turn on the Beach Boys music & throw yourself a one year Diep Beach party on Saturday with an umbrella beverage !  You've gone through a lot & I think it would be abnormal to not experience the winter funk - as well as missing your previous stamina.    Bring the beach to you !  My heart goes out to you - I didn't even have the strength you have to do the stage 2 yet.  It's not just motivation - your body may want to hibernate like the bears.  Gotta love nature.  Jo Ann

  • debiann
    debiann Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2015

    I am also ER positive, and I had DIEP reconstruction. For me the tummy tuck certainly removed a lot of fat, much more than what was used to reconstruct the breast. Honestly, without the TT I was never losing that weight anyway. So its the same fat, just repositioned.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2015

    Hi gang....I have my FINAL session of areola tatting tomorrow....the finish line is so close I can taste it!!!! Wishing you were all crossing the line with me. Based on the first tattoo session, yes, some of us do most definitely regain some level of sensation in the flap and recon nipple areas. It's not the same, but for me it is certainly present.

    Kristen....there have been a few "worries" like yours among the class of 2013....I'm holding out for the same "nothingness" results for you, that the others have had.

    jmb...everyone can identify with the kind of year you've had....exercise doesn't always have to be the "kill yourself in the gym" variety. Have you considered something like yoga, to help strengthen your body while it helps to soothe your "emotions"? It may take some searching, but the right teacher/class may be out there for you. You don't even have to force yourself out the door. Just toss a mat out on a quiet corner at home.

    The ER+ concern re: tummy flap doesn't make sense to me.....that tissue would be there anyway if you didn't "relocate" it right.....! Yes, tummy fat does tend to be the type that stores estrogen, hence the "be at a healthy weight" theory of reducing recurrence risks, but..until every ER+ woman gets told to have a tummy tuck and full body lipo to reduce risk, I would cross off those doc's advice.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Blue, I was ER+ and I consulted with many docs and not one was concerned about my having DIEP because of that. Kept my nipples but they are only serving to make me feel normal looking. I have no feeling in the

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2015

    Found out today that only way to get ride of bulge on right side that resulted from stage 2 is surgery. I will live with the bulge

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited January 2015

    Nihahi - One day till the finish line! Yipee

    By this time tomorrow night you'll be done, and hopefully doing something to celebrate completing your final boobage. It's been a long rodeo, and you've been such a tremendous source of knowledge and support and inspiration for all of us who turned to you for wisdom. So, thanks! And I hope tomorrow is a great day! xo

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2015

    I'm excited for you, Nihahi! Ditto what Janet said. Thank you so much for your encouragement, wisdom and grace.

    Janet, love seeing your cute face in your profile picture!

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2015

    It's nice to see that you 2013 flappers are thriving. I truly appreciated all of your prayers and words of encouragement.

    Like most of you life continues to move on so I have less time to check in or keep track of all of the threads.

    I have not yet finished my journey but I expect to this year. I will not schedule nipple surgery until I am satisfied that the remainder of the fat grafted will stay in place. Mentally I am probably better because I got a clean Cat scan. Physically I need a lot of improvement and have finally started to walk some everyday. I hope to get back to my 2 mile a day routine I had before bc.

    As for moving on, I finally made my first pound cake a few days ago.

    Nihahi - Congrats.

  • jmb5
    jmb5 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for your encouragement! Had my one year DIEP anniversary on Saturday and spent it serving as a leader for a youth retreat our church does at an indoor water park/resort. So it was me, a couple hundred leaders, and 2000 rowdy 6th-12th graders for the weekend. Lol! Got a little teary eyed when the band sang the lyrics... "The Lord our God is ever faithful." My heart was full thinking of how far I've come in a year.

    Nihahi... how are the nipples looking?

  • jmb5
    jmb5 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2015

    bluewillows, I'm confused by your bio... it says you already had implants/nipple reconstruction? Or is that what you're considering in the future? I have never heard of an ER+ status disqualifying you for DIEP. That doesn't make sense to me. Even though it's still your own tissue, there is no breast tissue anymore. It's removed during the mastectomy. Breast tissue and tummy fat are very different. What type of doctors told you that? Are they BS's?

    As far as feeling in the nipple area after nipple reconstruction, it's a year post-DIEP for me, and if I lightly touch the skin of the new nipples, I can't feel anything. Pressure I can feel. There is some sensation in the breast, I would say more in the outer area.

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2015

    Hello All! Marty so good to see you still on the forums. How times you talked me down off the ledge, I can't even count them...

    FierceBluebird - BEST STORY EVER!

    Two years post DIEP. Looks great, numb torso, breasts feel a strange mixture of numb and just achy for want of a better word.

    Just wanted to check in and bless ya'll!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited January 2015

    Jeannie - Awww, thanks. Always nice to see your face too. I was always reluctant to post a picture, and I never knew why. Also, when I was going through treatment, I kept it fairly quiet. I think now that I just didn't want to be associated with cancer, or be known as the person with cancer. I didn't like my new identity. But now I talk about it freely.

    If I had to do it all over again (Heaven forbid!) I think I'd be more forthcoming, and keep that door to my life more open so that others could come in. My friend went through chemo and chose a scarf over a wig. She said that when her butcher realized she was undergoing treatment, he gave her the best organic chicken and wouldn't accept payment. I love that story. Not necessarily the free part - but the understanding, and the sense of community.

    Last night over dinner with old friends I managed to work my new nipples into the conversation. My, times have changed! I was one glass of wine away from taking off my shirt to show them off.

    xoxoxoxo Janet

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited February 2015

    Heavenschild...I'm almost two years out from my DIEP, and all the surgical sites feel the same way you described them.  It's not pain.  It feels like I have a tight rubber band around my chest and another one around my abdomen.  It's worse at night, when I'm tired.

    I'm hoping this sensation fades!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2015

    Another class of 2013 just checking in. Hi everyone. Hope it's nothing, klanders. Have good ones!

  • caligirl3
    caligirl3 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I posted this in the DIEP 2014 thread as well. I am 8 weeks out now from my first stage DIEP. Had a few bumps in the road due to a positive Dx. Doing better now. Have been working with PT due to lack of ROM on my arm. In regards to stage 2. How long is the recovery period for that? Especially if you have a job that is physically demanding. Trying to figure out timing before my next appointment with the surgeon. Your replies would be greatly appreciated:) Thank you!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited February 2015

    caligirl - Recovery really depends on what you have planned for stage 2. Mine was simple, nipple reconstruction and dog ear removal - all fairly superficial - and only had to limit my activities for a few days.

    What are you having done?

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2015

    My ab scar revision is being pushed back to June instead of March, but that's a good thing because it's after the school year finishes so I won't need to rush back to work, all doubled-up. Ah well, if this journey has taught me nothing else, I've learned a little patience!

    Wonderful to pop in here occasionally and see all your posts. xxx

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited February 2015

    So, almost two years to the day I was diagnosed with a local recurrence. I had a BMX at NOLA (cancer in both breasts - but genetics all negative) with DIEP reconstruction. A week after BMX they had to go back in to get clean margins. Now close to that scar I found two lumps and they are both cancer. Bummer. Good news is that it appears not to have spread. Bad news is surgeon told me today that she will have to remove part of my flap and that I will need additional reconstruction when it's all over because I'll be concave. Weird thing, I'm more concerned about them messing up my beautiful breasts that cost a lot, than I am about the cancer. If I go with the surgeon that I met with today I'll be having surgery in a week. And they are going to have to take more lymph nodes. :-( I never dreamed that someday I'd be having a lumpectomy AFTER a BMX!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2015

    Oh, klanders, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry you have to go through this when you thought you were done. Ok now you belong to a sorority of sisterly support. Thinking of you tonight and praying for strength, patience and complete restoration and health

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited February 2015

    Klanders, what wretched news.  I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Like you, I'm glad it's in the localized lumps...but having your beautiful DIEP cut into is just too, too bad.  Lumpectomy AFTER a bmx?  This fandango is sometimes truly bizarre!