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  • AmyJM
    AmyJM Member Posts: 134


    You are amazing! Your cooking, your sewing (was it needlepoint or embroidery), and an author too! How exciting! I'm glad that you were able to finish the book and would definitely like an autographed copy when you send them in November - preferably the whole trilogy if possible. You go girl!

    I'm also so glad that you have been keeping on keeping on! One day at a time, right? You are always in my prayers.

    Love n hugs,


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338


    Lita and her chemo nurses...I'm the wicked witch of the west.

    Happy Halloween!

  • MJHJAN1014
    MJHJAN1014 Member Posts: 622

    Lita-the cheesecake looks wonderful! I love the costumes as well! You continue to be an inspiration!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lita-just wanted to tell you I pray things continue to work for you and you get much much more time. Was told today I might get to Christmas but she’s not sure. The double vision and blurry vision is getting worse. Had a migraine so bad all night I wanted to die. She doesn’t think anything is working. I’m sad and trying to say bye to family and friends while I can. I guess getting the cancer in the brain fluid is the worst place. Lucky me. I wish each and all the best. Lita you are such an inspiration. Love to you all


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Oh, Diana, I'm so sorry to hear tnis. My eyes blur out after a couple of minutes and I can barely see. Pretty much gave up on reading and cancelled my magazine subscriptions. And i really miss reading actual books.

    My days are numbered.. They redid my kidney tests because the numbers were really elevated.

    Don’t know how all tnis is going to play out yet, especially with my back.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338


    Probably the last pumpkin I'll ever carve...Lou Seal, SF Giants mascot.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338



    Tremendously successful book launch party for Bullmina the Courageous Bulldog Comes Home. Great food, wonderful service, and a fabulous cake by DH Cake Studios (Daphne Ho). Proceeds from today's book sales were donated to the American Cancer Society and Bulldog Rescue.

    I am POOPED now. It was a LONG DAY. Time to take a nap in the La-Z-Boy ;o).


  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    Diana and Lita - I'm keeping you both in my prayers and sending warm hugs, prayers, and much love.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Congratulations Lita!!

    Wishing you a wonderful night's sleep. Fall back the clocks tonight and get an extra hour.


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418

    Congratulations Lita. So wonderful and I love your picture of Bullimia. Hope you have a nice restful night. As I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday I thought now “what would Lita do”. I didn’t write a book but I made some kick a*** butternut squash soup. No pictures ..all gone by tonight. Take car

  • lekker
    lekker Member Posts: 238

    Lita I recognized Lou Seal in the pumpkin even before I read the caption. Did you use a stencil or was that freehand? Either way, it’s fantastic!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Lou Seal was freehand.

    Over the years, I've carved all kinds of pumpkins: Characters from Toy Story, monkeys, Teletubbies, Bananas in Pajamas, and others for my daughter.

    Every year i do the classic Charlie Brown pumpkin too.


  • ChuckL
    ChuckL Member Posts: 16

    Lita, do you live near the fire that engulfed Paradise ca? Worried as I was looking up Union City Ca just the other day I reference to something else, so noted the location

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    I live in the city next to Lita. We aren't close to paradise, about 180 mi away, but the smoke is here all over the bay area and it's advised to stay in. This is through at least mon.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    PET scan results....partially collapsed lung; metabolic activity (3's and 4's) in ribs, sacrum, scapula; and major activity and deformities in T3, thoracic and lumbar spine. Well, that explains all the back,pain I'm having.

    On the bright side, they didn't see anything to worry about w..respect to my liver and kidneys.

    My next BRAIN MRI, on the other hand will be. Another story 😯


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Lita, just wow. So sorry for the partially collapsed lung and all the back pain and bone involvement.

    Yeah for your liver and kidneys!

    Thinking of you as you get ready for your next brain MRI. When is it scheduled?


  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746

    So sorry you are experiencing more issues and pain Lita...darn cancer.

    Fingers crossed for better mri results.

    Sending hugs

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Probably scheduling next MRI for the next month after MO gets back from vacation.


  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387

    Lita, glad to hear your kidneys and liver are clear. Seems you mentioned that brain mets were stable with one slightly larger. Will the chemo you are on now eventually stablize those bone mets?

    How is your vision and pain?

    Something tells me you will continue to plan and find ways to enjoy every single day. You are a force and you will go when you are damn ready.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Diana and Lita, keeping you in my thoughts.

    [Lita, amazing cheesecake. . .]

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Have to wait and talk to the MO when she gets back from vacation.

    Back stuff waxes and wanes. Using MMJ for pain mgmt.


  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    Lita, they’re right, you are a force and much admired. If it helps, my right lung has been partially collapsed since I was diagnosed in early 2017. It doesn’t cause any real issues. The back? I hope the chemo slows the blighters down and gives you some relief.

    Sending a big hug from Canada. Pat.

  • ChuckL
    ChuckL Member Posts: 16

    Liver and lung sounds good. I'm so sorry you're in pain and that your MO is on vacation. Thinking of your upcoming (to be scheduled) MRI. It sounds, from this distance and over this machine of course, that you are living and enjoying your life. It's horrible to get to "know" people (as much as can be done via the Internet) in this way and for this reason, but you are truly someone worth getting to know.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi Lita- do you ever experience hallucinations? They lowered my steroids and they came back so they upped them again. They are so scary. So real. Hope you are doing well my friend

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    No hallucinations as of prayers are with you,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,196

    illimae, the picture with a whole family sitting down to eat is mine. I am sitting on the bottom right side right behind the boy with the sunglasses. That is my family minus the newest grandson. A total surprise!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    Back is killing me (SUVs from PET show increases) and eyes are really bad thanks to the Paradise Lost/Camp Fire smoke in the environment. We have small, local fires too.

    Nevertheless, we still have to find something to be grateful for...DD turned 25, and I'm still here to bake her a cake and celebrate the milestone.


    It's a red velvet cake w.homemade cream cheese frosting.

    Waiting for PCP to get back to's time for an orthopedic consult. L

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Cake looks great! Love cream cheese frosting.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    2018's lasagna. I'll have pictures of cheesecake later. It's still chilling in fridge. Have to pace myself and keep sittng down with my poor achy back.


  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280

    Oh please. I'm soooo full of Thanksgiving day turkey and you post this. BURP!


    Great Thanksgiving day. Last PET showed NED! No trace of her TNBC Stage 4, too numerous to count, spinal and hip mets. Halaven worked for her.