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Uplifting and Lively Messages. No holds barred..



  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    MDRR, I saw your post in the declining hormone therapy. We have may of the answers here to medication issues. It is all about the numbers on the pills, find the matching ones, and they are the exact same.

    I could not believe another thread started about the declining of meds. If people would ease into their medication, supervised by their doctor, their body could adjust. A taper up in the beginning and a taper down at the end. Our bodies reject unfamiliar substances and respond accordingly. However, the slow introduction makes the body recognize small doses and gradually larger doses. Doctors use that methodology with a variety of medications, and should do the same to medications where bc patients have strong reactions. I have shared this idea with others, who are successful on medication.

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    thanks that is helpful; I’ll talk to the oharmacy

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    hey michelle

    just replied on the other forum, but thanks again. one of mine is a10 and the (that seems to induce more flashes) is a7 so there is a difference. I have a really great local pharmacy that focuses on integrative health as well as traditional meds, so she is willing to do whatever she can to find what I need. I'll talk with her about everything you posted.

    appreciate it!

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Is there a series of 5 or 6 digits on the top of the pill? 02313049 is Teva's registration number for their version of your med. What does it say on the pill itself? What does it say on the bottle?

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63


    the teva pill says 'teva' on one side and 'a10' on the other. I don't see the reg number on the pill or bottle. the zydus pill says 'a7' on one side and the other side is blank.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Finally got up for the most fabulous day of skiing. It was wonderful to be out in the mountains, "rediscovering" muscles and getting back my skiing groove. Always forget how difficult the first day out is, especially if you have to drive almost 2 hours each way.

    Home now. Roasting regular and sweet potatoes plus will reheat the red cabbage with onions, apples, and spices to have with the pork chop I snagged on the way home. Pictures from today's adventures. - Claire



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,226

    michelle and MDRR - here is a link to NIH's site that contains all of the labeling and descriptions for medications. If you type "tamoxifen" or "letrozole", for example, it will list all of the brands for each drug. You can click on the description/ingredients/appearance further down the page and it will provide the physical description of the pill/tablet/capsule, and also list the inactive ingredients - which can be responsible for a number of the side effects. Anecdotally, often the formulation with the lowest number of inactive ingredients causes the fewest side effects.

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63


  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    claire - that sounds like an awesome day!!!

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    AHHHmazing day, Claire!!! I did a little shopping at Barnes & Noble and Michaels. Some people in front of me at the checkout line, joked about there being Hannukah gift cards. I decided to ask them, "Oh, where are those cards at?" I purchased one for my sister in law, who is Jewish. People think that other's religions are funny. My niece is half Pakistani (Muslim), 1/4 Irish and 1/4 German/Russian Jew. The Holidays are such conflicts for her and it is difficult. I am Catholic, but have Jewish and Muslim sides of the families. I am very sensitive regarding ethnic bashing.

    DH bought most of the presents, I purchased the remainder. I have been so busy with the deardoggies, and he wanted to buy the kids some larger gifts. It was a load off of my mind. Whew....He wrapped....while I worked on some small projects for a few people. I have been experimenting with different jewelry techniques since the summer, and had to create a couple......... (5) unique pieces for presents.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    From my foray into Seattle last night. Show was also an Ode to Glamour with breathtaking costumes. Unfortunately, you can't take pictures. Still have a glow from the magic of the evening. - Claire


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Merry Christmas everyone!!! 

    Got out for an 8-mile ski. Powered through the sneeziness, though didn't do the steep grades as icy. Conditions are what are known as "Cascade Concrete" and I can vouch for the texture as landed on my butt. Scenery was breathtaking. Onto making dinner with Christmas Pudding for desert. - Claire




  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    awesome Claire! Merry Christmas from Maryland

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Merry Christmas to all my girls on this thread!!! Hugs from Illinois.

  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300

    how was everyone's Christmas? We left on December 22nd for Indiana spent the night on the 22nd with my mom and had Christmas with her on the 23rd. Then we drove back on the 24th and had Christmas Eve and Christmas to ourselves as a family here in Iowa.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Whilst moping around with the head cold I seem to have acquired, thought I would turn my mind to pleasanter topics, this one being setting ourselves up for fabulousness in 2019. 

    My new resolve is to make sure that I do the important things first class. Sometimes, it can be fun to cut corners as in the Airbnb where it was two flights down to the loo or vineyard camping, but in other cases, it can be worth spending the dollars.

    Two examples:

    • I thought I was being extremely frivolous when I bought the car I really wanted back in 2003. Guess what, I still have it, and it has turned out to be a far greater bargain than some of the clunkers I had bought earlier.
    • My wonderful parka is from the same era. It has a fur ruff, and just last week, the main squeeze of someone I know (and was present} offered to "stroke my Tanuki". The point is that it's still going strong 17 years later.

    I think that the Sheffield Plate silver I insisted on as a wedding present is also on the list. I pitched in some extra monies, and it still brings me great joy whenever I have a dinner party. I also love the fact that the pattern was designed by, and named for, Hester Bateman, an 18th Century silversmith and that I get to honor her each time I use it.

    Over the past year, I have greatly expanded my costume jewelry collection, so I now go out appropriately bedecked. I just got another fabulous piece for Christmas from one of my friends. (She got wine.)

    I was moping around earlier today in the most fabulous dressing gown that I bought many years ago. It's pink, a mohair blend, and has a silk lining. I got it for a song, as not anything I needed. Did I mention that it's warm? Always feel special when I wear it. 

    Christmas leftovers for dinner and then an early night. Actually got quite a bit of work done today between moping about. More fun times ahead. Would love to hear about the things that have brightened your lives.  Happy 2019! - Claire 

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Claire, while you were moping, I was mopping puppy paw prints off of my floor. It is pleasant in Illinois, and we are due for rain, which equals more muddy paws. I am not the biggest fan of Christmas, as I grew up very modestly and Christmas was downplayed in our household. My dad was about 50 when he had me, and had lived through the Great Depression. My parents saved every penny for unlimited college educations for my sisters and me. This year Christmas was kind of blah. I told my husband not to get me anything, and the puppies were the best presents I could receive. I sat there holding them, as everyone opened the unending stream of gifts. I was happy my children got what they wanted, and I was happy that I bought my husband items he would use. My son's girlfriend was there, and I had bought her some nice clothing pieces. My heart was not into Christmas this year, as I am sad from the loss of my mother and my dog companion of 14.5 years. I am glad that it is over and that the new year is upon us. I am more excited for the unknown excitement of a new year, than money and gifts on Christmas.

    Today, I picked out a new ceiling light, as ours was causing the breaker to go off. I found a really nice one, fully balanced for $69. It was fine and I did not need an expensive top of the line fan for our family room. Just like Claire says, go first class sometimes, but not all the time. My daughter thinks we need to build a gigantic dream home. (My sil is building a very, very expensive house.) I tried to tell my daughter, that houses are not important, and that a home is much better. We have lived in the same home all of my kid's lives. This is my dream home. It is where many dreams came true. Continuity has been a very important part of my upbringing, and wise choices another part. I think that the baby boomer population will be downsizing soon, leaving a large number of enormous houses empty. Real estate taxes are expensive, utilities, upkeep, etc. When did living below your means and simply become a crime? I don't need to impress anyone in this town. Unless there is something that I cannot live without, I don't need it. More is just more. Learning to live with less is a gift. Appreciating what you have is a gift. I appreciate all of you contributing your time and thoughts on this thread. May we inspire the next breast cancer patient, to life a full, appreciative, and fabulous life.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Day 2 of The Big Mope. Thank you so much for your comments, Michelle. The downsizing is already happening. I am very happy to be living in 800+ square feet. I really don't need a larger place. Numerous studies have also shown that about a certain minimum, more money doesn't create greater happiness.

    When I was growing up, we had lots of gifts, but most were items such as homemade jam and baked goods, wild frozen blueberries, a box of citrus and the like. I remember the Royal Family a few years ago; Kate Middleton had made chutney as a gift, and the Queen served it with Christmas dinner. I think one of the reasons I make puddings is to carry on this tradition.

    Agree on the light/fan. Something basic works just fine here. Not to mention that it most likely won't require extra wiring or new switches. Everyone will know how to turn it on.

    I like to give practical items you didn't know you needed. Things such as gloves that glow in the dark for a runner which provide visibility as well as warmth. The perfect socks. I got a set of kitchen tongs so I don't burn my fingers fishing things out of pots of boiling water. One year I gave $10 paring knives that work!!!!

    It's odd to be in a place where I need very little in the way of new items. I could use a warm cloth winter coat, but am waiting for the right one. I may need to get an Ikea cupboard for my kitchen to hold the items I shall be retrieving from the house I left 12 years ago. (It will solve a couple of other problems too.) Eventually, I would like to upgrade the dining table and chairs I got for $59 off Craigslist when I moved to Seattle. But nothing urgent.

    I need to rouse myself and go back to work on the report. I might as well work, or just resolve to write off the day. Fabulous awaits.....just not quite at this moment!!! - Claire 

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    Greetings everyone

    I'm just back to MD from one of my brothers' homes in Delaware. I don't need anything in the way of gifts and neither do they, but we had fun exchanging a few winter indoor things like puzzles and books. Also got warm enough to play golf 2 days!

    My activity in January is a trip to Florida to play baseball at the Red Sox women's baseball fantasy camp. Only 1 of 2 pro teams to have an all women's camp and it's SO much fun. This will be my 4th year. We are taught for 4 days by retired Red Sox players (I'm a boston fan; my dad was from boston) and we get to play in the stadium, full uniforms, etc. Last year at this time I went to camp with an initial diagnosis but not sure of what would be happening surgically. This year I'm all through my surgeries and can't wait to step out on the diamond. Many of the women are (MUCH) younger, but there are maybe 6 of us in our 60's. It's very different from the senior softball tournaments since they are underhand pitching, but it's a great challenge. The 90 foot basepaths are pretty long compared to our 65 foot, but everyone's in the same boat. So I'm looking forward to that activity to start the new year. I see my breast surgeon January 7 for a check-up and she is always into wanting to know whatever adventures are coming. Looking forward to having the one year check-up done and moving forward!

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    I am really liking the ladies on this thread. It sounds like we are a bunch of "go-getters." Claire with her skiing, MDRR with her women's baseball, several others with running, and me with my volleyball. It is so great to have a sport that you are passionate about. I love walking, as it is meditative and clears the cobwebs.

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    I agree Michelle -- I LOVE walking. I've had 5 knee surgeries so regular running is not something I am supposed to do -- that's reserved for on the field. But walking 3-4 miles is how I start every morning, no matter what the weather. I've really grown to love it!

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Pics of Thaddeus after his bath. Pics of Theodore coming tomorrow. Thaddeus is a pure white miniature schnauzer.



  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Thaddeus and Theodore are superb pet names....23 shades of cool! Thad is a cutie. :

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    How adorable!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Thaddeus is so adorable in his puppy coat. I can see why they give you amazing joy, Michelle. 

    I am still moping, but will meet up with a friend for a walk in the "high winds" promised for today. I went to a party last night here where I live. Have Sunday Lunch tomorrow with ex of my friend who ran off to Spain in search of TRUE LOVE and his new lady (plus dog and son). Should be interesting.

    Otherwise, working on the report that is due. Not quite where I need to be, but I will get there. 

    One bit of fabulousness last night. I was wearing my new YSL sweater paired with my gorgeous new Christmas necklace and classic wool trousers. I realized that I needed to carry keys and my mobile. It took a bit, and then I remembered the gorgeous evening bag I have that I got when bag shopping a year ago. It was just amazing, a small (Bergdorf Goodman) crocodile bag in black patent with a black silk cord strap. Stunning, very cool, and timeless. The look was amazing - black with a pop of color and lots of sparkle. Plus red lips and sparkly eye shadow. And yes, I stood out at the party. - Claire 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    From today's walk which we fortunately did prior to it getting really nasty out. Love the way the rushes hide the two ducks. - Claire

    Mr. Drake and His Lady


  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    Fabulous Claire!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 856

    Happy New Year to all my sisters

    Two weeks post-op for me

    Very grateful to have had a good recovery and able to enjoy holidays with family especially my 83 yo mother

    Best to all, TT

  • MDRR
    MDRR Member Posts: 63

    That's wonderful TrmTab! Hope things continue to go smoothly for you!

    I'm getting ready to head out with 2 friends for our annual New Year's Day hike. Here in MD we don't have mountains like those that Claire gets to ski, but still have some beautiful smaller mountains close by. All 3 of us have had different challenges in 2018 -- 1 had her house destroyed in a flood, 1 lost her husband somewhat suddenly, and I had the surgeries and treatments after the BC diagnosis. Hoping 2019 is a bit smoother for all 3 of us! We are all thankful for our teammates on our 60-and-over travel softball team; fun trips where we can play games, eat out, catch up with friends on other teams from around the country (LOTS of grandchildren's pictures) and laugh -- a built-in support system to be sure.

    I'm also very thankful for this forum and the support and information available from virtual friends. Happy New Year to all!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Happy New Year everyone!!! I started off 2019 on the wrong foot, working most of the day. I must learn to do better. But did get in a 5 mile run. In good shape with the research report, which is due on Monday.

    I am finally nearly over the cold thingy that I have been fighting for a week. So hoping to go skiing over the weekend.

    Learned something interesting yesterday when I encountered quite the quackfest at the pond/bog I visit on many of my runs. Because the rivers are flooded, many waterfowl decamp for calmer spots. Hence the quackfest. Met fun dogs on my travels as well.

    I did start off on the right path food-wise. Steak, champagne, chocolates, a few veg to balance things out, and amazing smoked salmon. Not to mention fresh bread. Life doesn't get much better.

    Happy New Year!!! - Claire