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Smiles, Chuckles, and Quick Laughs



  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2022

    My dear departed father was often called "The Joke Machine" and this was one of his favorites:

    George is convinced that he has the smartest dog in the world. One day they are walking through town and they see a sign in a window that says "Help Wanted". George and his dog go into the business and George says that his dog wants to apply for the office job. The manager looks doubtfully at the pair and says, "This is not a job for a dog. This job involves taking shorthand and typing". George replies that his dog is so smart that he can take shorthand and that he also types 60 words per minute. The manager feels compelled to test the dog's office skills and, sure enough, he aces everything and seems qualified for the job. He says to himself, "This is ridiculous, I'll be the laughing stock of the office if I hire a dog." He then has a brilliant idea for how to get rid of this guy and his dog. "I'm sorry," he says, "but the applicant must be bilingual" which the dog replies, "Meow".

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,422
    edited November 2022
