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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I'm glad it was just fungus. After it clears up, you can go back to polish. I like nail polish on my toes. They are coral, today.

    mocame, Some of the things I listed over the weekend have bids on them. Hopefully things will pick up.

    My little 25 year old cat, Miss Felix had to be rushed to the urgent pet care center with a Thyroid Storm. I though her nine lives had run out, but she survived. She has a follow up appointment with her regular vet.

    We continue to have issues with rental house we are fixing back up. The company that we hired to paint and do drywall did a terrible job and won't call, text and did not come out to put another coat of paint on the walls. He also did not put the mirror back up in the bathroom and didn't put the toilet paper holder up. Carpet was to go in, yesterday and they were a no show.

    When we finally get this done, we are taking our mini vacation.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    mocame: I forget that it is Fall and the weather is changing. I'm normally a Spring person but since moving to FL, I'm loving the Fall. Less rain and lovely weather in the 70s. Hope your doc appointment goes well.

    I posted for my yardsale and got a fellow that wants to buy my foosball table and some Pyrex. I told him I'd hold for him for the first hour or so till he can get there. I hope I can get rid of more things. The weather will be fully sunny for both days. The rain comes the day before. I sold one of my Lladros over the weekend. Their value has gone down so I'll try to get rid of some that I don't absolutely love.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    The carpet is in and the contract is signed with the realtor. Miss Felix and I are heading to get her labs drawn.

    Kamboka, Isn't it strange how things come and go as far as collectables. I remember Precious moments would bring decent sales. Now, no one wants them. I don't even buy them when they are $1 at garage sale. I thought they were so cute in the '70's. I guess all the other boomers did, too. Now, not so much.

    mocame, We has a couple nice days, but hot and muggy today. It is suppose to cool off. I am looking forward to it.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite - Your Miss Felix sounds like quite a personality. :)

    Kamboka - I hope you can sell a lot of things. It's sad when these wonderfully-made high quality items, that used to be so collectible, are considered unsellable at even yard sales.

    I saw my bone/joint guy yesterday. He didn't even consider Fosamax and Reclast but focused on Prolia again for me. He thought my MO was concerned about any dental issues with me while on Prolia. That wasn't my understanding. I thought she was thinking I was having some side effects and my MO's notes mentioned both of our opinions on what she was concerned about so now I really don't know why she wanted me off Prolia. I did email my MO yesterday to find out by she has not responded yet.

    In the meantime, my bone/joint guy has me scheduled to get the Prolia shot in 2 1/2 weeks. He said my chances of getting ONJ, because of these meds, is very slim and suggested I get another dentist that will work with me if I need more major work done. He said the ADA has guidelines for dentists to follow when working with patients on these types of meds so there is no excuse for a dentist to not want to deal with patients like me. He will now be monitoring my bones and any dental issues because my MO said she wanted it that way. Not sure if she is passing it on to him because she is busy (which she is) or if she doesn't agree with him and will let him handle it then. He also wants me to go through a whole list of lab work related to my bones. He is okay with handling my bones with diet and exercise but still wants me to eat some dairy, which I don't want to do. My bones/joints feel soooo much better since being off of dairy and meat. I walked a lot over the weekend and they didn't bother me.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    mocame, My dentist said he would send me to an orthodontist that works with Prolia patients, should I need it. In the meantime, I see him for scheduled cleanings.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: I envy you the new carpet. When I moved in I was thinking of changing the carpet for wood. Now, I think I'll keep the carpet. I do have wood in the kitchen and love it but I it gets cool in the winter since my house doesn't get sunlight and the carpet helps.

    mocame: How often is the Prolia shot? I've scheduled my dental work for next week. I lose my dental insurance next month. I've looked into buying a plan but they only provide $1000 limit and costs about $400. I guess it's worth it if you can use $400 each year, otherwise, just save up.

    My sister comes in a few hours. She's not as helpful as my mom so I'll end up doing all the arranging for the yardsale. The weather should be great.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite - Good to know. I will have to check around and see if any orthodontists around here will do it.

    Kamboka - I hope your yard sale goes well. Yard sale are pretty much done for the year since it's been getting colder. We could hit highs in the 40s next week. Brrr! I get a Prolia shot every 6 months. My bone/joint guy said the peak work of the Prolia is 4 days after getting it and then it tapers down from there. He said the best time to get dental work done would be about 4 months after getting the shot. I've read about some people saying their dentist would only do it after 6 months before they got a new shot.

    I had a phone consultation with the functional medicine nurse practitioner and liked what she had to say. She uses medications but also more holistic treatments/tests when warranted. She takes insurance for everything except non-mainstream testing. That's out of pocket. My doctors can't seem to help my reflux and I can't take the meds for it and she specializes in testing and diagnosing it. She just opened in the middle of September and said she will no longer be taking insurance patients by the end of this month. The response has been so good.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I hope you have a nice visit with your sister. My house I live in has tile and vinyl planking. With the cats shedding, carpet would be a nightmare.

    mocame, my MO said the best time for dental work would be at the end of the 6 months, before next injection.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    Thanks for sharing the info about when your dentists told you to get work. I told my dentist I just had the injection of Reclast in early September but she said the sooner the better. I hope she is not just saying that to keep the appointment. I don't have to do a root canal, just the implant and a filling.

    My yardsale was not as good as the other two that I've done. However, we still made $295. I didn't have any large items or furniture. Next sale, I'll have some more 'men' items from my brother. The weather was a nice high 70s but the sun was full blast. We sat in the garage but the customers got the full sun. I still managed to do a lot of sweating. There was one other sale in the neighborhood and I think people went there and forgot to come to mine. I tried to position my signs so they knew to keep coming down the street. On Saturday, we loaded up my car with stuff that hasn't sold in three sales and headed to the thrifty store to donate. Today, I listed five handbags. I just sold a Dooney. I had two Coach bags but I wasn't sure if they really were so I put a disclaimer. Ebay deleted those two posting. I can try to sell them on another site. I've done the research but not really sure about some of the purses since I get them at estate sales. I'm not going to get any more so wanted to liquidate my supply.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, If you can send me a picture of the number in the Coach bag, I can probably find it. My ebay has not been good. I had a negative feedback that I refunded and she revised it. I had a return, because the person didn't understand how to work the pin hinge clasp. My stomach has been bothering me since Saturday. If it doesn't improve, I guess I will have to go to the doctor.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    Too bad that some people won't take the time to give a good review but are so quick to write a negative one. At least she revised it after the refund.

    Here are the photos of my coach labels. The white bag is hard to see so here is that number: JH8-4161.



  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite - I hope you feel better soon. There is a lot of stomach stuff going around up here.

    Kamboka - I hope your things sell. I have only sold 2 items in 2 to 3 weeks but I don't have as sought after items like you do.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, The first one was made in 2009 and if I read the tag correctly looks like a hobo bag. They do make Coach bags in China. since mid to late '90's. It looks genuine. The second one I can't read.

    Oops missed your note. The second one is from the 1980's and is part of the "SOHO" collection. I think the No. is actually J8H-4161. It appears to be genuine as well.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: Thanks for doing that research. Now, I'm banded from posting them in Ebay, I'll see if I can sell them on Poshmark. I had three Dooney Bourke's and have sold two since posting. I'm not doing purses any more unless I get a really high priced one cheaply. I paid $10 for each of these.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I am a Dooney fan. I got one at a thrift store for $30 and it is not retired. If I bought it from Dooney it would be $278. I love it. It is the Lexington Shopper.

    mocame, my stomach feels like heart burn, but intense. If I push on my stomach I burp. I have felt this way since Saturday morning, I am also very tired and aching. Doctor appointment today.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: How did your appointment go?

    I usually get a nice hand-me-down black purse from my sister and I use it till it tears up. She buys nice ones so they last a long time. I guess I don't understand changing out purses. :)

    I just got a letter my my MO saying he is retiring. He's my second one and I was liking him. I hope they assign me someone good. My Primary is the 3rd medical student and she's not the smartest.

    I did bad on my in home sleep apnea test so now I'm having to go and do an in patient test this Friday. I'm trying to get everything done before I leave for work. They want me to go back to CPAP but I've tried it twice before and it made things worse.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I would think the home sleep study would be more accurate than the in patient. Back in the early 1980's I use to do the polysomnography tests. People sleep better at home. It's cold here. 36 degrees this morning.

    I saw an ARNP and she ordered a script and told me no coffee, tomato sauce, garlic, and onion. She didn't even touch me. I was not impressed, but slowly feeling better. I will pick up the prescription and give it a try.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: So far, the NP have been pretty good but, nowadays, no medical folks will touch you. I remember when I was taught that you had to use all your senses when assessing a patient and that includes touch. When I had surgery, I only had one person look at my wound area in two days!

    The sleep doc said this inpatient test would be more precise than the one I did at home. He also wants to have it incase he asks insurance to pay for bipap since I've failed cpap twice. I don't want any of them. He asked me to try the dental device, which I ordered. The last option is that new Inspire.

    I sold a picture, finally but they haven't paid yet. I have it wrapped and ready to go so hope she comes through.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    It is 36 degrees this morning. I am feeling a little better, but there seems to be a delay on the meds she ordered. I will check with pharmacy while I am out and about. I want to do the river walk today, if I have the energy.

    Kamboka, how cold is it up there? I hope the buyer pays. I have a regular buyer that has gone ghost and bought a lot of stuff. I hate to realist and then she wants to pay for it.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    petite1: I think we are a bit warmer. We never got below mid 40s. I've been getting up at 430 am each morning and that's what it's been. This is about the coolest that I want it to get. My house doesn't get direct sunlight. That helps in the summer but makes the house cold in the winter.

    Glad to hear that you stomach is feeling better. Occasionally I take a Prilosec but I can't tell what will upset my stomach.

    I finally have 2 - 3 estate sales that seem interesting that I will go to tomorrow after I leave the hospital for my sleep study.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite - I'm glad you are feeling better. I get reflux but I'm allergic to all of the medications, so I don't take anything. My diet has helped, though. I'm going to see a functional medicine NP in December and she gives testing that mainstream drs don't do so I'm hoping to can help me control my reflux even more. It was 32 degrees this morning. Too cold for up here but 36 degrees is definitely too cold for down there!

    Kamboka - Do you know when you are scheduled for your inpatient sleep test? I don't sleep well away from home. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep! LOL.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    mocame: We are back to wonderful weather. It was in the 50s last night but got up to 79 or 80 during the day. I love it. We also don't have much rain in the Fall.

    I had my sleep study on Friday night. The doc did a video call with me today. He said I had really improved since my last tests but he recommends the CPAP again since they think they have the right level for me. I'll try it one more time. Tomorrow I have my MO check up. I don't think I have any tests outside of the bloodwork.

    I'm still waiting on DC to finalize my plans for my trip back overseas. I've been delayed by two weeks. Since I have to come back at Thanksgiving, it will be a quick turnaround when I finally get to go.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Kamboka - I wish it was that warm here! Not too bad with highs in the 60s but the lows have been mostly in the 30's and 40's the past week. I'm glad there was improvement in your sleep study. I know a few people that use the cpap. I hope it works for you this time.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I am glad you got that sleep study over. I hope the C-pap works well for you.

    mocame, 60 degrees this morning, but may have rain this afternoon. I have to get my walk in early.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    I have called three places and the suppliers don't have a CPAP machine in stock. This economy!

    Went to the MO today. I had some pain in my left hip so they did an x-ray. It was normal and no arthritis. However, I got a call from the nurse when I got home to tell me that my tumor marker was elevated and they want to do a PET scan. Do either of you have the CA 15-3 done? I've not had a PET before. They are trying to get me in for that in the next few days as I need to be going overseas for work.

    I had to relist my picture that the buyer never paid for. Now, I had another buyer who has not paid in two days for a purse. These are the first two non-payers I've had.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Petite - 60 degree mornings sound great! That is our high, if that, right now. :)

    Kamboka - Didn't I hear something in the news about a c-pap recall and maybe they are hard to get right now? Not sure. I had a PET scan done at my 2nd dx. My MO has never done the CA 15-3 or any cancer marker test on me but my coworker has and she has the same MO. I don't know why she does for one and not another patient.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, I had both done, after radiation.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,053

    They have scheduled me for the PET next Tuesday. I'll be heading overseas a few days later, no matter what. I have to work to pay all these health bills. :)

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 554

    Kamboka - I'll be praying that your PET Scan goes well and a safe trip overseas.

    I will be away this weekend. Going with friends to their family cabin in the mountains. No internet, wifi, or tv, so I will not be able to post until I get back. I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend. Next Tuesday, I have my bone/joint Dr appointment and Prolia shot. On Wednesday, I have an endodontist appointment to see if I need a root canal. Hasn't bothered me at all lately. I think it's stress related.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,206

    Kamboka, hope it goes well.

    mocame, a cabin in the mountains sounds wonderful.