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So...whats for dinner?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    Minus, I decided to have both implants replaced. I'm trying to rush the pre-op and get the surgery scheduled asap so I can be fully recovered by the time we head north to MN in May. I was hoping to skip seeing a cardiologist but no such luck. I've seen two cardiologists in my lifetime, both for pre-ops. The EKG was "normal" but there were some differences between it and the last one I took. I don't remember when the last one was done.

    My brother is expecting to arrive tonight between 7 and 8 so we will hold dinner until he arrives. We eat late anyway, often around 7. I have a stuffed pork roast in the oven and will roast potatoes, either white or sweet.

    The injection, which cost $1800 (not sure what insurance will cover), did not alleviate dh's jaw pain when eating. He will start taking a couple of nerve pain meds. One is Gabapentin. Neither are narcotics.

    The crust on that meat pie sure looks good.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    I'm making baked beans, steamed cauliflower and scrambled eggs. We lost power again for about 3 hours…the winds! Wasn't in the mood to be creative.

    Carole, I'm so very sorry for your DH's unresolved pain. My DH was on gabapentin for a month or so and he did not think it did much; he did not like the side effects either. I hope your DH gets better results.

    Eric, I am not enamored with any of the pharmacies I've used here. I've actually tried Amazon pharmacy for a few items and they seem decent. It is so much easier to compare pay-cash to insurance prices without having to beg the pharmacist to do their job.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Carole, I’m sorry the injection did not help your DH’s jaw pain. Nerves are tough to treat. At various times I have gained some relief from nerve blocks, laser treatment and acupuncture. I take gabapentin which helps some with no side effects in my case. I’m glad you have a plan for your surgery.

    Wally, You are really being hit hard by winds.

    Eric, I hate having to switch pharmacies but have done so with health insurance changes. Often the medication manufacturer is different and the new inert ingredients affect me.

    Dinner tonight was the rest of the ravioli and cauliflower.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Carole - sorry the drugs might not match the pain for your DH. I will still watch your replacement journey with interest. I see my PS on 3/11.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    I made salmon burgers with canned sockeye and potato flakes. Instead of pan frying, I baked…turned out perfectly. Sides were leftover baked beans and cauliflower.

    Carole, I look forward to your updates.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    I made beef stroganoff, it was meh. I’ll try again sometime with a different recipe. My salad was great and I enjoyed a Reisling instead of my usual water.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Dinner was leftover broccoli salad from Chicken Salad Chick. Really enjoying the Hayes Valley Meritage wine from Costco. Cheap & good.

    Wally, I'm not big on frying but I didn't think to try try salmon burgers in the oven.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Okra in the produce department inspired chicken okra stew for dinner tonight.

    Wally, I have baked codfish cakes but never salmon cakes. I’ll have to try that.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    Maggie, I smiled reading your post…DH and I wonder why people say tuna-fish or cod-fish but not salmon-fish or tilapia-fish, LOL. I tweaked my recipe and used instant potato flakes (I get the bob's red mill since it has nothing put potatoes in the ingredients), and egg, some olive oil and curry powder, onion and garlic powder (wasn't sure if DH was ready for chopped onions yet). I did not drain the can, even though everything on the website said to. I baked it at 425 for 15 minutes and then high-broil for about 2-3 minutes. Perfect and there was actually a nice crust …must have been the potatoes. My only complaint is the smell of canned salmon-fish…blech. I may crush some garlic first so that is the smelling wafting at me.

    can you post your okra chicken stew? I love okra; dh, not so much. I'd love to find something he would eat.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Wally, I’m still in FL in a vacation rental so I’ll post the real recipe when I get back. I don’t have my spice collection with me so I used chicken breast (thighs also work), chicken stock, Rotel tomatoes, corn, celery, onions and garlic. The okra was added toward the end. It was easy and still tasted good. The weather is getting more humid than I would like but being able to do things outside is a wonderful break from my winter isolation at home.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    I seem to remember my Mother making a salmon loaf with canned salmon in the 1950s. I still have her VERY old Joy of Cooking. She wrote all kinds of recipes of her own inside the pages. I'll have to see if I can find it.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Minus, That sounds like the salmon loaf my mother used to make. It had bread soaked in milk and corn kernels in it as I recall. It would be great if you could find the recipe since I never got the chance to make it.

    Dinner tonight will be tuna casserole; then back to the show grounds for jumping under the lights.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Tonight was pork chops, a baked potato and cheesy broccoli/cauliflower. Pretty much just simple, classic and tasty.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Oops - cookbook mistake. I meant the Better Homes & Garden Cook Book. The red plaid one. I got the Joy of Cooking as a shower gift for my first wedding in 1966. I never used it as much as Better Homes & Garden, but they do have a salmon loaf - 1-1/2 cups mashed potatoes, grease a baking dish & spread potatoes. Cover with 1/2 cup basic cream sauce (flour/butter/milk) with grated cheese melted in & a bit of cayenne. Drain, skin & flake & add 2 cans salmon. Cover with remaining 1/2 cup cream sauce. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Some recipes call to serve with tomato sauce, but my Mother never added that. (As a matter of fact she never added tomato sauce or ketchup on top of meatloaf either)

    Mom's Better Homes & Garden cookbook from 1950 - salmon loaf: Make 1 cup white sauce, slowly add small amount to 2 well beaten egg yokes, Stir in remaining sauce. Add salt, 1/4 Tsp nutmeg, pepper and 1 lb can of salmon. Fold in two stiff beaten egg whites. Bake 325 degrees for 45 minutes.

    I did find a couple in an old church ladies cook book. One has 3 eggs - whites stiffly beaten - with 2 cup mash potatoes - bake one hour at 375 degrees. The other has 2 eggs - whites stiffly beaten - with 1/2 cup bread crumbs & 1/2 cup hot milk - bake one hour in moderate oven.

    I still think I like Wally's potato flakes idea. I will likely add some onion and maybe some celery. Sorry Maggie I didn't come across one with corn kernels. But Eric is the king of old recipe books. Maybe he can chime in.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Carole - hope you're having a wonderful time with your brother and dinner with other family members. Were you able to get your replacement surgery scheduled?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Yakisoba for dunch. These frozen packages from Costco are quite good. I took rib eyes out of the freezer for tomorrow.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    We got home late and had chicken noodle soup for dinner.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    Palak "Paneer" (I used tofu) last night with black rice; leftovers tonight.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Today's meal was rib eye steak, Brussels sprouts and quinoa with lemon pepper. More than I usually eat but I needed to use the two steaks in the freezer. Obviously I have leftovers. Thinking about garlic shrimp tomorrow.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Dinner tonight is a big salad with leftover chicken chunks and balsamic vinaigrette. DH May cook himself some extra veggies. Heading back to Houston for scans, so it’s use it or lose it for the produce.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Dinner tonight was meatballs, mushrooms and peppers in Rao’s on ziti. We are heading back up north tomorrow morning. It feels funny throwing out bits of food that would be fine for a few more days but it has to be done. I planned pretty well since there is not much left over.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,072

    We had the remaining chicken based spaghetti sauce on spaghetti, and a salad.

    Sharon has joined Weight Watchers, and she has lost over 8 pounds in about a month. I'm following along and have lost around 5 pounds.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,072

    About this time of day, 35 years ago, I was standing at the front of the church, watching Sharon, in her wedding gown, walk down the aisle with her father…….. :-)


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Eric, Happy anniversary to you and Sharon! It’s great that WW is working well. It seems to be so successful because it’s real food and you can eat things you like.

    Minus, Did you have the garlic shrimp for dinner? I haven’t made that for ages and I really like it.

    My dinner tonight wasn’t very healthy, chicken McNuggets. We’re traveling and can’t eat inside so it had to do.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Eric - yes - happy anniversary!!!

    Maggie - I never got around to dinner so mine was even worse than yours. Two small Baby Bell cheeses, 2 pieces of sourdough toast with garlic butter and 2 tinned butter cookies.

    Mae - hope the scans go well. Fingers crossed. Heck of a week for traffic with the Rodeo starting.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 866

    DH grilled the most delicious marinated chicken tonight and I contributed mashed potatoes and corn. All quite tasty.

    Anyone else having login problems again? I've probably logged in and had to reset my password 10x in as many days. Frustrating. I started using the same password each time when I realized the system does not seem to "care." Wierd and annoying.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    I've begun having problems with this website lately. Everything has gone smoothly for months and then all of a sudden, roadblocks to getting to the usual place.

    Congratulations to Eric and Sharon. Eric, your reports on Sharon's weight loss may lead me back to WW.

    My get together with siblings at my house on Saturday for noon meal went very well. DH put a couple of leaves in the dining table, which he built many years ago. There were five of us siblings and four spouses. I made an 8 quart pot of chicken and flat dumplings and also had pork roast and gravy and tossed salad. A sister-in-law brought a lemon meringue and a chocolate meringue pie, both bought and both quite good.

    Tonight we'll have seared catfish fillets. Also fresh beets. Isn't that a weird combo? LOL.

    Good news on dh. The meds he began taking must be doing the trick because his jaw pain has gone away. Fingers crossed that this continues.

    I see a cardiologist tomorrow as part of surgery pre-op.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140

    Carole - thank goodness it seems your DH is rid of the pain. Hope it lasts. Thanks for reporting.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 965

    Carole, I’m glad the meds for your DH’s nerve pain are working. At my house beets go with everything. Will you be having your surgery soon?

    Dinner tonight was steak, cauliflower and fries for DH.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    Happy belated anniversary, Eric.

    Carole, great news for your DH with his new meds. Gabapentin is often used in Trigeminal nerve pain so I am still wondering if that is what he he has. My DH required a CT of his head/jaw and he does have a blood vessel pressing on his nerve but since he stopped treatment, the pain seems to have disappeared. Our bodies are crazy. I hope his lack of pain continues so he can enjoy your wonderful meals.

    We had our trek to Seattle today (I hate that trip). So sunny/bright it was awful but at least it was cold and we survived. DH's dentist had to reschedule us and since DH was concerned about his healing, they took us today (less time for DH to ruminate). He is healing beautifully and all looks good (we were both relieved).

    I packed Mortadella sandwiches and we ate late so dinner was rooting around in the fridge. I had cheese, strawberries and wine for dinner; then I had ice cream and then, pistachios. Weird dinner; glad the day is over and we are home and doing OK.