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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited October 20

    I did wind up with a good meal. Put 1/4 cup of black beans, some beefless ground and handful of shredded cheese. Took a frozen spinach cube that needed about 20 seconds in order to chop it. No croutons as no room. Took a few nacho cheese doritos and broke them over the food. I did add part of the meat pie meal I am eating as well. Took all ingredients, added to a bowl, put some spreadable garlic in it, microwaved 3 mins with a lid. When it came out, decided to add salt and some sour cream. It was not pretty but filled me up and was nutritious with the beans and spinach. Really tasted great, dishes soaking for a while. Makes it easier to avoid scrubbing.

    Edited to add that supper was similar but used an egg and bacon mix and more beans, chopped in some croutons. Put in a big bowl, added rest of the gigantic meat pie. Mixed together and added to the microwave for 2 min 30 seconds, put in some more garlic spread and added some caesar dressing. Still really good

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited October 20

    Tanya, I am sorry to hear about your BIL and that you are having to do two drugs at once. May you not have extra SE from it.

    Intolight, I will wait until the new one arrives. Being delivered by UPS so unsure it will be brought to my apartment door, I will see what happens. Still using the old one occasionally as well and just pumping the liquid out. The little washer works but barely handles 4 small cloths, not really practical.

    Getting hungry for supper, probably make an egg sandwich on the english muffin. Use garlic and cheese on one side and mayo on the other. Put microwaved egg in the middle. The recipe TV shows that pay for ads have a non stop pasta ad that looks really darn good to me. Oh well. Making a bit of money so that is good.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited October 21

    Slept well last night, still credit the new sleep mask. Got laundry going in the regular washer, use my pump in between cycles. I am really amazed how much suds come out considering how little soap is used but whatever, that is fine. Doing some budget boosting, playing videos, get paid for the ads which is good.

    I have some sweeping, dishes soaking since last night, love just having to rinse off vs scrubbing. Makes my life easier. The apartment is very warm after the heat was turned on, got AC running in living room with some fans on low, window open a bit, it is not cold. I will see how it feels when temps finally drop. We are still close to 70 in the daytime, only difference with fall is no humidity. I know the apt has to follow standard dates to turn it on.

    Edited, decided to keep it simple. Took 1/4 cup beans, handful of beefless ground and shredded cheese and put in the chopper. Added some chips that I found too spicy. Chopped it all up and heated for 2 min 30 seconds. Added vegetable seasoning as well as sour cream and onion seasoning and used sour cream to bind all of it. Very full but in a good way. I will have to see what I want to do later as I have so much food to use up and many different combos, cooking appliances etc that it makes it easy for me to differentiate meals I could have. Also making budget for different things. Got a budget for yearly charges so take a couple bucks a week for that, got the budget for the monthly charges of the new washer and even a skip the dishes in case mcdonalds starts appealing to me. Still sticking to 100 for groceries per month as well. Should be doable.

    I hope everyone has a good day, in pockets for anyone receiving double doses of meds and in pockets for everyone else as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited October 21

    I am sorry you are dealing with this, yes the situation is life threatening. I am glad the enoxaparin was prescribed but the fact the clot was not reported to MO immediately means a break in the communication that is dangerous for you. Keep detailed notes on this in case something does happen so you can sue if there are extra medical bills. In you pocket for the enoxaparin does its job properly and tell MO to get back in sync with radiology so this kind of thing does not happen again. As far as the bloated feeling, keep bringing it up to MO as well. Not something I think you should have to live with.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    @snow-drop Sheesh so glad the IR dr was on top of things! Disgraceful that the radiologist failed to comment on it in the last report, unacceptable! I;m sorry that you are even dealing with this but so glad IR caught it. I don't have any personal experience but fingers are crossed for resolution for you.

    Mara So glad to hear you invested in a new washer as you certainly deserve it.

    Tanya In your pocket tomorrow for treatment , fingers crossed the SE aren't too awful.

    Another beauty of a day here for October, my walk today was just filled with gorgeous trees. Thinking of all here and always remember the group in my daily prayers.💕

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    thinking of you snow drop. I hope You get answers soon!!!!
    love too you ladies saw my ding bat oncologist today. I just don’t like her. Since the first bad meeting, I haven’t felt ok with her and honestly I don’t like her and I don’t think she likes me either. What a conundrum……. She’s very local and I don’t drive far anymore. But my life is like in her hands. I am going to give it some serious thought about changing.
    Hope everyone is holding their own. I’ve been so blue about my crappy year this year. I am shocked to think it’s almost November. Holy moly time flew. Hugs to all. Much love

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Wow, the apartment is hot, had to put on shorts and a Tshirt, sweating like crazy. When the cold temps come, I will be grateful for the heat but until then, holy cow is it hot and the building cannot adjust or turn it off due to stipulations of when heat is expected to be turned on. Thank god for all the fans I have.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428
    edited 12:36AM

    Hi guys, I’m going through the updates to see how everyone is doing. Honestly I am so exhausted and finding it hard to read and Absorb every update. The fatigue and bone pain has been overwhelming all week.I could actually fall asleep while typing here on my iPad.

    @irishlove I’m so glad you are safe from the storm damage. And I would have had a heart attack with my dogs missing. I am so glad that good Samaritan got them back to you safely. You must have been so relieved. And yes it’s so overwhelming facing the cleanup of storm damage. I can only imagine.🩵♥️

    @intolight I’m glad you have your appt with the PT for cancer fatigue. Yes I think that’s been my problem too. Let me know how. It goes. The way I’ve been feeling lately I don’t know if I would have the energy to work with a PT.. I’m already dreading Wednesday. I have to take that 2hourdrive to the Cancer Center for the scans. Another long day dealing with scans for this beast of a disease. Cancer really sucks.

    Hi 👋 to @micmel , @mara51506 @cookie54 @tanya_djamila @malleemiss251 . I am going to bed now . Good night 😴🌙😘 ♥️

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,642

    Shana - Thanks for checking in. I was wondering how you're doing. Best of luck with the scans on Wednesday - in your pocket.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 578

    In pockets for all treatments, scans and hopefully stable. Snowdrop, I think I'd change MO's for missing something so important it could have cost you your life. I'd also write to the supervisor of the radiologist. No excuses… I'm not sure but a plastics factory was destroyed in Erwin, TN. Lives were lost, too. I think I read somewhere that it provided almost 50 per cent of bags. No sure about solution distribution point.

    Humana has blocked me from receiving any more PT at home. A$$holes. I've taken three steps back since the last treatment. I'm too tired to fight right now.

    Thank you, everyone, for your concern for our pups. They haven't gone anywhere near the gate since. We were gone for 3 days to a niece's wedding in New Port Richey. Saw some of the damage along the way. Comfort stations set up between Daytona and Tampa for showers, laundry, etc. Hundreds of lineman trucks heading North on I-75. Hopefully they were going home to families.

    It was a lovely wedding as she had waited many years for the right man after years of sadness. Too tired to walk, so we just covered a block or two of the arts district. Lovely town. Stayed at The Hacienda Inn, opened in 1920's. All remodeled and done beautifully. Excellent restaurant. This was our first out of town trip since I was diagnosed. Might be last as it was hard on both of us. Also, shortage of gas at stations we had stopped at. Thank goodness our car gets great gas mileage.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Snow-drop - what a missed call! Thank God the IR saw the clot! I would think your MO would want a scan of some sort…..agree with others that a new MO might not be a bad idea. Just what you need in the midst of all this🙄.

    Pocket duty for all going for treatment.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Tanya, thank you, it should be coming some time next week which will be good.

    Irish, sorry your PT has been cut back at home. I don't think companies care that we need those things to survive by times. Glad your niece had a good wedding as well.

    Shanagirl, I definitely empathize with the fatigue, I have low energy most often and have to split up what I am doing into short bursts. At some point, some indoor marching

    Boosting budget with TV paid ads, mostly for pasta which makes me hungry and phone ads telling me to go to Disneyland. I am also planning to fit in playing games for some money as well. Got laundry on the go, basic chores to be done and not too much else. I have to say, I am used to the pump now so just using non draining washer. Takes just a minute or so to pump out the water Edited to add that the washer also took care of spinning and I do not know why, wondering if removing the extra water more with the pump helped, who knows but that is fine.

    Edited I took the frozen, battered fish. Defrosted first so I could split up into quarters and cooked in a mini griddle. Outside was crispy but on touch middle was still cold. Put the griddle cooked fish in microwave for a minute on high, took care of it. Also had to heat up 1/4 fish since it was too big. All the cooking and microwave did not take long at all. The baby spinach should have been chopped. It all tasted decent but was kind of a meh sort of meal. Nutritious but not too exciting. Next time, chop the precooked fish up in what ever I want to have and do different things with it. Got dishes in another soak for a while.

    I do hope everyone has a good day, in pockets for everyone who needs me.