how about drinking?



  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008
    I think beer would be okay but you have to watch the ph balance of your lawn. I have seen many a plant being 'watered' by many a beer with no ill outcome to the plant(s).  Laughing
  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Posts: 476
    edited May 2008

    Hey Buds~

    Yes, more bad weather predicted for today and tonight.  It didn't get too bad here this weekend, meaning no actual tornados dropped right here, but a tornado damn near blew little Picher, OK in NE OK off the map.  What's interesting is, Picher is one of the biggest Superfund sites in the country, meaning it's contaminated by lead due to being an old mining town.  The gov't has been trying to buy out people for years, because it's been determined it's just not a safe place to live with all that lead.  Some of the "oldtimers" were determined to stay and refused to sell.  As one old woman put it, "I said I'd never leave this house, but I guess God had other plans."  So it's ironic that this little town that is basically lead-poisoned practically got blown off the map.  Tragic of course, that there were several deaths...I can't imagine losing family members and everything you own.

    Linda - don't you dare waste good beer watering your lawn.  At least drink the beer first, then use it to water Cool

    Hope everyone has a good day!



  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    I was thinking the same thing as Donna...I would not waste good beer on the lawn! I hate to hear about all of the destruction and craziness the weather can cause. Very sad.

    I'm sure that there are a few of our buds that would like to ship some of their rain to you Linda! We're not caught up from our drought of last summer yet, but we are getting close ( I think )

    My MIL has her lumpectomy tomorrow. I'm hoping for a good path report. Right now they are saying DCIS, but you never know until they get in there and get that report back. 

    I have tonight off from my second job, I'm thinking a big glass of a Cab. and a swim in my whirlpool tub is in order. I should do some type of exercise but just can't seem to muster the extra energy with all of the working that I do. UUHHGGG. Hopefully I'll be done with the second job before too much longer!!

    Happy Hump day to all!


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008

    This thread has been a little slow lately so I hope everyone is okay?

    I need to be asleep by like 7 p.m. tonight so I think I'll open the wine bottle now.......

  • smithlme
    smithlme Posts: 383
    edited May 2008

    OK...I have some happy news to raise a glass, or two, to! My bone scans came back clear!!! YIPPEE! The aches and pains must be a combo of SE's and old age...I'll drink to that!


    How is your MIL? I sweated until my final path came back from my DCIS. Nothing else was found and NO MORE CHEMO!!! I'll drink to that too!!

    As for the weather's supposed to hit 100 today so the air conditioner's going...


  • New2This
    New2This Posts: 1
    edited May 2008

    I'm not part of the group, but I'd like to be!  I love my wine, and my beer.  I've REALLY suffered this week with my pre-surgery alcohol restriction.  It doesn't help that I bought a bottle of Dom Perignon to look forward to when this is truly all over (i.e., when my nipple tatooes are done).  Truthfully, I'd just like to drink it all right now!  It's becoming hot here this week and an ice cold glass, or two or three, of champagne sounds sooooo good right now.  Oh well, mastecomies are tomorrow morning and then I can have whatever I want.

    Hope this thread picks up again because I'd like to ask some questions about the Folic acid thing. . .

    New2This. . .but not to wine! LOL!

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Posts: 476
    edited May 2008

    Hi Buds~

    New2This - pull up a barstool and join us for a drink or two or so....Laughing

    Linda - congrats on your clean scans.  100 degrees already? Crap!  I'm dreading the hot weather (used to LOVE summer before BC & menopause) and also dread paying the electric bill that goes with the hot weather. 

    What's a girl to do?  Mix up a refreshing mojito?  Sounds good!



  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    Hi New2This and welcome! Good luck tomorrow with the surgery! Honestly....I would not wait until after the tattooes to drink the Dom, they make more everyday!! LOL

    Linda - MIL lumpectomy did not happen today. What a mess. I'm in Tenn. they're in Ohio. She had her IV in already to go get her wire placed and they tell her the surgery had been cnx! WTF!! I guess a breast radiology specialist saw the original films and said that with her size there is probably no way they can get clear margins without her being severely disfigured. She never had an MRI, again WTF! She is having that tomorrow and then meeting with the surgeon on Wed. next week. Looks like she's probably heading toward Mast. She called crying, I was crying, I called my Mom ( who also had BC and currently has  a mass that needs looked at in healthy? breast ) she was crying. OMG I NEED A DRINK!!  I had sent an entire list of question for them to ask the original Dr's which should have covered all of this. I don't know if she didn't ask or didn't understand. Well anyway....LET"S DRINK to YOUR GREAT NEWS!!! I'm very happy that you had a good report!!

    Hey drunk yet!! I have to work tonight so drink some for me!


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008

    HA! LOL @ Lynne! SO sorry about your MIL - WTF??? I hope it gets better for her soon. This stuff just ain't fun!

    NOT good news for my aunt - she has either ovarian cancer or mets to her ovaries. I'm not sure which is worse.  I hope to speak with her this weekend so any good thoughts or prayers are appreciated. Now I REALLY need to seriously consider having my ovaries out.

    It's just after 6:00 here in NY and I finally opened my wine. I need to get to bed soon so I guess I need to drink fast??? Tongue out


  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    This all sucks!! Hope that wine was good last night. I work tonight but will stay up late when I get home and have a cocktail or two, I get to sleep in tomorrow! We are taking the harley out on a poker run. Yea finally some fun!

    Well cheers to all, hope everyone is doing ok, been quiet around here!


  • junie
    junie Posts: 784
    edited May 2008

    dang, lost my post--will try again!

    welcome New2--have a drink on me!  Hugggssss to all with good news; hugggssss to all that need a boost!   Hugggssss to everyone!!!

    Glorious day here--sunshine, rain in forecast for at least a couple of days...noticed magnificent toadstools/mushrooms growing in yard from all the damp--need to watch our dumb dog closely when he's out!   More ramp has been installed at the marina so IF no more rain for a week, we just might be able to get out to the boat in a few days.   What weather we've had!!!

    Got a call today that no one ever wants--son was on way to emergency room (he lives 4 hours away from us).  4-yr old gd had fallen off some playground equipment and fell face first onto cement...she is not badly hurt--just really scraped and banged up.   They sent me a pic and looks like she did a round with Tyson!   Bless her heart--I talked to her for a few minutes and all she could say was "Gramma, I was bleeding!"   She'll have some big bruises tomorrow, but nothing was broken.

    Lynne--do you live close to Memphis?   We may be doing a Tunica trip in June--will need to decide tomorrow, but if you are close there, I'll buy the first round!!!   Donna, if we decide on Tunica, Tulsa is out for my birthday celebration! 

    Everyone, have a great week-end!!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008


    I LOVE champagne! 

    The weather is supposed to be GREAT here ALL WEEKEND!  We are going to the various festivals that they have, and this is the weekend that they start!  I guess that means that SUMMER is REALLY here!  YIPPEE!  Tomorrow is a festival at the Silver Coast winery, and Sunday is the Blue Crab Festival, in Little River, SC.  I just LOVE going to these festivals!

    Cheers ya'll,


  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    Good Morning!

    Junie - so glad you're finally having some dry weather! The sun really does shine! I'm probably 3-4 hrs from Memphis. My June is full! Two weekends I will be working at the Parade of Homes. Heading to Ohio one weekend also. Tunica would be alot of fun! Let me know next time and hopefully I can clear my schedule!

    Harley - sounds like you were going to have a good weekend! Winery and crabs...can't go wrong with either!!

    Better get to work, have a great day,


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008


    So sorry to hear about your gd's fall!!  I hope she wasn't seriously hurt!!   


    Do you work in real estate?  Do you sell NEW homes?  Sounds exciting, but I bet you are SO BUSY, especially on weekends!

    My dh and I worked at the wine festival.  He works at Belches & Burps, a hot sauce store at Barefoot landing.  It was fun, selling the sauce, giving out samples, and selling aprons and other various items.  The Blue Crab festival was also fun, but we were just 'civilians', and walked around, looking at the different booths, and the stuff that was for sale.  I got some more jewelry, we usually buy me something at these festivals.

    I'm not looking forward to Thursday...I'm having surgery to finally put that nipple back...  oh, well, maybe I should have a drink, or two...



  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    Harley - I am the office manager for a garage door company. We also do Phantom retractable screens -  central vacuum systems and retractable awnings. We just opened this office in January. Hopefully the Parade will give us a little extra boost getting started in the new area!! I also work at Wal-Mart evenings and weekends. I'm trying to get some of the medical stuff paid off. Belches & Burps...that's funny!! It sounds like you had a good time. I'm sure you're not looking forward to another surgery, hopefully this will be the last? At least that nipple will finally be back where it belongs!! I'm off on Wed night so I'll have a few drinks for you! Well anyway good luck hope it is an "easy" surgery for you and short recovery!

    Hope everyone else is doing well, it's been pretty quiet around here!

    Bottoms up!


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008

    I'm off to bed now after my 2 glasses of wine but I had to say "CHEERS" to Hillary for winning KY!!!  Smile

    Cheers to everyone else, too! 

  • Sam91
    Sam91 Posts: 80
    edited May 2008

    This has been a very quiet group lately - everyone get up and go to the fridge and get a drink!!!  I have one in front of me. 

    Have spent the entire day at the heart hospital.  MIL passed out this morning, they live about 2 hours from us.  Ambulance took her to a small hospital and they in turn sent her to Wichita.  They don't know if it is her heart or possibly a blood clot in her lung.  I came home and left dh with his dad there, couldn't take sitting around so much.  She isn't in any pain and wants to go home. 

    Better go clean up the spare bath and bedroom for the FIL.  Have a great holiday weekend!!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    Yes, it has been quiet on this thread. 

    Lynne, my gosh, you sure sound busy!  Your business sounds like it is very good!  I bet with all the new homes, you'll do very well!

    I am feeling bad, because I'm having problems working  just three days a week, at this little shop in town.  I don't think I am really cut out for working in sales, but I also have some medical bills; most recently dental bills, since we lost our dental plan.  I had a brown tooth, and had to get checked out at the dentist.  It was horrible!  I HATE the dentist!  They said I had a cavity in the one front tooth, and the brown one was just stained, and he buffed it out, and it is ok now.  Seems like it's always something.

    Yes, I finally got that nipple off my leg, and now it is back where it belongs!  I am a little sore, but I'll be ok. 

    Now I am just dealing with a bout of depression, and I can't seem to shake it.  I even considered just leaving this message board, for awhile, taking a break.  But, where will I go??



  • junie
    junie Posts: 784
    edited May 2008

    We've had company, then getting ready for the more company we have for the long week-end.   Step dau and her s/o and their friends came down.   Boy, have we shown them a good time!  HA!  Had a thunderstorm from hell yesterday morning.   Did manage to get the boat out later in the afternoon, but it was so windy as to be dangerous and the water still too cold for swimming.  Kind of a miserable ride.   The guys all played golf this morning with the intent to boat this afternoon.   But when they got home, DH said we'd better wait a bit to go out on the boat because it looked like another storm was coming.   And, did one ever come!   We all sat out on the deck watching it move in.   The lightening was fantastic--until it started to get too close.   We've seen a lot of storms here, but nothing like this one.  Don't think we had a tornado, but very high winds.   We all ran into the house when it did hit.  I have never seen it blow so hard.   It blew one of the doors in the family room open--it was shut but not locked.   The french doors leading out to the deck were bowing in!   And the wind had this eerie screaming sound where it was blowing around the doors.   I was terrified!

    It lasted about 5 minutes then moved on.   Our next-door neighbors had a window blown out and a tree down in their back yard.   Huge trees are uprooted all along the street.   We'll probably learn of more damages tomorrow.  We lost power for a while.   We just have lots of little tree debris in the yard and a few small branches.  We were lucky!  Doncha just love spring storms!!!

    Sam--how's the MIL doing?   Harley--don't go anywhere--come over and drink with me--bring a raincoat!

    Hugggssss to all--hope everyone's having a better weekend than we are!



  • lynne4
    lynne4 Posts: 50
    edited May 2008

    Finally back!

    MIL called us on Wed- they scheduled her Mast for Thursday. We had to wrap things up at the office pack and head up to Ohio. It went well. They think Lymph nodes are clean. Waiting for final path but they are thinking DCIS only. ( I did drink for that!)

    Harley - don't go anywhere....I'll drink with you. Sorry you're down in the dumps. I'm glad you finally got that nipple moved! I would tell you a joke but I'm terrible at them. Well anyway, hope you cheer up soon!

    Junie - Are you ever going to get done with this nasty weather??  Did you have any tornados close to you? I'm glad you stayed safe! Hope you have some beer stashed in your safe room!!

    Well lots of catching up to do today.



  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Posts: 476
    edited May 2008

    Hey Buds~

    Been off the boards for a while. Between work and yard work, (and house work, which I haven't done in forever) I don't get much "fun" time on the puter these days.

    Harley - nipples on the legs are so annoying LOL! Hope you feel better soon.

    Junie - we had storms here too, but sounds like you got the brunt of it. Have a cold ML on me!

    Sam - hope everything goes okay with your MIL...maybe you should have a cold one too! (or two or so...)

    J - been anywhere exciting lately? How's little Avery? Probably as precious as ever!

    I got my hair colored today. I'm VERY blonde. Never been this blonde before, just had highlights. Everyone at work will probably put on their sunglasses when I walk in tomorrow!

    On well, think I'll have a glass of wine and ponder..... (I've already had 2 glasses in case you can't tell)

    I posted about 20 minutes ago on another thread, and think I am having technical difficulties, so if this post is duplicated, SORRY - JUST GET ANOTHER DRINK AND GET OVER IT! LOL!



  • CAZ
    CAZ Posts: 94
    edited May 2008

    Hello fellow sippers and guzzlers,

    Glad to see there is a place for girls who just enjoy a good glass of wine (or more).  My weaknesses are hoppy beer, dry white wine, and single malt scotch.  Instead of implants, maybe they could give me two c-sized livers to fill in the space.  I'm not picky...B-sized would be okay, but I'd have to cut back on the scotch.


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008

    HAAAAA!!!!! LOL @ Carol! Yep, I need some liver implants, too! Welcome, welcome! I am currently off scotch (and most other hard liquor) but I DO like wheat beers so cheers on that.

    I myself am having some cheap Aussie wine tonight as that's what's in the budget nowadays.

    CG, thanks for asking about Miss Avery - she is a stitch! Oh, the faces she makes and the things she does! She tests my patience and makes me smile every day! I SO hope to be able to attend Pinkstock this year!!! Can't wait to see THE HAIR!!! Smile

    Well, after a 90 minute vet visit for my old cocker spaniel and a 2 1/2 hour delay getting back into O'Hare tonight I'm about done for the night. After glass #2 I'm off to bed so cheers to all! 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited May 2008

    Lynne,  Thanks so much!  I think I'll have a drink or two with you.

    Donna,  thanks!  The nipples don't hurt, but they are black!  The ps took off the bandages, and I have to keep them covered with gauze til they heal, but it is really so ANNOYING!!! 

    Now I need another drink!!

    Happy Weekend, everyone!


  • wahine
    wahine Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2008

    Hi Everyone! Just found this thread, and it sounds like a fun party! Can I get an invitation? My DH and I usually have "happy hour" every night...2 drinks each...usually wine or bourbon/diet coke, or beer. I grew up in Hawaii,and my parents have always had happy hour every night..they are 91 and 87, and healthy as can be. So, I never saw any harm in it. Well, since my bilat mast and expanders on May 7, I have not been able to have a drink yet, cause still on pain meds (drinks would be SO, PLEASE, someone, have a drink for me and tell me how good it was! My Dh bought a bottle of Dom Perignon too, but I really think it is too much $$$ and want him to return it and just get Korbel or something. We will toast with champagne as soon as I am off these meds!!!

    Okole Hau (Bottoms Up)!


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited May 2008

    Welcome Kathy! 

    Years ago (waaaaaay back in the 60's/70's) there was a fragrance called 'Wicked Wahine' - remember it?


  • wahine
    wahine Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2008

    Thanks for the welcome, Jaybird (my late Dh was J.Byrd!),

    Yeah, I remember "Wicked Wahine", but didn't wear it. There actually was a liquor called "Okole Hau" which does mean "bottoms up". I think it was made from sugar cane. Well, I am still on these meds, so can't join you all for a drink yet. But soooon........


  • CAZ
    CAZ Posts: 94
    edited June 2008

    Hey Jaybird,

    I've gotten into Aussie white wines recently.  My Italian whites seemed to double in price overnight.  Damn the strong Euro.  Understand the budget thing,  but remember happy hour is cheaper than therapy.

    Hi Kathy,

    I've seen you on the May SX boards, right?  Are you the one with drains for 3 weeks.  Talk about needing a drink.

    Hope you're comfortable to enjoy an adult beverage soon.  In the meantime, I'll have one for you.

    Carol (AZ)

  • wahine
    wahine Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2008

    Hi Carol,

    Yeah, I started the May Surgery thread, and unfortunately I STILL have the PIA drains in! It will be 4 wks on Wed., and I do see my PS this week, but they are still draining so much. I accidentally pulled one a few minutes ago, and it hurt like heck (I was getting dressed and pulled it reaching for my top). Well...I had some bad news to deal with today (unrelated to cancer), and worked in the yard a lot to take my mind off it, and decided not to take any pain pills so I could have happy hour tonight. And I did--I had 2 wonderful drinks!!!! Bourbon and diet coke, but I do like wine and beer too, and....umm...just about everything! Thanks for the drink you had for me, too! Oh, that hit the spot...

    Take care,


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Posts: 1,227
    edited June 2008

    Drinking as therapy. Yes, it IS cheaper than visiting someone in an office who has PHD (or similar letters) after their name!

    I love CA wines the best but the budget only allows for the cheaper Aussie wines right now. Am seriously considering scotch again as buzz per ounce may be cheaper! Tongue out


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