De Novo Stage IV
I'm wondering if there is a topic just for de novo Stage IV. I'd like to know how people found out. Did you have symptoms that led you to the doctor for an answer? Was it found out of the blue when you had another issue and how was it found? Are there others like me who have never shown it in your breast but only where it…
Zoom Meet-up for Those With MBC: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Zoom Meetup members to gather in between meetings for updates and support. Join our Virtual Meet-ups! For those with a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer (MBC; also called stage IV) Register: Mondays at 2:00 PM EST, Tuesdays at 1:00 PM EST, and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EST Young (45 and under)…
SSDI review with metastatic breast cancer - lose benefits?
I just got a packet of mail from my state disability determination services office, saying that they are reviewing my disability status. I was diagnosed with unnumberable bone-only mets in Feb 2020. I was on Kiquali/letrozole for about 4 years, and now I've sped through Orserdu, piqray, and now, Truqap just in this year.…
Are you dealing with infections or bandaging during palliative care??
Hi everyone. I'm starting this topic because I haven't found a similar one to help answer questions and offer me advice. I know I'm a rare case managing my own palliative care, in Asia, while under the care of a great doctor who's using both eastern and western medical traditions. I'm on hormone therapy (Tamoxifen then…
FDA Approves Dato-DXd for advanced-stage HR+, HER2- breast cancer
Traveling with MBC - Inspire others with your vacation experiences and tips!
Hi everyone! We have a new content highlight on Traveling With Breast Cancer, and would love you to share your tips, experiences, memories, and advice for those with metastatic breast cancer who are considering traveling, but might not feel well enough, think they don't have the energy, are concerned about risks of travel,…
Psychological reactions to aromatase inhibitors.
I'm sure this has been discussed on other pages but I want to start a thread specifically for this discussion. For the second time, I have had a severe neurological response to Aromatase inhibitors. The first time I was told there is nothing that would help so I quit taking the meds That was 6.5 years ago. I recently had a…
Our treatment histories
Hello, So far, I've been a silent member only, so this is my first post. I have been following many discussions regularly, and found this forum an incredibly helpful and encouraging place. I was wondering if we could have a thread to collect our treatment histories? Which drugs we've been on, how long we've been on each,…
CHEK2 Mutation
I was at my gastroenterologist last week. He passed on the following news adding that this is the first time (praticing over 30 years) that he has ever seen a risk being removed from guidelines. In August of this year, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines removed the warning that a CHEK2 mutation…
It's OK - No Surgery, No Chemo
Hi Community I haven't found this topic yet, so here's a start (if it's too long, I apologise in advance): I'm in Stg IV with the HER2 cancer growing from the right breast, and first discovered a grape-size lump in Aug 2018. I couldn't get a biopsy until June 2019 (SSA had cut SSI funds), directly before which my PCN said…
Enhertu for HER2-Low and -Ultralow Metastatic Breast Cancer
Enhertu for HER2-Low and -Ultralow Metastatic Breast Cancer Dec 12, 2024 Dr. Aditya Bardia discusses Enhertu for metastatic hormone receptor-positive, HER2-low and -ultralow breast cancer and explains those terms. At the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr. Aditya Bardia, director of the Breast Oncology Program…
Imlunestrant Plus Verzenio: New Treatment Option for Certain Hormonal Therapy-Resistant Breast Cance
Imlunestrant Plus Verzenio: New Treatment Option for Certain Hormonal Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers? Dec 20, 2024 Combined with Verzenio, this new oral SERD may be a good option for advanced-stage breast cancer with an ESR1 mutation. Read more…
Adding Ibrance Stops Growth of Metastatic Triple-Positive Disease for More Than a Year
Adding Ibrance Stops Growth of Metastatic Triple-Positive Disease for More Than a Year Dec 18, 2024 Progression-free survival was 15 months longer when Ibrance was added to standard treatment. Read more…
BRCA2 negative and now positive
Hello, I was first diagnosed in 2015 with early stage IIb. I had genetic testing done at the time and was negative for all mutations including BRCA1 and 2. I had a recurrence in 2022 and I had the Caris test done on the tumor and again no BRCA found. Just within the last month I had a PET scan turn up some swollen lymph…
Verzenio didn't work for me
Hello, I was treated for my 2nd round of breast cancer from 2022-2023. I went on Verzenio/exemesthane regimen in May 2023. I was supposed to do two years on verzenio, however I was just diagnosed with MBC. I had a lymph node biopsy done because I had 3 swollen lymph nodes in the retroperitineal region show up on a PET…
Stage 1a to Stage 4 in 6 years. 39 yo. Mets to liver & bone. Chek2+
Hi everyone, my first dx was in 2018 (age 32) after self discovery. I had a Bi-lat mastectomy and had been on tamoxifen. Oncotype 11 so no chemo recommended. ER+/PR+. Chek2 positive. Feeling great with no symptoms, I did a Galleri test this October 2024, which came back with positive breast signal. CT scan w contrast…
Just diagnosed with ILC mets
Hi, all I had ILC back in 2008. Had radical mastectomy on the right breast and prophylactic on the left. Chemo AC→T, radiation and 7 years of Arimidex. 16 years later I am back in the game. Still in discovery phase. Had FDG Pet Scan that shows liver uptake, had endoscopy that shows little spot in the stomach consistent…
Newly diagnosed stage IV
I am newly diagnosed. I am also a year into a systemic sclerosis/scleroderma diagnosis. Looking to connect. I am angry and in denial after the past five years of fighting diseases to now be diagnosed with this.
I was just now dx with skin mets
Hi, I've not had good news since forever—since suspected recurrence in August 2023 anyway, looks like I won't be getting any either. I had some red raised places — not bumps, not nodules, that would get red, then go away, etc. that appeared Nov. 23, the same month I was dx with St. IV. PET scan didn't show this. CTs-four…
Recurrence and Now Down the Rabbit Hole
I was dx in 2011 with IDC ER+PR+Her2-. It was in the left breast around 1.2cm. I had a lumpectomy, chemo (TCx4) and rads. I couldn't tolerate Tamoxifen so I took Aspirin each day as the theory back then was it could keep inflammation down and possibly ER+ away. So here I am 13 years later and my mammo showed I now have 2…
Remembering Shannen Doherty: Her Breast Cancer Story
Remembering Shannen Doherty: Her Breast Cancer Story July 19, 2024 Through her podcast, social media, and openness with the media, Doherty offered the public an intimate look at her experience with breast cancer that spread to her brain. Read more…
2017 BC Diagnosis…how are you doing?
Hello Friends:💐 It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in. I’m curious how my 2017 friends are doing. Have you had a recurrence? Is all going well? I’d love to know how everyone from 2017 is doing. I’m doing well. This site has been a huge support to me and I just want to thank you all again for your support. I look forward…
Anyone Stage IV Doing Complementary Therapies or Holistic along with Medical Therapies?
Has anyone looked into any other therapies specifically Jane Mclelland or Thomas Seyfried or the metabolism of cancer? Would love to connect.
Feeling like an Imposter
Six years ago, at age 46, I was diagnosed with Stage 1B mixed mammary carcinoma, ER+/PR+, HER2- in one breast. I had one surgery - double mastectomy plus bilateral salping-oophorectomy direct to reconstruction. I have a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer. I did not need radiation and my Oncotype score of 18…
My mom just got diagnosed with liver and bone met
Hello, l am from India, and my mother has recently been diagnosed with liver and bone metastasis. My family is considering moving her to the United States for further treatment. Could anyone please provide recommendations for the best hospitals in the U.S. for such conditions? Additionally, I would appreciate any…
Recent diagnosis
TNBC stage 4 Ductal metastatic 6.9 cm tumor in right armpit breast tissue, 3 cm on right breast, clavicle, possibly groin left side. Palliative taxol chemo & immunotherapy since the large one in my armpit is protruding out & would grow outside of my skin. 6 mo-1.5 yrs is what they gave me. Diagnosed 6/2024. Just finished…
First Post. Emotional support
Hello. I meet regularly with others in online bc.org zoom meetings. I am currently in treatment with MBC. IDC and ILC HR+ HER2-. I am taking Verzenio 100mg twice a day. Letrozole AM only and Xgeva once a month. I live with my sibling and his family. It is a gift in many ways but also a struggle. I found out this morning…
Vegetarian Diet Offers Physical, Mental Benefits for Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer
Vegetarian Diet Offers Physical, Mental Benefits for Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer Jul 24, 2024 If you have metastatic breast cancer, a whole-food, plant-based diet may help you think and feel better. Read more…
Which Type of Radiation Is Best for Painful Spots of Cancer in Spine?
Which Type of Radiation Is Best for Painful Spots of Cancer in Spine? Jul 11, 2024 Stereotactic body radiation seems best for easing pain caused by spots of metastatic cancer in the spine. Read more…
Exercise Boosts Sexual Health in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer
Exercise Boosts Sexual Health in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer Jul 9, 2024 If you have metastatic disease and want better sex, exercise can help. Read more…