8 years after first DX diagnosed with ALH
Well I didn’t expect to be back on here, I am a 8 year survivor. I got called back on my annual mammo this year and that pit has been in my stomach since. This time it’s the left breast. The memories come rushing back remembering that unknowns of the first few weeks are paralyzing emotionally. After the second mammo I was…
Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I had a mammogram in September, called back for MRI with and without contrast, called back for Ultrasound to see blood supply, called back to have stereotactic core needle biopsy. Report came back with mixed pathology. Left breast 4 areas of benign cells. Right side 6 areas of mixed type cells…
Results are in, now what?
I received my results Friday, as follows: Benign breast tissue with radial scar and foci of pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. Negative for atypia and carcinoma. Thank goodness for the negative result. No call from doctor yet, suppose it will be Monday or Tuesday. I am reading that a radial scar unless as a result of…
Podcast: Breast Self Exam
Breast Self-Exam May 28, 2021 Brian Wojciechowski, M.D., practices medical oncology in Delaware County, Pennsylvania at Riddle, Taylor, and Crozer hospitals and also serves as Breastcancer.org's medical adviser. He is a sought-after speaker on the topics of medical ethics and the biology of cancer. Medical and oncology…
Complex Sclerosing Lesions / Radial Scar....again
Has anyone had multiple Radial Scars? Is there such a thing as possibly being prone to them? In 2019, I had an abnormal mammogram which showed an architectural distortion on my left breast. I got a stereotactic biospy which showed it was benign but I still had to have an excisional biopsy. Pathology came back Radial Scar…
Exisional Biopsy Soon
I’m getting pretty nervous about my Exisional Biopsy Monday the 9th. The nurse called yesterday and asked if had bathing instructions. I hadn’t even thought of that. I’m putting fresh sheets on the bed, have wipes for sponge baths, easy to open pain relievers. I was not given any prep instructions. Any ideas on how to…
Any over 40.. Birads three fibroadenoma on here
I am a 42 year old woman who was told at a recent screening ultrasound that she had a birads three fibroadenoma that needed to ultrasound again in six months... With a family history, of breast cancer this scares me to death. Has anyone been in my shoes and they go on to be diagnosed with cancer. Also, has anyone made it…
All the vague symptoms of fibrocystic breasts.
Hey all, Hope everyone here is having a great week. I'm mostly having one, but I have fibrocystic breasts, and I've entered the PMS phase of my cycle, so I'm dealing with all the fun that comes with that. Last year around June or July I found a lump, got a benign fibroadenoma diagnosis and was told I have fibrocystic…
Please, bear with me, as this will be long and involves possible medical neglect/nonfeasance. I had my regular mammogram about a month ago and it came back normal. However, my PCP called me and said I have dense breasts and should get an ultrasound. This was my third mammogram and the first time I heard I had dense…
One swollen breast, no other symptoms
Hey guys, so I've been stressing out about this and can't find any answers that sound plausible and was wondering if anyone else has had something similar. The other day I noticed my left breast was pretty swollen--over a cup size bigger. It felt like it happened almost overnight, but I can't be sure. Definitely not more…
Biopsy aftermath and Benign Breast Conditions questions
My biopsy went easier than I expected it to be wore a cat mask to it ! The only thing I felt was the quick lidocaine sting that made my feet jump ! I did have severe anxiety before that I was getting nauseauated fearing it was going to be painful and for so long instead it wasn't painful and was shorter than I had expected…
Dent, Pain, No Lump - MRI reveals Mondor Disease
First, I want to thank all the heroic women and men on this site for generously sharing their stories and learning. It bolstered my courage as a self-advocate and enabled me to be more informed in considering next steps. This was a warm and comforting place to go when my mind took me to scary places. I offer my story below…
Subaereolar abscess and mastitis periductal.
hello, I would like to share experiences with other women who have suffered from abscesses in the breast or from periductal mastitis. My story began five years ago, when I noticed a lump in my areola. I immediately made an appointment with the mastologist, a biopsy was done and it turned out to be an abscess. In these…
Pain on left breast only when pressed. Help
I am 38yrs. After hysterectomy last year I had been having painful breast. Dr said it is due to hormonal imbalance. USG showed some fibroadenoma. 1 largest one was removed during surgery it was 1 cm and benign. starting at around 10 days ago in my left breast there's this pain that felt when i press on it. like when i wear…
Mastectomy for fibroadenoma?
Let me start with some back story. Breast cancer does run in my family, to an extent. It hasn't, thankfully, affected much of my family recently. On my dad's side, my grandmother had breast cancer. My great aunt had breast cancer. There are some other family members that are second-degree relatives that also had breast…
Question about 6 month follow up after benign biopsy
I am 63 and had a first mammogram earlier this year. It showed faint calcifications in both breasts. Bilateral Diagnostic mammogram with magnification was done. Ultrasound was done on right breast and ruled out any concerns. As a pre caution, a biopsy was done on right breast only. Biopsy showed fibrocystic changes, no…
Complex fibroadenoma?
hi ladies! I have a question. About 3 years ago I had a biopsy done for a lump. It turned out to be a fibroadenoma. I was 30 at the time. Fast forward to now I had too get my pathology reports for another reason and I see that that fibroadenoma also had usual ductal hyperplasia and apocrine metaplasia (sp?). So I Googled…
Dealing with painful fibroadenomas
Does anyone have any tips for managing painful fibroadenomas??? It's been somewhere between 9 months and a year of unbearable pain. Ive been trying to go with natural remedies but nothing works. Obviously I've also tried otc pain medications. Ibuprofen and naproxen etc. They dont work. Ive had slight success with icing.…
Sebaceous cyst that erupted under left breast on bra line
Back in May, I went for my yearly mammogram. I was called back because they wanted additional films of my left breast. Had the mammogram and an ultrasound. At that time, the Radiologist told me that he did not see any signs of cancer, and the area that they were concerned about was benign. He recommended that I come back…
Dimples on breast skin
Hello, i am 25years old. Does anyone know if dimples on breast skin can be benign? I have ductal ectasia, a fibroadenoma and cysts on my right breast and when i squeeze it, 2 dimples appear. I am really scared. I have an appointment for an ultrasound next week and all i can i find on the internet says about cancer.... I…
Infected sweat gland on breast, 3 different diagnoses
About 4 years ago or so I had found a lump on the inner corner of my breast like by the breast bone/ cleavage area. It was diagnosed as a Lipoma through an ultrasound. It got just a tiny bit bigger over the years and 3 months ago one day I noticed it was turning red. It kept growing and my doctor told me it was an abscess…
Duct Ectasia Anyone?
Hi everyone! I'm 33 and for the past few months have been having some pain in my left breast, armpit and collarbone. I had an US that showed a small complex cyst (not suspicious) and duct ectasia. The radiologist said that neither of these are likely to explain my pain. Anyone else have pain with duct ectasia or a cyst?…