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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Wow! Like I said, I competing with my husband for the computer today. He never gets to use it so I have to give in.

    DebC, Cheri, and Susan: You all just made me cry - but they were happy tears.

    So many friends I have made, so many new people to get to know. My life is different because of all of you.


  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2007
    DebC !!
    The surprised arrived today sshhhh, I don't want to spoil
    it for others. You are such a sweet heart !!

    Big Hugs ~
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    OOOOH, that makes me so mad!! I was almost done with my post and I wanted to add little song notes onto my message to Susan & POOF! It was all gone. Not in a very good mood anyway and now this. I can't type worth spit anymore. I don't understand why but I hit wrong keys all the time, forget to space, I used to could spell anything now I can't, my fingers & brain just don't work together anymore. Thank goodness for the back space. It takes me forever to post anymoe and that's why I can't keep up in chat. I hate this!!
    So, just a quick recap of my first post.

    Joyce, sorry about Kevins drains.

    Madison, careful driving.

    Deb, enjoy your ski meet. I had copied my silly little poem that was soooo me before I'd read any posts. I knew once I wrote my post I'd have to copy & paste to save it so I went ahead & pasted the poem. Sorry, didn't realize you'd posted such a nice story right above it. Lowsy timing on my part.

    NS, glad your dr confirmed clean scans. Nice to see you posting again.

    Susan, I know there's lots of times we don't say what's really on our minds so we don't bring others down.

    Vickie, Jan, Madison, Margaret, Jeannie, MB, Denise, hope all your days are going well.

    I have my 6 month checkup with the onc on Monday. I imagine he'll want a mammo & I know he'll want blood. I'm not even worried about what they'll find the actual visit doesn't worry me at all. I wonder why. I just can't fathom him finding anything wrong. Some of the other girls get really scared before a 6 month check-up, but it just doesn't affect me that way. I can't even remember what time the appt is so I have to try and find my letter. What bothers me is having to get real clothes on & hobble all over the place to get there & back. I am beginning to realize that my anti-depressants are not working. So I want them changed. Those little light weight meds do me no good. Something has to work or I'm gonna get that disease where you can't get out of your house. Baaaw, don't want that. Sorry if my posting has a brisk sound to it but that's the way I feel today. I'll be back later in a better mood, I hope.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Deb - you are a wonderful friend. Thank you so very much.

    Be back in awhile

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hmmm...surprise are coming in the mail.'s bitter cold and windy here and I have a really long driveway so I'm gonna have to bundle this scrawny butt up and go check the mail...
    Cheri...being a bit brisk today are we...needin a little pick me up? Ask away...sticky fingers is here and there is a party at NS's in the other what would you like? Love your cleaning name is Vickie and I'm a boardaholic LOL. I did manage to get out and get groceries, sweep, mop, vacuum and doing laundry now. Only have to clean the bathroom and I'm did the refrigerator too...did'nt realized I'd been so busy.
    Deb...oh my...what a wonderful story and message. One for all of us to follow. Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day too!
    Nicki...everyone thought I was nuts for painting my living room red but I love it so I don't care. Most of my furniture except for my living room set is "antique" too...hee hee...lots of roadside finds that no one else wants. Grab em up and paint or stain them and tada...just like new (well almost). to crochet and back to party!
    Glad that no one is upset that I started a different thread for our cyber parties. Thanks are all the best.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh my goodness. I have come to love the mail!
    Dear sweet Nathaniel made the trek to the mailbox for me so I wouldn't get too cold...he's such a doll.
    Squares from Sue that are simply beautiful!!
    Deb...the package arrived. All I can say is that I'm sitting here with happy tears rolling down my face. What a true gem you are. I wish I were there to give you a huge hug and a wet sloppy kiss...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Cheri my brain and fingers don't work so good together either anymore. It sucks and besides it's raining!! (at least I guess it's raining there) Go over to the party thread and have a drink.

    Back to the beach! I had to take a break and have some tomato soup.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    ((((DEB))))) You are one of the dearest people I know! I have been crying, laughing and dancing....THANK YOU. You really are an angel disguised as a human- I am certain of it!

    I am still trying to catch up here. I see you all are mentioning beaches- my beach in particular? Well, I took some photos for you today- this is of the bay side- I will have to do the Long Island Sound side tomorrow...

    nothing like a beach at low tide in the dead of winter- and yes! Those are ice floes...




  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Uh, NS, we will be at your house any minute!! Got any Nathan's?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Yup NS...we decided to bring the wagons and spend the weekend with you...surprise! I got your phish ice cream and Bruce over at the cyber party thread.
    love ya
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Deb, I just got home nad it's here. I love it thank you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    NS, this IS a cyber beach party and the only ice that'll be there is in our drink glasses!
    Check out the Par-Tay thread. You'll like it.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Ok you all are totally confusing me...
    I really need someone to let me know what is happening here!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Your surprise came today and I love it---absolutely what I needed today. I SO want to be you when I grow up!

    The family crisis has overtaken me and rendered me wishing to be under my bed with a martini but can't do that. Will try to catch up Monday.

    NS---so glad the official word is good. I had a wonderful beach house in Maryland but had to sell it after the divorce festival---so miss the place, can I come live with you? I'll take care of you after surgery----;-)

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 is you explaination that I posted this morning...under the Circle The Wagons Thread I started a cyber party thread so we don't have to weed through so many pages of parties to see how someone is doing.
    hugs and love to you

    Good morning all,
    Slept in a bit and then laid in bed thinking of you all.

    I have a suggestion

    I feel like we are straying a bit from the "why" we are circling the wagons. I love the virtual parties (geez...I'm right in the middle of most of them LOL) but I'm thinking this morning that maybe we need a new thread with our parties. Maybe the Circle Girls Cyber Getaways or something.
    I love the early morning wake ups from Nicki, the campfire, the cooks, the tents (the hoochie tent, the deliverance tent, the spa, the medic tent etc.), I actually, simply love YOU all.
    I think we can keep the humor, the pictures, the jokes here but I'm just imagining a newbie or someone who needs to be in the center of our circle popping in and only seeing square dancing and moonshine thinking that this isn't going to help them and backing away.
    I am only thinking of the weekend parties...not the magic carpet rides to appointments, the chocolate fountains, the silliness we all need.
    We need to go back to the wagons and circle. We have so many in need of being in the center. NS, the creator of this wonderful thread is only one...if we have her in the center or anyone else and are sending her good wishes and positive thoughts or prayer they will be lost in our cyber parties.
    Just my opinion...not expressing it as well as I thought it LOL...
    What do you think ladies? Circle the wagons here, and party under this thread with a different name?
    Love ya all and need our cyber parties!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 have exceeded your pm limit so I posted it here...hope you find it and understand.
    love ya
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls,

    Weird weather here. It was 77 degrees yesterday, severe storms etc. last night – 61 degrees today and now it’s 50 with 50mph winds, rain, sleet and snow. Good old Oklahoma. You never know what’s going to happen.

    Got a call earlier today, my sis-in-law who lives in Wichita, KS and the one who has been coming down on the weekends to care for the in-laws is in the hospital. They think it might be gallbladder. I told her she could have just called and told them she wasn’t coming this weekend.

    I also remembered the hard way not to lift something heavy while helping my friend unpack in her new home. It’s been a fun day.

    Nicki – yep eyelashes go around every 3-4 months. Fingernails start breaking around the same time. Wow – congrats to the hubby. How fun that would be. You could meet some of the UK girls.

    Sher – how was the day? Hope you enjoyed it.

    Vickie – what color is that? That’s the color I want for one of my rooms. It’s gorgeous. How do you girls paint when you can’t open the windows? The smell about kills me so I haven’t done anything yet.

    Madison – hope you’re safe. Some nasty storms in your area.

    Amy – you too.

    Joyce – that doc obviously hasn’t had a drain. I’d keep Kevin at home away from any germs also.

    Jeannie – hugs. One thing at a time. Sorry about the family crisis. Come to the inner circle.

    Margaret – my eyelashes were the only thing on my body I liked before chemo. They were long and thick.

    Deb – God bless you. What a great surprise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Did you know the Daffodil is the flower of hope? I got one on my last day of chemo from the nurses. I have them growing in my yard also. Love the story.

    G – Gentle hugs. What a great view from your house. I could come take care of you and walk with you on the beach. You are a strong woman and will get through this. We’re all here for you. Great news on the scans hon.

    Jan – my former boss went to Sturgis one year and my BIL went last year. I saw some great pics! Looks like fun.
    Cheri – great poem! Thanks for sharing. I wasn’t freaked about my check ups until my 1 year one. But all was okay as yours will be.

    Susan – Thank you! You are a dear friend. Are you thinking of driving to Pinkstock? Hmmmmm. Just thinking. LOL

    Hi to Denise, lini, Mena, oh crap my chemo brain just hit. Everyone else also.

    I have to say I appreciate each of you daily. I have never had more loving, caring friends than everyone I’ve met here and in chat. Thank you.

    Hugs, Prayers and Love
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, you know you're right, Sparky has exceeded her posting limit. Do you suppose the Posting Cops will get her? Then we'll have to bail her out of jail at her own beach party. Betcha a penny she shows up at the party thread. Curiosity will get the best of her. Although, she may not post since she's already got a posting warrant out for her. lol

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Mederterainin chicken breast, lemon pepper and herb rice for dinner!

    Ok Niki now you just have to come to PICKSTOCK with the hubby and then go to Europe! You acn do it it will be good for you both!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007

    CY - yummmmmmm! Thanks for dinner.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh no...the posting cops after NS...Vickie, Madison, Cheri and Nicki to the rescue!!!
    Liz...the color is called "Lady in Red" LOL! It's a Dutch Boy Paint color. I tried to buy the inexpensive paint doing the color match at Walmart...NOT a good idea...returned it and bought the Dutch Boy brand.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi All!

    Been having a quiet afternoon as the DH is off playing his concert. Watched a movie that I wanted (he loves his basketball) – Dances with Wolves (never saw it before and really liked it) and crocheted on the Tit Bit pattern some one created. I can’t wait to get a pair done, though I’m gonna be a little disgusted if I spent a chunk of money on the silicone ones, and could’a made my own all along….

    Deb that was a great poem. Brought tears to my eyes.

    Vickie – I agree, I think the Par-tay thread is a great idea. It was a little overwhelming this morning to log on and see over 200 posts from your Hoe Down. Looked like you had a great time… I was a party pooper and was asleep on the couch by about 8:30.

    Susan – I understand about not wanting to be a whiner, but I sort of think that if it’s serious for one of us to worry about or need to vent about, then it’s serious. I’ve never seen you suck any energy out of the circle, quite the contrary – you put lots in! And if you want a cyber shoulder, you can PM me anytime. I’m a pretty good listener.

    Cheri – I can’t type for beans anymore either. Somebody told me it’s the steroids. Even if it’s not, that’s the excuse I’m using from now on – whether I’m on the steroids or not!!! And I liked your poem too. I wouldn’t worry about the fact that your’s and Deb’s were close to each other… just meant I didn’t need to make a second trip for a tissue!

    Joyce – I’m hoping that Kevin’s healing continues. Those drains must really be driving him nutso!

    NS – what a beautiful view!! Though I don’t think the cyber party girls are gonna be doing much swimming. Brrrr. Be you have a lot of fun out on the water during the summer.

    Jeannie – Sorry about the crisis. Personally, I think there’s nothing wrong with hiding under the bed. Of course I’d better dust under there first or they’ll find me when I sneeze. Hugs and hopes things smooth out for you.

    CY – I’m heading to your house for dinner – YUM!

    Gonna go back to my crocheting now. DH should be home soon. I’m hoping that he beats the bad weather that’s headed this way from Chicago.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    aww, I can't type, write, remember or talk since chemo. I find that sometimes when I'm talking to people, I get all tongue-tied and can't find the right word. How embarassing! My Dad, his mom and his sister, all had Alzheimers. Can you imagine what's running through my mind??? I am cursed . I found that it is particularly bad since chemo. I can never find the right word. Sometimes I sit here, trying to post, and I can't think of the right word to save my soul. It totally sucks!

    I didn't take notes. Please know that I am thinking of all of you, Karen, Joyce, ((Kevin)), Mena, Lini, Shel, Cheri, Vickie, Nicki, Jeannie, Susan, Shirley, Madison, Amy (hope both of you are safe), Deb, Margaret, Armynavy, MB, Tracy, SoCal, Karen, Shokk, Odalys. Please forgive me if I have missed you! I love all of you.
    PS, Bridget, where are yooouuu?
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oh yeah, I made a Carolina pulled pork thing in my crock pot today. It was definately not a Southern pulled pork, but it was very good. As usual, I ate too much . Dh can have my leftover General Tso's Chicken or the pulled pork when he gets home. Either would be a good choice!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, glad you enjoyed my company and my coffee this morning. I'm not a very good weight's hard. I'm sorry about MJ.

    G, I'm so glad your scans came out clear. Best news I've had all week. Love your beach.

    Susan, thanks for letting us know youare available when we're not sure whether we should say anything to the group about our aches and pains.

    Hi Cheri, I'm glad you're not worried about your appt Mon. I don't worry about mine either.

    I'll catch up with everyone later. Have to go start dinner.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Wowser, unplug the computer for a day and its like reading a 200 page thesis. Yu's gals been busy!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    NS ,
    Lets's see, We have Shirley that will be doing the Bras Across America Quilt, using bras we send her that we can no longer use. Oh and she's having her gallbladder out soon

    Peggy was to get her mammogram Yesterday I think

    Mena only pops in every once in a while, we miss her
    even cheekscake didn't pull her out

    Vickie has already sent off one afgan and is working on a second one.

    Madison, was a cooking fool last week. made us all wish we were her daughters so she'd cook for us

    Cheri has been keeping late hours that even I can't keep up with cause I can't see straight that late anymore.

    Susan is doing well in her recovery although the exercises are a real *****

    Everyone is working out details so they can get to PINKSTOCK in Aug.

    Nicki has been getting us up every morning with Vickie right on her heels.

    Ok I think that's all my feeble mind can recall accurately.
    Anyone else care to fill in some of the things I've forgot?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Cy, do you have left overs? I just heated up a frozen dinner in the microwave.

    Jas, come on over to the Party thread! You'll have fun.

    Hey to all, gotta go make sure the posting cops aren't after NS.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Jeez, DH just called and he is sitting on the runway in Cinncinati and they can't take off because of ice. This just sucks!!!