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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Oh yeah Niki you asked what hominy was. it's corn that is all puffed up or something like that. My hubby says it's really weired. I'm worse than Morris the Cat when it comes to being picky about food, yet I seem to eat things that a lot of people wont.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Well girls, if you ever have the opportunity to hear Beth Moore teach grab it with both hands. Totally awesome conference. I wasn't expecting much except a nice day with a bunch of nice ladies but o my. It was a satellite conference. A live feed from somewhere in Texas. And O my can that girl teach Scripture.

    Nicki, I hadn't heard about MJ yet. She will be missed.

    Deb, I love the Daffodil story. Thanks for sharing it.
    I see I'm gonna have to haul my hindend to the post office. I love surprises.

    Cheri, that was you peeking in my window?
    Cheer up girlfriend. Can't be grumpy at the beach.
    I used to type for a living. Now I'm happy if I get three words down before hitting backspace.

    Susan, I do the same with the conversations with myself. I could spend my days whining about my owies but that would depress even Polly Anna me. Tho a good grumble ever now and then never hurts.

    Jan, the missing word thing really bothers me sometimes. I blame EVERYTHING on tamox. My all time favorite listed side effect is "Cognitive Issues".
    Honest to goodness I kid you not. That is on the list and I just love saying it. I have "cognitive issues"

    Off to boil some noodles for the man.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    CY, nice update

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Aw CG's I work on Fri nites, so I missed the Hoedown, but I'll check in at the Beach Party in awhile, NS, in our world, we only have sunny beaches, although I love the solitude of a winter beach sometimes, tonight is a Beach Party- NO solitude.

    Vickie- love the red paint, close to my kitchen color (red/white) and the party thread is a great idea.

    Liz- I bet you will find here and from many, the 2nd and sometimes third round of eyebrow/lash loss is common. They'll grow again, although mine are now thinner from the AIs I think.

    Amy- sorry to hear of the loss of you SO's co-worker, you will help her thru with understanding.
    I am also so sorry to hear about MJ, I knew of her, but don't think we have "spoken" Her family is in my prayers.

    Deb- you have been a busy girl! THANK YOU!!! I also loved the daffodil story, I have been praying for a sign in making a big decision in my life and thanks for the reminder, there's no time like now.

    Gonna run and make some Crab Legs for dinner, cuz I deserve them! See you at the Beach Party. I'll be the on with a Black Bikini with Silver and Rhinestone accents, Golden Tan, Long Blonde Hair, French mani and pedi and a perfect pouty red smile. LOL Just look to you left, if you don't believe me.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    I have that missing word thingy too. I can be in the middle of a sentence and can't finish it. I still blame chemo but I am on Tamoxifen now too. I also do really strange stuff, I put the phone in the fridge today!It's like I have a short somewhere in the brain.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    If you haven't read some of the posts on "where's the remote" you should there are some pretty funny things that have been "lost" or "misplaced"

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    I made notes a couple hours ago, but so much has been added since. If I leave someone out, I am so sorry..know that I am still thinking of you!
    I didn't have chemo and I still can't remember s***! My memory is shot, my balance is gone (never was light on my feet anyways), I work with Elderly and it's kinda embarrassing when they finish what I've started to say!!

    As usual, I'm gonna split this post in two, cuz I'm tired of losing them.

    Joyce: God Bless your little Kevin. Keep him home until he is ready for school and germs.

    Nicki: You mentioned a couple things (which I forgot..go figure!) Anyhow it makes me wonder if you have something to do with Group/Assisted/Nursing homes? Let me know, if you don't mind.
    What a wonderful trip that will be with your Husband this Summer. Rest up and plan on having a great time!
    Margaret: Still going to try and post pictures..Haven't had a chance to "really" try yet!
    Be back in a sec.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007

    OMG - I have not been on since Thursday night and we were on page 259 now its 268!!! It will take me forever to catch up. So first, I need to say THANK YOU!!!! to AlaskaDeb for such a wonderful treat. You made my day. Now I need to go and start reading all the posts. I only have about 15 minutes as DH and I have a study group tonight from our synagogue. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. karen in denver

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Back Again,
    Vickie: How's the toe? I've done that so many times that I just cringed when I was reading about you! PTSS..another beauty for the books. I've been dx'd with it twice. Gotta love dead head! I feel for you and for Baby Derrick..He is most certainly in the inner circle.

    Madison: Have a safe trip to your folks, I hear the weather hasn't been the best around you.

    Shirley: SO and decorating. That does not go hand in hand!
    My DH can build anything..No Shi*, I came home once and was missing a bedroom wall. The outside one no less! He decided to remove the wall, put a alcove in with a Bay Window and a built in Vanity for me. It's beautiful. But his idea of decorating is slapping white paint on the walls and they are good for 20 years.

    NS: I'm so happy that your Onc called with good news!!!! You deserve it!
    I'll be back!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH don't even want to hear about my poor toe. Gonna lose the nail for sure and hurts like crazy. Can't even cover up in bed cuz the stinkin thing wakes me up!! Geez...think I need some more of the moonshine from last night LOL.
    thanks for putting baby Derrick in the center...I am so worried about him. My boss teased me, said I'd take any stray kid or animal that came along...have to admit that he's right. Now if I could just find a stray man I'd have it made...preferably one who likes to paint!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007

    Cheri: Good luck with your 6 month check up. You have a great attitude! I just had mine last week..I'm usually not to apprehensive about follow up visits. But this time, because I've had so many crappy things the past 6 months, it played on my mind a bit.

    Susan: Thanks for offering to lend us your Ear! Very Generous and I'm sure you will get an ear full. (no pun intended!)

    Liz: Just read that your SIL was in the hospital. Praying all is well.

    Jeannie: Hoping you get some relief with the family struggles you've had recently.

    Deb: You gift, as I've already said, made my day. And it sounds like you lifted the spirits of alot of people today. You are a true friend to all! Also, The Daffodil, Beautiful!

    Good night to all!
    Love and Hugs,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ladies!!
    just woke up from a nap and ready to go back to bed...
    this head cold is really wearing me down big time... i thought it was getting better but today i feel really crappy:(
    so forgive me if i cant walk the perimeter but i will throw another log on the fire and off to bed i go!
    have a good nite ladies
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Denise, the thing you need to do with the elderly you work with is make them thnk you are not saying something and want them to finish it for you. Then it looks like you are just trying to get them to use their brains.

    Also on the posts, push and hold the left side of you mouse and highlight what you've wrote. then right click and choose copy. this way if you hit continue and you do lose the post you can just psste it back in and trying it again.

    OK there is some really bad weather hitting a lot of you today. HOpe you are all staying safe out there!

    The are talking snow here again, No I don't want any more! I want warm weather!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Hey Tracey, where are the pics of the Frenchmen???
    Hope you're feeling better soon
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Karen, some of us haven't recieved our "surprise" from Deb yet. I'm gonna pretend I didn't read about it.

    Tracey, if you get back up and can't sleep there's a heck of a par-tay going on over in the party thread.

    Susan, where are you? Big Party. We got there too late last nicht. Hey I even got the "Beach Boys" to play at our beach party & Frankie & Annette are even there. lol

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    I tried to call DH's cell phone and it went to voice mail . Don't know what is going on. I want him to be safe, but if he doesn't get out of Cincinnati soon, he won't be home for two more days.
    Oh, who was talking about eyelashes? Mine did not come out until the very end of chemo, and I lost them about 5 more times. Eyebrows too. I looked like an alien from Star Trek And God forbid, I did not lose a single leg hair. Had to keep shaving right thru chemo, although it was a little thinner. Go figure!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Jan, your dh is going to be alright. With bad weather his cell probably just isn't getting signal. Better to have him on the ground safe than in the air with bad weather.
    I never lost any eyebrows or lashes and I still had to shave my legs too. Back to the party.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Just heard from DH. He is at the Allentown airport and on his way home! Whew!! We don't like flying anyway, but the bad weather......SUCKS!! Anyhooo, he is safe! Thanks ladies!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Jan, glad your DH is on his way home. we had a little rain here so far, but that's all. keeping my fingers crossed.

    Cheri, I don't know what kind of antidepressants you are taking, I was on paxil and it wasn't doing me any good so I started lexapro. It's more expensive on my insurance but worth the extra money. We don't want you to turn into a recluse. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You are dealing with a lot of pain right now and it's normal to not be anxious to get out a lot. It's very hard to be dealing with all the surgeries and setbacks. I think you are doing an incredible job. way better than I would be doing. It will get better, I promise. And then after the surgery, watch out world, Cheri is on the loose.

    Vickie, I'm praying for little Derrick too. My step sister has a similar situation with her grandchildren and their irresponsible drug addicted parents. Debbie cries herself to sleep a lot worrying about those kids. Debbie has offered to take the kids but the parents don't want to give them up (even though they don't take care of them) and the State of Tennessee would take them and put them in foster care for a year while they try to prove the parents are unfit. It's just a mess and so painful.

    christine, I hope you made extra crab legs for me.

    Denise, don't mind an Ear full as long as I dont get an Ear ache.

    I want my present!!!!!!!!!!!wahhhhhhhhhh
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Aww Susan- there's so much Crab left, I wish you were here to help me eat it. Remember we have a dinner date soon, as soon as you are ready. StL is waiting for a visit. Maybe I should head west for a weekend on my own, with only the intention of spending some time with my on-line friend, maybe Cheri could meet us? I am a good listener and we all need our sisters.

    I have been checking into a trip to NY in Aug and it is cheaper than the Vegas air, but a LONG drive. We' ll talk about it. It seems like so many are going, it would be fun!

    Where is everyone at the beach party, I am beach bound!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Susan, you are such a sweetheart. Actually, I was taking Paxil for years then the onc switched me to's not working for me!! But the Paxil had kinda reached that point, too. Does anybody know anything about...hummm...think its called Cymbalta? I do HAVE to get out this monday for my 6 mnth onc check up. Will ask him what he thinks. But the Lexapro just isn't cutting it and I've tried Effexor and it was nothing. I didn't even realize I'd became so depressed. It sneaked right on up on me. lol It's pouring rain here too, just hope the elec doesn't go out. I reallly hate losing power. Know what I mean? hahaha

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    beach baby
    sing along and let's have a real beach party!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Christine, Susan has the words to Little Old Lady From Pasadena. Go to the other thread & find out what Shirley has. lol HAHAHAH

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    cheri, onc appt. where. I can meet you there and give you a hug or trip you and take a picture of you sprawled all over the floor. Your choice.

    Christine I was wondering how much it costs to fly to NY? vs drive. I think we should have a party in StL.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Susan, my onc appt. is in your town. Now if you weren't crippled too you could meet me over there and help me. But I fear we'd be the blind leading the blind! Incidentally, I must say that out of the choices you gave me, I would have to hug. I have enough weird pics of me. I don't know what time the appt. is I have to look it up, but I thought I'd give you a call & maybe drop by or meet somewhere or someting. You know I don't get out much. lol

    You know if I'm able to go to NY then we could have quite a fun time on a road trip, Christine, you, me and Liz is somewhere up I44 I think, on the way to st.louis. We'll see. Maybe fly, maybe drive my pink porta-potty.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    OK Mid west, MO gals, tonight I checked the road trip to Buffalo, NY on 8/2- here is what I found:
    from LaGuardia, NY it is a 6 hr road trip, from Buffalo NY, it is a 1.5 hr road trip. 8/2-8/6 from StL to Buffalo round trip is $243. (not bad) Then I would rent a car and stay in a hotel, Missouri or close by gals--Let us know, we could double, triple or quad up in a hotel, I am not ready for a camping trip, unless of course, I say I can
    not drive! Then I sleep anywhere at MB's happily!
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Wow - you are a busy bunch - like 7 pages?? How fun! I've been working on a side job and it's taking much more time than I would like! But it will finance my trip to Pinkstock in August. So here's the funny part - my DH has his 30th high school reunion that weekend - we can see family, do the reunion, and go to Pinkstock. Then today I get a notice that my high school reunion is the weekend of July 21 - so - what to do, what to do....I'm thinking I'll take two trips - one for family and reunion and one for other reunion and Pinkstock - what the heck? I spent most of last year not being able to take time off for FUN - only for chemo! It's either that or go July 20 and stay until August 5....hmmmmm...that's a thought too!


    GINA - I'm so happy you have official news of clean scans - what a HUGE relief that is!! YAY!!

    Susan ... and others ... DO NOT hold back your feelings from us - this is why we are here - none of us are bugged by them!! Ever!

    Don't have the eyes to read back and catch up - hear there was quite a party and that's great - did see the party thread - that's a good idea Vickie.

    Just want to let you know that I'm still here and love you all so much!!


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Just stopped by to tuck everyone in for the night.

    I'm grinning from ear to ear knowing some of my little packages made it I had such fun planning and making everything.

    Sweet dreams my sister-friends
    Deb C
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007

    DEb- you atre dream sister come true- Thank you for your time and dedication to our sisterhood. I love and as Bette says... "I'm Beautiful.. I'm Beautiful... I'm beautiful Dammit"