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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ginney, nice to hear from you. Been wondering where you were. You missed a great party tonight on NS's beach. But did she. lol

    Deb, it's not fair, all those girls got their presents today and me & Susan didn't get ours. *sniff-sniff*

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Gals,

    Yep, I'm up early again. I missed both parties, but sounds like everyone had a blast. Glad we now have a party thread. It took me forever to catch up.

    Cheri, I'm with you and Susan. I'm so glad others are getting their Deb presents, but I want mine.

    Oh, I forget words all the time. It's so frustrating. With DH I juat get mad and say I can't remember the words. But it's embarrassing at work or in public. It sure makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone. Cognitive issues, huh. Don’t like it, but it sure describes what’s happening.

    My onc. nurse called Friday with news that all my blood test came back good. Yeah! Having hit the 2 year mark, I graduated to an every four month appointment. Means one less dr. appt. for the year. But I had to make one with my primary. Onc. wants the neuropathy checked in my feet and insurance wouldn’t pay if she ordered the test. She’s so up on the ins. crap and knows how to work the system. Yeah. But that means, off to primary on Wed.

    Coffee is hot and I have biscuits cooking and ham frying. When you get up mosey on over. Your nose will lead you.

    Hugs all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Its crazy weather EVERYWHERE! Im here alone. The roads got so bad, my husband had to stay at his sisters overnight after playing at a pub. I could just hear the ice pellets hitting the windows last night. Actually, that in itself, is sorta nice - when your tucked safely in bed. I got so panicked when I heard the ice. Got up quick and found a really big candle, just in case the power went out. And part deux of this storm is to arrive sometime past 9am today. So I hope he gets home before that happens.

    To top it off, he has my cell phone. And since I have dial up, I cant stay on the computer for long - he wont be able to call me otherwise.

    Im listening to the news as I write this post and hearing that many of our sisters had bad weather. Tornados everywhere South of Illinois. So Im hoping everyone is ok.

    Brenda: Oh my, it was the aroma of the ham that woke me up. It smells so good. Nothing like waking up in the morning to the aroma of ham or bacon cooking. Im so glad about you blood tests being good. Whew! I will be seeing my PCP on Wednesday also. Cognitive issues? Man - I really have a difficult time pulling the right word together sometimes.

    Jan: Im sorry your husband is stuck at the airport. I was so hoping he would make it home before the storm arrived. I have an RX to get a brain scan in my purse. PCP told me to get it done if my headaches persisted. They seem to have magically gone away! Somehow, I just dont want them looking at my brain. Dont want them to see early signs of dementia lol. But seriously - this difficulty pulling the right word together is starting to get to me. Hmmmm as a nurse - I diagnos myself with expressive aphagia!!

    CY: Hominy = corn that is all puffed up. Now that sounds like popcorn to this city girl.

    Sherloc: Sounds like you had a grand time at the conference. Im er/pr negative so the only thing I can blame my memory lapses on is chemo!

    Liz: My nails have finially come back. It took one whole year. They were blackish blue and scaley. The would just peel off. My eyelashes did not come back the same. I used to have very thick ones - never needed mascara. Now they are so tiny. Same with my eyebrows. Last night, I had a funny experience - one I havent had since I was first diagnosed. Hair on my legs has grown back, but not totally. Anyways, last night I felt scratchy from the leg hair stubble. Guess Im gonna have to shave them today. And I have no hair growth or odor under my arms.

    Denise: I do work with the elderly, so I was smiling when you said the old people were finishing your sentences. Should be the other way around lol. Im a RN certified in gerontology. Have worked AL and nursing homes. Was Director of Nursing for many years before my diagnosis and proud to say during my tenure as DON the home I work for did not have any tags from the State or Federal surveyors. I have an easy job now. Im the Clinical Nurse Liaison for a beautiful SNF locatedon the North Shore of Chicago. I go from hospital to hospital to evaluate people for the home. I could make a heck of alot more money as DON, but I just dont have the energy, or ability to cope with all the stress that comes with that job. The group home is a different venture. I was asked by NAMI - which is the National Association for Mentally Ill - to be on their board of directors. They are trying a new project with group homes. Dont get paid for it, but it will sure look nice on my resume. In addition to being on the board, I will play a big part in evaluating those applying to go to the group homes. This group home is actually for the younger population. Mostly people in their 40's and 50's suffering from decompensating mental illness like Schizoaffective disorder.

    Karen: I was so glad to see you checked in. I was thinking of you last night and wondering what was going on with you.

    Tracey: Dang it, I hate head colds. Hope your feeling better soon.

    Cheri: Cymbalta is a great new antidepressant with less side effects. I am seeing it ordered all the time. Paxil scares me. Its an older antidepressant and has side effects - especially cardiac. So Im hoping the new antidepressant work. Just remember, you are isolated in your house. Cabin fever!

    So I heard a couple of interesting things on the news yesterday. One - that bc may be a virus just like the cervical cancer thing. If this is true, then they may have an innoculation they can give you to prevent getting it. I personally think - that may be the truth about all cancers.

    Second, there are researchers from texax who have been working on a creature from the ocean - forgot the name. They found it by the coast in the Phillapenes. Anyways, its toxin seems to stop cancer from growing - and no side effects like the current chemos. Wont be ready to try on humans for a year, but this Researcher/doctor was really excited about it.

    OK - I have to get off the computer. Waiting to get a call from my husband.

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning Betty...sounds good and I'm following my nose to your wagon! Looks like we need the trumpet to get our Nicki up for her early morning chat. So glad all you blood work came back less doctors appointment is always a good thing. I forget how to spell all the time! Drives me batty...I was always a perfect speller and know I can write a word and it just doesn't "look" right so I end up doing spell check LOL. Oh...just wait till you get Deb's present!!! It's simply wonderful and I cried!
    Cheri is a bit under the weather this morning...wake up sweet pal...we hear you snoring over there!
    Hugs back to you Ginney and happy to see you!
    I'm with Christine on the rides to Pinkstock. I live near Binghamton NY so if NS can make it down this far she can ride with me, I can pick up Jeannie in Syracuse and have room for one more...just let me know. I may only be staying four's hard as I have a puppy, two german shephards and a cat at home so I'll have to find someone to care for them while I'm away. Hmmm...maybe my DD will be home by then and she can come too! Oh you would all just love her...she's a riot.
    Gotta get in the shower, cook breakfast...blueberry pancakes this morning and head off to church but I will return.
    Love you all...sorry to all I missed
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    heehee..Nicki you snuck in on me...good morning sweet sister! Glad to hear that you are safe in this nasty weather and hope hubby makes it home soon. Hugs to you...they are predicting snow and ice here starting this afternoon through the night...I want SPRING!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Vickie: Seems like our bodies have the same alarm clock. Hope your toe is doing better. Good old fashioned treatment? Tape the sore toe to the toe next to it. Not much more you can do for a broken toe, but the tapping acts like a splint and does decrease the pain.

    See ya later.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    ok as usuall Im behind...
    DEB...wowo thank you so are the best.....
    I 'm just checking In and would love to catch up...but Gdaughters Bday and have lots to do...roller skating is so much fun,,,,
    I was checking in on Pinkstock...still waiting to hear from the hotels...will let you all know ....
    once again Deb...thank you
    Nicki...get that exercise are the leader of the Bikini parade this summer...
    hugs all.. MB
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Ok, girls, I cannot keep up with all of you! I'm a bit hung over this morning because, despite all my extra poundage, I am still a lightweight when I drink. I'm going to have a fistful of Advil and some coffee, and then I'll read the 8 pages I've missed in the past 2 days!

    Hugs to all,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies....
    hey gus i trade you hang over for this darn head cold!!
    ugh i feel like crap today again...thinking i will take off from work early and go home to some neo citran and bed... you know i must be sick if i am not drinking my vodka coolers
    well have a great day ladies... my head feels like one huge snot ball!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Cheri-I didn't get my present either-sniff sniff
    I started out at the party tread last night but didn't last long. I feel asleep watching a movie w/h Kevin. DH woke me up when he got home and I didn't wake up till 9:30!!! I never do that..must have been those jello shots I made last night.
    Brenda-Do you have any ham left? There is nothing left here. The motto in our house w/h raising 4 boys is you snoze(sp?) you lose. I'm heading to the coffee pot.
    I'll check in later,
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2007
    GOod Morning Girls,

    OK, I know it has been a LONG time since I have been here (couple of weeks) but 1560 NEW POSTS!!! Yikes girls. You are a busy bunch!!!!
    And I've missed a couple of goood parties. And I've been worried and keeping NS in my prayers and (I haven't gone back a lot of pages)it sounds like you have had some good news Gina. So happy for you.
    Madison, thank you for your card. It just came on Thursday, guess the postman had trouble with the snow.
    Tracey, hope your head cold gets better soon. I've been doing the Neo Citron thing for the last five days too. Buckley's night time pills work well also. Hope you're feeling better soon.
    Jan, glad your husband is on the way home. It is always a worry when they're travelling and the weather is bad.
    This week has been a tough one here. One of my co-workers fell down the stairs and broke her neck. She was home with her little girl, it was her sister who found her. She was only 35 and a very vibrant girl. It really put us down at work. Please put her family in your prayers. Thanks.
    On an up note, my son gets to go to Midland Michigan to participate in the North American Short Track Speed Skating Championships!!!! He has worked so hard this year and has done very well. Unfortunately I can't go with him as I can't get the time off work, but he is looking forward to it. Had to rush out to get passports as he'll have to fly on his own (he's 14)and we now need them to fly into the US. That is on Mar 16-18. I have to work nights and couldn't get enough shifts traded/off to go too.
    Vicki, Nikki gave you good advice about taping your toe to the one next. It's the only way to stabilize it. What is happening with your new nephew ?Derek? Are you taking him in too?
    Nikki, glad to see you're still keeping the early morning going.
    That's all I can remember for now. Must try and get on more regularly 'cause I miss you guys when I can't get here.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Vicki, I love your idea of a separate thread for the parties. They are so much fun, but sometimes our problems get lost in the silliness.

    My computer has been off and on the last few days, but it's finally fixed. I wrote about my dd's problems a couple of days ago, well, the appt here went well and she could go back to school, but has to come home again next weekend. So just as that crisis was ending we had another one. My 15 year old son threw a fit at the bowling tournament yesterday and my dh ended up dragging him out of the bowling alley, to our complete dismay. I was just driving into the parking lot because I wanted to watch the rest of his tournament and then take him to the theater, where he has been part of the stage crew. My dh shoved him in my car and we came home. ds locked himself in his room. I tried talking to him for an hour, but he refused to come out and go to the theater with me. This is a big deal, they expect 100% committment at the theater and he just wouldn't budge. Lots of things were said and I was a basket case when I got to the theater. I didn't even know if I could go on, I was so upset! I pulled myself together and got through it.

    Part of the fallout, was the cast party was after the show last night. My dh and I had been looking forward to this for weeks, since he is rarely ever off work when we have one. Because of the threats of running away, etc, that our son made, my dh didn't feel comfortable leaving the house. I went for a short time, but it was sad. I kept wanting to start crying the whole time.

    Today, I was so emotionally exhausted I missed church. Of course I feel bad about that, but more I just don't know what to do. We have our final performance this afternoon. Then we "strike", which is take down the set. I'm in charge of ordering and getting the pizza, so I have to be up to it. My dh has a ticket to see the play, but I don't know if he will come now. Everything is such a MESS!!!!! Idon't know how to cope right now.

    Deb, your gift came at such a perfect time! I know I can count on all of you. Thank you so much.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    sheri big hugs going out to you!!!
    i can relate i have two girls that are putting me through alot right now!!!! but i have to admit my oldest one passed her courses so far so i am proud... but she is a liar and does not seem to understand lying to me is going to get her into more hot water... my youngest is being uncontrollable at school... got kicked off the silver strings music group and kicked off the climbing wall...both such disappointments to me
    hoping today goes ok for you!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Just a quick hello today. Dh did get home safely. Now we are hunkering in for the big snow storm.

    Sheri, my goodness! It sounds like you really have your hands full with your kids right now. What a shame DH had to miss your cast party .

    Tracey, that cold is really hanging on!

    Nicki, I am seriously thinking of joining you on South Beach. I have got to do something before I'm completely out of control.

    Vickie, how's the toe today? Any more news about Derick?

    I just got done exercising (I hate it) down in the dungeon. I ordered two Pilates DVDs and I'm waiting for them to arrive. I think I am just bored to tears with my workout. When I was teaching aerobics, I loved to work out. It was a whole social thing. Now I'm in the basement staring at the wall. Ugh! Enough whining already! I'll just drag my sorry butt into the shower and then I'll feel better.

    Bye for now!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,

    It's Sunday afternoon, I'm back from NH last night after being away for a week. I have 899 posts to read, and can't do it right now. Unfortunately, I have really sad, non-bc related news to share with you all. While my son and I were in NH, my fiance moved out of our house. I sensed something was wrong when I talked with him on the phone, but never dreamed it had anything to do with me or with us. Luckily for me, I was able to get it out of him over the phone (that he had moved out and was calling off our engagement) so my son and I didn't have to come home to the house and not find the dog, Tim or his stuff. We are both sad, and angry and very confused. I can't explain, to myself or to my son, how he could possibly be so cruel. I really feel like it's something out of a movie or something, or that it's a dream and that I will wake up to find it's not true. Of course, I can't help but think that it has something to do with the cancer. I was "only" Stage II, but I am triple neg, it had gone to my lymph nodes, and my prognosis is... well, it is what it is you know? Tim has been in my life for 8 years, we have been together for the past 5 years, and he has been living with us for 2 years (he moved in when I was dx to help me.) We have been engaged for almost a year, and planned to get married this April. I am devasted, and my son is sad and scared. He feels scared that someone could just disappear like that, with no explanation and no goodbye, especially since Tim and Jake (the dog) spent the long weekend with us in NH before returning to work (we stayed up for school vacation week.) We had a great weekend. It's just so crazy and confusing. And I know I'm rambling now, so I'll stop. My ex-husband just picked Warren up to take him out ice skating for a few hours, just to get him out of the house. I'm going to do what I do when I'm traumatized, which is to retreat to my bed, and try to numb myself with books and TV. (For whatever reason, I don't numb myself with food, alcohol or drugs. I guess that's a good thing, when you consider I have a child to care for. But I also know that I need to keep functioning, keep eating, working, etc., and of course taking care of my sweet child.) So, I will try to check in at least daily. I know I will find strength and support here from you all.

    I'm sorry this post is so selfish and only about me. I know I've probably missed a lot in the past week. I hope you are all doing as well as you can be doing, that anyone waiting for test results gets good news, that anyone preparing for procedures (((NS)))) is hanging in there, and that everyone else that happens to be in a good place right now stays there.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007

    ((((Coleen)))) I am so sorry you are going through this. You are not being selfish. What can I say this really sucks! Take care of yourself today and know we are all w/h you in spirit.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    (((((Colleen))))) OMG! I can't imagine what you are going thru. How does one just pack up and leave like that? You had no idea? What is it with men? What was his reason? Oh I feel so bad for you. Don't think your post sounded selfish, because it didn't. You can't get help unless you ask! You know we are all here for you whenever you need us.

    Love & hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Colleen: Im just sitting here silent. Trying to figure out what I want to say. Such a sad time for you and your son.

    Seems like we hear this same story way too often here on this bc site. I cant help but think it is bc related. I just dont understand it, is all.

    I feel so very bad for you, as you lost a fiance' and a best friend (your dog).

    Putting you in the middle of the circle. Standing strong here to protect you in any way we can.

    To just move out like that without any explanation. That is one cruel, cowardly thing. I dont understand it, Im sorry it happened to you, and I cant imagine what you are going through.

    But we are here for you.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    DEBC, THANK YOU I HAVE TEARS OF JOY!!!!! IT MADE MY DAY(YOUR LITTLE SURPRISE!!!!)THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! Hubby just brought in mail from yesterday, what a sweet heart you are!!!!!!

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    (((((Colleen)))) so sorry. you not being selfish! that is why the circle is here.... my heart goes out to you.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Jan, hope your hubby is home now.

    Cheri, I have a friend who is taking Cymbalta but I don't know anything about it. Hope you fin something soon. I didn't get my surprise either :-(

    Deb, I'm looking forward to the mail tomorrow - I would assume that's when my surprise will arrive.

    Betty, those biscuits were cery tasty.

    With all this weird weather, I hope everyone is ok.

    Can someone tell me if it's Emla that you can put on an hour before drawing blood? When they take blood from this 78-year old 90 lb. woman, they can't find her veins and it takes them 3 or 4 times to find it. She has asked for the spray to numb the are but Kaiser doesn't use it.

    Sheri and Tracey, I'm so sorry about the kid problems. Sometimes dealing with kid problems is worse than dealing with hubby problems. Hang in there, they do grow up. My high school dropout finally went back and got her GED and then went to a nursing vocational school and has been an LVN for two years. My second one was not a problem and my son is now talking about going to work for a plumber as an apprentice.

    Colleen, I read your post and am so sorry you are having to go through this. Your post was not selfish at all, Tim is. I cannot even imagine someone picking up and leaving with no explanation. I wish I could physically give you a big hug but will ((((((cyberhugs)))))) do?

    More later.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007

    Girls - I went back and edited my post. I am truly sorry if I ruined the surprise for anyone. I just finishesd catching up on all the post. Need to go - Miriam is waiting for me to bake cookies - she's been waiting 1/2 hour. Will post tonight. Again, my apologies to anyone I ruined the surprise for. Karen in Denver

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon ladies. Kind of slow around the circle today. Didn't have near the posts to read as I usually do.

    Betty, thanks for the biscuits & ham. I followed my nose.

    Nicki, Praying you don't get an ice storm that knocks your power out. I hope if you do you have alternative heat, flashlights, candles, canned goods, nothing much to waste in your freezer or fridge, lots of blankets, battery powered radio, charged up cell phones, the old fashioned corded phone cos it'll work if the power goes out but not a cordless phone, cell phone charger in your car, plenty of non-parishable groceries, and whatever else you can think of. Been there, done that. 11 very long days. BTW, is Cymbalta a lightweight drug like Zoloft or Effexor or is it a stronger one? I have a high tolerance to meds.

    Vickie, I broke my little toe twice within a couple of months. Those things hurt, turned the top of my foot black.
    You left the party early last night so Christine and I had to shut it down by ourselves. A few scragglers stopped

    MB, have fun skating. I used to love to skate.

    Tracey, get some rest & feel better. You're very descriptive about your head cold. lol

    Lynn, so sorry about your co-worker. On the other hand, I'm happy for your son.

    Jan, glad dh made it home safely. Had a great party last night.

    Colleen, that lily-livered ass! You did not deserve to be told on the phone and he's a coward for moving out while you & your son were gone. Just don't turn it around and make it your fault in your mind. There's no excuse for the way he left you. I read on here everyday that another husband or boyfriend have walked out. What is it with these little boys, they're certainly not men. I was telling my dh the other day about all the men that leave and he said he didn't understand how any man could leave his wife when she was going through such a hard time. He's a keeper.

    Hey to Sue, Joyce, Sherri, Michelle, Karen, Deb, Mena, NS, Carrie, Denise, Shirley, Christine, Brenda, Margaret, and anyone else I've mistakenly missed. Wishing you all a good day & nice evening.

    I was thinking my 6 mo. onc visit was the 26th. I looked through some stuff to find the time of the lab & appt. Well, seems I missed my appt. my paper says the 22nd at 10:40. Hmmm. I do believe that was last thursday. Shoot. I can't remember spit! I usually write it on the calendar but didn't this one. So now i have to make another soon cos I need my port flushed. I just cannot believe I did that I'm so aggravated. I can't remember, can't type, can't write, can't even spell. I used to could do all those things pretty well. Like with the typing my brain knows where the keys are but it's like it just can't get the message sent down to my fingers! lol I think that may be why I have such a hard time making those turns in crocheting. I just dunno.

    Well, my dd is here to make another trip through my house to pick up anything she's decided she wants and didn't already get. Geez. She's moving my computer back in the living room for me so she can have this computer stand. I like my other one better. They moved me in the kitchen over Christmas with the computer cos I was in the way of the tree so we had to buy a smaller stand to fit. They are here, must go for now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH MY Colleen...I am sooo very sorry. Somebody bring out the deliverance tent. You are in no way being selfish!! Don't ever think that. I'll pm you later when I have a chance to calm down about this. I don't understand men at all but I'm sending you a warm hug.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    ((((Colleen)))) That is a really crummy thing for him to do. You are in my thoughts.

    ((((Sheri)))) Sorry to hear about your family troubles. I'll be thinking about you, too!

    Margaret - Yes, Emla is the cream that can be used to numb an area. I was given a prescription to use on my port. It is very tender after so many weekly sticks.

    DebC - Thank you so much! You are such a sweetheart. I love it lots.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Lisa: Oh it was so ggod to hear from. Congratulations on your son. You must be very proud. What an awful story for a 35 y/o to fall and break her neck. I hope everything works out ok for her and that there is no paralysis.

    Sheri: Just sending you hugs. Your hands are full right now. What do you think cause your son to just breakdown like that? Your nerves must be frayed.

    Jan: I will join you in the "I hate exercise" chorus. Im making myself do it. And it aint easy, cause I could easily come up with many excuses.

    Cheri: Im laughing my arse off. "That lily livered ass." Now that was good.

    Ok - gotta go. Hello to eveyrone I missed. I will catch up with you all in the morning.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2007

    The sad part was that she died immediately! Her funeral was yesterday and so as a unit we are trying to deal with it.

    On a happier note, this PINKSTOCK sounds like fun. I am going to have to see if I am off that weekend. I have a chance at a permanent position and so may not have much time off this summer.

    Colleen, can't believe the man would do such a thing. Coward! ((((()))))

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies,

    I finally had a chance to sit down for a few minutes and read some of the posts that I’ve missed this weekend. I always seem to miss the parties!!!

    I’ve been spending my free time getting all my documentation together for my first meeting with the special ed department at the elementary school that my son will be attending in the fall. I’m very nervous about him transitioning away from his small, private kindergarten to a much larger school, so I hope that I can get him the supports that he needs!

    Betty – Great news on your blood test results!

    NS – So glad to hear that you got the ALL CLEAR! You are in my prayers every day!

    Lynn – So sorry to hear about your co-worker. I can’t get the thought out of my mind that she was home alone with her child when it happened.

    Vickie – I love the color you painted your room. I’ve been thinking about doing one wall in my family room the same color. I just need to convince DH that he wants to move the heavy furniture. Hope your toe is feeling better!

    Susan – I know what you mean about not wanting to be a “downer”. I always keep to myself when I’m feeling sad. Please remember that there is always someone here to listen when you are ready to talk.

    Jan - Glad to hear that your hubby got home safe. Be careful in that storm, and don’t send it over to NH!

    Tracey – I can’t believe how long that head cold is hanging on! My DH has had a nasty cold for two weeks, so I know how frustrated you must be. Feel better soon!

    Sheri – I have no great advice, but I wanted to send big hugs to you!

    Colleen - Big hugs to you too! I just don’t understand how anyone could leave without an explanation, and I’m so sorry that this is such a difficult time for you and your son.

    Cheri - I think we should make a sign for the Deliverance Tent that says “Home of the Lily-Livered Ass” ! LOL

    Sending hugs to Ginney, Deb, Christine, CY, Sherloc, Denise, Karen, MB, Margaret, Joyce, Michele, Nicki and everyone else who I’ve missed!

    Love to all,
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2007
    I do not always have a computer available as I help my elderly parents;anyway,I have been catching up and reading this marvelous thread. Thank you for allowing us to be included in the group even when we can only share the "spirit".When I see that 270 pages have been written, I know there are some really caring friends out there.

    Deb,I never was so surprised as when I went to my PO Box this afternoon. What a wonderful gift you sent to me and just to be included in this group! WOW! I had tears opening it as this can be a lonely journey and full of ups and downs! Thank you ever so much for this gift of friendship and I will treasure it always. You are simply the best!!

    Again,thanks for the support for non-posters such as myself. I do enjoy the posts and am grateful for this website. All the best to everyone and may the week go well.


  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    hey Cg's just checking in to say sweet dreams. I haven't been on line in a while, I joined the gym so in between working and doing that I haven't had much time. I do pray for each and everyone of you everyday! and not to spoil Deb's surprise but now I can carry you all with me everywhere I go!!!! Yeah Deb!
    well good night ladies sweet dreams!!!1