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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, I'm so sorry for what you went through. Tim is a loser. I'm sorry that your son has to feel abandoned. Climb into the middle of the circle so we can take care of you. Come back and ramble whenever you need to.

    Sheri and Tracey, so sorry about the misbehaving kids. I hope it gets better.

    Chemo and all you who live up north. Hope you don't get snowed in. or worse lose electricity. aarrrgh!!

    Cheri, don't worry about it. call your onc and make another appointment. As you get farther away from chemo it gets easier to remember things.

    I have a question. I just had my mammogram in january. The did an ultrasound of my scar area from my lumpectomies. Yesterday I noticed one area of the scar felt very sore and a little lumpy. today it's not so sore but still lumpy but then it's always a little lumpy along my scar. There is one small area that concerns me. Do I call the onc. I guess they could order another ultrasound. oh goodness. I'd rather forget about it. I hate having to worry about this crap. I want to move to denial land.

    hope you all are having a good evening!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening,
    I haven't had much Computer Time today, so I'm gonna post before I read everything!
    Susan: I'd call the Onc and let him know. Of course I'm good at advice and bad at taking my own advice. I went through a couple weeks of a very sore boob, but didn't feel any lumps. Just the regular, hard scar tissue with a big dent in the middle. pm me if you want more details. Nothing really came of it.
    Cheri: The beauty of depression is that it doesn't always mean you are walking around in doom or fear. It often follows a life altering event, and cronic illnesses. Nothing to be ashamed of. Get the help you deserve.
    I am on Paxil...What's this about Cardio problems?

    Nicki: Your job sounds very interesting! I've worked with the special population for years. I used to work in a TBI Center. Loved it as most of the residents were 30 to 40 in age. When I moved I went to a AL for a while and then found my way into homecare and hospice. I've slowed down alot, and can't manage the lifts that I used to do.
    Colleen: I am so sorry for you. You need time to digest it all, then come back and we will rip him apart for you!
    Cy: Thanks for the tip on posting. Hopefully this computer illerate brain will allow me to figure it out!
    Betty: Good News!!!! We like Good News!
    Lynn: I am speechless over your co-worker. How sad and heartwrenching. Prayers for all.
    Love and Hugs to all that I have missed. I'll try and get back after I do some reading!
    Love and Hugs,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Iris good to see you hope the parents are doing well.

    Colleen, (((Hugs))) my dear. I suppose he was trying to make it easier on you & your son, but after that long together it's never easy.

    Tracey & Sheri, try to think positively for the kids. Hopefully they'll get it together. This journey you've been on has affected them too. It isn't easy anytime the act out but I pray they will see how much you love them and they'll turn themselves around and head down the proper path.

    Susan, the lumps my be scar tissue. Do you massage them to break them up? I know I have more lumps since rads, but the mamogram was good. But if in doubt call your Doctor.

    HUgs & Prayers
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Today was a much better day! When I was ready to leave for the theater, I asked my son if he wanted to go since it was the last show. He had been locked in his room since last night, so I really didn't expect him to, but to my surprised he did. He was quiet and some of the cast weren't quite sure what to say to him, but I am really glad he came. The show went well and we cleaned up and had a pizza party afterward. It is always really sad when a show ends. It's kind of like summer camp. You get really close to this group of people and then you go your separate ways. Some you still see periodically, but others you might not. There are auditions tomorrow and I thought about going, but I really don't know if I'm ready to do another one. I told my dh I'd go if he goes with me for moral support. We'll see.

    Colleen, I am so sorry about what happened. So much fall out in our lives. I'm sending you a hug.

    Hoping for a good week for all of us!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Since I last came here, there have been 757 new post!!!!!! I certainly don't have the time to go back and read these now.

    I've been working both lunch and evenings this past week along with Sat. morning training a new teenager. Will be doing that again this week. I'm so tired when I get home around 8:30 or 9:30 in the evenings, I just don't have the time or energy to post.

    Guys, it has been a hard 3 days. This summer a very good guy from our church was found to have a brain tumor which was very, very aggressive. They did surgery and he had radiation and they had hoped to give him 5 years but at least 2-3 good years. I think his surgery was in late June or early July. He has not been doing well and this week the MRI showed new tumor. They had thought of replacing his shunt and relieving pressure from fluid collection on the opposite side of his brain, but the surgeon told the family that he would probably die from the brain tumor before he would recover from the surgery. Hospice has been called in. I know his wife, daughter and one son very well and am close to them.

    Last evening around 7, got a phone call that another gentleman from our church had tragically died from a fall while working in a tree stand on his farm in S.C. His wife and I sat beside each other in choir for years and she has been so good to me before, during and after, my breast cancer. She is just a very good, gentle, caring woman. Her husband just turned 65.

    It is just one of those times that life gets hard - there seems to be so much hurt, pain and suffering. Please keep these families in your prayers; just as we keep each other in our prayers.

    I miss you guys. I know I have much to catch up; it will probably be a skimming thing when I get to it. I hope things settle down some after this week, we'll see. At least hubby's back is 85% better so not having to cover for him as much on the slicing of meats and cheese.

    Take care.

    Love and hugs, Brenda
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    Brenda, how awful to have 2 sad situations so close. Here's a hug from me!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, sending prayers out for family and freinds. Glad the hubby's back is responding well to the treatment.

    OK I need to get some sewing done. bbl
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi Iris, come join our circle anytime. If you want to be one of us then thats all it takes. We welcome anyone who wants to join or if you just want to browse and post occationally then you are welcome.

    Now are you city girls makin' fun of an ole country gal like me? lol I do consider any man that would tell a woman over the phone after 8 yrs that he's leaving & then move out while her & her son are gone, at the very least he's a 'lily livered ass'! And I think she said he took the DOG?? Now in my neck of the woods you can take alot of things but ya know better than to take the dog! Any man that'll take the dog is lower than a snakes belly. I actually have several colorful phrases for this man but even tho they wouldn't be too familiar they would be colorful. so best leave it as lily livered ass! lol

    Babysitting tonight. Sure not much trouble. The two older boys are in their room playing video games and the baby is playing with grandpa. They go to bed in another hour so it's been quiet. My dh & I both would like to have Ethan, 5yrs, to ourselves for one night but that wouldn't be fair. So we have them all.

    NS, you sure know how to throw a party. Ahem.

    Mena, missed you at the Beach Party last night.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Sending hugs to Brenda, Colleen, and Lynn. What a rough week for you.
    NS...thinking of you and missing you. Hope your spirits are up and you are feeling well. Love ya. girl here too so I totally agree with everything you said.
    Sheri...glad your son went with you. Sending you hugs. nice to see your smiling face...are you feeling better?
    A bit down in the dumps so I'm grabbing my afghan that's almost done and heading to bed with it.
    Sorry to all I missed...I love you all and you are all in my heart and prayers.
    Sweet dreams dear sisters
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Colleen - I'm speechless - I am so sorry - that is such a...I don't know - it's a lousy thing to do. Stay in the circle while you work through this...

    DebC - I'm crying - thank you so much...words escape me again....

    I'm sorry I missed a lot of CGs here - I've been so busy working that I simply cannot be on this computer one minute more tonight!! I'm going to watch the Oscars and escape tonight!

    Much love and hugs to you all.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, it's so good to see you post! It seems like its been such a long time. So sorry for your friends & their families.

    Susan, yeah, I'll have to make another appt. My lumpectomy/reduction scar is big and the breast has always been heavier, little tender under my arm with a lumpy, bumpy feeling to it. My onc says its scar tissue. But you know your own body better than anyone & know when something doesn't feel right. If you think you need to call your dr then do so.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, I am so sorry about all you are going through. I know you are such a warm hearted and giving person that if one person hurts it hurts you. My prayers are with your friends and with you.

    Sheri, you have been on my mind thinking about you and the play! I am so sorry things have been in such a distraction for you. I hope your son is feeling better and it sounds like your dd is on her way. I WISH I could have seen your performance!! I know you probably already know this, but the little boy who is your "nephew" is really Truman Capote. Supposedly she knew him when they were children...Did you know that?

    Lynn, that is such a tragic story. I am SO SORRY!!! But very exciting news about your son! Will it be televised so we can watch him?

    Tracey, i hope you are feeling better and your daughters start making life easier for you!!

    Sue, good luck with getting a good school for your ds. I know how important that is.

    Cheri, make sure you make another appointment. Sorry about this "party" you all keep talking about but from what i gather it was in New Jersey and I live in NY! SO that might be WHY I missed it! LOL!

    Colleen, I cannot believe what I read. HOW could he do that to you and Warren? And NO it isn't because you are triple neg! It is because he isn't fit to lick your shoe! SHAME ON HIM for not having the courage to properly end things. I could say a lot more but I am going to edit myself right now!!! I am just SO SORRY. But better you know what a weak kneed namby pamby spineless weasel is his NOW before you are married!

    Nicki, you got another storm?? stay warm!! We have snow expected tonight.

    Vickie thank you for your explaination that you gave me!

    Sweet Susan- DON'T WAIT- get it checked. Better to get it checked and it is nothing than to to not get it checked and it is something and has a chance to do any damage.

    I am missing mentioning a bunch of you- I didn't read that far back- I really have to catch up here.

    I have to say I am starting to get pretty nervous about everything- almost to the point of asking for a lumpectomy instead.

    I meet with both docs this week- I am sure they will reassure me!

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls,
    I've been away a few days and oh my don't have time to read all the posts I've missed. Want to say hi and send hugs to all.
    Just had to say also ((((DEB)))) you are such a sweetheart.
    Got my package in the mail and felt like it was Christmas. Felt all giggly and at the same time had tears. Just full of emotion!!!! Thank you, Thank You. Don't want to ruin anyones surprise so will just say I am already having fun with the contents.
    Love to all.
    I'll try to catch up in a few days.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Evening ladies,

    Iris, glad you like being in the circle. The support here is great.

    Michele, congratulations on continuing to go to the gym. Keep it up.

    Susan, call the onc - I'm sure it's nothing but peace of mind is everything.

    Sheri, glad today was a better day.

    Brenda, sorry about your friends. I will be saying an extra prayer for the families when I am awake at the divine hour.

    It's quiet here tonight - everyone must be watching the Oscars.

    G, did you ever find a front hook bra? If not, PM me and I'll pick up one here for you. Good luck with your dr appts this week; we'll be with you.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG's,

    Thank you to everyone for your well wishes for my dad. I talked to my mom to day and she is a wreck - she doesn't want to talk about the situation with my dad and she even chewed my hind end off - then she calmed down when I got Pi*** with her back. She is going to send me name/number of doctor and PT and I am going to call them. Doc told mom it was due to dad's age - so why did doc due the surgery then!!! Heck - dad is only 76!!! He is not coming home at this time - still not weight bearing. Its hard to deal with since my mom can't deal with it. When she asked me how I was doing, I just said "okay". I don't tell her really how I am doing. But thanks again for all your well wishes.
    Joyce - I tired to pm you, but it wouldn't go through - I put a package in the mail for Kevin this afternoon - will probably not go out till tomorrow and hopefully it will arrive on wed. I forgot to put a note in it - just tell him its from a "friend in denver".
    Nicki - I'm so happy to hear that DH tour is rescheduled and you get to go - you will have to keep us updated on it. I didn't think to ask my DH to join us at pinkstock (I still want to call it pinkfest) - may ask him if he wants to come. I think he would like to talk to other spouses.
    Vickie - your living room is so gorgeous. Enjoy!!!
    NS- glad your onc called and confirmed the "good news", Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. Try Wal-Mart for front do up bras - thats where I got mine post mastectomy and they were only $8.00 and relatively comfy. I think I needed to wear it about one month 24/7 after the drains came out.
    Deb - I love the daffodil principle. You are so wise and always know what to say - you truly are a special person. Thanks again for our goodies. It made my day yesterday. How was the ski meet - hope everyone was able to stay relatively warm and not turn into popsicles.
    Cheri - sorry you missed your onc appt.
    Jan - is DH home yet? What an adventure.
    Betty - yeah to good blood test results and 2 years!!!!
    Lynn- sending hugs to you and to your co-workers family. What a tragic accident. I can not even begin to imagine.Sheri - I'm sorry that life has been so hard these past few days, but glad to hear that today was better. Sending hugs your way.
    Brenda - also sending you hugs from denver, so sorry for your losses.
    Iris - welcome.
    Colleen - big hugs to you and your son. I am so sorry that your fiance didn't realize what he had with you and decided to up and leave when you weren't home. Please do not blame yourself. It was his choice to leave you!! I wish I had some words of wisdom - but I don't so I'll just send some big hugs from denver.
    Texas sunrise - I loved what you wrote about aging.
    Amy - hugs to you and your "so" on the loss of her co-worker. It must be so hard for the two of you.
    Silvergirl - will be thinking of you on wednesday. How is SIL and your mom doing.
    Jan - you go girl - how brave to "flash" yourself. I've often thought I would like to do that so people can see what I am going through - but you know, I've had bc survivors offer to show me their implants, but have not taken them up on the offer. Its one thing to see pics and another to see the whole person. But I commend you on your bravery.
    Cy - tell me more about the neurontin? Who RX it for you. You can PM if you like - any info you can share would be great.

    Over this weekend, I came to a decision about my Arimidex. When I saw onc the end of January he said to keep on it for another 6 months and then if I am still having side effects he will switch me to another one. Well, I'm not giving it 6 months. When I see him in April, I am going to ask to try another AI. I will give that 6 months max - if I am still sore, achy and dealing with insomnia, I am going to go off the AI. I am not willing to try a third one if two are lousy. Even though he said my benefits were great - 20 or 25% increase in survival - it is just not worth it!!! DH and I talked and he agrees with me that quality of life is more important. It seems that the side effects keep increasing instead of decreasing or stabilizing. There are days my feet hurt like I have been standing all day, the knees kill me when I go from sit to stand or stand to sit, and kneeling is impossible, hands hurt from the carpel tunnel which is getting worse in left hand (whole palm goes tingly - even with splint on) and knuckles hurt at night. Last night my hands were so stiff and when I woke up it took a while to be able to close my hands all the way. I am tired of feeling like such an old lady!!! Right hand is still so sore - see the hand doc on friday - can't wait. Tomorrow I have another appt with sleep doc for first of two biofeedback sessions. Also, need to schedule 6 month appt with BS (and need to do it before exchange surgery). Do the appointments ever end. Was in a funk this morning, but doing better this evening. Miriam and I baked these cookies called Hamenstashen - a once/year cookie for Purim which is next sunday. She told me what a good day she had. Last year I made them, but didn't want help and it was the first time that I baked and did not enjoy it - felt I had to for my family - it was soon after my mastectomy (but before chemo). I normally love baking - it is my way of relaxing.
    To all the girls that I have left out - I hope you are doing well. You are always close to my heart. Wishing everyone a good nights sleep - me too - as I didn't sleep last night - more time up than sleeping - and a feel good day tomorrow. Need to go see if DH wants to walk the dogs, then I have to do work for work.
    KAren in Denver
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Oh karen- I love those cookies!! I used to make them for my sister -- they are fantastic!

    I have to read back and check and see what happened to your dad. I am so sorry everyone for being so behind!!!

    margaret, I got a Gap over the neck bra and cut it and put in hooks and eyes. It had no seams so it looks like it will be comfortable.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Karen, I was given the neurontin by my onc for the hot flashes. They started me off at 300mg thn 600mg then 900mg. One of the side affects is it makes you sleepy. Combined with the ambien I've been sleeping pretty good and when I do wake up I'm able to go back to sleep.

    NS Glad to see you up and about. you might want to try wearing the bra for a daay or so to make sure you'll be comfortable in it. I checked our Walmart and they had a couple with they hooks in the front. I think the other place I found them last year was JC Penny's.

    Boo good to see you too

    Oh Lynn, congrats on your son and his skating.

    We are working on getting our passports too so we can visit Canada. My hubby perposed to me in Victoria and I want to go back but now we need passports!

    Sorry to hear about your coworker that just so sad.

    Never did get any sewing done, but I did get Nathaniels surprised pinned now I just have to sew it.

    Got to go check the drinking thread be back soon
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Lynn I'm sorry to hear about your friend. And Brenda, I can only imagine how "rocked" you must feel. Life is very precious. I remember thinking when I got my dx. It could have been worse. I could have been in an accident and gotten no more days at all.


    Sheri,glad things went better today.

    NS how nice to see you!!

    Ginny good to see you.

    If you live in this area, be careful. I'm gonna try and drive tomorrow!!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow Susan you must be feeling better if you're going to drive tomorrow. Sounds like you are progressing pretty well now. Glad to hear it.

    I was going to ask where Cheri was but I just remebered she has the grands tonight!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    I put out the word we are serious about wanting the bras on the crafting thread. I will try to get mine out this week.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Does anyone have RobinTN and Menas address. I have something I want to send them

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Pretty quiet tonight, going to put some more logs and the fires & walk the perimater then hit the asack. Have to get up early for work.

    Hugs and prayers to all my Sisters
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Susan. So you're going to be driving tomorrow? Glad my onc appt. was wrong so I don't have to be in town. You won't be,will you?
    Actually, i drove with my right leg in a cast, and in a cam-walker. I learned to drive quite well with my left foot. I'd just climb in ease my right leg over the console and turn a little sideways and off I'd go. In fact, sometimes I still have to use my left foot. It can be done.

    I think I'm pretty much caught up with everyone so I'm gonna walk the perimeter one more time to make sure all my friends are tucked in safe in their beds.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2007
    Thanks so much for welcoming me back! I was around the campfire before Christmas and have missed the goodies,the fun and the supportive network of friends.

    Last week was a tough one as an uncle died of stomach cancer and I had my check-up with the radiation onc. This campfire and the kindness has been so appreciated. Thanks for making room around the circle for another sister.

    Best to all of you and have a good week.I look forward you forward to chatting again in a few weeks and catching up on what has happened. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts while I am away and wishing good things for all.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Bugle Call....Monday Morning Wake UP

    I have the coffee and beignets for everyone.

    I worked on the afghans this weekend, therefore I'm not sure who is driving the magic carpet or where I need to be....just stop by and I'll hop on.

    I am going to try to read and "catch up" with everyone during my lunch break at work.

    Love, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Yes indeed, I woke up late. So greatful Madison came along with her bugle call. Hopefully this winter storm is over. Got another 3 inches last night. Not enough to keep me home from work, but enough to make the drive a miserable one. Thank goodness it wasnt a hard core ice storm.

    Lynn OMG! Only 35 y/o. And her poor little girl. When you said she broke her neck, many things went through my head - but I was hoping she survived the fall. Very sad story. Makes me appreciate life and the time I have been given.

    Gus?Sue: Whenever I think that Im hesitant to say something here on these boards - I question myself why. Why do I come here? To get support when I need it, and to give support when someone is having a hard time. If we cant talk about what we are feeling, then why do we come here? I just hope everyone feels they can talk about everything here.

    Iris: Glad you popped in to say hello. And welcome back

    Michelle: Good for you. You joined a gym, that is great. Im finding it very hard to exercise everyday and get my fix of computer time. So I had to choose. Decided exercising after work is so much better than in the early morning. And at least I have some time with all of you.

    Susan: My scars are lumpy too, but - if I find something different - I go get it checked out. So if I were you I would call your onc or your surgeon. Have someone look at it.

    Denise: Before AL became licensed, I worked for a home care agency and marketing AL services to retirement communities. Had alot of fun doing that. I cant do any hands on care anymore. Couldnt handle the stress and lifting.

    Brenda: So sorry to hear about your friends. Just emphasizes that life isnt easy. Always something out there to trip us as we try to move along. Working til 9:30 would kill me. Im in bed by 7 and asleep by 7:30. Hope this teenager catches on so you can get some well deserved rest. Glad your husband is doing better.

    Cheri: You country girls verbage are actually very colorful. I love it. And I agree - how could he take the dog? Grrrrr!

    Vickie: Pulling you out of that down in the dumps black hole. Hoping your in better spirits today.

    Sheri: Glad your son went with you last night.

    Well! I have officially run out of time. Gotta take a shower and get ready for work - and the long drive

    NS: glad to see you post. CY: Ill catch up with you later. Boo: Glad you made it back. Karen: I sent you a pm about your dad. Anyone else that I missed, I still love ya.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Morning Girls

    Thanks so much for all your words of support. I only did a quick read, so I'll have to go back and properly respond, but I need to get my son off to school. The reality of Tim leaving is setting in now as the shock continues to wear off. Having to do "normal things" like go to school, go to work, etc is turning out to be very difficult for both of us. I feel really scared, and Warren has basically forbidden me to tell anyone (he's only 10, so he doesn't quite get that that's not possible!) I know this is just emotional pain and trauma, and I know we will both survive it, but I am scared that I am really go to fall apart.

    Thanks again for all your love and support. And I will try to start giving back, and not just taking, as soon as I am able.

    Thanks for the hugs, they mean a lot,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    wow its so hard to keep up..
    Welcome Iris glad you stopped in...
    Collen...gentle cyber hug cuz not much I can say I'm speachless also...hugs
    Lynn glad to see you ...
    Nicki...remember any exercise is good you must come to PINKSTOCK...and son the DJ just told me there is a Fireman we need I do have a Kareoke driving so soon...make sure you put a notice in the
    This group means so much to me....Deb can we get an updated mail list?...many new circle girls...
    to all I missed you know you are not forgotten...and I must go back to work...☻...otherwise boss won't let me do PINKSTOCK business at work...lo. or take time of in
    hugs all around ...just got a new load of firewood...dug it out of the 9' snow bank at my
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, so sorry about the chicken sh*t of a man to do it that way. (can't swear, it's Lent)
    I've always said that men should have to pass a stone once in their life so they know what it's like to deliver a baby.
    So maybe they all need to have some kind of illness that delivers the news that bc does.
    I'm really mad about how he did it. And to take the dog????
    Now that's even lower knowing how much your son must love it.
    It's lucky you live far enough away from me or it would be a very bad road trip to his new place.
    Ok after saying that, I'm really a nice person, just hate when people can't step up to the plate and hide like children in trouble.

    Life is ok for me today. I've been up since 11:30 last night covering my sites for ice/snow. Now I'm at my desk for my regular work until at least 3:00.

    Does anyone know about pain killers? I take tylenol 3's for my pain and it's not helping anymore. I don't want to take hydrocodine(sp) Is there anything in between that I can take? I've had joint pain all of my adult life and always took celebrex. I stopped because of the herceptin and I think taxol and the damage to the heart. Now I'm at a loss of what I can take. I have a call in to my onc and waiting to hear from him. Thanks for any input. xoxo
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Hi everyone ..I only have a moment but just wanted to say that my computer it has held hostage all my emails and addresses..I must take it in this week. In the meantime I will only have a very limited amount of online time..
    Hugs to everyone.