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  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007

    Sounds like we're all burning up our computers on this website!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Theresa, just a quick note to say I use Ultram..I have been taking this for about 8 years. It is not addictive as I only take as needed (which is sometimes only 2 times a week). I have degenerative disc disease, arthritis, spurs, etc. on my spine. Ultram does help. Just a suggestion.

    Lisa, my computer monitor is dead....had to replace it this morning.

    See you all later, Madison
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Just a quickie---greetings from a dead heat on a merry go round. sometimes life just jumps up and bites you, big time.

    Thursday my sis decided to leave her hubby of 37 years and is staying with us until she can get into her apartment on Thursday. Her dtr is furious, my kids are furious (they adore their uncle) and I spent the weekend helping her buy furniture and household items and trying to talk people down from the trees.

    My DIL's Dad was dx with larangyal CA on Friday, my SO's grandnephew has been dx with liver CA after being treated for bladder CA last year---and of course I have my own biopsy coming up Wednesday.

    No wonder I can't sleep at nite! Bless SO's heart. don't know how I would be handling all of this without him. Gotta run---the laundry pile is getting to the point where it needs its own zip code. If you hear screaming from the general northeast direction, it's just me!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Raining again here in the hills. Guess I shouldn't whine. It could be snow. But I really really have to go grocery shopping today. Not a fun thing to do in the rain. Spent the day bonding with hubby yesterday. He wanted to drive to San Luis to visit the grands when he got off work on Sat but I so didn't want to spend 5 hours sitting in the car for a one day visit. So instead we sat on our hineys in front of the TV. I have become a complete movie addict the last few weeks. We don't have real TV. Just movies and tv shows on DVD. It's the shows I'm hooked on actually. Yesterday it was Season 1 of Greys Anatomy. Seriously considering going to buy Season 2 today. I will need something to watch when I get home from the hospital on thursday right?

    Ginney, whenever I go home to Florida for a visit I always stay for a few weeks at least. More cost effective. Not to mention the added bonus of getting homesickness out of the way. By the end of 3 weeks my sis and I are ready to kill each other once again.

    Dang I missed Bettys bisquits and ham. I am so bummed.

    Nicki, hope your hubby got home safe. Guess I'll find out as I read on.

    Vicki, that noise was a trumpet? Hmmmmm might I suggest lessons.

    Happy Birthday MB's gdaughter. I have roller skated in years. My doc would kick my butt if I did it now.

    Lynn, I'm so sorry about your friend. Her family is in my prayers.
    Congrats to your son. Quite the accomplishment.

    Sheri, hugs for you hon.

    Hope your feeling better Tracey.

    Jan at least you are working out. Even if it is boring. I haven't exercised in weeks. I am one jiggily skinny woman. And were not even gonna mention this interesting roll of whatever the heck it is thats hanging over my waistband.

    Colleen, I am so sorry. That was not a selfish post at all. What a putz. Shame on him.

    Margaret, good for your kidlets. Glad to know they grow up eventually. My high school drop out just smashed up his car last night. No one hurt but car is dead. Stupid child drove into a ditch. No doubt in my mind he had been drinking. Grrrrrr he makes me soooo mad.

    Karen, no apologies needed hon.

    Cheri, lily livered indeed.
    UHOH missed your appt. Hope you can get it rescheduled soon. I put my next appt on my calendar the moment I get home from the docs. If I don't I would never remember them.
    I graduate to 6 month check ups in June. Yehaw. maybe by then they will have removed all unneccesary body parts and I won't have to deal with all this crap in between.

    Tell daughter she is welcome to come rummage thru my basement any time she likes. I probably have two households full of furniture down there.

    Hi Iris, good to meet you.

    Susan, when in doubt call your onc. I wish they would u/s my scar. It's way up near my armpit and they have to practically stick my whole body in that darn machine to get a good picture of it.

    Brenda, hugs for you and prayers for your friends and their families. How very sad.

    Cheri, it's not about fair. There is no reason you shouldn't have Ethan for a night by himself. I do it with my grandson all the time and will do it with my girls once they are a bit older and can spend the night without tears. It will do you and Ethan good to spend some time together alone.
    I wanna hear the "colorful" descriptors.

    NS, we were in someone elses backyard????
    OOPS. I was wondering why you called the cops. They didn't arrest anyone once we offered them Annette and Olive Oyl.

    Karen, instead of another AI why not ask doc for tamoxifen. I know recent reports say the AI's are better butttttt if you can't handle the side effects and go off them what are the better for? I can't take the AI's cause of my bad bones. So wish they would have done a dexa BEFORE I had my ovaries out. I can only pray that the tamox is doing what it is supposed to. Anywhos....worst SE on tamox are the hot flashes. Just another option to consider.

    Madison put that damn trumpet away. Your waking the dead.

    Nicki, I don't see anything about hubby so I'm gonna assume he made it home ok. Working out in the afternoon might help you sleep better too. So I have read anyway.

    Hugs Socal. So the pink screen thingy was not good? What a bummer. See you when you get back.

    Jeannie, hugs to you to my friend. You've had quite the week. I'll say a prayer for you right before the gas me on wednesday.

    Gonna give the rain another hour then suck it up and go to the grocery store. Do you think hubby will notice another $50 bucks gone and the addition of yet another TV show collection???
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Good morning CG,!party!party!....geez you guys sure know how to is sometimes tuff to go back and read all the postings from the weekend not because there is so much to read but many times the posts just breaks my heart.....first of all Vickie I'm not sure but I think you are "bringing sexy back" in your newly decorated living room....beautiful.........DebC I'm not sure what you sent so many of the cg's but eveidently it sure touched alot of hearts...........thirdly I am not sure why love is so hard whether it is our kids,siblings,d or sil,f/mil,mothers and/or fathers and most of all our spouses/so..........I personally think and I may be wrong but men just don't seem to handle sickness very well expecially when they can't fix it and unless they are a cancer doctor they probably can't..........I am so sorry for all of you that not only are dealing with medical issues but dealing with kids, parents, and partners that are causing so much stress................

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Wow spend a weekend on the farm getting lots of work done and then I find out the real work is getting back here on Monday and reading the 314 post. Wow we are a chatty bunch.

    Nicki-I’m wondering if you were really referring to snow when you said 10-14 inches. Hmmmm,,gonna give that one some thought. Go for the trip Nicki. What about a house sitter to keep your animals? Got a daughter or son of a friend that would do it?

    Silvergirl-sorry to hear about your sister. Will be thinking about her because divorce is never easy on anyone. As far as does any of us have a normal family??? Is that possible?

    Jan-General Tso chicken sounds pretty good to me and its 8:30 in the morning. If I eat Chinese for lunch it will be your fault you know. Too bad I cant have the martini to go with it. I agree with you on the cremation. I don’t want people standing over me saying how bad or how good I look. Heck I’ll be dead, tell me now not then. Funny story about my sister when they bought burial plots. She insisted on one beside the road and wouldn’t give in. I finally had to ask and she said well, at the worse thing is to have your heels sink in the mud so at least everybody wont have to worry about that at my burial. The things we women think about?!? Wow nippleless flashing momma. I knew you were a wild child,,lol. Thanks for the story and I kinda thought it had something to do with that.

    Vickie-love the walls! Glad you showed us a picture because it looks better than I was imagining. You did a great job! I wish I could forget to eat but I swear that never happens. Who you calling a party pooper missy? Lol I sure hate I missed it. If stumping your toe hurt you obviously didn’t drink enough.

    Madison-I had square dancing in my school also. I had forgotten but thought of it when you mentioned it. I’m sure I couldn’t do it though because I just cant dance. I want to but my feet do not work that way.

    Alaskadeb-maybe we dance alike because moonshine might help me also. Nice pic of Mazer,,I have caught her trying to sip my beer so wouldn’t put it past her to nip at the mooonhine. Deb-loved the daffodil story. No present for me yet but the anticipation is killing me! I love surprises but hate having to wait when I know one is coming.

    Margaret-I just died laughing when you said you knew know the location of every bathroom in every shopping center for a 40 mile radius. That sounds exactly like me. Its funny because every now and then I will be somewhere and it will hit me that I haven’t used their restroom. Does not happen often though.

    Joyce-sorry to hear that Kevin couldn’t loose his drains. I couldn’t imagine going to school with those things in.

    CY-great update for NS. You did a great job summing things up.

    NS-Woohooo—Great to hear some news like that from you. I know you have to feel better after finding out results. Waiting is never fun.

    Betty-congrats on the good blood work!

    Lynn-glad to see you checking in. we have missed you.

    Sheri-sorry you are having such a rough time right now with your children. Thinking about you!

    Colleen-don’t apologize about the post being all about you. We are hear when you need us and its time for it to be all about you. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this right now and cant understand why the fiancé couldn’t discuss things with you. Thinking of you and moving you right to the center of the circle.

    Ginney-glad to see you stopping by also.

    Susan-thanks for the warning that you will be on the roads. Yikes! Just kidding but you be careful and don’t push it too far missy. I would hate to have to come to St. Louis to kick some butt ya know. You have come to far with this to mess things up by pushing it. Are you supposed to be driving yet? Yeah yeah yeah,,I know,,I’m not your mother but still!

    Iris-welcome back. We have missed you!

    Lisa-we will miss you while you get your computer repaired. Hopefully it wont take long.

    Shokk-hard to keep up around here isn’t. I swear I thought I would never get through reading the post this morning and I feel certain that I missed something.

    Ok I am off to get some work done here but will be checking back in later. Cant wait to get off from work and check my mail box and see if I have a surprise!

    Bye for now. Amy
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    I sorry I had something come up and I don't know how to save my post and didn't want to lose it.....anyway here is my story and question for the start with I really don't think I am a vain person....I have always tried to take care of myself to an extent......I have been walking for many years (alot of good that did)...anyway I was getting out of the shower and I happen to get a glance of my butt.....oh my gosh.....I couldn't believe it......I'm not sure what happen to my muscle take it while I was undergoing treatment I stopped walking for about 6 months but started again in about August and sure I simply cannot walk like I use to(my 81 yr old mom walks faster then me)but I walk my dogs for about 45 minutes everyyyyyy evening....rain,wind,ice doesn't matter......when I saw my butt in the mirror it looks like a deflated I never have had to much stuff in the trunk but come butt never looked like that old guy that Samatha was dating on "Sex and the City"....I'm sorry I know that so many of you are dealing with so much more important issues but I am soooooo tired of now recognizing my own body........does chemo affect muscle as well????????

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning ladies ~

    This a “take a deep breath” type of Monday morning… once again I have friends who are really having a hard time.

    A good friend of mine, Scott just was DX with multiple melanomas. He had FIVE different tumors taken off his skin. One took a huge chunk out of his ear. They were atypical because they had no pigmentation, so the docs at first thought they were just basal cell…no luck.

    Scott’s wife and I have been friends since elementary school. She came and walked on my relay for life team last year while her mom was dieing of pancreatic cancer. I am just so sick of friends getting bad news….this in NOT a good cancer.

    How do you ladies do it? How do we be supportive and helpful to our friends that need us without getting sucked into a pit each time another person gets added to the cancer list? I need to feel like I am helping. One of the only good things that has come out of my cancer experience is that I know have a knowledge base to help other people who are faced with a cancer Dx. My challenge is how to help without taking it so personally and feeling like each person’s Dx is personal. I’m still looking for that balance.

    I also have a weird problem I’m hoping someone can shed some light on….I ended up with big dog ears under each arm after my bilat mast. I don’t really mind how they look, but the one under my left arm has a spot that gets compressed by my bra strap. Since I have no feeling there, I keep getting a sore from the pressure and rubbing. I am having a hard time keeping it healed up. Has anyone had this problem? A bandage just seems to wad up and make things worse. With no feeling there, I don’t know what it is doing until I look.

    I’m sending hugs to everyone who is waiting, stressing, hoping, missing, healing, and hurting. We CAN do this ladies. We can pick each other up during the bad times and share the load.

    Deb C
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    You all have really helped me more than you know! I'm not as good about listing everyone, but believe me, I think and remember all of you.

    NS, that is interesting about Truman Capote. One of the actresses in our group is an English teacher and she said there is even some debate about whether he may have actually written the book. She swears that Harper Lee wrote it, but did base Dil on Truman.

    I know you are all tired of hearing about it, but I did want to share something that happened yesterday after our last show. We were shaking hands with all the "guests" and this lady came up to me and said that she had auditioned for my part. That was really weird to me because it's definitely not a lead role, in fact it's one of the smallest and meanest parts in the play. I told someone else and they told me that on the other audition night, the day before I went, there were a few people who tried for my part! That sure made me feel special. Of course I didn't find this out until AFTER...

    Deb, I have a sore spot under my arm after the mast. It isn't bad, so I have no great advice. I hope you find some relief.

    It's Monday and getting off to a pretty good start.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    GDSOB!!! I just lost a really long post!!

    In a nutshell,

    Cheri, Ha! Lily-livered ass!! Perfect!

    Nicki, I'm joining you on the Beach starting today. Don't know if I can give up my wine either

    Lynn, so sorry about your co-worker. What a terrible accident.

    Iris, feel free to join in anytime.

    Susan, please call yur onc. It couldn't hurt to get the lump checked out.

    Sheri, it was good that your son came to your last show!

    Brenda, sorry about your friends.

    Karen, yes, DH got home safely. I'm sorry your SE are so bad from Arimidex. I have the same thing, but not as bad as you. I agree, if it came down to quality of life, I'd probably give it up.

    Jeannie, putting you in the inner circle. That's a whole lot of stuff to be going through right now.

    Amy, so good to hear from you. When I heard about the tornados in Arkansas, I was concerned about you and SO. I'm glad you are ok.
    Yeah, I can be a bit of a wild child sometimes. Usually alcohol-fueled

    It's a sloppy, snowy day here in my side of the circle. We are going out for our postponed anniversary dinner tonight. I will try to be good a stay on my diet, or not
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Deb-You are a beautiful person inside and out...thankyou for my gift

    Girls-I will catch up on the reading are all in my thoughts. I just got off the phone w/h my girlfriend. She thinks I need to get back to work so I will stop coming here all the time. She doesn't think it is healthy for me to dwell on my cancer. I should put it behind me and move on...Hummmmmmmm...this is coming from someone who is a hyperchondriac about everything out there. Her mother had bc at 70 died at 85 from ovarian cancer so she dwells on that. She just had her BRCA test and they told her her chances were low to test positive because her mom had BC at 70. She finds out in two weeks,I pray she is negative. Don't want her to dwell on it!!LOL

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Deb, is this dog ear something the BS can remove? I had kind of the same thing and my ps made it a little smaller when he redid my boob job.

    Shokk, I'm not sure if chemo affects the muscles or not. I do know that as we get older (not OLD mind you) it gets more difficult to build up muscle tissue that was lost. It is also much easier to lose muscle. The only think I could suggest would be to do some exercises that really target the butt, like squats and lunges.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Deb----your surgeon can fix that. I had a pretty big one under my arm towards my back and the plastic dude fixed it during revisions---your BS should be able to do that too.

    Colleen---He took the DOG?!? How old is this insensitive doofus? and what earthly reason did he give for being such a jerk?

    Jan--my Dad picked out their plot because it was on top of a hill and he'd have a good view of the road!

    As for the dancing thing. My ex and I loved to dance and were good at it but I haven't danced since then---15 years. At the fund raising dinner dance last November one of the other board members asked me to dance (a fast one)---got out there and realized I no longer had any moving parts---felt like Elaine Benes. Much to my chagrin, I found out afterwards that the guy is a trained theater dancer and has performed on Broadway. I may never be able to look him in the eye again!

    My sis is out running errands, thank God! I think my head is going to explode. I said I wanted to do things to distract me this week but this isn't what I had in mind. I meant, like go to the movies! Everybody is angry (at her), everybody is playing "he said, she said" and I'm caught smack dab in the middle of everything. ARGHHHH! Think I'll go sit in the laundry room and drool.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Just wanted to also add that I appreciate all the kind words for my SO and she was very touched when I told her about them today when she called. Thank you for all your thoughts.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie, your Dad is too funny. I don't know if you caught one of my posts a while back but,,,,We took my Dad's cat when he went into the nursing home. That cat was his very best friend. I swear he liked that cat better than my Mom . He finally passed away a few years later and we still had the cat. We had my Dad cremated and at his memorial service me and my two sisters each got a small bag of his ashes. When the cat died, the vet gave me a small cardboard casket. I took Dad's ashes and put them in the box with his best friend, and we buried them in my backyard. I'm sure he is as happy as a clam!
    Try and take a deep breath. I know it's tough with your sis being there. Do not let the family pull you into the middle! The laundry room has always been a good hiding place for me too
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oooohhh Amy, I just realized that I said you lived in Arkansas. I know you live in Alabama . Chemo brain strikes again!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Deb! I just got back from the mailbox. Thank you so much for my surprise gift! Wow, that was a lot of work! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

    Nicki, I am getting a headache. I have to tell myself, "step away from the chocolate".
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,everybody is getting surprises but me. I told ya'll I would be last. It takes a long time for the pony express to get around down here in Alabama. Giddy up horsey,,I want my surprise!

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    YOU are awsome -- thank you so much! BTW, my BIL is KEITH URBAN's drummer, so 'the family' has gone to a lot of his concerts. My daughter got married last June and my BIL left her wedding and flew to Australia for Keith and Nicole's wedding. And, both couples ended up on their honeymoons at the same resort on Bora Bora. Keith was on SNL on 2/10 and my daughter, her husband and two of my BILs were in the audience. If they ever tour in your area, I'm sure I can get you comped tix.
    Anyway, I love the DVD and the pins -- you are the greatest!
    Love, Sue
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    I got mine too. Deb Thank you thank you thank you. I love love love it.
    Amy yours will be there soon.
    Jan, o my gosh that made me cry. How very sweet. My daddy's pet is a Bull. Not sure that would quite work out the same. But it's a very nice thought. And I know it would make him soooo happy.

    Passing Jeannie a towel to clean up the drool.

    Sheri, of course you are special. Don't ever ever think otherwise.

    Groceries bought, rain still coming down. Think I'll go have some hot chocolate and work on my square.
    See ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: I just love going to work and driving in the snow! NOT!! I am so crabby I coupld spit tobacco. If Winter doesnt end soon, I will not keep my sanity. Everyone I met today was just irritable. And so was I. But Im home now, husband just poured me a glass of wine - and hopefully that will relax me cause Im feeling frazzled.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Enjoy that wine, Nicki! It will take the edge off the day!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh...I've gotten way behind here. End of the month at work so I have to be there and have the friggin flu! Only survival techique is to sit on the toilet with a bucket between my knees...ewww. Wash you hands and carry your hand sanitizer EVERYWHERE ladies. This is bad.
    So much for the weight I managed to gain back...geez.
    Know that I love you all...going to curl up on the couch and crochet.
    I'll catch up tomorrow...Nicki...get the trumpet out to wake me up...I may need it. (yeah...pretty sick of the stinkin snow here too...slushy nasty roads to and from work today...lovely)
    Hugs and love all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 BIL is Keith Urbans drummer...oh man. Can't believe he passed me up for he's sorry know LOL. Love Keith Urban! Do you think he'd come to Pinkstock! HAHA

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007

    I wish I had a good answer for your question about not getting sucked down every time another friend or family member (or even someone who's 'hear-say') gets diagnosed. For me, it helps to keep reminding myself that every person is different, every cancer is different, and that every outcome is different. My faith tells me God has a plan, even if I don't see it.

    I want to assure you that you DO make a huge difference!! I'm sure that I'm not alone in feeling like you are one of the best support people on this board. Your cheerful attitude has gotten me past a lot of bumps in the road, and tends to get me laughing out loud so often my DH usually asks, "another post from Alaska?" when it happens.

    Keep the faith, sister. Allow yourself to feel down if you need to. Come here and chat and vent and cry and laugh. What ever you need, when ever you need it, lady!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Gosh, do you think we are passing this flu/cold virus around on the internet???? The actual "both end routine" only lasted 24 hours. Then is was the aches. Then a couple of days of just tired. Then, the worst....lost my voice! Now it's the cough. My husband swears I have TB. He's thought that for years and I'm still kicking! My whole family gets this dry cough when a cold hits. It lasts for a month or so. Very aggravating.. starts with a simple tickle but nothing stops it till it is ready to stop. My DH keeps offering me a "special Salve", swears it will work. I just have no idea what he could be talking about!!

    Everyone seems to be having a tough time right now. So many Family Members, Co Workers, Friends and Neighbors in need. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love each and everyone of you. And your stories are important, not only to you, but to me too. God Bless!

    Off to the shower, couch and knitting.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    OMG! Hundreds and hundreds of posts to catch up on! I was away on a business trip last week and then my treatment on Thursday got me into a real funk. I was depressed and irritable and was not motivated to do anything, including turning on the computer. Then, Deb, your surprise arrived and totally turned my mood around! Thank you so much! You are an amazing woman and I consider myself so blessed to know you! As well as everyone else in the circle!

    I basically slept all weekend and I am glad, because I feel pretty good right now. Only two more treatments to go!

    I am sorry I am so behind in reading the posts...I don't know what is going on with everyone, but I think about the Circle Girls all the time and you all are at the top of my prayer list every night!

    I will try to check in more often....I have learned my lesson!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon girls. Well, I suppose it's almost evening. Hope you all had a good day.

    Shirley, we'd love to have Ethan to ourselves. We used to all the time and we miss it. But it would make my SIL mad if we showed favoritism towards Ethan over his son, Triston. But there's a 3 yr age difference in them & I was in the delivery room & watched Ethan come into this world. We've helped raise him and we're very close. But I don't want to cause problems between my dd & her dh, they have plenty already.

    Deb, aren't you just the best! Your surprise present came at a perfect time for me. That was very thoughtful of you and I appreciate it so much. Also, I understand how you feel about wanting to help others without letting yourself get sucked into the funk. That's hard for me. I need to be surrounded by upbeat people but I also want to help those who are in need. Fine, thin line.

    Vickie, sorry that you have the flu. It's been all through my dd family and back again. She has a bad case of strep today when she went to the dr. I have no idea why I haven't gotten it. They had the throwing up thing and the whole nine yards.

    Susan, have you posted yet today? Hope you're enjoying that new tv you bought yourself. lol

    Mena, hope you're doing well.

    NS, guess everything is going well for you. Gotta get yourself in the right mind set, ya know. You're alright.

    Hey to Nickie, Tracey, Jan, Lisa, Jeannie, Sheri, Amykins, Ishop, Joyce, Gus, Boo, Christine, Liz, Brenda, Madison, MB, CY, Ginney, Holly, and anyone I've missed by mistake. Wishing you all a great evening.

    I only got 2 hours sleep last night so I'm bleary-eyed. I was sitting here trying to crochet last night when I remembered we had the boys here and I had to get them up early for school. Remember the 6 mo. onc appt that I thought was today but turned out to be last thursday? I called my onc's office today to reschedule appt. was indeed today. I was right to start with. Geez, I'm losing my mind! I got it rescheduled for this friday afternoon. I did ask his nurse to tell him I needed a differnt anti=depressant and I'd heard good things about Cymbalta and see what he thought about it. They called in the prescription. My ins. has never covered any anti-depressants, xanax or dr visits pertaining to that. My dd went to pick up the Rx and it was $250.00! For ONE month, and I don't even know if it'd work for me. I cannot afford an extra $ 250 every month for just one Rx, since I already pay about $250 for my other meds co-pay. I was quite disapointed cos I really wanted to try it. I pay for any anti-depressant outright but usually not over $100. So I guess I'll call him tomorrow & see what he'll try. He wants to wait until Friday & talk to me but I run out of meds tomorrow, not that they really do any good.

    Sorry bout the gripeing. I am just so annoyed. I've got to get on something that'll work for me, I've taken so many diffferent kinds. I do pretty good at handling the rough times with humor but I'm stressed out. But then, who isn't?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, yikes!!!! $250.00 for Cymbalta???? I wouldn't be able to take that either. Boy, you walk the thin line when you try to keep the whole family happy. I have just learned to keep my big, fat mouth shut and enjoy the grands.

    Vickie, sorry to hear you got the flu. That really stinks!! Try to get as much rest as you can.

    Deb, don't let yourseslf get too down about people's dx. DH and I were just talking about this. It seems when we get over the age of 50, you start to hear about people getting sick. The older we get, the worse it gets . I guess it's just a fact of life. We just try to be strong and be there for one another. Just like this wonderful circle. We are all here for one another. ((((Deb))))

    We just got back from dinner and I ate too much. I was good all day, so I will just have to get back on track tomorrow. It was real good though. Gonna go down and watch the boob tube for a while. 24 is on tonight!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    <---------is SO hoping that she will be getting Deb's surprise...she is absolutely peeing in her panties with excitement and will be very disappointed if she isn't on the mailing list...she is just funning around though, so no pressure.